I agree. Ahmed’s girls don’t set a good example for Diana, or other toddlers. Nargis was the one who tried to get Arad to hit the dog with the stick. I don’t understand why they think hitting animals or people is funny. That is the one big thing I don’t like about their culture. Teaching children from a young age to hit people and animals. I really feel sorry for the animals in their care.
Jetzt weißt du auch, warum die arabische Kultur eine so geringe Hemmschwelle hat gegen Gewalt..Es wird schon kleinen Kindern beigebracht Tiere und Menschen zu schlagen und mit Steinen zu werfen..Später als Erwachsener setzt es sich durch Schläge in der Beziehung fort.@@52480-l
Looks like the circus came to town.all the wild animals performing to entertain the spoiled kid ,and khosrow expecting everyone to jump through hoops for her at his command.
All they know how to teach children to do is hit, throw rocks, clap, and say ba ba. I have not seen anyone try to teach this child anything else. Her gross motor skills are extremely delayed, actually everything is very delayed because everyone she comes in contact with teaches or reinforces the same 4 behaviors: hitting, throwing rocks, clapping, and saying ba ba. It is ridiculous. Khosrow while you are on your phone all the time look up what skills you should be teaching your soon to be 18 month old daughter. There is a lot of information on the internet. OPERATOR will you please pass this request onto Khosrow.
A los niños no se les pregunta que quieren,se les enseña y se educa desde bebés de lo contrario saben que pueden hacer lo que quieran.....a Diana lamentable muy mal enseñanza.
Wer Khosrow als guten Vater sieht, ist selbst ein Versager..Kinder brauchen Regeln und Grenzen, nur so wachsen sie glücklich auf..Diana kennt beides nicht..Khosrow redet und redet und Diana macht was sie will..Khosrow ist ein ganz schwacher Vater@@mikaelad4671
@@lisadawes9427 this people are so dumb they abuse the poor animals there is a video of ahora Hassan son 👦 when the camera person was telling him to hurt the poor puppy it was really sad when the puppy was crying in pain
@@JD-pv5ix I'm glad I did not see that video. What's wrong with a person that tells someone or a child to hurt an innocent puppy or any animal. I can't bare to watch these evil things.
@@JD-pv5ix that was when i started to dislike zooleeka- she did nothing. these people have no compassion for their animals. altho it was nice to see Haji actually bend down to pet the dog with the heart on her. she is precious. and the donkey is precious also.
Если бы у Дианы был столик для кормления и режим, она бы давно научилась кушать самостоятельно, а у них даже маленькая скатерть не расстилается, идиоты, всё делают наоборот, чтобы волновать людей и получать комментарии, а ведь в кафе едят за столами.
Il aurait fallu discipliner Diana pour les repas très tôt dans sa jeune vie. Elle ne fait que ce qu’elle veut quand elle veut et devient esclavagiste pour ses parents. La séance repas est terrible à regarder. 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Вы правы согласна детей с маленького возраста ко всему приучают и обучают. Да те-же самые носки и обувь которые она с истерикой снимает тоже не приучили её.
Totally agree, and I get really mad when they laugh and encourage her to keep on hitting. Nifuler’s mother and others have rewarded her for hitting by laughing and clapping for her. They have really sent her the wrong message. I have never seen grown adults act like that with a toddler. They are a rather rough bunch of people in this rural area of Iran.
Bocsánat hogy megjegyzem,de ,véleményem szerint ,nagyon rossz mególdás hogy a tyukokat a verandán etetik,mert sokat píszkolak ,és sokat kell seperjenek,mossák a padlot😮 Miért nem keritenek el egy kicsi údvart nekik,ott megetetik ,útána kiengedik..Diána mezitláb jár ,beleléphet a tyúkpíszkában,azt bevíszi a szőnyegre ahol esznek és alusznak..veszélyes bacilúsok az egészségre nézzve😢
He still hasn’t figured out how to feed Diana. I am tired of the big production he makes out of it. You don’t sit the child down to eat until the food is the right temperature. Then you have to remove the distractions. He looks ridiculous taking her out on the patio with the chickens she likes to play with, and letting her keep a toy in her hand. If you want to get the food down her take her inside and shut the door and feed her. Khosrow you aren’t looking too smart. Now you have to go to your sister’s house and have someone sit by her. You and Nifuler are the most inept parents in the village. Nobody else has to bother everyone else to take care of their child. Please don’t have any more children because you guys can’t even manage to feed the one you have. I am so tired of everything being a major ordeal with these two.
Everyday tasks that should be enjoyable routine activities for the learning and growing development of this child have become a circus. The child continues to dominste every daily lesson. The willful toddler unravels every step of daily tasks from breakfast to dinner by getting her way to dominate the parents. Her favorite "modus-operandi" is to cry to protest any and all parenral interaction she refuses to participate in. Unless it 's her choice to cooperate,(depending on how hungary she is) she will refuse to eat, and would rather play and throw her food at meal time, to be rewarded by her parents with a bag of junk food purchased just for her. This bag us full of candy, cakes, cookies, bars, chips, lolly-pops, suckers, artificial juice boxes and so on. She has learned she does't have to eat at all. Mealtimes are free-time where the child runs around in circles grabbing every object to toss on the ground, often at the parents.
