This service has nothing to do with the Christian faith. The church stands against sin as an act of love, it doesn't promote sin, which is the true act of hatred.
Your definition of sin? Watch documentary 1946 for the mistake in biblical translation. It was not abt homosexuality it was any predatory behavior against the weaker groups - women, children, the conquered. Study. Read. Investigate. Can you read Aramaic? The Bible is a collection of human-told stories. Many trace fr prior to Christianity. Read Joseph Campbell or Carl Jung. P L E A S E
The Bible also is against breaking the law like illegals have done....and it calls anything that's not a traditional sexual encounter perversion...guess she's not a preacher of the Christian religion but just another Democrat pervert...
I’m against this hyper liberal bishop but I think the Bible kind of recognizes 3: male, female, and eunuch. Not really a gender but they have their own special status.
Sweden here. You are a horrible example of a fascist, uncivilized, undemocratic MAGA fool. You still have free speech in America. But it will end, Donald will prosecute and threat people who are not adoring him. America is a new Hitler Germany, a copy of Russia and N Korea , countries where you have no civil rights. Educate yourself!
The Antichrist uses deception and false teachings to lead people away from the truth. In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 (NIV), it says, "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved."
What you are referring to is about the false prophecy of the coming of the Lord asking for compassion is not the wrong teaching quite the opposite. Who is the man of lawlessness? 2 Thessalonians "The Man of Lawlessness 2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us-whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter-asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. 5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendour of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." I wonder is the bishop using display, signs and wonders no, someone else is.
Wonder how many fellow clergymen, she helped out when they were accused of child molestation? She should be called out on how they protect each other involved in sex crimes with children..
@@JoanVanVranken-ob6co he’s the President of the USA voted in with immense popularity. She’s a hard left lesbian who is upset because he repealed the Biden law and reverted back to only two sexes. We know where you stand, but we stand for common sense. Get a life.
I used to be woke. I was constantly getting triggered. I protested everything that offended me, and demanded it all be cancelled. Finally I grew out of it, and went to preschool.
Well said. All this gar/ba$ge now think that they are important by being IMPOSTORS REPRESENTING GOD! Things like this one doesnt represent our mighty and only God, as Jesus Christ said, I am the son of God. Stop to follow the evil things. THOSE ARE ALL SELVE ELECTED TO TAKE ANY EMPTY CHURCH and name themselves "bishop" Surely God didn't elected her/he or others to speak for OUR MIGHTY GOD When you insult the new president of the United States, elected by it's citizen, you are insulting the Country, United States. Go and find a real employment, maybe cleaning dishes, or cleaning hoimes, stop to live from the needy, they ones who fall for your lies.
Why do you think Jesus was crucified? because he taught to love and respect the downtrodden and the one in power couldn't have him reminding them they were mortal humans.
And since they are undocumented illegals how do you know they exist and how do you find them. I can't imagine they just nab people on the street and make them show papers. This is going to be a shit-show of abuse of power. The next four years will be hard on everyone except the billionaires that are in trumps pocket.
so you think the lord was raidcakl left?? you muyst be maga Matthew 22:39: "And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'" Luke 6:35: "But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked." Luke 6:31: "Do to others as you would have them do to you John 13:34-35: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another." Matthew 19:14: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. and for you evengelicls READ Mark 8:36: "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" Matthew 10:44-45: "and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 6:19-22: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." Matthew 6:24: "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."
today two people, one was young child, have been stabbed by an afghane young man. this is our day to day life here in germany. we are at the mercy of islam and communists now. and they merciless and we are helpless.
And the Germans murdered how many people in WWII? If the Allies would have blamed all Germans for the atrocities committed during the war, few Germans would be alive today. You blame all of Islam on the acts of one deranged man, as if Germany would be crime free if not for Islam refugees.
What has an undocumented person done to you? Except do the jobs that you or I will not do? These people pay taxes, they add to the economy. What have they done to you?
Which blasphemy she said Mr president! she is reminding him of the basic principles of Christianity generosity love compassion kindness not greed, bigotry, arrogance and callousness. She should have read the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18 21-35. But he wouldn't have got it it was just a reminder that God saved him so he should be grateful and follow the Gospel.
God does things in decency and in order! That was out of order! She should have spoken to him one on one ! She should not tell NO ONE to put their trust in NO ONE BUT THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD! Jesus Christ! She should tell those people to obey the laws of the land and also for the citizens in America to be taken care of! The homeless, widows, military, and disabled…. False prophet is what she is!
@@davidu6093 Because she is a woman? Well if you want to be technical and literalist, Saturday and not Sunday is the Sabbath and all work should stop on late Friday afternoon.
