Svaras yra sakęs, kad prieš išgarsėjant, Sindikatas 7 metus grojo beveik vien garaže ar šiaip kokiuose pubuose. Kas nori ir nepasiduoda, tas pasiekia. Respectas šitai grupei už stiprią lyriką.
Labai stipri daina, ji niekada nebus pamiršta. Pamenu dar prieš 7 metus vos būdamas 13 metų atkartodavau lyrikas net nesuprasdamas ką jos reiškia, kur yra prasmė ir kas iš vis už jų slypi. Visiem kas einate per sunkumus gyvenime, noriu tik padrąsinti būti stipriems, priimti tai kas įvyko ir judėti į priekį. Net patys neįsivaidzuojate kokie stiprūs esate ir tik priimdami tą faktą, kad viskas kas nutiko yra praeityje ir dabar laikas judėti į priekį pakeis daug jūsu gyvenime. ‘Sunku uždegti tamsą, lengviau gesinti šviesą’. Jei reikia tą frazę skaitykite dar kartą! Myliu jus chebra!
It is extremely difficult song to translate , not only because it is very long and uses words that are rarely used, but also because it is written in the way wheere it is verry difficult to find direct meaning. Therefore I did not even bother to pay attention to details and gramar mistakes, but the rough meaning ... So here you go , someone can use it as prototype for correct translation. G&G Sindikatas - Laikas keistis I was writting this song from faded letters, from "I don't love", "I hate", "I don't forgive"... Lost, not found, from unfullfiled(unkeeped), taken away from another, ones own wasted in the wind... From bluntnes, stupidity, not understanding, inhumane bastards games of war... Faded away silently cause of unafforded medicine, calm dream of the villain, sentenced inocent... I've written this song from despair, from you, my brother, as well as myself too... All, that is dark in us... A barefoot girl in the winter - that stands by the burned down house... Lack of the courage, sent to hell... All the peaks, that we have never even tried to climb... That, what you could've changed, but you didn't dare... When you left for short time and never came back... (Priedainis) It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light... Will you help me? if yes , we will now be two... It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light... Will you open you eyes? Will you stand up? Will you stay straight? I've written this song, when brother betraied brother... When completely rotten was pretending to be rightchious... Temporality of success, time of the executioneer, from what parents feel, when they are burying their child... I've written from mud, graves, violence, poverty, short blind envy, strikes of the absurd... Their constant atempts to buy and sell me... Famine, in the time of the mourning measure the way(its unclear in lithuanian too what it means)... It was promised to stop, started again from anew like nothing(like nothing happened before)... Raped patience of the earth, palm of the poor, while I still can stay silent, while I can not anymore... Applause for the skirts of genderless bitches... Religions - that has no sanctity left, for body and blood everyday sacrificed blood and body... inns, being turned into valuables.. and everything we do on our selfs (it's clear that) no one forces us... (Priedainis) It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light... Will you help me? if yes , we will now be two... It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light... Will you open you eyes? Will you stand up? Will you stay straight? Time to change , brother, time to change... Time to change , brother, time to change, brother... Let the revolutions burn... Time to change , brother, time to change... Time to change , brother, time to change, brother... Let the revolutions burn... I do not see , I don't hear, therefore do not show and do not ask... Blank page of the paper that is rough, Writte it your self... from that no one is together, when you and I are seperate.. When complete shit we call "OK". Three millions Dopping tests... Six millions ways to die... Six billions thoroughly being carried out quests... From those who have tried not to carry them out , too... Burning candles at the sides of the road... Digout lies of the case and those who hide the truth... Stinger of the venom, helplesness in the solitude... From me one night murdered in the street... (Priedainis) It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light... Will you help me? if yes , we will now be two... It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light... Will you open you eyes? Will you stand up? Will you stay straight? Time to change , brother, time to change... Time to change , brother, time to change, brother... Let the revolutions burn... Time to change , brother, time to change... Time to change , brother, time to change, brother... Let the revolutions burn... If suddently head deccends below the shoulder... Sister, give some fire, give some fire, brother. Everything you are, is from yourself.
