well you said you don’t trust women, sounds like you’d have trouble trusting anyone who tells you what’s going on. unless you’re looking for a particular answer I suppose anyway, weird place to ask to be honest
Bro Smoke, I like your content both RUclips and Twitch, I watch often, but I've noticed you got a weird attitude when it comes to meeting girls on DayZ... Perfect example, towards the end of this video when Dexter's friend shows up. All he did was ask if it was you that killed him at the school, with the mosin or whatever rifle you had. He knew because you were talking before you shot, he easily recognized your voice. That's when you met Dexter. You turned it into a whole thing like he was acting like a hardass, when he wasn't doing or saying anything out of the ordinary for most dudes. You took it to a weird insecure level lmao, like your ego was hurt that he was trying to appear like a 'leader' instead of you because you're "the streamer." Ironically, YOU started talking tough and acting like a hardass, doing the back-and-forth with him trying to out-ego him in front of his friend (that's a girl) AND your chat. You wouldn't be doing it with a group of dudes, but you were both trying ego each other because a girl was involved. It's just weird, like incel-level of nice guy in front of the girl but cringe passive-aggressive to anyone that you think is taking away from your attention...
I feel bad for the rest of the population that doesn't know about going to sleep while watching Smoke
I thought I was the only one
Yep throw on the stream when about to go to bed , sometimes I wake up and the stream is still going W
smokes gameplay and voice are just soothing when i go to bed watching. no homo ;3
I literally thought I was the only one! It’s like Therapy
It’s almost like therapy!
An upload not right as I’m about to head to bed? Awesome! Love your stuff Smoke
Thanks smoke!! Love what you do. True legend!!
Good to see your at it again smoke dayz all the way. Love it.
21:20 Gamma is for Babies 😂
"she'll do what you couldn't" hahahaha
Always Great Content!
bro is sucha boomer he installed windows 11 by choice LMAOO
Rainy day vibes
Yass another one keep them coming smoke keep up great content
Coincidence after Coincidence. Only missing Kep.
Love your game play smoke keep it 💯
Cali was here ❤
You need to find a xbow we know you love them.
The thumbnail for the video reminds me of Digging For Windows by Zach De Le Rocha
Wow, getting crowded and whiney in that barn.
i think im in love with dexter 🥺
I get second hand embarrassment for everyone wearing fanny packs.
Whats wrong with fanny packs? They are mad convenient! 😅
@bryanchristophe5419 The 1980s pioneers of fashion were plump casino fatties who also thought so.
What is it with all the drones at the mo. Is there something going on in the world.
Hopefully... nah. Never mind. I'm tired of being called a liar because of my experiences. But I agree, I want to know too.
well you said you don’t trust women, sounds like you’d have trouble trusting anyone who tells you what’s going on. unless you’re looking for a particular answer I suppose
anyway, weird place to ask to be honest
@@cpzmelbs get his ass. bro doesn't seem to have a great grasp on things
Yay! love you Smoke!
That shit me up.
She growing on me she mite be ok.
Don.t trust her smoke never trust a women you know that smoke. Jim.
Bro Smoke, I like your content both RUclips and Twitch, I watch often, but I've noticed you got a weird attitude when it comes to meeting girls on DayZ... Perfect example, towards the end of this video when Dexter's friend shows up. All he did was ask if it was you that killed him at the school, with the mosin or whatever rifle you had. He knew because you were talking before you shot, he easily recognized your voice. That's when you met Dexter. You turned it into a whole thing like he was acting like a hardass, when he wasn't doing or saying anything out of the ordinary for most dudes. You took it to a weird insecure level lmao, like your ego was hurt that he was trying to appear like a 'leader' instead of you because you're "the streamer." Ironically, YOU started talking tough and acting like a hardass, doing the back-and-forth with him trying to out-ego him in front of his friend (that's a girl) AND your chat. You wouldn't be doing it with a group of dudes, but you were both trying ego each other because a girl was involved. It's just weird, like incel-level of nice guy in front of the girl but cringe passive-aggressive to anyone that you think is taking away from your attention...
division one at reading too far into things
Brother it ain’t that deep lol