I'm glad he was. Make the church Christian again. The church was infiltrated by juice in 1958. There's no such thing as Judeo-Christian, Judeo-Bolshevism - Yes.
We know what happens when someone mocks God. Don't worry if she doesn't apologize (or repent), justice will be given by God almighty. She needs to start with the Ten Commandments and repent and ask for forgiveness for leading her sheep onto the path of destruction. My Lord Jesus, please forgive her, she knows not what she does.
Illegal immigrants are exactly that-a simple enough fact to understand. Supporting illegality under a false banner of supposed righteousness,is stupid and naive in the extreme.
The Roman Empire that imploded from within after the original Caesars were eliminated and the Generals took over. Europe before the two world wars. China. Russia. Asia.
Nero The Bishop talked about homosexuals who need to go out and learn self defence Trump if I'm not dellusional talked about identifying gender all 2 of them ,prompted by the horrific incident in sport were women will rarely win against men or should I say born men with male physical attributes who decide to undergo gender change and yet refuse to be castrated ,or the transwomen entering prisons and raping other women , At least we now know ,the Bishop has no compassion for them I agree with Trump in the context of sport I'm all for women born into their gender in women's sport And I'm all for homosexual to live in peace and freedom and they like every other demographic have my respect and love
Is the US coming apart? I can agree that some things are messed up, but I think the fact that Trump won the popular vote and 99% of counties moved to the right from 4 years ago shows we maybe turning things around.
well if the devil preaches about being compassionate and having mercy on people, then maybe he's the REAL god! Evangelicals are satan worshippers, but are too dumb to know it.
Free speech until you use a pulpit and a captive audience to spread your activism. What she did was just about the lowest blow a person could do on a very special day.
This is not “ free speech”! This is a complete misuse of Scripture to back up left, woke radical views that are not Biblical or even morally correct! It’s blasphemy!
This so called bishop has degraded the Position. She was out of order, I am not an American nor live in AmericaShe is a disgrace to her position to make it political. My apologies to the President
Very telling that she is an Anglican Bishop as the Archbishop of Canterbury is also an Anglican . He also had plenty righteous anger,judgement and disdain for those who do not follow their holy Willie doctrine . Now he has lost his job for covering up sexual misconduct. They forget that they work for God they are not God.
Someone on Trump's staff is responsible for vetting the speakers at his inauguration (including the public church service after the ceremony). That person needs a reassignment! Trump and his team should NOT have had to sit through the bishop's dribble!
Drivel? seriously? I believe the gentle and respectable way the bishop spoke represents the requirements of Jesus absolutely. I hope and pray that Mr Trump will take time to reflect, even yet....he really could do with it.
She is Gay herself thats why🙄 SMH, STOP Putting ur personal drama at your Public works. That bishop was OUT of line. And WE LATINOS Boricuas are TIRED of Inmigrants too ok. And woke craze. Is OVER. TRUMP WON❤ THANK GOD❤ AMEN😊🇵🇷🇵🇷💪💅🙏
Seriously why is allowed in that service to talk? why was the background of the church and the person not checked before allowing on stage. lunatics should not be allowed in these kind of events. boycott churches . no more churches for officials as they cant keep radicals under bay.
He was the one that professed to believe in the BIBLE and all it stands for but can't even quote a verse, or even live by the 10 commandments and has thenerveto callhimself a "CHRISTIAN"? That is complete BLASPHEMY😢.
No, episcopal churches stopped being the house of the Lord a long time ago, around the time they started ordaining people with lifestyles in direct opposition to the Word of God.
it is. It's just that evangelicals aren't used to hearing true gospals that the Lord preached. You know, about having compassion and mercy on people? Don't forget, they hated Jesus's gospals as well.
@@lifespanwellnessbeauty-60i64 God only said that homosexuals are an abomination to him. He made it clear though, that adultry is a sin. Didn't Trump commit adultry on Melania?
It's a shame more people do not attend church. Sermons give answers, guidance and strength. They give hope for the lost and overlooked and the many desperate and poor, the humble!
They used to, not anymore. Organized religion is just another way to control the masses. Churches should be preaching lessons from the Bible, not Politics and left wing news, IMO. That’s why I bought a Bible and gave up church...
Why is it that many?Many people seem to think that they can make politics out of everything..... This "quote" bishop Should be admonished. We all have a right to our opinion but for her to take this time to speak the words that she spoke is despicable
@melissarosback1556. Sweden here. You have clearly made it public that you are against free speech and full of hate. A genuine dangerous MAGA lunatic. You are out of date and a very poor representative of your country.
She should be kicked out of the church for encouraging people to live in their sins.Shameless woman these people are bringing world into the church. I doubt whether she read the Bible atleast once.
Her denomination obviously allows it. Wandered from the faith. Preaching a false gospel. But mercy can be afforded, not agreement with. All of us were once lost.