Somehow I came here after listening to a house track but glad I actually did! What a song, the beat's awesome and the lyrics sound dope. Greetings from Bulgaria!
pamenu daug metu atgal Sindikatas atveze i siaulius i saules radija buvo gilus vakaras savo pirma albuma SIELOS VAGIz kaseciu pavidalu ir tirazas buvo vos tik kaip ir draugams ir kas megsta tokia muzika.. :) uzaugom su gera muzika. ir augam toliau kumsciai uz jus repo broliai!
Kiekvieną kartą beklausant vis ką nauja apmąstai..Talentas šitiek visko sudėti,apimti šitiek skausmo,skirtingų istorijų,nuopolių.Jūs-tikras pavyzdys muzikos sferoje!
Man asmeniskai G&G Lietuvoj kaip Rap'o simbolis jau, visada ateinantis su kokybiska, iki galo isdirbta muzika ir nemanau, kad reikia juos lygint su kazkokiu "mad money" ar dar kazkuo, nes man asmeniskai cia ner ka lygint.
Mantas Ratkevicius Pritariu, smagu, kad jaunimas kazka daro, kuria, bet jie tiesiog nori dabar ir iskart, o deja kazkada supras, kad reikia ir dirbti norint buti 'kazkuo'. O siuo metu su Sindikatu nelabai yra ka palygint Lietuvoj
Mantas Ratkevicius Labai super pastebeta ,dar pridursiu ,kad mano akimis visi madmonei ,ne repa kuria ,o jauniui rodo prasta pavizdy dainomis apie narkotikus ir t.t. susigadine gyvenimus ir gadina ,kitiems . G&G tai legenda ,nevienadieniai zodziai ju tekstuose ,tiesiog klasika
Kad cia yra Lietuvos repo simbolis tai tiesa ir negincijama , bet vejai kaip jaunimui rodo bloga itaka tai nesamone absoliuti , ka jie teliko neziuri prie pc nesedi neruko negeria ? ka cia aiskini kurie nores tie darys kanori ir klausys ko nori
Sindikatas... Džiaugiuosi, kad gyvenu jų epochoj. Galėsiu anūkams pasakoti, kaip gera buvo per koncertus, kai visi kartu dainuoja kumščius į dangų iškėlę... Ar liūdna, ar gera, ar susimąstęs, ar atsipūtęs - visad klausau Sindikato. Džiaugiuos, kad jus atradau. Ačiū, broliai, už muziką. Nenustokit kurti. Išvien
Svarai jei tu skaitai - aciu tau uz tai, kad istraukei mano galva is kilpos. Tavo balsas man it griezto fizinio mokytojaus, kurio deretu klausyti. Aciu broli
Nesu didis repo mėgėjas. Bet kai lygina G&G Su Mad Money ar panašiais artistais, man juokinga net. Taigi čia, jei ne aukščiausio, tai labai aukšto lygio darbas (kaip ir beveik visi G&G kūriniai). Atsiprašant, tas "Išprotėjęs Pinigas" arba "Alekna'' ar kiti juokdariai, manau, daro tik gėdą hip-hop'o, repo kultūrai. Tekstai beprasmiai, lyrikos 0, jokio skonio. Vieną kartą išgirdęs - antrą kartą bijai netyčia kur nugirst... O Šie vyrukai yra vieninteliai Lietuvoje, kurių klausau ir manau dar ilgai klausysiu. Super.
+Party Hero Mad Money - liudni pinigai, alekna neiskiles soumenas, G&G atnese tiesa ir prasme lietuviskam repui, aisku didziausia daly manau tam dave Svaras, o kodel peikiat kitus reperius? Lila, Skorpa, Karpy, garazhe nerukoma? ju tekstai turi labai gilias esmes, o kad neturi reikiamos paramos irasymui, kompiuteriniam zaidimam, uz tai tik dar labiau juos reiktu gerbti o G&G issiskirste manau Svaras liko savimi o kiti? nei iskilo nei paklio :)
+Party Hero G&G parodė Lietuvos atlikėjams, kad rap muzika gali būti populiari Lietuvoje tai jų lyginti kažkaip ir neverta. Mad money, Alekna tiesiog seka savo keliu, jų stilius kitoks ir man asmeniškai irgi nelabai patinka bet jie taikosi į kitą auditoriją, bet tuo pačiu Omerta ir Litas ir Innomine tai keliauja G&G sindikato pėdomis.
