Surviving Human Trafficking | Jenni Jessen Tells Her Story

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 119

  • @samantharoof7939
    @samantharoof7939 4 года назад +57

    Her explanation of forgiveness was so well put. Now that’s something I want to do. Her story was very relatable for me.These are questions I wrestled with and now I have the answers. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and with this information I’m excited to do a bit more healing, reflection and prayer. The part about bitterness really humbled me. With being hurt by others I have found myself being bitter. I love forgiveness and see it in a new light. The idea of forgiveness finally clicked. It also was very healing to hear the events described as being sinned against. I’ve never looked at my traumas as being sinned against it’s so easy to feel like the sinner in those events. This whole piece was very beautiful and informative.

    • @BWpepperr
      @BWpepperr 4 года назад

      Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable about your experiences and challenges. I'm a victor of a similar situation as well and want you to know there are those like Jenni that empathize with you. You can overcome and become a victor as well, speaking from my own experience.

  • @TheDwarfmaiden
    @TheDwarfmaiden 4 года назад +22

    Her story was incredible. I went through sexual abuse from my dad, and it took me over 30 years to forgive him. I really like her explanation about forgiveness. I battle with PTSD, depression and anxiety. I am learning that GOD is my Father and HE was there all through the abuse. I pray that through this testimony, those who need to hear it, will be able to see how good GOD really is and how HE protects those who go through abuse. HE is a good Father.

  • @paulinakray2944
    @paulinakray2944 4 года назад +33

    Oh God help those who suffer such evil.

    • @samuelljstewliqueur9983
      @samuelljstewliqueur9983 4 года назад +5

      So You still worship god after god program human molested a child and allowing family member rape another family member

    • @lisabeasley9438
      @lisabeasley9438 4 года назад +3

      my mom brother sexually hurt others people lives suffering all their life

    • @somkeshav4143
      @somkeshav4143 3 года назад +3

      @@lisabeasley9438 sorry to hear that, that is terrible.

  • @christiangirl3584
    @christiangirl3584 4 года назад +11

    Dear WAY Nation, thank you so much for this. Thank you Jenni for sharing your story with us, it was much needed. It has always been stated that it us easier to forgive than to forget, but just how easy is it to forgive. So many women go around preaching hatred against men and boys because of the wrong that was done to them. Because it is so much easier to hold on to the bitterness, anger, resentment, as *you* drink the bottle of poison and look to see if they'll die. And the fact that you discovered your son, your new reason to live, and reason to fight on April 26, my birthday, is very meaningful and empowering. I pray that God will give you strength to fight and stay by your side as you go through the trials of the life. Please continue to spread the word and encourage and empower young women(and men) around the world. It is terribly sad that a man you should love and be able to trust committed such a terrible act against you, but stay strong woman of faith. May God shine His blessings upon you and your family. In Jesus Name Amen.

  • @davidchildofgod753
    @davidchildofgod753 4 года назад +17

    Thank you for sharing this story! This topic does not get talked about enough!

  • @Origen17
    @Origen17 4 года назад +20

    I wish she had talked about where her parents were through that ordeal, and how they navigated through it.