She was not being inappropriate, she standing up for who can't speak for themselves, stop turning into something else, he's hurting people, so that's okay
That was a lecture not a sermon, She should be sacked, She truly enjoyed her moment at Trumps expense, God Bless President Trump and his wonderful family,
Agreed shes not a Christian as women cant be a bishop leading the church. If you disagree with me then you need to read the bible and under stand what it says
Only the just ones. They are coming here to SAVE THEIR LIVES and those of their children from the drug cartels and the corruption of the government that the cartels control, funded by the drug money from AMERICAN drug users. Seems to me that the Holy Family entered Egypt illegally to save their Son from death. Or did you skip that part?
lol she sure does. Freedom of speech freedom of religion! Trump should go to a non church since he is miserable around religion. He has no faith in God. He is a liar!
I felt very sad and at the same time very angry listening to this Bishop. Her political views should not have been part of serum. At the very least she should apologize to Mr.Trump and also to everyone that had to endure her rage.
@@Mikhael-the-archangel Paul says that, but the Bible also shows unholy forces in charge of world governments as well. The role of the Church is to make disciples of Christ, and He challenged the politics of His time without retributive violence… just like the bishop was doing.
@@Marty_WanlassActually she should be pleading for the illegal immigrant who burned a woman on the NY subway, those trafficking children across the unsecure borders, along with drugs entering.
Pointless waste of the presidents time. Scrap a tradition of the president in a church. There was no value for him to be there. She has an opinion and so does everyone else.
This service has nothing to do with the Christian faith. The church stands against sin as an act of love, it doesn't promote sin, which is the true act of hatred.
amen she a piece of work and it's not Christian.
Your definition of sin? Watch documentary 1946 for the mistake in biblical translation. It was not abt homosexuality it was any predatory behavior against the weaker groups - women, children, the conquered. Study. Read. Investigate. Can you read Aramaic? The Bible is a collection of human-told stories. Many trace fr prior to Christianity. Read Joseph Campbell or Carl Jung. P L E A S E
Yeah but that damn bishop shouldn't be there.
@@adamsamuel8593 Where should she be???, Lol
SO how many genders do we have ,last time I was reading bible it’s only two
How many magaets have compassion for others ? The last time I checked there were none
@@iwonasmolenska1010 in Judaism, ONLY MEN ARE PRIEST!
The Bible also is against breaking the law like illegals have done....and it calls anything that's not a traditional sexual encounter perversion...guess she's not a preacher of the Christian religion but just another Democrat pervert...
I’m against this hyper liberal bishop but I think the Bible kind of recognizes 3: male, female, and eunuch.
Not really a gender but they have their own special status.
Any time you break the law you commit a crime . God is not a God of confusion.
Think before you comment. That was senseless.
@@jessicaellis-yw2lt & Orange has broken MANY
The laws were created by MEN!!!!
@@HughJazz38 Its literally in the bible
@@HughJazz38 but true
Disgusting person in the pulpit ? Imagine that. Were they not referred too as False Prophets ?
Yeah what a rude lady who would say that at a prayer ceremony, she needs to be fired
They can't fire her...DEI hire!
Sweden here. You are a horrible example of a fascist, uncivilized, undemocratic MAGA fool. You still have free speech in America. But it will end, Donald will prosecute and threat people who are not adoring him. America is a new Hitler Germany, a copy of Russia and N Korea , countries where you have no civil rights. Educate yourself!
She should be fired...After all, she spoke the same words Jesus spoke, over and over, throughout his ministry.
@@Marty_Wanlass Jesus was not a brainwashed Marxist.
God hates SODOMY
Then I ask the bishop that is there any other gender ,other than male and female, mention in the bible?
The United States Constitution is not based on the fairy tale you call the bible. Trumps bible was made in China, btw
No, trans women are women and trans males are men.
@@you6338 The bishop's own gender is unclear.
True. If anyone from the church accepts gay other than male and female is a corrupt person. May God forgive he or she
That is a bishop? Shame on that church!!
Church going is over now. Defund the Churches...
The Antichrist uses deception and false teachings to lead people away from the truth. In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 (NIV), it says, "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved."
What you are referring to is about the false prophecy of the coming of the Lord asking for compassion is not the wrong teaching quite the opposite. Who is the man of lawlessness?
2 Thessalonians "The Man of Lawlessness
2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us-whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter-asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendour of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
I wonder is the bishop using display, signs and wonders no, someone else is.
@@valerieperonto2213Not enough to get him elected. Your perspective is deeply flawed.
King Saul and those that know the story, we all know how that ended
And Donald Trump is the epitome of a False Prophet.