Warum wird sich hier so über Diana aufgeregt??..Ist sie euer Kind?? ...Niemand der diese Videos schaut muss mit Diana leben und ihre Launen und Wutausbrüche ertragen...Für Khosrow und Nilufar ist Diana ein kleiner Engel mit einer starken Persönlichkeit..Laßt die beiden doch in ihrem Glauben.
@@luckylogger7594 So true. It's a free for all with feeding this child. I don't know whose worse Nulifer or Khosrow when feeding this child. Oh and we can't forget the pistachio nuts. 😂🙄
@@lisadawes9427 LOL, I think all the viewers knew Diana's upbringing went from the quietest baby that slept all day and nursed to a crybaby at 6 months to be held everytime she whined. They made the mistake of running to her every time. Then it became a relay race beteen the parents. Viewers warned them back then.
Lo de esta niña no tiene nombre que malcriada,esa es una niña insoportable a un que chiquita pero los padres creen que eso es normal quisas dios vio que como padres no están preparados,son muy irresponsables ella tiene mal carácter y él se muestra como un retratado mental y ella se cree que se lo merece toda la atención,y así mismo es la hija
Why is it in this channel that the kids always looks dirty? Especially DIANA. She should be kept clean because she’s always getting sick. She should take a bath every other day with shampooing her hair.
I don't think Diana gets bathed at all. A good bath and she would sleep. Take away all shoes but one pair. No suckers and no sweets. She will then eat and drink and not throw tea and spill all over carpet.
Kicsi Dianát vigye el Khosrow egy nagyobb várósban egy órtopéd szakértőhöz❤ Lehet ,hogy a kis lábaiban valami defórmitás van,mi úgy látjuk😢 Jó a mezitlábon járás ,de nem kint ,késő ősszel😮
Un fenómeno social a ser estudiado detenidamente. Esta familia se sale de la normalidad en todos los aspectos. Las gallinas comen y cagan al mismo tiempo. La niña sigue descalza y pisa donde las gallinas cagan, luego entra a la alfombra de casa y alli mismo come y duerme. Está continuamente expuesta a bacterias. Por otra parte le dan a la niña de comer pipas de girasol sin pelar o pistachos etc, con lo que está expuesta a atragantarse. La comida cocinada que le dan, es comida de adultos, tomate frito muy ácido para su estómago de bebé o galletas o zumos procesados o caramelos. Esta niña está condenada a sufrir problemas de estómago en el futuro. No la asean, no la peinan, la asoman a la ventanilla del auto estando en marcha. Le permiten ir al volante igualmente con el auto en marcha. Le permiten que pegue a padre, madre y a quien ella quiere. En los videos ella es la protagonista. Mientras mas barbaridades veamos mas comentarios como éste escribiremos y lo hacemos porque INDIGNA tanta explotacion infantil. En un país como Iran donde las libertades brillan por su ausencia, como pueden permitir esta BARBARIDAD??? Que será de esa niña cuando crezca y tenga que obedecer las leyes del pais?? No sabe lo que es OBEDECER. Y aunque las leyes sean injustas ella deberá cumplirlas y no estará acostumbrada a hacerlo Esa niña tiene un futuro muy negro. Los padres la utilizan para sus intereses. Un niño es lo mas sagrado para unos padres que la amen. Esto demuestra que no lo hacen. Yo estoy desde ya hace tiempo HORRORIZADA al contemplar que por mucho que se le llame la atención por parte de los suscriptores, siguen haciendo lo mismo. ES PREDICAR EN EL DESIERTO, y todo lo que están haciendo con la niña tendrá sus consecuencias
Die Behlonung für dieses inkonsequent Verhalten bekommen die Eltern und alle anderen die mit Diana zu tun haben in den nächsten Jahren zu spüren. Diana wird mal ein sehr unbeliebtes und einsames Kind sein. Und sie selbst wird nicht verstehen wiso.
Ничего, вырастит, будет и есть нормально, и жизнь научит вести себя нормально. Кросов- добрый человек, семья для него важна. Нулифер - работящая . Наши замечания они постепенно учитывают. Не сразу, но прислушиваются.
Что будет с этой Дианы? Никакай жалости к живому! Камги бросает, бедного осла палкой, детей тоже лупит. Это не ребенок. Ей надо хорошо по попе, чтобы знала, что это больно бить других.
Familia disfuncional, adiós, mejor voy a ver la hermosa Familia Hamid de "King of tube" ellos si viven muy bonito su hogar es precioso y limpio, igual sus dos niños muy bien cuidados con amor, alimentados como debe ser pues mamá cocina delicias, es muy hacendosa y ellos lucen vestidos correctamente y educados. Denotan mucha alegría.❤❤❤❤
Yo creo que el padre muy muy normal tampoco es,así que esta familia no tiene ni un elemento normal,ni la madre,ni el padre y ni ,por supuesto,la hija es normal.
I looked up autistic programs in Iran and there really aren’t any. There are a few in the big cities for the severely autistic. They are very expensive, and only the rich can afford them. Khosrow and Nifuler are going to be on their own with Diana. Eventually she will learn to feed herself, and then she will start getting some proper nutrition. Right now they are getting very little healthy food down her. She will eventually learn to talk, and that will cut down on the crying. I remember Maryam at this age having temper tantrums all the time. She has outgrown a lot of them , but she still has them when she is around other children because she is used to getting her way. As Diana gets older she won’t be so cute with all her constant crying. Hopefully they will eventually have other children that are much easier than Diana to raise and there will be less focus on Diana. It isn’t easy for the relatives to constantly have to help with Diana. They have their own children to watch. I feel like Khosrow and Nifuler are very insensitive to the problems and needs of their relatives. They expect everyone else to help them with Diana whenever they can’t manage to be the parents. People will eventually get tired of it. So I hope this couple will examine their behavior and think how to get control of Diana. Because as she gets older they seem more and more inept.
