Pidzoom Prototype Helmet Mirror

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @tonygomez185
    @tonygomez185 8 месяцев назад +1

    Congrats on being the chosen one to test the mirror! Good content, thanks.

  • @oldretireddude
    @oldretireddude 8 месяцев назад +1

    Good video, thank you! To your comment on an older rider not being able to see images in a mirror well... Before I retired I was unwilling to wear bifocal glasses, they just irritated me to no end. Everyone's vision situation is different, I am near sighted, but my solution was to have multiple pairs of glasses. I chose to have 1 pair for distance and 1 pair for desktop computer work (roughly 18" focal distance), with no glasses necessary for close up or reading. While not good for long distance highspeed driving, I've found that the computer glasses have proved to be perfect for riding my EUC. I can see good enough at a distance, and the focal length is perfect for vision in my mirrors.

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад +2

      Glad to hear the computer glasses work for both EUC riding and focused vision for the mirror for you.
      As for me, the extended length of the Pidzoom arm made my view of the mirror image more focused vs. with my shorter arm of the DIY mirror. Everyone’s vision certainly is different. I think the various arm lengths of the Pidzoom mirror will make most riders happy with this safety equipment.

    • @oldretireddude
      @oldretireddude 8 месяцев назад

      @@AdamU1016 🍻

  • @gpsanino
    @gpsanino 8 месяцев назад

    Great to see you receiving the HM. It is a simple device but taking into account many advices. Totally agree, the "multi-purpose" base, is not intended to be installed in the center of the forehead. Instead it is a way to secure the main ball joint on helmets with many vents. It can use the elastic rings or even zip-ties to install it on the chin guard, or between vents on the side or top of the helmet. Thanks so much for advicing to not install it in the forhead center under the sunshield.
    I personally locate the mirror itself even more to the side. To not have to tilt my head at all and to get it farther away of my face. Fore safety and better field of view. A great informative video as usual. Thanks a lot for sharing.

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the kind words. Have safe rides!

  • @jok1959.
    @jok1959. 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks Adam, I have a mirror that moves and it is dangerous because you can get confused when having to adjust it. This system you mention is very interesting. I like that the arm that holds it is strong to avoid vibrations in the mirror. As you say, a slightly larger mirror would be nice.

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад

      With the 40 mph speed I was going and the really strong winds that day, that mirror position sure held its place. The material for the arms are really sturdy and stiff, the ball bearing attachment can also be further tightened and the mirror attachment to the arm can also be tightened. This was well thought out but definitely the mirror should be just a little bit bigger.

  • @RoyCarter
    @RoyCarter 8 месяцев назад

    I used the Dawn Champion mirror and did the epoxy thing to the sun visor on the helmet. Works like a dream; the mirror is expensive, but has a lifetime warranty. I'm old and need the long reach too.

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад

      I don’t know what Dawn’s DIY mirror setup looks like. I know RUclips doesn’t allow links anymore which is a bummer. Can you tell me the name of the video she had which showed her version?

    • @RoyCarter
      @RoyCarter 8 месяцев назад

      @@AdamU1016 search her channel for "safety mirrors". She uses velcro and ties, I just cut the curve off the base, and glued it to the sun visor. Works good, and its a big mirror.

    • @gritred5500
      @gritred5500 8 месяцев назад

      If you type in Helmet mirror and look at the expensive one that is it. It's $40 and it's called safe zone.

  • @OnAirPromo
    @OnAirPromo 8 месяцев назад

    Nice job Adam - I'd buy one! 😃 And with different mounts included you could probably move the mirror from one helmet to another (I have three).

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад

      Thanks Larry! It really is a pretty good product. Looks like my DIY mirror will be retired. I can see oncoming objects more clearly. The only gripe is I wish the mirror was bigger.
      You can easily transfer the mirror from one helmet to another which is what I will be doing. You can also use the 3 base attachments to the helmet as permanent attachments. Just transfer the arm with mirror to whatever helmet you will use.

  • @GillamtheGreatest
    @GillamtheGreatest 8 месяцев назад

    so far i havent found a helmet mirror i like but this has some interesting features.

  • @Andre-Mostert
    @Andre-Mostert 6 месяцев назад

    Likked and subbed. Looking forward to getting one when they are ready.

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for the sub! The mirror is awesome. No more extreme head turning.

    • @Andre-Mostert
      @Andre-Mostert 6 месяцев назад

      @@AdamU1016 Very true, I currently ride with a hand mirror but not having to look down would be much better.

  • @MadDonJuan
    @MadDonJuan 8 месяцев назад

    Very Nice! Thanks for sharing

  • @haroldsmith45302
    @haroldsmith45302 8 месяцев назад

    I have done many multi-week long-distance bicycle tours on public highways, and am now migrating to the EUC world. During my decades of bicycle touring, I found the Mirrycle [TM] brand of bicycle mirrors to be outstandingly-good. The optical quality, diameter, and amount of convex curvature of the mirrors, and the adjustable stiffness and robustness of the mounting system, are all just right. IMO Pidzoom should study the Mirrycle product with a view to emulation.
    I have no affiliation with Mirrycle; am just a satisfied customer.

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад +1

      I looked at the Mirrycle setup of the arms. They do look very firm and sturdy. I would not be surprised if the Pidzoom team looked at these also. I am not too keen on the circular mirror design of Mirrycle though.
      For the EUC, I like the teardrop shape of my DIY as well as the triangular version of Pidzoom.
      Welcome to the EUC world! I have been doing this for 9 years now coming from bicycle riding and the passion is still strong. I feel bad for my neglected bikes but once in awhile I do use my 2 wheels.
      Have safe rides!

    • @gritred5500
      @gritred5500 8 месяцев назад +1

      I was very happy with the MICTUNING Universal take a look at it Very surprising quality and the mirror is glass

  • @barefooter64S
    @barefooter64S 8 месяцев назад

    How does it work from a low mounting point? When mounted low does it obscure too much?

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад

      It doesn’t obscure at all. The triangular shape adds to the increased visibility for both rear and front view since most of the rear view is where the widest part of the mirror is. Your front visibility is not at all impeded because by angling the triangle mirror in such a way that your front view is minimally covered by the narrowest inner part of the triangle. The triangular shape has both style and function.

  • @WarChaplain
    @WarChaplain 8 месяцев назад

    I'm digging it a lot! Gonna order it now. Is there a code or anything like that? Either way, I'm going to try it out. Thanks for the review!

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад +1

      You’re welcome. It’s a great helmet mirror. There is no coupon code but there is an earlybird pricing of $19. Eventually, the price will double.

  • @RonnieRides
    @RonnieRides 8 месяцев назад

    My dude, first I turn the volume up to hear what you are saying then music suddenly starts popping off at 1000% higher volume than your voice, you need to adjust that

    • @AdamU1016
      @AdamU1016  8 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah I even lowered that music part and it was still blasting for you? You must have really turned up the volume for when I was speaking and you had headphones on.
      Audio level quality for the different clips can be challenging. I appreciate you telling me that. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to adjust the volume after the video is posted.

    • @RonnieRides
      @RonnieRides 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@AdamU1016 just speakers but was really loud and bass rumbling 😂