Tysm for visiting my site if I knew in advance I’d would of joined your events 😞 I had no clue you were here until I saw on social media 😂 until next time 🎉
I got a hundo family of four maushold yesterday in a span of 2 days I spun 150+ pokestop and gridning for hundo family of three is a pain to grind goodluck to us brandon!!!
BrandonTan I did 480 Necrozma raids with NYC and global together and didn’t see a 2104 CP Necraozma do you think this is fair play ? I ran all over Manhattan and DC 😢
Hey Brandon. I ordered some pins from you and wasn’t able to pick them up in NY. Issac told me he’d ship them sometime this week, but now won’t answer my emails. I’d really appreciate if you could look into this for me. Thank you
let’s go brandon!
Tysm for visiting my site if I knew in advance I’d would of joined your events 😞 I had no clue you were here until I saw on social media 😂 until next time 🎉
I got a hundo family of four maushold yesterday in a span of 2 days I spun 150+ pokestop and gridning for hundo family of three is a pain to grind goodluck to us brandon!!!
so far only one is the hundo I got grinding for hundo takes a lot of pokestop
after a long time I am watching your vids and as usual it’s pretty cool
Hi Brandon, could you make an updated version of how you manage your Pokemon storage c:
I got a shiny sneasel in the better together timed research
It's boosted. 1/64
I've 3 shadow sneasels.
Same I was shock3d
Same …. Only caught 6 in go fest lol
I just caught a hundo Yanmask 😮❤❤❤❤it was awsome
I Got an unown shiny T
I did a tandemaus swap with my cousin for the research, then it goes lucky with him getting a Hundo out of out. Totally not mad lol
1:58 Tender-Maus
you should do maushold in the great league
steady lah
Can you do a video of evolving 100 Tandemaus?
ey brandaznnn
Hope they announce shadow Lugia after Lucario raid dayc😅 also you can tell what the mouse will evolve into b4 you evovle
7:18 when you have your headphones 🎧 on and he bombards you with high pitch screeching screams 😢 my poor ears 👂🩸🩸🩸 are bleeding somebody help 😢
Hi Brandon
BT event yipppiee
BT event yuppie
BT event yippie
did you lose weight? looking good man!
BrandonTan I did 480 Necrozma raids with NYC and global together and didn’t see a 2104 CP Necraozma do you think this is fair play ? I ran all over Manhattan and DC 😢
I got 4 familj of Three and didnt thanks it was rare so i transfered 2
Hey Brandon. I ordered some pins from you and wasn’t able to pick them up in NY. Issac told me he’d ship them sometime this week, but now won’t answer my emails. I’d really appreciate if you could look into this for me. Thank you
Skibidi toilet
Brandon show me all of your pokemon please
4 hours ago and kinda late
How are you
Sir can you give me a Mewtwo 😭