Ko gero pats geriausias lietuviškas kūrinys per visą jos istoriją. Vienoje dainoje pateiktos visos tikrosios, nelaimingosios Lietuvos bėdos, jų prielaidos ir išvados ir kartu pamokslas! nerealu!!!
Heard it a few weeks ago on the radio, where they played world music. I've been listening to it since then, awesome music. Too bad i can't find the lyrics at least in english :) Greetings from Hungary!
Zsolt Antal Kasza I wrote this song in faded letters, In I don't love you, hate you, condemn you. Lost, not found, unfaithful, an invited stranger, my sown wind, from dullness, stupidness, incomprehension. Inhuman bastard war games, extint silently for unbought medicine. Villain's quiet dream, innocent convicted, I wrote that song out of despair From you, my brother, as well as myself All that is within us , darkness Near burned house, girls bare footed in winter Missing some courage, sent to hell The tops of all, where we didn't even tried to go up What might you have changed, but you were too scared When you came out briefly and never returned Refrain: Giedre It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light Will you help me? If so, we will be two It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light Will you open your eyes? Will you stand up? Stretch up? Svaras I wrote this song , when brother betrayed brother When he was pale through tried to act like a big hero Luck, transience, and executioner of time What parents feel when burying their child I wrote from the dirt, tomb pits, violence , poverty Short blind jealousy , hit of absurd their constant tries to test me and buy me and sell me Hunger , in the times of mourning measure the way Promised to stop, start again as if nothing Ravished land, poors handful of patience Once again I keep quiet and when I can no longer Applause for sexless bitches skirts Religions , where there is no longer holiness In the name of the body and blood of daily sacrificial blood and body Inns , values are converted into And everything ourselves - after all, no one is forcing us Refrain: Giedre It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light Will you help me? If so, we will be two It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light Will you open your eyes? Will you stand up? Stretch up? Refrain: Giedre and Svaras Time to change, bro , it's time to change Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro Let the revolutions burn Time to change, bro , it's time to change Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro Let the revolutions burn Svaras I can not see , can not hear , so don't point and don't ask A blank sheet of brute paper, write it yourself In addition, when no one together , when I and you separated When we call complete shit "good" Three million doping tests Six million ways to die Six billion diligently carried quests And those who tried not to do, also Burning candles at roadside slopes Uncloud fraud case and your truth will be silent Spike poison , helplessness when lonely From me, one night slain in the street Refrain: Giedre It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light Will you help me? If so, we will be two It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light Will you open your eyes? Will you stand up? Stretch up? Refrain: Giedre and Svaras Time to change, bro , it's time to change Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro Time to change, bro , it's time to change Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro Let the revolutions burn OUTRO If suddenly your head falls below the shoulder Sister, give me fire. give me fire, bro Everything that you are, from your own. P.S. Love from Lithuania, brother. :)
Arunas Jocius Net eziukui aisku, kad reikia zodziu klausyt :) o Jum pritariu, daugiau tokiu moteru butu. Ačiū, yra tokių moterų ir dar protingų... Aš girdžiu šios dainos žodžius
xPachein OP Im pretty sure he's from Latvia. Just sayin his name looks like it. Plus... ir kas jei jam patinka musu repas? tu dziaukis o ne verk. sedi priesu iesko blet..
Svaras yra sakęs, kad prieš išgarsėjant, Sindikatas 7 metus grojo beveik vien garaže ar šiaip kokiuose pubuose. Kas nori ir nepasiduoda, tas pasiekia. Respectas šitai grupei už stiprią lyriką.