    • @callisastapp7160
      @callisastapp7160 4 года назад

      yeah, I wish she had shared more details, but that's probably personal

  • @marlenanix7993
    @marlenanix7993 4 года назад +66

    When I was 12, I was raped by my mother. It devastated me!! After that, the only one I hated more than my mother was God. I saw something supernatural when I was little which I am convinced was Jesus so I've known since I was 7 that God was real. I hated Him long before my mother raped me because I felt like no one loved me. I felt like how could a God that is supposed to be love itself allow an innocent little girl to go through life hopeless, loveless, and friendless. I was angry, bitter, and rejected. When my mother raped me, I became a hateful, spiteful, vengeful little demon spawn. I wanted to watch the world burn. I wanted to create a time machine just so I could be the one to nail Jesus to the cross and curse God as Jesus died. I wanted to beat Jesus and spit on him. I wanted to mock Him. I didn't even want to go to Heaven. I would have rather have gone to Hell than be anywhere near Jesus or God after my mother raped me. I hated EVERYONE, and God most of all. Then when I was 13 my parents got a divorce, my grandparents got custody of us, and they started dragging me to church. It was like setting fire to bomb. I walked into the church every week wanting it to burn to the ground around me. I sat in the pews cursing God while everyone else sang. My grandmother started making me go to a Home Group. I hated that too. All those people I saw as hypocrites judging me...or so I thought. I walked in judging all of them. The one I'll mention was the Home Group leader's wife. Her name was Cherl Jones. She came into the room with light dancing around her. She was so happy and joyful. My first thought was she was drunk. She was drunk alright...drunk on Jesus! She, my grandparents, and the rest of the Home Group took me in and loved on me when no one else would. When my family abandoned me, they loved me. Then my grandmother gave me a Christian book called "The Shack." I read it just to mock it and because I had nothing better to do while my grandfather was watching football that I had no interest in. It answered my question of why God would allow evil things to happen to innocent people. Paraphrasing the book, it said something along the lines of, "God doesn't MAKE bad things happen. He ALLOWS them to happen because in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they chose a sinful freedom over a life with God. Now we blame the evil things WE do on a God that loved us enough to give us that freedom" (The Shack). Well I was stubborn and still had a lot of questions. I kept going to church, home group, and reading. I got to a part of the book that said, and I quote, "I would have done it if you were the only one it was ever going to save Mack," and I swear I heard God whisper to my soul, "I would have done it if you were the only one it was ever going to save Mar." I never allowed anyone except my earthly father call me Mar. That was HIS special nickname for me and no one else could use it. Yet when God did, I didn't get angry. It made me happy. Yet Satan still had one more trick up his sleeve. He told me that maybe God COULD HAVE loved me before I had done all the evil I had done, but not now. Not after all the times I'd hit my mother, cursed my sister, or dreamt of recrucifying Jesus. How could anyone love or forgive someone that wanted to kill them in ways worse than the Roman's had?! No, there was no way God still loved me. Well a few weeks later, my grandparents told me and my sister they were putting us in foster care. They were old and they wanted us to have a secure future should something happen to them. They chose a Christian foster home. Anyways, I had grown to love my Home Group and the idea of never seeing them again killed me. I hid in my closet every day for a week, crying. Then 2 days before we were to go to the foster home, we had a farewell party with the home group. At the end of the party, we went to say goodbye for the last time. I hugged them all. I hugged Cheryl last. She rubbed my hair and said she loved me. I pulled away from her, and took off down the hallway. My heart literally felt like it was breaking in my chest. I didn't even know where I was going. I ended up in the master bedroom. I fell down on the threshold between the room and bathroom and sobbed. I prayed, "God these people say you love me, but I don't know if it's true, but I can't do this on my own so if it's true, if you love me, let me know now." For a second the hurt, anger, rejection, everything lifted from me like an entire planet being lifted from me. Then it crashed back on me. I prayed again, "I surrender Lord." I walked away from the room still grieving the loss of my Home Group, but also joyful. It was the strangest combination only another Christian could truly understand. Now I have forgiven my mother and even have a relationship with her. She isn't mentally all there and she didn't understand what she was doing nor does she even remember doing it. She isn't to be faulted for it. She didn't used to take her medicine, but she does now. She didn't know Jesus then, and now she does. She and I are actually really close now. But I KNOW that's only because of the grace of God and Him helping me forgive her. I couldn't have forgiven her without God!!!

    • @talya9089
      @talya9089 4 года назад +4

      Wow! Yours is a beautiful story of forgiveness. Thank you for sharing that and may God be with you and your family always.

    • @marlenanix7993
      @marlenanix7993 4 года назад

      Thank you!! May God bless you and your family as well!

    • @stunna4hubert846
      @stunna4hubert846 4 года назад +2

      WOW ! God bless you maam !!

    • @marlenanix7993
      @marlenanix7993 4 года назад

      @@stunna4hubert846 Thank you! God bless you as well.