This is not what a religious person would say God condemned homosexuality
S(odom was destroyed by God)
@greggarcia4085 you are missing the whole point of what she is saying
God loves everyone, but he condemned homosexuality and that’s the point
@@ethalhall9866 god loves everyone, but he condemned homosexuality and that’s the point she is being political
Must be a DEI Bishop who hasn’t bothered to read the bible. Shocking
Actually, sounds a lot like she spoke the teachings of Jesus.
@@Marty_WanlassShe mostly did. In fact, what have YOU gotten from the Bible?
She knows more about the Bible than you do and chooses to LIVE it rather than just quote it all the time. And yes that means you.
@@billgrandone3552 I don't think so
Wonder how many fellow clergymen, she helped out when they were accused of child molestation?
She should be called out on how they protect each other involved in sex crimes with children..
@@Xavier-k2p6x Episcopalian church, so far, has not many of these allegations. . .Sister church, Catholicism, has many.
I am quite sure that if it was needed she would do it? Why assume the worst just because you don’t agree with her?! Wonderful, courageous, woman.
A gay woman bishop. Right.
Keep the church out of politics, politics is for politicians
Tell that to Republican Congressmen.
Trump didn't
This so-called bishop is not giving a sermon. It's an activist speech that has no place in the church ever.
Your white supremacy BS
You're afraid of the Christian truth. therump went there as a photo op, and had to hear what REAL Christians think of him.
Jesus was an activist, bozo.
@@terryrust4973 an activist of truth and God the fathers law.
God told her to do it
I’m not wondering if this “Bishop” has some weird biases to LGBT community
lettuce licker
Maybe she's doing what Jesus taught. Love thy neighbor as thy self!
@ yeah, and some Bishops love kids a bit more then they have to
@@christiedeman394 we are not to tolerate nor promote sin.
@@christiedeman394ha she needs to pray thru
Don't believe recent day's bishops,there are many bishops that are rich from LGBTQ fund
Bro ..I could take ONE look at that lady and know she was woke. Why did the Church even let her run the service lol
@@brandonGCHACHU Absolutely! 😳
She is brave and speaking truth to power. He is a petulant child and who can't handle it. All the people he surrounds himself are afraid of him.
Not a church not a pastor
Yeah I could see it too, you know as a politician you have to gamble sometimes, this probably could not be avoided, looked a lot like an ambush.
@@JoanVanVranken-ob6co he’s the President of the USA voted in with immense popularity. She’s a hard left lesbian who is upset because he repealed the Biden law and reverted back to only two sexes. We know where you stand, but we stand for common sense. Get a life.
I used to be woke. I was constantly getting triggered. I protested everything that offended me, and demanded it all be cancelled. Finally I grew out of it, and went to preschool.
Welcome! ❤❤❤
@tomfuller5585 😂😮
😂amen friend
She is making a political statement in the pulpit!! That's a big No No!!
Should had just walk out.
Time has change many wolves in sheep clothings....FOLLOW JESUS AND HIS TEACHINGS AND NOT POPE OR BISHOPS!!!
Well said. All this gar/ba$ge now think that they are important by being IMPOSTORS REPRESENTING GOD! Things like this one doesnt represent our mighty and only God, as Jesus Christ said, I am the son of God. Stop to follow the evil things. THOSE ARE ALL SELVE ELECTED TO TAKE ANY EMPTY CHURCH and name themselves "bishop" Surely God didn't elected her/he or others to speak for OUR MIGHTY GOD
When you insult the new president of the United States, elected by it's citizen, you are insulting the Country, United States. Go and find a real employment, maybe cleaning dishes, or cleaning hoimes, stop to live from the needy, they ones who fall for your lies.
is reminding Trump to be kind to the poor not Jesus teaching you must be reading a different Bible!
@@blacksnow129 it's a sin to be gay
Trump and vance
If you go to any church they'll all say the same things. Because it's God's words in God's house. You would know that if you ever went, trump!!!
Pathetic that politics are in our church now!!!
Like they've been in the evangelicals for decades?
Why do you think Jesus was crucified? because he taught to love and respect the downtrodden and the one in power couldn't have him reminding them they were mortal humans.
Jesus would call you a hypocrite. Your church preaches about supporting trump. If that's not political, I don't know what is.
Well, Trump is selling Bibles maybe that’s how politics got involved in church.
Not legal citizens and no documentation,sorry they have to go 😡🤬🤯
What a Christian 😂😂🤡
And since they are undocumented illegals how do you know they exist and how do you find them. I can't imagine they just nab people on the street and make them show papers. This is going to be a shit-show of abuse of power. The next four years will be hard on everyone except the billionaires that are in trumps pocket.
Yes, yes yes
This was not the time for this woman to say this, in a church service! You want to say something say it in private.