aš taip pat juos labai gerbiu už viską... Svarą ypač
Aida Jankauskaite Ir ne tik už tai, ne už garažą: už tiesą, už meilę, už spyrį į šikną, už KOVĄ ... UŽ GĖRĮ, TIESĄ
Simonas Valaiša
nu ir po paros buna gerai viskam
@@aida_jan ķ
Labai stipri daina, ji niekada nebus pamiršta. Pamenu dar prieš 7 metus vos būdamas 13 metų atkartodavau lyrikas net nesuprasdamas ką jos reiškia, kur yra prasmė ir kas iš vis už jų slypi. Visiem kas einate per sunkumus gyvenime, noriu tik padrąsinti būti stipriems, priimti tai kas įvyko ir judėti į priekį. Net patys neįsivaidzuojate kokie stiprūs esate ir tik priimdami tą faktą, kad viskas kas nutiko yra praeityje ir dabar laikas judėti į priekį pakeis daug jūsu gyvenime. ‘Sunku uždegti tamsą, lengviau gesinti šviesą’. Jei reikia tą frazę skaitykite dar kartą! Myliu jus chebra!
We all are one 💪😁❤️
Aš su tavim,brolau. Ahujėnai parašei. Palietė širdį.
ačiū, Jus suteikėte man stiprybės gyvenime🩷
My Lithuanian friend brought me here , I didn't think that Lithuanian rap was so good.
Good job!
Greetings from the Netherlands! :D
Greetings back from Lithuania
in lithuanian living in Netherlands. respect. Eindhoven the gekste
I was brought here by an old friend, Arturas. Much love for Lithuania, from England!
Ir dar, patariu labai paklausyti šitos dainos žodžių, paklausyti ir suprasti, gal tuomet atšoks fantazija kažkam kąsti į kulną ir menkinti.
Ačiū :)
@@indrebudryte2865 Ačiū 🧡
It is extremely difficult song to translate , not only because it is very long and uses words that are rarely used, but also because it is written in the way wheere it is verry difficult to find direct meaning.
Therefore I did not even bother to pay attention to details and gramar mistakes, but the rough meaning ...
So here you go , someone can use it as prototype for correct translation.
G&G Sindikatas - Laikas keistis
I was writting this song from faded letters, from "I don't love", "I hate", "I don't forgive"...
Lost, not found, from unfullfiled(unkeeped), taken away from another, ones own wasted in the wind...
From bluntnes, stupidity, not understanding, inhumane bastards games of war...
Faded away silently cause of unafforded medicine, calm dream of the villain, sentenced inocent...
I've written this song from despair, from you, my brother, as well as myself too...
All, that is dark in us...
A barefoot girl in the winter - that stands by the burned down house...
Lack of the courage, sent to hell...
All the peaks, that we have never even tried to climb...
That, what you could've changed, but you didn't dare...
When you left for short time and never came back...
It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light...
Will you help me? if yes , we will now be two...
It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light...
Will you open you eyes? Will you stand up? Will you stay straight?
I've written this song, when brother betraied brother...
When completely rotten was pretending to be rightchious...
Temporality of success, time of the executioneer, from what parents feel, when they are burying their child...
I've written from mud, graves, violence, poverty, short blind envy, strikes of the absurd...
Their constant atempts to buy and sell me...
Famine, in the time of the mourning measure the way(its unclear in lithuanian too what it means)...
It was promised to stop, started again from anew like nothing(like nothing happened before)...
Raped patience of the earth, palm of the poor, while I still can stay silent, while I can not anymore...
Applause for the skirts of genderless bitches...
Religions - that has no sanctity left, for body and blood everyday sacrificed blood and body...
inns, being turned into valuables.. and everything we do on our selfs (it's clear that) no one forces us...
It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light...
Will you help me? if yes , we will now be two...
It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light...
Will you open you eyes? Will you stand up? Will you stay straight?
Time to change , brother, time to change...
Time to change , brother, time to change, brother...
Let the revolutions burn...
Time to change , brother, time to change...
Time to change , brother, time to change, brother...
Let the revolutions burn...
I do not see , I don't hear, therefore do not show and do not ask...
Blank page of the paper that is rough, Writte it your self...
from that no one is together, when you and I are seperate..
When complete shit we call "OK".
Three millions Dopping tests...
Six millions ways to die...
Six billions thoroughly being carried out quests...
From those who have tried not to carry them out , too...
Burning candles at the sides of the road...
Digout lies of the case and those who hide the truth...
Stinger of the venom, helplesness in the solitude...
From me one night murdered in the street...
It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light...
Will you help me? if yes , we will now be two...