I truly believe this child has a form of autism, and with no testing to see at what extent, everything is gonna be harder and take longer for her to learn. She is gonna be a lot of work.
I agree. That is why I got on the internet. I believe her mother is a high functioning autistic woman as well. Mainly because of her very poor socialization skills, inability to make friends, and to form close bonds with people. She is very indifferent towards her brother and sisters. Also, her poor executive functioning skills, and lack of common sense. She seems very concrete to me in her thinking. Like you buy baby rattles for babies no matter what age they are. She is still buying toys for Diana that you would buy a 3 month old. Also, her lack of imagination in playing with Diana. She only knows to teach her to clap, and say ba ba. Also, she has a very low tolerance for everyday problems. Falls apart easily.
I agree with you. I do believe the way the parents are doesn't make it any easier for Diana. If these people had more knowledge when they feed her they would have gotten her a highchair, and I bet they can get them. From the time she could sit they could put her in it so she doesn't walk all around when she's eating. She wouldn't be playing with stupid things like plastic bags. The goes for getting educational toys and trying to teach her things. They don't seem to have the common sense and education to teach their children things. I do believe she has some kind of autism too so the way the parents are doesn't help her. Of course they don't discipline much either. Not trying to attack the parents only but they don't seem to want to take much advice. It really gets on my nerves. Especially the no socks and shoes walking on dirt and rocks.🙄😏
Для них дети, это источник дохода и потом они не знают как везти себя с подписчиками, только когда поступает мало денег, Хосров, Сайфулла выходит к камере, а ведь мы стараемся улучшить им жизнь😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
I don’t understand why they don’t let Diana walk !! She is only happy hurting other that when she’s is happy!! And how stupid is that you guys are teaching her to be a animal abuser and to hit other you guys think is funny but is not
Yes,kosrow started the animal abuse by teaching her to throw rocks at chickens.they gave her a flyswat so she could hit people,and these are the only things I have seen her being taught by the horrible parents
تعلموا من هذه التجربة كونوا صادقين مع انفسكم ومع الكل لا تكذبوا من اجل الادسنس الكذب حرام والله لا يحب الكاذبين فكروا جيدا كل شيء لديكم ومع ذلك لا تعيشون جيدا كل شيء مبعثر كل شيء متسخ ديانا داءما مريضة ومتسخة راجعوا حياتكم وتصرفاتكم عيشوا حياتكم صح اعملوا روتيناتكم عادية ونحن سوف نساندكم ولا داعي الكذب لان الله لن يبارك لكم في اي شيء
Кхосров, будьте пожалуйста построже с Дианой, если Вы ей желаете добра. Вы отец и глава семьи, поэтому и должны держать всё под контролем. Не позволяйте Вашей дочери бить Вас и даже в шутку. Приучите её сидеть на одном месте когда она ест. И всегда думайте о тем, что Вашему ребёнку всего лишь 1 годик и 4 месяца, она ещё совсем маленькая! Она совсем маленькая и сама не знает чего хочет и ещё в силу возраста не отличает опасность, хорошее от плохого. Наберетесь терпения и учите её жить правильно и с уважением к Вам как к отцу и родителю. Правильное воспитание детей, это труд и терпение! С уважением/\/\
Buuuua,Kursv.no es cabeza de familia ni nada,no piensa así que no puede llevar una familia con dignidad,creo que debió de ser cabrero o algo así para estar en la montaña solo toda la vida.
@@AnnaGarciaBertran Кхосров молодой папа. И ему конечно не хватает жизненного опыта. И этот опыт человек получает через его ошибки. Когда больно, но и учишься быстрее. Всё будет хорошо. Сейчас семья переживает тяжёлое время.
Plus they don’t have the money to order a bed oversea . They always sleep on the floor it’s their way of life they’re custom they’ve been doing this for thousands of years maybe you should study Iran customs, and what they have for only the rich kind of afford a bed❤
Pero que Diana no camina,eso no es teatro,eso es real y esa niña no camina y si lo hace ,lo hace mal y lo mismo digo de los berrinches,los berrinches también son reales no son ninguna mentira,esta niña en la realidad es INSOPORTABLE.
Children thrive with boundaries. This puts them on a footing of knowing consistency and security. They know what is and what isn’t allowed. Helps them make decision and interact with people. People don’t run when they see you coming.
They are going to need to set some, or they have a very long road ahead. If Diana is autistic they more than most need a definite schedule, and routine. When teaching them I used to have make picture schedules for them which helped reduce their anxiety because they knew what was coming next. If the schedule had to change they didn’t cope very well.
I've been saying for a while Nulifer needed to have her on a schedule. I don't think they quite get it. The children need that schedules and discipline. I think we all get tired of saying this.
@@lisadawes9427. I totally agree with you. I am probably saying too much most of the time, but I get so frustrated when they make everything so hard with Diana. With a routine and schedule I think she would be a lot less fussy.
