Can 1 Modern YuGiOh Card BREAK Edison Format? | Future Visions with

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 34

  • @HumanSektor
    @HumanSektor 3 дня назад +31

    This looks like a crazy cool way to play retro formats.

  • @lampsonmcstand6150
    @lampsonmcstand6150 2 дня назад +7

    with gladiator beast if you include the support that just came out in the OCG then i think the pick is without a doubt the field spell as it just summons a guy from deck on the opponent's turn, searches any name so you always can get bestiari, and gets you war chariot for free in end phase

  • @Kumorikage
    @Kumorikage 3 дня назад +14

    Another banger idea for new ways to interpret the game. I really like your "fix the archetype with one card" too! Hope your trip to Cali goes well!

  • @xuspirahopte5549
    @xuspirahopte5549 3 дня назад +7

    I think progressively adding more "allowed copies of cards" into the game as the series goes on could also be interesting. Like what happens when you tell someone to get two cards at a total of four copies between them? Is it unsalvagable already? When does it stop feeling like Edison?

  • @Anthintendo
    @Anthintendo 3 дня назад +6

    Imagine an Edison-era Synchro deck that plays Junk Speeder.

  • @Lysvsyl
    @Lysvsyl 2 дня назад +3

    Usually I skip the deck building in series like this, because I want to be surprised during the game. But I forgot this time and don't regret it. The contrast between the calm and reasoned deckbuilding vs the no commentary speedrun is very funny.

  • @other2006
    @other2006 День назад +1

    I talked about a similar concept with my brother. We named it something like "Format Flipper." It's basically the same thing, but we added whole archetypes instead of individual cards. An example I had was what if the Danger?! archetype was released in Duelist Alliance format. It was a neat concept.

  • @zephshoir
    @zephshoir 2 дня назад

    Banger idea! I always love to see different and new ways to play the game! Would love to someday see someone try and tweak how flip monsters work and other similar rules changes that might be interesting to explore!

  • @johnsd3341
    @johnsd3341 3 дня назад +4

    Haven’t finished watching yet but I like the idea

  • @adriancardona2172
    @adriancardona2172 2 дня назад +3

    I can't wait to see someone pull a Coelacanth deck (can't remember if it's only Fish FTK or not) and decide to play fuckin' Zealantis to get double Coelacanths in a single turn
    Or maybe just Abyss Keeper to make Coelacanth less bricky

  • @kassygo1375
    @kassygo1375 3 дня назад +5

    Haven’t finished watching yet but maybe you could consider doing the wheel separately so you don’t counter deck each other. Unless that’s also part of the format

  • @MomirViggwilv
    @MomirViggwilv День назад

    Spell/trap negation goes crazy in this format. Adamancipator Dragite might be the best thing you can make in this format.

  • @Meme-xp8cp
    @Meme-xp8cp 2 дня назад +3

    Totally unrelated to the video but omg how'd you get your hair like that it looks so good

    • @Skarlon
      @Skarlon  14 часов назад

      I dont really do much with it, i just had it cut in layers recently

  • @dalesabandal9113
    @dalesabandal9113 День назад

    Aight now add cherubini into DA format, or add pre errata future fusion into tear format

  • @TheNewblade1
    @TheNewblade1 2 дня назад +1

    Game 3 was free if u test tiger back laquari into sector.
    Funny enough its Edison accurate, ppl just didnt read sector.

  • @SlowRule
    @SlowRule 3 дня назад +2

    sus? amongus? sorry never heard of that, normal shura?

  • @pilzgnom2329
    @pilzgnom2329 3 дня назад +2

    Why your cam got the twilight filter?

    • @Skarlon
      @Skarlon  3 дня назад

      @@pilzgnom2329 recorded before i fixed the white balance

  • @pamonja4301
    @pamonja4301 День назад

    time rending morganite in theory should be broken in this format

  • @Flashofblades
    @Flashofblades 3 дня назад

    Playing Amarillis when you know your opponent is on Glads is a big L. Infinite 0 def dudes suck against the deck filled with monsters that want free attacks.

  • @nightflash9692
    @nightflash9692 3 дня назад +2

    Links would break this format . I'd ban some you cards like isolde, halq, traptrick, pot of desire, fenrir, and pankertops.
    I'd def ban fenrir it can search itself

    • @Skarlon
      @Skarlon  3 дня назад +1

      @@nightflash9692 youll really enjoy episode 2 i think when it comes out

    • @nightflash9692
      @nightflash9692 3 дня назад

      @ fenrir monster mash vs Masterpiece uria

    • @DeviousHands
      @DeviousHands 3 дня назад

      no extra monster zone in edison, you can't summon the links
      not sure on xyz summons, i believe them not being included in the master rule prevents them?
      also, sixth sense is technically legal, pot of desires seems trivial by comparison

    • @Skarlon
      @Skarlon  3 дня назад

      We just add the EMZ

    • @Closer2Zero
      @Closer2Zero 2 дня назад

      If you dont want to get too crazy, just limit link picks to on theme or in archetype ones

  • @TheMegassassin711
    @TheMegassassin711 3 дня назад +3


  • @JennieYGO
    @JennieYGO 2 дня назад

    this dog is washed (played into gorz TWICE girllll)

  • @HapsterHap
    @HapsterHap 3 дня назад

    Damn, you look tired brother. Everything good?

    • @Skarlon
      @Skarlon  3 дня назад +2

      @@HapsterHap not a guy

    • @HapsterHap
      @HapsterHap 3 дня назад +1

      @ my b, you still good?

    • @Skarlon
      @Skarlon  3 дня назад

      Yea i dont sleep well tbh

    • @HapsterHap
      @HapsterHap 2 дня назад +1

      @ Sorry to hear that. Make sure you prioritize yourself despite whatever is going on in your life.