You're afraid of the Christian truth. therump went there as a photo op, and had to hear what REAL Christians think of him.
And who are YOU?
The church should ALWAYS preach compassion and protection of the marginalised. Wonderful courage. From an Anglican priest.
Why not Trump does
@@josephinestecak4945 Such insecurity. Sorry.
"Radical Left", very important to label who they are
whoever she is, she did a good job at exosing the demons in america. It's as if she held a cross to their faces! I LOVE it!!!
so you think the lord was raidcakl left?? you muyst be maga
Matthew 22:39: "And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Matthew 25:40: "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"
Luke 6:35: "But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked."
Luke 6:31: "Do to others as you would have them do to you
John 13:34-35: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another."
Matthew 19:14: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
and for you evengelicls
Mark 8:36: "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?"
Matthew 10:44-45: "and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 6:19-22: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Matthew 6:24: "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."
is it a man or a woman ?
The devil!
@@fabiosoldati1811 she is a woke!!!!
It be Edgar.
cheap shot - but not unexpected from a Trumper. It's the usual childish abuse.
today two people, one was young child, have been stabbed by an afghane young man. this is our day to day life here in germany. we are at the mercy of islam and communists now. and they merciless and we are helpless.
Stop playing victim your ancestors were Nazis for gods sake , how many did they murder , hypocrisy stinks
And the Germans murdered how many people in WWII? If the Allies would have blamed all Germans for the atrocities committed during the war, few Germans would be alive today. You blame all of Islam on the acts of one deranged man, as if Germany would be crime free if not for Islam refugees.
Yesterday a US borders security guard at the Canadian border got killed by a G*rman tourist. World is helpless by men-made religions I guess.
That was not a Church Sermon, it was a Political Speech. She abused her position of authority and should be removed.
@@shawnferrie6990 nah, it was a good sermon
You do know that Jesus was an activist. Who did he speak out for? The sick, the hungry, the poor....
Does Jesus want someone to make fun of someone or hurt them?
Who abuses power? Are you blind, deaf and
A Woke Pastor a complete contradiction - no more needs to be said...
President did not call her "nasty woman". He simply said that "it could be much better".
Saving millions of Americans against sacrificing thousands of undocumented persons,I vote for saving millions of Americans.
What has an undocumented person done to you? Except do the jobs that you or I will not do? These people pay taxes, they add to the economy. What have they done to you?
Enough is enough. Is time for AMERICAN FIRST.
The priest is talking to Trump as if he’s God how bizarre is that she should be never allowed to preach again for that blasphemy
Which blasphemy she said Mr president! she is reminding him of the basic principles of Christianity generosity love compassion kindness not greed, bigotry, arrogance and callousness. She should have read the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18 21-35. But he wouldn't have got it it was just a reminder that God saved him so he should be grateful and follow the Gospel.
She ONLY asked for Mercy. What would You ask for? Persecution? Jesus surrounded himself with the most downtrodden of society.
That is not a priest
MAGA worships trump like he's the golden calf. enough said.
@@KT80sbaby You're right. That's a bishop! And a good one, too!
The Bishop needs to seek help and not lead our children down her dark and destructive path.
@@Garyhead-j5i her path is one inspired by Jesus. If anything is destroyed on that path, it was not meant for our good.
It's not dark and destructive to have mercy on the weak as Jesus would want us to do.
You're afraid of the Christian truth. therump went there as a photo op, and had to hear what REAL Christians think of him.
@@terryrust4973 Exactly
Stay in your lane, Bishop. You were rude and brought politics into a religious service. The people in our Country declared the end of WOKE garbage.
She said to show kindness and mercy. What problem could you possibly have with that MAGA goon ?
He should not even been there, since it was only for photo op he got what he deserved trying to hide behind his Bible.
@@mikegraves6070pot calling the kettle Black? He shouldn't be in a leadership position either!
@@judierenfrow8073 What about the hypocrite evangelical Pastors who regularly support felon Donnie. They need to stay in their own bull crap lane.
God does things in decency and in order! That was out of order! She should have spoken to him one on one ! She should not tell NO ONE to put their trust in NO ONE BUT THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD! Jesus Christ! She should tell those people to obey the laws of the land and also for the citizens in America to be taken care of! The homeless, widows, military, and disabled…. False prophet is what she is!
This bishop is not a catholic & it's a female bishop ,its from another denomination.
SHE is not a bishop...this is part of the problem..
You're afraid of the Christian truth. therump went there as a photo op, and had to hear what REAL Christians think of him.
Seems to me that YOU have lost your way or never really was on it to begin with
@ The Christian truth is that she should not even be a bishop leading a church, Thats Biblical. If you think im wrong you need to read the bible more
@@davidu6093 he should join his wife in Catholic Church
@@davidu6093 Because she is a woman? Well if you want to be technical and literalist, Saturday and not Sunday is the Sabbath and all work should stop on late Friday afternoon.