Что мы хотим от детей , если родители головой пользуются не по назначению. Голова у них не чтобы думать , а для того чтобы носить платок и прическу. Вот они уже кур кормят на терассе . Яйца покупают , а Диана ходит между кур босиком по холодному кафелю. Козам тоже нравится поближе к дому , а лучше в доме. Лентяи и безумцы , им не детей рожать а лечиться надо. Оператор , хватит семечки есть.
La llevo al Doctor y Mando a poner un unguento en el pecho y medicina y miren como la tiene sin zapatos cojiendo ese frio por los pies yo creo que ni la medicina le ha dado
I am so sorry you lost your baby at six months. I think that is way harder than what Nifuler has gone through. She was hardly pregnant. It never went past the embryo stage. It wasn’t viable on the first ultrasound. I don’t even know if I should believe she was ever even pregnant because they have stopped showing their real lives when they had her run away.
I do not believe any of this , you do not stay in hospital long for abortion, and come walking out like she had given both to full grown baby. Her mother not being a loud in is bull, because her sister was let in . They lie , like when she last left khorow and was staying at her mother’s . On the day that khorow was putting the silver insulation on the house they are building he had the young lady there helping him with cleaning and making tea, when khorow was out side the kitchen door feeding the chicken it’s shows the girl walking in to the kitchen door , and with her back to the camera is Nuilfer at the kitchen sink , the girl realizes the slip up and goes out to tell khorow you can see her whispering to him that the camera showed Nuilfer , when she was supposed to be living at her mothers
Disculpen por lo que voy a decir ,se deben educar primero a los padres para que después eduquen a la niña ,pobre niña ,ni la comida el padre logró darle 😢.son todos iguales en,las aldeas porque dejan a los niños pegarle a los animales y los estimulan qué tiren piedras ,de que manera se van a educar los niños no es una crítica son culturas distintas ,pero me dan lastima por los niños inocentes .los amo a todos divinos ❤😢
Хосров,прекратите кормить Диану печеньем и конфетам от слова совсем.И тогда Диана будет сидеть и кушать все что вы дадите малышке правильно приготовленную кашу и суп
All the children seen need to be showered or bathed each day.Their hairs are terrible.Also, many of the womens hairs are terrible also.Greasy and dirty.
Everyday tasks that should be enjoyable routine activities for the learning and growing development of this child have become a circus. The child continues to dominste every daily lesson. The willful toddler unravels every step of daily tasks from breakfast to dinner by getting her way to dominate the parents. Her favorite "modus-operandi" is to cry to protest any and all parenral interaction she refuses to participate in. Unless it 's her choice to cooperate,(depending on how hungary she is) she will refuse to eat, and would rather play and throw her food at meal time, to be rewarded by her parents with a bag of junk food purchased just for her. This bag us full of candy, cakes, cookies, bars, chips, lolly-pops, suckers, artificial juice boxes and so on. She has learned she does't have to eat at all. Mealtimes are free-time where the child runs around in circles grabbing every object to toss on the ground, often at the parents. T he day continues with the same scenerio acted out for every task from dressing, grooming. putting on coats, hats, socks/shoes. The process is the same with the child being turned out unfinished, unkept, half-dressed barefoot, wild hair, dirty face and hands---bawling her head off.
You are absolutely right. Khosrow and Nifuler should watch how Tajmah feeds her baby, and Venus as well. They hold them securely and get the job done. They don’t make a production out of it. Nifuler has a bunch of junk food in the cabinet that Diana can reach. All Diana has to do is bring something from the cabinet and Nifuler will open it for her. Even if they are about to eat lunch or dinner she still gives her junk food. There is no common sense.
I know some of you will be relieved…. Some of the messages let me know they are not pleased with what I have to say and that’s okay. Nilfor is coming home so I will quit watching the channel…..
Yes I don't like the attitude character of Nilofer ...that's why her child Diana is already has same spoiled child ..she never have a cute smile...Her mother doesn't know anything of Parenting ...
Bonjour 👋 mon dieu 🙏 faut pas contrarié sinon elle crie et vous suconber à tous ces caprices 😮😮😮😮😮 vous devez lui faire comprendre que quand on mange on fait rien d autre ds notre pays nous n' avons pas ce soucis car les petits enfants sont dans des chaises spéciales bébé 😮😮😮😮
Diana n écoute pas elle tape les animaux et s est pas bon sa va la rendre méchante et si sa mere rentre de l hôpital il faudra qu elle se repose mais avec sa fille sa sera pas possible je pence et Elle n écoute pas son pere 😮😮😮😮
I am sorry for your loss, but in the US we have D&C go home the same day and back to work in a couple days. It doesn’t take 2-3 weeks. Thousands and thousands of women have went through this. Yes I have lost a baby and d&c, god knows what he is doing.
I thought they said she had a reaction to the anesthesia. It may be why she was there longer. She might have also had an infection after having had a partial miscarriage
@@michaelmeyer4895 She was told to go to hospital and get an abortion but she did not and waited for days??? The videos never said how long she waited. I believe she had a bad infection.
@@josiecooper-g8vI always have a reaction to anesthesia and a couple days I’m fine…… Even with medication for infection she should be fine. This is one big performance.
Khosrow: Nilufer necesita a su madre para que la cuide y que nadie venga de visita, que la dejen descansar y recomponerse en paz. Mejor cuida tú de Diana como puedas....
Я ни разу не видела, чтобы Диана полноцено поела,как она ест я не могу смотреть,у них столько коз, неужели нельзя сварить молочную кашку, молочка дать попить...😢😢😢
Они молоко не пьют никогда не видела ни в одном видео, в лучшем случае пахту, не знаю что это, но они называют так отходы, когда готовят, масло.а кашу варят из камней творожных и в основном зимой.