It is difficult to lit the darkness, it is easier to extinguish the light...
Will you open you eyes? Will you stand up? Will you stay straight?
Time to change , brother, time to change...
Time to change , brother, time to change, brother...
Let the revolutions burn...
Time to change , brother, time to change...
Time to change , brother, time to change, brother...
Let the revolutions burn...
If suddently head deccends below the shoulder...
Sister, give some fire, give some fire, brother.
Everything you are, is from yourself.
My Lithuanian friend brought me here , I didn't think that Lithuanian rap was so good.
Good job!
Greetings from Italy :D
+Lieutenant1999 Yo whats up ;)
+Lieutenant1999 Yo whats up ;)
Hey man , everything's good! What about you :)
Lieutenant1999 Cool. I'm good to :)
Glad to hear :) do you own a channel or you are a normal person on RUclips?
nepykit vyručiai, ankstesnioji šios dainos versija daug šviesesnė ir įtaigesnė, ši kvepia nenoru keistis.
O žodžiai puikūs.
Somehow I came here after listening to a house track but glad I actually did! What a song, the beat's awesome and the lyrics sound dope. Greetings from Bulgaria!
+Simeon Stanchev keep it up man, lithuanian rap is amazing!
Do you know the meaning of the lyrics? :)
@@dovydasbalciunas5002 I translated it roughly before. Finally visited Lithuania last week!
@@SimeonStanchev Nice! What did you visit? What songs do you love? Can you share? :)
pamenu daug metu atgal Sindikatas atveze i siaulius i saules radija buvo gilus vakaras savo pirma albuma SIELOS VAGIz kaseciu pavidalu ir tirazas buvo vos tik kaip ir draugams ir kas megsta tokia muzika.. :) uzaugom su gera muzika. ir augam toliau kumsciai uz jus repo broliai!
Viena iš geriausių G&G dainų. Didelis RESPECT!
Kiekvieną kartą beklausant vis ką nauja apmąstai..Talentas šitiek visko sudėti,apimti šitiek skausmo,skirtingų istorijų,nuopolių.Jūs-tikras pavyzdys muzikos sferoje!
Semtis visiem isminties is tokio teksto. Augt ir augt pacukam ir imt pavyzdi is protingos galvos Svaro.
Ačiū už puikų koncertą Žagarėje ! ;)
Man asmeniskai G&G Lietuvoj kaip Rap'o simbolis jau, visada ateinantis su kokybiska, iki galo isdirbta muzika ir nemanau, kad reikia juos lygint su kazkokiu "mad money" ar dar kazkuo, nes man asmeniskai cia ner ka lygint.
Mantas Ratkevicius Pritariu, smagu, kad jaunimas kazka daro, kuria, bet jie tiesiog nori dabar ir iskart, o deja kazkada supras, kad reikia ir dirbti norint buti 'kazkuo'. O siuo metu su Sindikatu nelabai yra ka palygint Lietuvoj
Nu Čia Nera Ka Lygint su Tuo MadMoney Sitam Repe Praamingi Žodžia O MadMoney Kaška Murma Po Nosim Ir Tiek Gerbiu Sita Grupę
Mantas Ratkevicius Labai super pastebeta ,dar pridursiu ,kad mano akimis visi madmonei ,ne repa kuria ,o jauniui rodo prasta pavizdy dainomis apie narkotikus ir t.t. susigadine gyvenimus ir gadina ,kitiems . G&G tai legenda ,nevienadieniai zodziai ju tekstuose ,tiesiog klasika
Kad cia yra Lietuvos repo simbolis tai tiesa ir negincijama , bet vejai kaip jaunimui rodo bloga itaka tai nesamone absoliuti , ka jie teliko neziuri prie pc nesedi neruko negeria ? ka cia aiskini kurie nores tie darys kanori ir klausys ko nori
ok ,dabar zinosiu
Sindikatas... Džiaugiuosi, kad gyvenu jų epochoj. Galėsiu anūkams pasakoti, kaip gera buvo per koncertus, kai visi kartu dainuoja kumščius į dangų iškėlę... Ar liūdna, ar gera, ar susimąstęs, ar atsipūtęs - visad klausau Sindikato. Džiaugiuos, kad jus atradau. Ačiū, broliai, už muziką. Nenustokit kurti. Išvien
Svarai jei tu skaitai - aciu tau uz tai, kad istraukei mano galva is kilpos. Tavo balsas man it griezto fizinio mokytojaus, kurio deretu klausyti. Aciu broli
Maladec,ka dbr veiki?je ne paslaptis?