    • @juliebella1221
      @juliebella1221 4 года назад

      One, The Shack is a satanic book. Two, Satan knows your knickname is Mar. How do you think fortune tellers and all that know you hid the ring in your left pocket before you went to the visit to get your future; his minions tell them - ohhh say her special name and then she'll think it's her real Father in heaven. Also, they remote view you and listen to ALL your converstaions. Satan wants to be forgiven, what else were you to be but be ragefull at how you were treated. Now your Mom by your standards gets a pass because she doesn't "remember." Don't you matter at all? Doesn't it matter what happened to you??? Well, you do matter and she won't get a pass with your real Parents that created you. Much love to you and I'm sorry they've broken you so much you've forgotten to consider yourself.

  • @amyharding4208
    @amyharding4208 4 года назад +17

    What an incredible testimony, and such a great reminder of how faithful, loving, caring, POWERFUL our God is ❤️ He is just so so good to us!

    • @alwayshangrygirl463
      @alwayshangrygirl463 4 года назад

      If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you.

    • @alwayshangrygirl463
      @alwayshangrygirl463 4 года назад

      Translation: Just stone them both to death, including a woman who was raped because she didn't cry loud enough.
      Yeah, god is truly loving and caring

    • @BrightLord1823
      @BrightLord1823 4 года назад

      @@alwayshangrygirl463 it wasn't because she did not cried out loud enough, another verse states that if she cries out then you shall stone the man but not the woman because she cried out and didn't want it to happen. God is not going to punish you because you were raped he states that the rapist should be murdered the reason it's states that the woman should be killed to was not because she didn't yell at a certain volume but because she didn't try to stop and had an affair with the man when she was betrothed to another

    • @alwayshangrygirl463
      @alwayshangrygirl463 4 года назад

      @@BrightLord1823 when my girlfriend was raped, she was so shocked that she couldn't even understand what was happening. He got her by her throat, threatened her with a gun, threw her in a dark alley, twenty seconds later he was done. Took her bag and was off. There're things that are called gags and also a rapist can drug a woman, he can threaten her with a knife or a gun to make her silent. He can also choke her half-dead. I'm pretty sure that during biblical times, rapists could do that too (maybe not guns, but the rest of it). So drawing a conclusion whether it was a rape or not by simply evaluating how loudly she cried for help or how she tried/not tried to stop him is unfair/wrong and unrealistic.
      And killing for a crime is not humane. What are you going to accomplish if you just stone a rapist to death? Nothing. You'll teach other criminals to get better at not being caught. But making a criminal understand his crime and live with this guilt is a better for the society. Criminals should understand how they ruined their victim's life, instead of just being scared of death penalty.
      It's the same with physical punishment for children. If you slap your child every time he/she doesn't do the dishes, the child is not gonna understand how important it is to eat from a clean plate. The only thing you'll teach your child is how to be scared of being slapped.
      A crime shouldn't be punished by crime. It's morally wrong.
      So the best punishment for criminals is psychological healing. We need to understand why he did it. Maybe he had a crazy mother or terrible sister. When we know the motives, we can prevent similar crimes from happening more effectively.
      Police officers have behavioural science. It helps them prevent similar crimes by comparing behavioural patterns of individuals "in the wild" and the imprisoned.

    • @hannahhoang299
      @hannahhoang299 3 года назад

      So when we as human suffer where is God?? I can't understand why yall always call God is good and caring!! That God even can't protect us from harm, so why we call Him God and good??

  • @user-bb3ci3gn7s
    @user-bb3ci3gn7s 4 года назад +4

    Wow, her faith is incredible! I am so proud of her for sticking through such difficulty. I know God is extremely proud of her.
    Great interview, great questions. Thanks WAY nation

  • @niematansolamenteazucaralg2259
    @niematansolamenteazucaralg2259 4 года назад +6

    I originally fell into the sin of porn at 11 out of curiosity and it became a coping mechanism and then an addiction.I remember it being on my new years resolution since 2017. I tried especially during the last month of last year but I ended up falling on the 20th of December. For a month I was clean almost two months and on Valentines day I fell. There are times where I feel so ashamed I can't even touch my bible and I avoid anything" Christian" I remember falling from my sin of porn on valentines day and for the whole day I felt like trash and even went ahead to sin again. The reminder of God's grace is important. I love your channel so much thank you.