@shahnazshahidiani2061 ja imam djecu imam I unucad nikad nebi sebe sredila ko dami da mi djeca hodaju prljava ako nemas ulove da pazis zasto imas setero nisu zivotinje I nemoj da odgovars gledam video I sve razumijem
Szlag mnie trafia jak widze jak dziecko bije doroslych i wszystkich 😡zamiast ją upomniec to odsuwają głowę!!!czy Ci ludzie wiedzą co o to ręcznik??bo nigdy nie widziałam, Diana ma cos ze stopami, czy oni wszyscy są ślepi?buty i ubrania kupują kilka rozmiarów za duze😂,nic sobie i tak z naszych komentarzy nie robią i po co dają nr telefonu?jak chca się porozumieć??!!
Сейчас, на какой иранский канал, не зайдешь, у всех на заставке выходит номер телефона, по которому можно связаться с героями канала ...все они, поголовно, ждут от зрителей посылок и денежных подношений, до того стали меркантильными и наглыми, что уже, в кадре, выпрашивают деньги...
Все детей оставляют только Сабджану, как будто больше кроме неё никого нет Например Зухра с Фатимой могли бы посмотреть на время за Дианой😮 Диана с девочками хорошо ладит, не капризничает, ведёт себя хорошо 👍😊❤❤❤ Семья Ахмеда только отзывчивая, ближе всех 👍👍👍
Cuando la niña hace cosas bién, tienen que decirle que està muy bién hecho. No todo es castigarle . No se si me explico. Cuandio hace algo bièn, tienen que hacércelo saber y decirle: Muy bién hecho hija. Y cuando hace algo que no está bién , también tienen que decírselo.
You are totally correct. You always want to be giving way more positives than negatives. But you shouldn’t be afraid to tell a child no, and then praise them when they stop doing the undesired behavior, and quickly praise them when they are engaging in a desired behavior.
У детей, в той местности, это самое любимое развлечение...виноваты взрослые, родители, которые поощряют такие игры, вот дети, потом, и замахиваются на всех, подряд, на людей и животных...
Khosrow sometimes I think you give Diana to many orders at once and she can't handle it so gets mad, stay on one thing at a time until she does what you have asked
Why don't you finish your addition to your house and patio. Are you stopping this channel? Are you unhappy how the house has that space between them? MAYBE YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE PARENT'S.
Washing baby outside with freezing cold water.Why do you not use a towel to dry her.No warm coat or socks. When are you ever going to learn? Oh! Good, proper food being cooked. Make sure Diana eats plenty. She has now developed Goat horns in her hair. Is this the best you can do? Baby looks very pale. She could be anaemic!
Neden bu insanlar aile planlaması yapmıyor neden durumları kötü olduğu halde bukadar çok çocuk doğuruyorlar. Bu genç kızlarada yazık sürekli kardeş geliyor bakıyorlar sonra kendileri evlenip yine birsürü çocuk hayatları hep böyle olurmu. İnsan durumuna göre çocuk yapar niçin böyle dünyaya gelen çocuklara da üzülüyorum 😢 Aile planlaması gerekiyor
His sister has a lot of work to do on a daily basis. Khosrow is not very respectful of his sister’s responsibilities and time. He thinks women are supposed to serve him and do what he says. I really detest the way he orders them around. I don’t think Venus likes it at all.
@ТамараЧерногор вы последнее видео смотрели? Хосров привёл Диану к сестре! Ребёнок с такой радостью бегал ножками, всё рассматривала! Нет подошли взрослые и стали её таскать на руках! Предлагать то, что Диане неинтересно!
Kosrow please a gift to zarah and Sabjan, they always help you with Diana, and Diana is making problems, tantrums and is so annoying😢😢😢😢 always screaming and crying, zdo not forget the people who really love you and help in sad days, hope Nilucifer get well soon. God bless you all, greetings from México 🎉
I agree. Sabajan and her daughters are always being used by Khosrow and Nifuler. I guess their culture is different. If Khosrow was my brother I would have told him a long time ago to quit expecting me and my daughters to take care of Diana. I already have a baby to take care of, and no washing machine. They should at least offer to let Sabajan use their washing machine for all the time they have spent watching Diana, and I don’t see it letting up anytime soon.
Купи стул для кормления,посади,накорми,отпусти,приучайте к нормальному,выкинь эту ложку дуристическую,возьми нормальную,побольше,что у вас там все через "жопу".
Hola mi niña nilufer que alegría de verte qué vuelves a casa para que Diana esté con tigo y tu esposo khosrows todos juntos gracias a Dios que salistes de ese apuro te deseo pronta recuperación cuídate
Нилюфер , как умирающий лебедь , еле лапочет, как будто вместо чистки ей сделали полостную операцию, ну не надо переигрывать , скорее всего ничего не делали , это просто игра на кам еру и всего лишь. остальное провокация.
That was so hateful letting her hit the poor donkey, what’s wrong with you people. So mean to animals it’s disgusting
I agree. Ahmed’s girls don’t set a good example for Diana, or other toddlers. Nargis was the one who tried to get Arad to hit the dog with the stick. I don’t understand why they think hitting animals or people is funny. That is the one big thing I don’t like about their culture. Teaching children from a young age to hit people and animals. I really feel sorry for the animals in their care.