Tas jausmas kai bunant trecioku klausydavau si gabala nk nesuprasdamas, o dbr supranti ant kiek jis yra AHUENAS ❤️
Greetings and respect from Greece carry on Sindikatas!
2021 Isiklausykit broliai sitie zodziai yra auksiniai ir auksinio zmogaus! Respect Svaras!
Suvirpina širdį. Džiugu, kad jūsų muzika užaugo kartu su jumis. Taip ir toliau!
No 1 Lietuvoje, ir apskritai.... Man garbe, kad Lietuva turi šia grupe. Pagarba
tokios dainos nesensta :-)
Darius Milašius jo
tikrai taip😉
Nuostabi daina!!! Jūs geriausi, G&G!!!!
Nesu didis repo mėgėjas. Bet kai lygina G&G Su Mad Money ar panašiais artistais, man juokinga net. Taigi čia, jei ne aukščiausio, tai labai aukšto lygio darbas (kaip ir beveik visi G&G kūriniai). Atsiprašant, tas "Išprotėjęs Pinigas" arba "Alekna'' ar kiti juokdariai, manau, daro tik gėdą hip-hop'o, repo kultūrai. Tekstai beprasmiai, lyrikos 0, jokio skonio. Vieną kartą išgirdęs - antrą kartą bijai netyčia kur nugirst... O Šie vyrukai yra vieninteliai Lietuvoje, kurių klausau ir manau dar ilgai klausysiu. Super.
+Party Hero Mad Money - liudni pinigai, alekna neiskiles soumenas, G&G atnese tiesa ir prasme lietuviskam repui, aisku didziausia daly manau tam dave Svaras, o kodel peikiat kitus reperius? Lila, Skorpa, Karpy, garazhe nerukoma? ju tekstai turi labai gilias esmes, o kad neturi reikiamos paramos irasymui, kompiuteriniam zaidimam, uz tai tik dar labiau juos reiktu gerbti o G&G issiskirste manau Svaras liko savimi o kiti? nei iskilo nei paklio :)
+Party Hero G&G parodė Lietuvos atlikėjams, kad rap muzika gali būti populiari Lietuvoje tai jų lyginti kažkaip ir neverta. Mad money, Alekna tiesiog seka savo keliu, jų stilius kitoks ir man asmeniškai irgi nelabai patinka bet jie taikosi į kitą auditoriją, bet tuo pačiu Omerta ir Litas ir Innomine tai keliauja G&G sindikato pėdomis.
Ko gero pats geriausias lietuviškas kūrinys per visą jos istoriją. Vienoje dainoje pateiktos visos tikrosios, nelaimingosios Lietuvos bėdos, jų prielaidos ir išvados ir kartu pamokslas! nerealu!!!
Jei gerai įsiklausysit išgirsit,tiksint laikui!
I don´t know how he fuck I did get here but I have to say that I love this song. It`s amazing!
Greetings from Albania :)
+Ardit Mazreku did you try to translate this song? :D
+Ardit Mazreku It's hip-hop, so it's time to change brother...
+Mantas Svaldenis repas, bet labai nesiskiria.
the rhythm of the song is really good, but if you understand the words you would enjoy it even more :)
kosovo je srbija
Šis gabalas niekada nepasens. Manau, vienas geriausių bei prasmingiausių G&G kūrinių.
2019 :) kokie žmonės duoda pozityvo:) šaunuoliai, Svaraai dar viena daina solo prašau:)
labai gerai! pilnai atititinka laikmeti.labai teisingi zodziai
Maladiec, kad klausai G&G Sindikata taip ir toliau.
Sielos muzika, tikra muzika, kurios norisi klausytis klausytis!
Nice rap, cheers from Poland! SŁAWA!
Chebra mes ir vėl gersim alų Vokiečių gatvėj !