    • @heathersautismjourney
      @heathersautismjourney 4 года назад +3

      God has mercy that's new every day. Don't give up for God has not given up on you and he never will.

    • @moniquewrites9046
      @moniquewrites9046 4 года назад +5

      niematan solamenteazucaralgunofanculo
      Hey God is not counting the times you’ve fallen. He’s only counting the blood that was intentionally shed for your freedom.
      I was exposed to porn at 5. It almost ruined my life. God delivered me and I am repulsed by those desires. When temptation comes, I run into the word, fast and pray.
      You are covered by the blood. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

    • @heathersautismjourney
      @heathersautismjourney 4 года назад +1

      @@moniquewrites9046 Amen

    • @niematansolamenteazucaralg2259
      @niematansolamenteazucaralg2259 4 года назад

      @@moniquewrites9046 Thank you so much

    • @niematansolamenteazucaralg2259
      @niematansolamenteazucaralg2259 4 года назад

      @@heathersautismjourney Thank you so much.

  • @lindsayenidlopez9396
    @lindsayenidlopez9396 4 года назад +8

    I needed this, thank you.

  • @janetpoludniak1938
    @janetpoludniak1938 3 года назад

    I was abused growing up, not as severely as you were. I, too, was saved at 14. I still struggle with those issues. I deal with chronic depression because of my history. I appreciate your sharing. God is awesome.

  • @rondarayl1536
    @rondarayl1536 4 года назад +3

    Thank you very much for sharing your testimony, I now understand what forgiveness is. I understand what you went through, i struggle with that too.

  • @pamelaguzman7516
    @pamelaguzman7516 2 года назад

    I was emotionally abused for 16 years by two family members. It consumed me, trapped me, I created walls that shouldn’t have been created , I wanted out. It was hard to see God, hear his voice, feel his love. I finally moved out last summer and confronted the family members in April of this year. It took my mentors, pastors, new friends and loved ones to help me get out of it emotionally. I was free fiscally but not emotionally. I use to have nightmares, triggers, in extremely sensitive, I created a defense mechanism that wasn’t healthy for others. Sense February I have been on the road to possibly leaving my past behind. I’m still healing, growing, learning. I really needed this. Thank you. God truly is good. 🙏🏼

  • @susan8576
    @susan8576 Год назад

    Thank you for your openness and powerful story of forgiveness. God bless your work

  • @jennamartin5913
    @jennamartin5913 4 года назад +4

    Forgiveness explanation..... incredible!

  • @saramobley3048
    @saramobley3048 4 года назад +1

    Wow. Thank you for sharing your testimony. I love the way you described forgiveness. So wise. ❤️

  • @banana_supremacy
    @banana_supremacy 4 года назад +9

    I never had the talk. I didn't know what I was doing to myself, it just felt good to be seeing these things, feeling those things, and I didn't think anything if it. Slowly I learned what my parents should have taught me, and I regret it every day. I can't forgive myself, and can still hear myself when I figured out what I was doing. That I was watching porn, and "playing" with myself. I hated it, and I just wanted to die. I didn't deserve love. Still haven't figured out if I do, but I'll get there.

    • @hopenation_official
      @hopenation_official  4 года назад +8

      Thanks for sharing your story, Anna. And I'm so sorry that this is what you've gone through. We love you. God has and is restoring me and several friends from addictions to pornography and the like through his word and community. There's hope and freedom in him. And if you want to talk through this with someone with great biblical wisdom, we have a ministry pastor named Dave... he's awesome and would love to talk if you want to reach out. | | Again, we love you and are cheering for you. - Stephen

    • @moniquewrites9046
      @moniquewrites9046 4 года назад +3

      Anna Luksha
      You’re not alone. It seems like this was the devils main ploy in the 90s.
      But Jesus defeated the darkness.