Jetzt weißt du auch, warum die arabische Kultur eine so geringe Hemmschwelle hat gegen Gewalt..Es wird schon kleinen Kindern beigebracht Tiere und Menschen zu schlagen und mit Steinen zu werfen..Später als Erwachsener setzt es sich durch Schläge in der Beziehung fort.@@52480-l
To dieťa si robi čo chce je nedisciplovane. Pri jedle si behá,otec chodí za ňou aj s jedlom. Strašne !!!
Peor que horrible.
Looks like the circus came to town.all the wild animals performing to entertain the spoiled kid ,and khosrow expecting everyone to jump through hoops for her at his command.
All they know how to teach children to do is hit, throw rocks, clap, and say ba ba. I have not seen anyone try to teach this child anything else. Her gross motor skills are extremely delayed, actually everything is very delayed because everyone she comes in contact with teaches or reinforces the same 4 behaviors: hitting, throwing rocks, clapping, and saying ba ba. It is ridiculous. Khosrow while you are on your phone all the time look up what skills you should be teaching your soon to be 18 month old daughter. There is a lot of information on the internet. OPERATOR will you please pass this request onto Khosrow.
Бесполезно, только да у них будет мало комментариев, здесь дети для раскручивания контента и заработка!
Her cousins are a year or more younger.they are already crawling. Miza,and venus' babies
A los niños no se les pregunta que quieren,se les enseña y se educa desde bebés de lo contrario saben que pueden hacer lo que quieran.....a Diana lamentable muy mal enseñanza.
Khosrow is a much better parent than you. Ordering children about is bullying.
Wer Khosrow als guten Vater sieht, ist selbst ein Versager..Kinder brauchen Regeln und Grenzen, nur so wachsen sie glücklich auf..Diana kennt beides nicht..Khosrow redet und redet und Diana macht was sie will..Khosrow ist ein ganz schwacher Vater@@mikaelad4671
@@mikaelad4671yeah right!! You think a good father is the one to let you do what ever you want and risking your daughter life your wrong
Don't let Diana hit the gentle donkey with a stick, or hit the other children!
Totally agree.
I know they should be taught to be kinder to their animals. I am an animal lover so I never like to see mistreatment.
@@lisadawes9427 this people are so dumb they abuse the poor animals there is a video of ahora Hassan son 👦 when the camera person was telling him to hurt the poor puppy it was really sad when the puppy was crying in pain
@@JD-pv5ix I'm glad I did not see that video. What's wrong with a person that tells someone or a child to hurt an innocent puppy or any animal. I can't bare to watch these evil things.
@@JD-pv5ix that was when i started to dislike zooleeka- she did nothing. these people have no compassion for their animals. altho it was nice to see Haji actually bend down to pet the dog with the heart on her. she is precious. and the donkey is precious also.
Если бы у Дианы был столик для кормления и режим, она бы давно научилась кушать самостоятельно, а у них даже маленькая скатерть не расстилается, идиоты, всё делают наоборот, чтобы волновать людей и получать комментарии, а ведь в кафе едят за столами.
This is very true. They make things a lot harder for themselves than they need to be.
Il aurait fallu discipliner Diana pour les repas très tôt dans sa jeune vie. Elle ne fait que ce qu’elle veut quand elle veut et devient esclavagiste pour ses parents. La séance repas est terrible à regarder. 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Вы правы согласна детей с маленького возраста ко всему приучают и обучают. Да те-же самые носки и обувь которые она с истерикой снимает тоже не приучили её.
No es solo la comida,es indisciplinada en todo,pero todo,todo.
Porque no la educan y la dejan hacer lo que quiera para todo manotes es muy grosera con sus papas
Totally agree, and I get really mad when they laugh and encourage her to keep on hitting. Nifuler’s mother and others have rewarded her for hitting by laughing and clapping for her. They have really sent her the wrong message. I have never seen grown adults act like that with a toddler. They are a rather rough bunch of people in this rural area of Iran.
Es lo que veo y piendo
Es lo que veo también
Es verdad.
Bocsánat hogy megjegyzem,de ,véleményem szerint ,nagyon rossz mególdás hogy a tyukokat a verandán etetik,mert sokat píszkolak ,és sokat kell seperjenek,mossák a padlot😮
Miért nem keritenek el egy kicsi údvart nekik,ott megetetik ,útána kiengedik..Diána mezitláb jár ,beleléphet a tyúkpíszkában,azt bevíszi a szőnyegre ahol esznek és alusznak..veszélyes bacilúsok az egészségre nézzve😢
These people don't do anything much that makes sense. Not big on cleanliness and hygiene.
They have no values, morals,or common sense!
Todo es una MIERDA💩💩💩💩
yes - also they may want to remove those plants from the house- they could be causing diana to have a constant cough with allergy
He still hasn’t figured out how to feed Diana. I am tired of the big production he makes out of it. You don’t sit the child down to eat until the food is the right temperature. Then you have to remove the distractions. He looks ridiculous taking her out on the patio with the chickens she likes to play with, and letting her keep a toy in her hand. If you want to get the food down her take her inside and shut the door and feed her. Khosrow you aren’t looking too smart. Now you have to go to your sister’s house and have someone sit by her. You and Nifuler are the most inept parents in the village. Nobody else has to bother everyone else to take care of their child. Please don’t have any more children because you guys can’t even manage to feed the one you have. I am so tired of everything being a major ordeal with these two.