Repas be (keiksmažodžiu) turintis gilia prasmę. man patinka!
Heard it a few weeks ago on the radio, where they played world music. I've been listening to it since then, awesome music. Too bad i can't find the lyrics at least in english :) Greetings from Hungary!
Zsolt Antal Kasza I wrote this song in faded letters,
In I don't love you, hate you, condemn you.
Lost, not found, unfaithful, an invited stranger, my sown wind,
from dullness, stupidness, incomprehension.
Inhuman bastard war games,
extint silently for unbought medicine.
Villain's quiet dream, innocent convicted,
I wrote that song out of despair
From you, my brother, as well as myself
All that is within us , darkness
Near burned house, girls bare footed in winter
Missing some courage, sent to hell
The tops of all, where we didn't even tried to go up
What might you have changed, but you were too scared
When you came out briefly and never returned
Refrain: Giedre
It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light
Will you help me? If so, we will be two
It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light
Will you open your eyes? Will you stand up? Stretch up?
I wrote this song , when brother betrayed brother
When he was pale through tried to act like a big hero
Luck, transience, and executioner of time
What parents feel when burying their child
I wrote from the dirt, tomb pits, violence , poverty
Short blind jealousy , hit of absurd
their constant tries to test me and buy me and sell me
Hunger , in the times of mourning measure the way
Promised to stop, start again as if nothing
Ravished land, poors handful of patience
Once again I keep quiet and when I can no longer
Applause for sexless bitches skirts
Religions , where there is no longer holiness
In the name of the body and blood of daily sacrificial blood and body
Inns , values are converted into
And everything ourselves - after all, no one is forcing us
Refrain: Giedre
It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light
Will you help me? If so, we will be two
It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light
Will you open your eyes? Will you stand up? Stretch up?
Refrain: Giedre and Svaras
Time to change, bro , it's time to change
Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro
Let the revolutions burn
Time to change, bro , it's time to change
Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro
Let the revolutions burn
I can not see , can not hear , so don't point and don't ask
A blank sheet of brute paper, write it yourself
In addition, when no one together , when I and you separated
When we call complete shit "good"
Three million doping tests
Six million ways to die
Six billion diligently carried quests
And those who tried not to do, also
Burning candles at roadside slopes
Uncloud fraud case and your truth will be silent
Spike poison , helplessness when lonely
From me, one night slain in the street
Refrain: Giedre
It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light
Will you help me? If so, we will be two
It's hard to turn on darkness, It's easier to turn off the light
Will you open your eyes? Will you stand up? Stretch up?
Refrain: Giedre and Svaras
Time to change, bro , it's time to change
Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro
Time to change, bro , it's time to change
Time to change, bro , it's time to change bro
Let the revolutions burn
If suddenly your head falls below the shoulder
Sister, give me fire. give me fire, bro
Everything that you are, from your own.
P.S. Love from Lithuania, brother. :)
Thx 4 the lyrics, now, that I understand the song, it's even more awesome ;)
Rimtas gabalas! Sunkūs žodžiai! Liuks!
Taigi 2016 vasarą judam :) čia forever...
Giedre labai vietoj ! Primena "Rytojui reikia nedaug" su Daiva. Big ups !
Labai džiaugiuosi ,kad ši grupė yra kai esu ir aš.
Arunas Jocius
Net eziukui aisku, kad reikia zodziu klausyt :) o Jum pritariu, daugiau tokiu moteru butu. Ačiū, yra tokių moterų ir dar protingų... Aš girdžiu šios dainos žodžius
jus geriausi per jusu koncerta druskininkuose man ziauriai patikot :)
ziauriai gerai varo sindikatas;) visalaik mus uzves ir tikrai geriau nei kiti vaikai:)
Neturiu zodziu tiesiok klausau ir klausau G&G kuryba man labai patinka
Kaip visada- nerialu!!! Buvo geriausi, tokie ir liks...
I`m Russian! I don`t understand any word! But I really like this song!! So lyric
It's called LT Rap mate =)
VenCe135 Showed Lithuanian rap for polish. He loves it SOOOO hard
xPachein OP Good, but not all people understand this music style ^^.
xPachein OP Im pretty sure he's from Latvia. Just sayin his name looks like it. Plus... ir kas jei jam patinka musu repas? tu dziaukis o ne verk. sedi priesu iesko blet..