    • @vijikm5421
      @vijikm5421 4 года назад +2

      Anna dear, God loves you with all His heart and He died for your forgiveness too. So just allow Him to work in your life and you'll see miraculous transformation. Lots of love & prayers:)

    • @JanuaryLisa
      @JanuaryLisa 4 года назад +2

      Anna Luksha - your sin is no different than anyone else’s. Believe me. We are all in the exact same boat. Jesus loves you. If He didn’t, His Word is a lie. And He is *not* a liar.
      One thing to remember in instances where we feel unworthy: our feelings lie to us. Don’t believe the lies, Anna...believe what Jesus has said. He isn’t a liar. 💚

    • @NateAllenOG
      @NateAllenOG 4 года назад +2

      A great comfort I've found in my walk with God is:
      Nobody *deserves* love. *But God GIVES* it *anyway.* Rest comfortable with that. ☺️

  • @carriemorley356
    @carriemorley356 3 года назад

    Thanks Jenny. Wow what a doll! Love the forgiveness analogy! Blessings lovely ones!

  • @cdh1492
    @cdh1492 4 года назад +1

    Great video and testimony! Keep posting such great examples of the Beauty and Redemption of the Love of Christ.

  • @cliffordnewell2445
    @cliffordnewell2445 9 месяцев назад

    Jenni Jessen is a miracle woman. I esteem her so highly.

  • @jenniferbtoo9344
    @jenniferbtoo9344 4 года назад +9

    Great explanation of forgiveness

  • @moniquewrites9046
    @moniquewrites9046 4 года назад +8

    Why is the south so laden with this spirit? ☹️😫😔😭

  • @jennygidluck5497
    @jennygidluck5497 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing.

  • @Latebird24
    @Latebird24 4 года назад +13

    Is she saying her Grandfather sold her to men?

  • @Estelle_H
    @Estelle_H 3 года назад +3

    Things like this don't happen because "God has a plan." They happen because it's Satan who has a plan and a legal right to carry out these plans. Satan is legalistic and can gain certain rights to families lines through generational sin. When he gains these rights, he's then able to bring pain, misery and death throughout that particular family line down through the generations. Satan is free ( free legally) to "attack" whomever he wishes once he gains rights to a family line. For example, he may skip bringing tragedy directly upon a grandmother but target her granddaughter, even if that granddaughter is a child. Pray, fast and repent of generational sins. Ask God to break Satan's legal right to you and your family. Engaging in certain sins, such as witchcraft, Pornography, drug abuse etc.. forges a covenant with Satan, this covenant not only affects the perpetrator but also the perpetrator's children and children's children.

  • @carlac4160
    @carlac4160 4 года назад +4

    I have never seen forgiveness this way. My father sexually abused me for almost ten years, my earliest memory was when I was 4 and it ended when I was about 13. Because of this I hated God, I hated Jesus, I believed there was no God and that the Bible was just a huge hoax created to fool the world and control people. I was saved at 28 and it hasn't been a smooth journey, I was finally able to come to a place of forgiveness for him, and lead him through a prayer of salvation when he was in hospice. God showed me an image of myself, walking into His courts, with Jesus as the Lawyer/Advocate, and me standing next to my father telling God why he deserves mercy. Months later, after he died I went to his funeral and it brought up aaaaallllllll this past anger, hurt, and my PTSD was triggered heavily. And for the past 3 months I've been in a really dark place, distancing myself from God even though that's counter productive. I've been questioning the question; If there is a God why does he allow rape and children to be molested. Even though I've asked this all my life, and when I became saved, found good enough answers to this question; there never seems to be an answer that's good enough. I learnt that forgiveness isn't a one off event, it might be something that needs to happen over and over again. But after watching this video, every time a bad memory flashes back, or angry emotions, I'll say to myself; "No. I took this to court". Even though I lead him through a prayer of salvation, that was to set me free, that was to show Glory of God and Gods strength because there was no way I could have done that without the Holy Spirit. My fathers salvation is between God and him- and Gods judgement upon my father IS eternal. So I need to trust that God will judge righteously, because he is a Good and Fair judge - because holding the gavel myself has just been weighing me down. Again I find myself humbled before God