I couldn't have said it better myself. These two parents are kinda hopeless.
Everyday tasks that should be enjoyable routine activities for the learning and growing development of this child have become a circus. The child continues to dominste every daily lesson. The willful toddler unravels every step of daily tasks from breakfast to dinner by getting her way to dominate the parents. Her favorite "modus-operandi" is to cry to protest any and all parenral interaction she refuses to participate in. Unless it 's her choice to cooperate,(depending on how hungary she is) she will refuse to eat, and would rather play and throw her food at meal time, to be rewarded by her parents with a bag of junk food purchased just for her. This bag us full of candy, cakes, cookies, bars, chips, lolly-pops, suckers, artificial juice boxes and so on. She has learned she does't have to eat at all. Mealtimes are free-time where the child runs around in circles grabbing every object to toss on the ground, often at the parents.
Warum wird sich hier so über
Diana aufgeregt??..Ist sie euer Kind?? ...Niemand der diese Videos schaut muss mit Diana leben und ihre Launen und Wutausbrüche ertragen...Für Khosrow und Nilufar ist Diana ein kleiner Engel mit einer starken Persönlichkeit..Laßt die beiden doch in ihrem Glauben.
@@luckylogger7594 So true. It's a free for all with feeding this child. I don't know whose worse Nulifer or Khosrow when feeding this child. Oh and we can't forget the pistachio nuts. 😂🙄
@@lisadawes9427 LOL, I think all the viewers knew Diana's upbringing went from the quietest baby that slept all day and nursed to a crybaby at 6 months to be held everytime she whined. They made the mistake of running to her every time. Then it became a relay race beteen the parents. Viewers warned them back then.
كل الكون يدور حول ديانا وتحت رغبة ديانا البنت صارت تصفع والدها قمه الضعف من الأب
I agree. I don’t enjoy watching him with her anymore. He never stops talking and Diana totally ignores him.
Lo de esta niña no tiene nombre que malcriada,esa es una niña insoportable a un que chiquita pero los padres creen que eso es normal quisas dios vio que como padres no están preparados,son muy irresponsables ella tiene mal carácter y él se muestra como un retratado mental y ella se cree que se lo merece toda la atención,y así mismo es la hija
لازم الاب يضربها على كفة يدها احراج لاب امام الكميرا ولمشاهدبن طفله تضربو كلو ها ابطول وها العرض شخية انهزت امام المشاهدين شو الدلع المقرف
@@olgasuarez3414بلفعل الطفله لا تيتحق كل ها الاهتمام الزايد ودلال
Ich lache mich schlapp, der Depp läuft ihr mit dem Essen hinterher.
Why is it in this channel that the kids always looks dirty? Especially DIANA. She should be kept clean because she’s always getting sick. She should take a bath every other day with shampooing her hair.
I don't think Diana gets bathed at all. A good bath and she would sleep. Take away all shoes but one pair. No suckers and no sweets. She will then eat and drink and not throw tea and spill all over carpet.
خیلی خوشحالم که نیلوفر سلامتیشو بدست اورد ازاینکه برای دیانا سوپ درست کردین ممنون لطفا شیر هم بهش بدین 🙏
@@josiecooper-g8v i dont think they will ever stop giving her sweets and suckers. that is how they get her to stop screaming
Kicsi Dianát vigye el Khosrow egy nagyobb várósban egy órtopéd szakértőhöz❤
Lehet ,hogy a kis lábaiban valami defórmitás van,mi úgy látjuk😢
Jó a mezitlábon járás ,de nem kint ,késő ősszel😮
Un fenómeno social a ser estudiado detenidamente. Esta familia se sale de la normalidad en todos los aspectos.
Las gallinas comen y cagan al mismo tiempo. La niña sigue descalza y pisa donde las gallinas cagan, luego entra a la alfombra de casa y alli mismo come y duerme. Está continuamente expuesta a bacterias.
Por otra parte le dan a la niña de comer pipas de girasol sin pelar o pistachos etc, con lo que está expuesta a atragantarse.
La comida cocinada que le dan, es comida de adultos, tomate frito muy ácido para su estómago de bebé o galletas o zumos procesados o caramelos. Esta niña está condenada a sufrir problemas de estómago en el futuro.
No la asean, no la peinan, la asoman a la ventanilla del auto estando en marcha.
Le permiten ir al volante igualmente con el auto en marcha.
Le permiten que pegue a padre, madre y a quien ella quiere.
En los videos ella es la protagonista. Mientras mas barbaridades veamos mas comentarios como éste escribiremos y lo hacemos porque INDIGNA tanta explotacion infantil.
En un país como Iran donde las libertades brillan por su ausencia, como pueden permitir esta BARBARIDAD???
Que será de esa niña cuando crezca y tenga que obedecer las leyes del pais?? No sabe lo que es OBEDECER. Y aunque las leyes sean injustas ella deberá cumplirlas y no estará acostumbrada a hacerlo
Esa niña tiene un futuro muy negro. Los padres la utilizan para sus intereses.
Un niño es lo mas sagrado para unos padres que la amen. Esto demuestra que no lo hacen.
Yo estoy desde ya hace tiempo HORRORIZADA al contemplar que por mucho que se le llame la atención por parte de los suscriptores, siguen haciendo lo mismo.