A disgraceful bishop who didn’t preach the Bible, but succumb to woke agendas
Jesus must have been woke then. Do you not know how he supported all those on the edge of society, often against the self righteous Pharisees?
A Bishop who is asking for mercy for people who are about to have their lives and their families disrupted in a most horrible way.
Who chose her to lead the service? Joe Biden?
wow, even at the pulpit the dark words of the Devil are being said.
if what she said comes from the devil, then he must be the REAL god! lol!
She's giving voice to the virtues of God... are you truly this lost???
Will you have the Antichrist sitting in the White House.
@@darkmoon2503 she's implying that Trump is committing evil acts towards immigrants.
@@darkmoon2503the bible says to beware false prophets... are you truly this lost???
How the hell was he put in this position by his team
@@souldrummer818 EXACTLY what I was thinking!!
@souldrummer818 Because God works in mysterious ways...everything is purposed!
I'm glad he was. Make the church Christian again. The church was infiltrated by juice in 1958. There's no such thing as Judeo-Christian, Judeo-Bolshevism - Yes.
He should've stood up and walked out
She's a Satanist!!! Doing her Lord's will !!!! Mr President Trump is God's Anointed!!!! She's exposed!!!!
We know what happens when someone mocks God. Don't worry if she doesn't apologize (or repent), justice will be given by God almighty. She needs to start with the Ten Commandments and repent and ask for forgiveness for leading her sheep onto the path of destruction. My Lord Jesus, please forgive her, she knows not what she does.
@@lori887 yes exactly.
Trump has Hits the Bull's eye.
Well done TRUMP 👍
Mr. President, please, next time, choose a church where people truly worship God,and follow him with all their hearts, the God who saved you !
God has not saved Donald Trump, nor does Trump want salvation. He wants earthly power and riches not heavenly ones.
No law abiding person has anything to fear from President Trump.
You're afraid of the Christian truth. therump went there as a photo op, and had to hear what REAL Christians think of him.
@@Marty_Wanlass Spoken like another brainwashed woke/neo-Marxist.
Illegal immigrants are exactly that-a simple enough fact to understand. Supporting illegality under a false banner of supposed righteousness,is stupid and naive in the extreme.
just decent people will fear that nazi!
The US is coming apart at the seams. This what happens when an empire disintegrate.
Give me a parallel of any empire in which that sequence happened. Then,since you express as a general rule, also tell us of another example.
The Roman Empire that imploded from within after the original Caesars were eliminated and the Generals took over.
Europe before the two world wars. China. Russia. Asia.
The Bishop talked about homosexuals who need to go out and learn self defence
Trump if I'm not dellusional talked about identifying gender all 2 of them ,prompted by the horrific incident in sport were women will rarely win against men or should I say born men with male physical attributes who decide to undergo gender change and yet refuse to be castrated ,or the transwomen entering prisons and raping other women ,
At least we now know ,the Bishop has no compassion for them
I agree with Trump in the context of sport
I'm all for women born into their gender in women's sport
And I'm all for homosexual to live in peace and freedom and they like every other demographic have my respect and love
Have you ever seen the Yuri Bezmenov interview?
Is the US coming apart? I can agree that some things are messed up, but I think the fact that Trump won the popular vote and 99% of counties moved to the right from 4 years ago shows we maybe turning things around.
😮What you are witnessing is the devil speaking through her.
How frightening is that.
100% demons are everywhere
well if the devil preaches about being compassionate and having mercy on people, then maybe he's the REAL god! Evangelicals are satan worshippers, but are too dumb to know it.
Um, not at all really. The devil isn;t real so.... yeah. Not scared here
Yet you voted for the anti-christ. well done.
Yikes she said "the people that pick our fruit" 😂 she'll be hearing from the woke mob
Take that tax exempt status away right now.
How dare she teach acceptance....
How do you know this is even a woman?
How dares Trump to question her?
She was only asking for mercy...Humanity.....
Free speech until you don't like it.
Free speech until you use a pulpit and a captive audience to spread your activism. What she did was just about the lowest blow a person could do on a very special day.
She should adhere to the Bible. Not veer off pushing her own woke theories.
This is not “ free speech”! This is a complete misuse of Scripture to back up left, woke radical views that are not Biblical or even morally correct! It’s blasphemy!
Free speech is now lies huh?
The party of double standards.
Just hope nothing went into the donation plate after those outrageous comments.
yeah the churches are too rich!
Bring America back with traditional values.
Bottom line, she is corrupt.