I am czech and for me it sound litlebit simmiliar like Russian
Daug netekciu sunkus gyvenimas reikia padet visur darbuose :) na aisku buna tu smagiu momentu. :)
Lietuviška muzika, like :)
Respect from Žirmūnai !!!
Man patiko.Varykit ir toliau taip.SAUNUOLIAI. Senai reikejo duot medali.
❤⚠️geriausia daina 2024❤⚠️
Tokiais laikais kuomet vyksta karas, sita daina yra taikliausia kas yra sukurta visam pasaulį... stiprybės Ukrainai.. ❤🇺🇦
Ir dar kas nors sako, kad Flying Saucer Gang geriau už šitą grupę? Pasigydykit.
kai Fisishka Shuda vadinam Gerai
fisishkai sutinku
Nerealus jus...neisivaizduoju gyvenimo be jusu.myliu sita muzika...3
as is jusu dainos labai daug pasimokiau ir sugryzau i prota kad
gyvenimas tik nienas
2024 skamba dar geriau.
Gyvai šita daina.... nuostabu
G&G Sindikatas, geriausia lietuvisko repo grupe.
grazi prasminga daina tiek ir pasakysiu :)
Gabalas kuris užima aukščiausią vietą playliste iki dabar ❤
Repas be keiksmažodžiu ir dainuoja ne apie savo bybi kekšes ar kaip su hebra geria kažkur . Tikrai pagirtina nuostabi daina .
Klasika ^^ Jie nesensta.
Nuuuuuuuuuuuu tobulaaa daina♥♥♥
Negaliu nustot klausytis... Super
Keep it up!!! kaip visad nerealus!
Klausiomiausios dainos darbo metu =-) taip ir toliau
Tikiousi suprasiu.....supratau.////respect
gera daina g&g sindikatas
Клас. Четко. Мелодично!!
2015 judam?!
Saulius 2017
Saulius 2018
ar man padėsi, jei taip mes būsim jau dviese. jėgelė ne žodiai :) pati pačiausia :)
2016 vis dar klausom draugai ? :)
+Darius Kretavicius Visada, 4ever. Ir 2017 klausysim :)
+Darius Kretavicius nuo pat pradžios iki dabar ir toliau
+Arunas Jocius it dar18 1920
Darius Kretavicius 2017 klausom!
Ilgai lauktas ir sulauktas naujas kurinys. Kaip ir senosios dainos visos griebia giliai į širdį.
taip ir toliau visi ju gabalai geri, tik reike moket klausyt!
laukiam jūsų londone! ;)
2017!!!!! Klausom gera gabalas kurkit toliau metos kad viskas jusu kraujyje !! Sėkmės
Achujiena daina achujieni ir jus :) :)
achujeeeenai ane?
Jie nuostabūs !
Giedre, buvusi Saules Klioso nare.
Linkėjimai iš Klaipėdos!
Legendine daina 🖤
2017 ir dar klausom ^_^
2018 ir dar klausom ^_^
2018 ;)
2018, ir dar belekaip kabina :)
As ir 2018 03 10 klausau
ir dar ilgai klausysim
Varysiu į žirgų varžybas ir ten bus jų koncertas!!! Spalio15
Klasika :)
Kaip passilgau JŪSŲ kaip reikia tokių žodžių, tokių dainų, kurios į taip, išgirdus apsiverkiau.stipru.
Lietuva yra graži,bet ir daina teisinga.
''Žmonės laikas keistis,,
Niekad nemirs G&G Sindikatas.
Pagarba už šį gabalą, visiem pagarba, kas prie jo prisidėjo. Ir bus amžinai. Tegi tyli tie studentai....
Geras gabaliukas po šia diena klausau :)
Super! Su gilia potekste. Wake up people!
ziaurei gera daina
Apie gyvenimą. Mūsų. Dabartinį.
Super, kažkas nepakartojamo... :)
2019 old school respect ;)
Pritariu tau, žmogau. :)
Super. Si daina turi giliu minciu
2017 yra gyvu??