Dr. James O. Sanders, MD, Sanders Skeletal Maturity Staging, Evolution of EOS, Outcome of AIS Fusion

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 5

  • @96jazmon
    @96jazmon 2 года назад +1

    Although it was brief, I appreciate him mentioning the aspects of post-surgical PTSD & other such things as a negative aspects to think about and keep in perspective … I don’t recall any other interviews that have mentioned this but it’s been a while since I watched all of your videos.
    Another great interview. Thank you. ❤

  • @chrisclarke4664
    @chrisclarke4664 2 года назад +1

    Hey Derek, sorry for the off topic comment. I was wondering if you know what is the most recent data on adult spine remodeling?

    • @DerekLee
      @DerekLee  2 года назад

      As far as I know the only adult bone remodelling is negative in terms of degenerative.

  • @keithace1
    @keithace1 Год назад

    How do I reach out to Dr. Lee about getting a referral to a spine doctor near me based on my very unique circumstances? Does anyone have his phone number or email address? I don't use"Twitter"... Thank you, Patrick Leonard

    • @DerekLee
      @DerekLee  Год назад

      drlee@betterhealthproviders.com. You can also join my private FB group where surgeons, PT's and orthotists are members. facebook.com/groups/1198200727630801