    • @mr.d.572
      @mr.d.572 3 года назад

      We are never going to get an answer that satisfies us. I will never be able to answer why God has allowed all of the suffering that has come into my life, from birth actually. Most of it was not my fault at all, but then some of it was my own fault because for many years my reaction to it all was destructive to myself and others. What has helped along the way has been seeing God do some miraculous things, where He basically (at times) steps into a situation that I royally messed up and gives me what I don't deserve. Remembering those times helps keep me going when I want to give up.
      I have found that letting the anger and sadness and other emotions come out has been essential to getting free of it's grip. You do have to be careful of where you channel it - once I smashed up my kitchen and that wasn't pretty. And it was best that I went through that dark period with a counselor that understood and encouraged the purging of buried emotions that I kept bottled up for so long. Now I feel much freer having gone through the worst of that time.
      I am very sorry for what happened to you. Things that happened to us as kids were not fair and were evil. I came here looking for some answers too. I will meditate on what this woman said, basically that we need to take these people off our hook and put them on God's. I have heard that before but this time it has more meaning. Forgiveness does seem to be a continual choice, a process, because doing it once just helps us until the next time we get triggered by something else. Over time the healing does get into deeper levels though, I have seen that happen in my own life. I don't think we can ever really forget what was done to us, but we can be free of it's sting. I don't forget what my own parents or other people did to me, but I no longer live under the grip of it, the fear, the feelings of worthlessness, etc. In that sense God has lifted me to the rock that was higher than I.

  • @isamendez6077
    @isamendez6077 3 года назад +3

    But yea we forgive but they need to be exposed, and not to keep hurting humanity.

  • @nicholaslandolina
    @nicholaslandolina 3 года назад +1

    Wow. Strong and beautiful woman

  • @ryanwestler3244
    @ryanwestler3244 3 года назад +1

    God used sin to send a son that saved my life. Just curious, considering this God is all powerful, couldn't he have found a less devastating way to get this lady the help she needed? What a complicated and mysterious being indeed.

    • @InitialPC
      @InitialPC 3 года назад

      not just for this woman, but for everyone

  • @astrocross180
    @astrocross180 3 года назад

    Where was your mother and your father why would they leave you with the grandpa wow I feel sorry for you to miracle you are still alive and how they didn't catch them doing that to you it's crazy wow!!!!!!!!!

  • @rosemaryedwards7239
    @rosemaryedwards7239 2 года назад

    Was her grandfather the baby's father?

    • @taniellie
      @taniellie Год назад

      No, from one of the men she was sold to. She lectured at our school today that’s how I know.

  • @kaybeyyoutuber8225
    @kaybeyyoutuber8225 4 года назад +5

    But does rapers go to hell??? Because I do not wanna be in heaven with such evil Souls

  • @Belinda.
    @Belinda. 2 года назад

    Explanation of forgiveness was good 🤔 I just wish there was more justice! Is there not consequences to sin

  • @docmar42011
    @docmar42011 3 года назад +1

    How could anyone believe in a god after going through this...

    • @abrahamraber6396
      @abrahamraber6396 3 года назад

      Because God is beyond what meets the physical eyes.

    • @docmar42011
      @docmar42011 3 года назад

      @@abrahamraber6396 and you know that how?

    • @InitialPC
      @InitialPC 3 года назад

      It was difficult, but over time I realized that mankind chose to kick God to the curb and decide for itself what is good and bad.
      Did you know the human body can get sick and its defenses will attack its own organs?
      Mankind chose that for itself.
      Adam and Eve literally had everything in the world to themselves.. and they said no.
      God did not victimize me.

    @EWTRYS 4 года назад +1

    We all have free will thats why.. and God gave us free will for a reason. People often think God is in control of our lives but thats not true WE are in control of our lives and when not guided by God or not wanting to be led by god or listen to him we will make our own decisions. So a man that decides to rape a girl is doing it out of his own free will and God absolutely hates and saddens to see that happen but he cannot control somebody's free will and decision to do evil. For the women, what he WILL do is make that horrible experience and use it for good in someway or another. So in summery, if a human decides to give into evil by his free will, God is not going to intervene because that would be controlling that mans free will that God gave us all. God gave us the power to choose evil or good in our life and god doesnt control that. And that is why earth is corrupted by half evil and half good BECAUSE he lets us choose.