This so called bishop has degraded the
Position. She was out of order, I am not an American nor live in AmericaShe is a disgrace to her position to make it political. My apologies to the President
Very telling that she is an Anglican Bishop as the Archbishop of Canterbury is also an Anglican . He also had plenty righteous anger,judgement and disdain for those who do not follow their holy Willie doctrine . Now he has lost his job for covering up sexual misconduct. They forget that they work for God they are not God.
Nor are you my friend.
Trump shouldn’t listen to her. Deport whoever broke the law!
Someone on Trump's staff is responsible for vetting the speakers at his inauguration (including the public church service after the ceremony). That person needs a reassignment! Trump and his team should NOT have had to sit through the bishop's dribble!
Drivel? seriously? I believe the gentle and respectable way the bishop spoke represents the requirements of Jesus absolutely. I hope and pray that Mr Trump will take time to reflect, even yet....he really could do with it.
This women is ridiculous people. Her God can be any God but not the God of the bible.
You're afraid of the Christian truth. therump went there as a photo op, and had to hear what REAL Christians think of him.
dribble? you must be a trumper. widen your vocabulary, davie. Dribble is a basketball term.
@@monaminter5511 You're joking. therump truly believes that he himself is God. And you believe him.
She is Gay herself thats why🙄 SMH, STOP Putting ur personal drama at your Public works. That bishop was OUT of line. And WE LATINOS Boricuas are TIRED of Inmigrants too ok. And woke craze. Is OVER. TRUMP WON❤ THANK GOD❤ AMEN😊🇵🇷🇵🇷💪💅🙏
@DiamondPR Nope. Married with 2 kids and simply promoting love & kindness for the vulnerable and marginalised.
Seriously why is allowed in that service to talk? why was the background of the church and the person not checked before allowing on stage. lunatics should not be allowed in these kind of events. boycott churches . no more churches for officials as they cant keep radicals under bay.
He was the one that professed to believe in the BIBLE and all it stands for but can't even quote a verse, or even live by the 10 commandments and has thenerveto callhimself a "CHRISTIAN"? That is complete BLASPHEMY😢.
Is this why they held the mass their 😠 very very INAPPROPRIATE how dare this bishop. Is this the house of the lord?????
Shameful shameful 😤
Oh yes- it's shameful to speak the truth! Trump can't handle it when someone disagrees with him.
No, episcopal churches stopped being the house of the Lord a long time ago, around the time they started ordaining people with lifestyles in direct opposition to the Word of God.
it is. It's just that evangelicals aren't used to hearing true gospals that the Lord preached. You know, about having compassion and mercy on people? Don't forget, they hated Jesus's gospals as well.
@@lifespanwellnessbeauty-60i64 God only said that homosexuals are an abomination to him. He made it clear though, that adultry is a sin. Didn't Trump commit adultry on Melania?
It's a shame more people do not attend church. Sermons give answers, guidance and strength. They give hope for the lost and overlooked and the many desperate and poor, the humble!
The invisible man😂
Not from a woman! Read Paul!
Keep your hopium.
This is the kind of crap that pushes people away from church!! She was despicable!! Not to mention all the pedo priests for years!
They used to, not anymore. Organized religion is just another way to control the masses. Churches should be preaching lessons from the Bible, not Politics and left wing news, IMO. That’s why I bought a Bible and gave up church...
She was sent by Kamala 😂
Why is it that many?Many people seem to think that they can make politics out of everything..... This "quote" bishop Should be admonished. We all have a right to our opinion but for her to take this time to speak the words that she spoke is despicable
@melissarosback1556. Sweden here. You have clearly made it public that you are against free speech and full of hate. A genuine dangerous MAGA lunatic. You are out of date and a very poor representative of your country.
She should be kicked out of the church for encouraging people to live in their sins.Shameless woman these people are bringing world into the church. I doubt whether she read the Bible atleast once.
Her denomination obviously allows it. Wandered from the faith. Preaching a false gospel. But mercy can be afforded, not agreement with. All of us were once lost.
The rest of us doubt you ever have read it. She has it memorized, and she spoke truth to power...the words of Christ himself.
@@Marty_Wanlass Hypocrites like you use the word" love of God" to justify your bad deeds. Read the Bible properly and talk to me.
These talk and advices should not be talk in the church.
Now this crap is coming directly from the centre of churches .. God please save us
God's the One who has led them to these beliefs
Possibly Trump is throwing out all the crap. Other than that l believe she have saved that for a latter date.
this so called bishop is an utter disgrace to her fraternity.....she must step down and also make a public apology for being inappropriate
She was not being inappropriate, she standing up for who can't speak for themselves, stop turning into something else, he's hurting people, so that's okay
That was a lecture not a sermon, She should be sacked, She truly enjoyed her moment at Trumps expense, God Bless President Trump and his wonderful family,
She should be a Saint
A clear foul play by that bishop.