    • @idontknowwhattoputhere371
      @idontknowwhattoputhere371 4 года назад

      You're saying Free will is the cause of evil. If there is free will in heaven how is there no evil/sin in heaven? its absolute bullshit.

    • @zoomzoom3311
      @zoomzoom3311 4 года назад

      @@idontknowwhattoputhere371 because the people who are in heaven chose not to do wrong in the first place. They choose to do good instead of evil. And that is why god let them in heaven. They freely wanted to do good and obey god. And also believing that jesus christ died for Youre sins, gets you into heaven

  • @HeartLifeChurch
    @HeartLifeChurch 4 года назад

    Your courages story will help many.
    I don't think there is a solid biblical explanation or solution for evil and victimization throughout history. What make sense is a person's personal encounter with God. What makes sense is when the Bible teaches me via Holy Spirit about what is good. We can question and blame broken man made systems because there're imperfect. We can't however blame the infinite since all humanity has proven to know only selfishness, narcissism, and fear. God is good and I'm grateful when we experience freedom and healing.

  • @MM-uj4th
    @MM-uj4th Год назад

    .. just seems like a lot of this stuff is allowed to happen and nobody cares and even when you tell people they don't believe you and there's no resources to quote get help unquote and then the church has a lot of perverted perversion inside of it and a lot of child molesters so it's very difficult sometimes to find a safe place in the home or in the church so it's not easy for a lot of people but I'm glad this girl got out of the nightmare

  • @isamendez6077
    @isamendez6077 3 года назад

    It's not my story, just watching the video, don't used against me. It's good to know for our protection.

  • @lylegoodsell2179
    @lylegoodsell2179 3 года назад

    Life is very hard for every one! But to have abuse on top of the hard times life just brings, is hard for most people to understand. And specially when you become a lover of your own abuse! I new a man that got rapped and at first he wanted to kill the men who was doing the rapping. He said he found him self looking forward to the next time. He had learned to like it some how! What at first he could have killed over. Now he’s old but last o seen this man he was still not right on his head! And it really wasn’t his fault!

  • @Caroline-55-e5x
    @Caroline-55-e5x Год назад


  • @onlykingforever2839
    @onlykingforever2839 4 года назад +1

    God entered into it himself and was handed over to the hands of sinners so we could recieve mercy. He had done no wrong, we have. God handed us over to the circumstances but we would learn what mercy means by being sinned against ourselves and realizing we are sinners. Yes, God handed all over to disobedience, so that he might have mercy on them all. But its your choices that make us who you are. God gave Adam and Eve the choice to choose wisely, it's from that point they had to make the choice. Satan sinned from the beginning, it's the pride in the enemies heart and his choice not to serve God and be cast out from God's goodness. It is a choice.. we can choose to seek justice and love mercy.. or not. Its realizing that you won't find the humility in order to call out to God or to humble yourself before him, thinking that you yourself are without sin and not then not willing to forgive them that sinned against you. Job was handed over to the enemy, but it's because job then came to the realization that he himself was not perfect and the reason jobs suffering was to humble him and make him an example of why God allows bad things to happen to "good people" and to help us. But we saw what happened to job after it all ended. It's God's kingdom come, his will be done.. forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us. love you all. Amen.
    God demonstrates his love toward us, that in while we were still yet sinners, Christ died for us.
    I was raped and physically abused from the age of 5-15 by hands of my own family. I know personally what she feels.. or can relate as much as possible. How God would use my story to then free others from the trauma and pain caused to them by using the circumstances of what was done to me and the choices I made. I made the choice to hurt others but God didn't hold, nor will ever hold it against me. God said he desires mercy, to forgive the way Christ God forgave us. So that we can forgive the way we've been forgiven and have recieved mercy.
    You yourself become the suffering servant, not thinking equality with God as something to be grasped. You are a sinner! Christ never sinned but humbled himself before God to become sin sacrifice and a curse for us so we ourselves, again.. could forgive. But I say this not to pull you down but to build you up. Whoever I may be speaking too. In any way you've won, is because God already won for you. Father allowed Christ to be sinned against.. think about it, pray about it. You yourself are a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing, acceptable sacrifice to God.
    For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.
    Speak as if speaking the very words of God.