That sure isn't a homily but a political theatrics that she in the 1st place shouldn't get involved in.
Who on earth appointed that bishop ?
She is a true Christian. You and therump are apparently not.
Who on Earth was dumb enough to vote for this orange clown after we had four years of his nonsense? but yet he's there...🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Agreed shes not a Christian as women cant be a bishop leading the church. If you disagree with me then you need to read the bible and under stand what it says
@terryrust4973 did I even mention that I was ?
The God of The Bible clearly states in The Bible he does not accept such things. Facts.Simple
As far as illegal immigration GOD tells US in His word ( The Holy Bible) to Obey the laws of our land.
Only the just ones. They are coming here to SAVE THEIR LIVES and those of their children from the drug cartels and the corruption of the government that the cartels control, funded by the drug money from AMERICAN drug users. Seems to me that the Holy Family entered Egypt illegally to save their Son from death. Or did you skip that part?
Um murderers and illegal immigrants what is this lady of god talking about ..
She has no right to dictate how the President should do his job
I guess you voted for Trump, huh
@@sashidev5928 She didn’t. She just made a request. You should be more worried about Musk controlling Trump.
First she didn't dictate, she asked in a very sweet tone. Next, she only spoke the words that Jesus spoke. Try reading the New Testament.
She wasn't dictating to him she was ASKING HIM TO SHOW COMPASSION AND HAVE SYMPATHY!
They need to read the last character, especially
She is not a Bishop, and the Episcopal "church" is no longer a Christian denomination.
I absolutely agree with President Trump’s statements, this so called con artist bishop is very disrespectful and spoke the worst way . Fire her.
Tell Trump to get his own advisor, don't worry about it being a spiritual person, he doesn't want it or believe it.
This so called bishop has no authority to question President Trump on behalf of God!!!
orange hair thinks he is god!
lol she sure does. Freedom of speech freedom of religion! Trump should go to a non church since he is miserable around religion. He has no faith in God. He is a liar!
I felt very sad and at the same time very angry listening to this Bishop. Her political views should not have been part of serum. At the very least she should apologize to Mr.Trump and also to everyone that had to endure her rage.
Seems like I remember that Jesus was an activist. She spoke many of his teachings. Remember?
What rage ? She was very calm
The Bible teaches that government is divinely ordained, and therefore the church should not interfere with its affairs.
@@Mikhael-the-archangel Paul says that, but the Bible also shows unholy forces in charge of world governments as well.
The role of the Church is to make disciples of Christ, and He challenged the politics of His time without retributive violence… just like the bishop was doing.
Od kiedy to kobiety mogą nauczać w Kościele ? Nie czytaliście Dziejów Apostolskich i Listów św.Pawła ? To w co właściwie wierzycie ?
I’m in Total Agreement!
When I went to school I only knew male and female. Nothing in between. My grandfather once told me "eventually we all be coffee coloured"
Poor world.
Can not tolerate a single day not being focused on them.
I sometimes wonder if they even realize that others exist.
She is shameful, this is not the time or place to say any if this bunk, sad. She should step down bringing her opinions and politics into anything.
go president TRUMP go you are the MAN
What a horrible bishop
Is the bishop male or female?
Bishop u fucked up big time 😂😂😂😂😂
What bishop??
@@Jen-yv4eg she was a Bishop LARPer, and didnt even do a good job pretending either
Didn't he also sign an executive order allowing free speech?
Yes he did and his free speech gives him the right to criticize her, doesn't it? He should have walked out mid rant. Isn't that free speech also?
This so called bishop has no authority to question President Trump on behalf of God!!! ❤️❤️❤️
He doesn't know who God is
@@Marty_WanlassActually she should be pleading for the illegal immigrant who
burned a woman on the NY subway, those trafficking children across the unsecure borders, along with drugs entering.
Who are you to judge her, judge not least you be judged
She should resign or be fired. What a joke
Someone should let her know that Marxism is opposed to religion
Who would Jesus hate. ?Love like Jesus 💕
Pointless waste of the presidents time. Scrap a tradition of the president in a church. There was no value for him to be there. She has an opinion and so does everyone else.
She's not speaking on behalf of herself she's speaking on behalf of her community
she is gay and proud of it!
The whole talk was shameful!
S(he's heading for 🔥🔥🔥)
I knew what was coming from the moment I saw her haircut. 😂
Me too..
From the moment I seen it was a female bishop....that literally goes against the bible and Christianity. I knew immediately it was a woke circus
to b ehonest im suprised it wasnt dyed purple
Spoken by a true hatefilled Trump supporter.
Our loving God doesn't recognize this Bishop, or her rhetoric!! He made his feelings crystal clear about lawlessness and alphabets!!
god is a myth!