  • @rastafarianliving
    @rastafarianliving 4 года назад +4

    Maybe got shouldve done the Right thing and stop that guess he cant🤔

  • @newworldgrover8588
    @newworldgrover8588 4 года назад

    We are victims and victimized but it wasn't God who did it but the enemy. But what you intended for evil, God meant for good. Gen 50:20

  • @jasongr3219
    @jasongr3219 3 года назад

    God was enjoying the show, laughing.

  • @boberbib3178
    @boberbib3178 4 года назад +8

    If there was a god than he would physical stop an attack. But it dos not happen.what a nice god letting people suffer.

    • @hopenation_official
      @hopenation_official  4 года назад +4

      It's the hardest question... "if God is good then why (x)?" If you're interested in digging into the theology behind it, I would suggest checking out "The Problem of Pain" & "The Reason for God". They're super helpful books. Thanks for watching!

    • @bellac8482
      @bellac8482 4 года назад +6

      God always has a plan. Bad things happen because God's plan is to make you stronger, and he wants you to see that if you put all of your faith in him, the outcome is tremendous. This lady's story is living proof. Sometimes we have to wait, but God's mercy never fails.
      Deuteronomy 4:31
      Isaiah 40:31
      Proverbs 3:5-6
      I promise that what ever you are going through, you will be delivered from. Stay strong, and even if you don't believe, God bless you💗💪🏽

    • @somkeshav4143
      @somkeshav4143 3 года назад +2

      @@bellac8482 If God has a plan, then humans have no free will. Simple as that. But also not everyone gets assaulted or raped throughout their lives, why do certain people deal with it and not others? Hell why deal with it in the first place?
      But also if God really cared, then why not stop it? He is omnipresent meaning he's everywhere and he's all-powerful and he's all-good. So why the delay? Why sit back and watch people suffer?

    • @somkeshav4143
      @somkeshav4143 3 года назад +2

      @Dance4JC You know, the reason you brought up all those "sins" such as lying, adultery, fornication was made up by people in the past for their own standards of morality which is vastly different from our own. If the Bible or any religious text was made today, it would have different rules and different standards not because of God, but because of us.
      But this is basic criteria, God controls everything that we know of and could help people if he wanted to, but chooses not to. Also God is literally perfect, he could do all those things in seconds and it wouldn't mean anything to him. Time and mortality means nothing for him.
      What other business does he have to do? What could God be up to while people suffer? Huh? This makes no sense at all, any good God would listen to the people and show himself for what he is. Do you realize how many people die in the name of religion or just in general?

    • @somkeshav4143
      @somkeshav4143 3 года назад +1

      @Dance4JC I don’t think you understand what I was getting at. Yes lying and adultery is not good. But masturbation or watching porn isn’t morally bad. Most people do it and they aren’t doing anything wrong. Hell getting tattooed or eating pork was bad as well, but it’s not wrong. I am saying the Bible is outdated if it used as a basis for morality.
      And yes actually, get rid of sin, there is no need for certain people to suffer for no good reason. Or at the bare minimum, talk to us to show you’re real, I am taking a leap of faith just because I think God is real. Show yourself or just stay in your cramped corner just watching people suffer and pray to you on the hope they get a response.
      Putting an end to atrocities doesn’t mean human annihilation, I am literally just saying to just stop bad things from happening not by killing, but by just making people not do them at all. Just the thought of sin is eliminated. It was an involuntary invasion of your thoughts, but I am fine with it.
      Okay every religion says the same thing you do bud, how exactly am I supposed Jesus is the one true God when a Muslim might say it’s Allah or a Hindu might say it’s Shiva, or Kali or Vishnu (you get the point, there are too many Gods to choose from). Hell I could just worship animals and say they’re God, you can’t say my religion is any less than yours. It’s absolutely demeaning to say what you said when you consider the fact that there are so many religions and even denominations even within Christianity. Which Christian denomination is even right? Hell if I know.

  • @roccop913
    @roccop913 3 года назад

    I love you beautiful