ES PREDICAR EN EL DESIERTO, y todo lo que están haciendo con la niña tendrá sus consecuencias
Die Behlonung für dieses inkonsequent Verhalten bekommen die Eltern und alle anderen die mit Diana zu tun haben in den nächsten Jahren zu spüren. Diana wird mal ein sehr unbeliebtes und einsames Kind sein. Und sie selbst wird nicht verstehen wiso.
You absolutely hit the nail on the head.spot on!
Ничего, вырастит, будет и есть нормально, и жизнь научит вести себя нормально. Кросов- добрый человек, семья для него важна. Нулифер - работящая . Наши замечания они постепенно учитывают. Не сразу, но прислушиваются.
Эта семейка не читает комментариев! Очень жаль! Эта семейка издевается над нами- зрителями!
Что будет с этой Дианы? Никакай жалости к живому! Камги бросает, бедного осла палкой, детей тоже лупит. Это не ребенок. Ей надо хорошо по попе, чтобы знала, что это больно бить других.
Хоть эти люди и построили дома, но они как были дикие, так ими и остались😮
Could you not think of anything positive to say. 😮
Falsi falsi e ancora falsi questa famiglia ci inganna tutti 😂😂
Familia disfuncional, adiós, mejor voy a ver la hermosa Familia Hamid de "King of tube" ellos si viven muy bonito su hogar es precioso y limpio, igual sus dos niños muy bien cuidados con amor, alimentados como debe ser pues mamá cocina delicias, es muy hacendosa y ellos lucen vestidos correctamente y educados. Denotan mucha alegría.❤❤❤❤
Боже, такой бардак,Диана как всегда босиком, ноги синие, Диана бегает по двору гоняет курей ,Хосров кормит ее какой бурдой, невозможно смотреть...😢
Кур ☝️
La niña corre a las gallinas y el padre le corre a la niña con la comida en la mano,esto es un manicomio total
Yo creo que el padre muy muy normal tampoco es,así que esta familia no tiene ni un elemento normal,ni la madre,ni el padre y ni ,por supuesto,la hija es normal.
I looked up autistic programs in Iran and there really aren’t any. There are a few in the big cities for the severely autistic. They are very expensive, and only the rich can afford them. Khosrow and Nifuler are going to be on their own with Diana. Eventually she will learn to feed herself, and then she will start getting some proper nutrition. Right now they are getting very little healthy food down her. She will eventually learn to talk, and that will cut down on the crying. I remember Maryam at this age having temper tantrums all the time. She has outgrown a lot of them , but she still has them when she is around other children because she is used to getting her way. As Diana gets older she won’t be so cute with all her constant crying. Hopefully they will eventually have other children that are much easier than Diana to raise and there will be less focus on Diana. It isn’t easy for the relatives to constantly have to help with Diana. They have their own children to watch. I feel like Khosrow and Nifuler are very insensitive to the problems and needs of their relatives. They expect everyone else to help them with Diana whenever they can’t manage to be the parents. People will eventually get tired of it. So I hope this couple will examine their behavior and think how to get control of Diana. Because as she gets older they seem more and more inept.
I truly believe this child has a form of autism, and with no testing to see at what extent, everything is gonna be harder and take longer for her to learn. She is gonna be a lot of work.
I agree. That is why I got on the internet. I believe her mother is a high functioning autistic woman as well. Mainly because of her very poor socialization skills, inability to make friends, and to form close bonds with people. She is very indifferent towards her brother and sisters. Also, her poor executive functioning skills, and lack of common sense. She seems very concrete to me in her thinking. Like you buy baby rattles for babies no matter what age they are. She is still buying toys for Diana that you would buy a 3 month old. Also, her lack of imagination in playing with Diana. She only knows to teach her to clap, and say ba ba. Also, she has a very low tolerance for everyday problems. Falls apart easily.
I agree with you. I do believe the way the parents are doesn't make it any easier for Diana. If these people had more knowledge when they feed her they would have gotten her a highchair, and I bet they can get them. From the time she could sit they could put her in it so she doesn't walk all around when she's eating. She wouldn't be playing with stupid things like plastic bags. The goes for getting educational toys and trying to teach her things. They don't seem to have the common sense and education to teach their children things. I do believe she has some kind of autism too so the way the parents are doesn't help her. Of course they don't discipline much either. Not trying to attack the parents only but they don't seem to want to take much advice. It really gets on my nerves. Especially the no socks and shoes walking on dirt and rocks.🙄😏
Для них дети, это источник дохода и потом они не знают как везти себя с подписчиками, только когда поступает мало денег, Хосров, Сайфулла выходит к камере, а ведь мы стараемся улучшить им жизнь😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
@@elizavetasalova4023 always more drama to increase views
I don’t understand why they don’t let Diana walk !! She is only happy hurting other that when she’s is happy!! And how stupid is that you guys are teaching her to be a animal abuser and to hit other you guys think is funny but is not
Yes,kosrow started the animal abuse by teaching her to throw rocks at chickens.they gave her a flyswat so she could hit people,and these are the only things I have seen her being taught by the horrible parents
@@Beverlyhillbill yes that true but you see how happy she is when she hurt people and animals thanks to her family members
تعلموا من هذه التجربة كونوا صادقين مع انفسكم ومع الكل لا تكذبوا من اجل الادسنس الكذب حرام والله لا يحب الكاذبين فكروا جيدا كل شيء لديكم ومع ذلك لا تعيشون جيدا كل شيء مبعثر كل شيء متسخ ديانا داءما مريضة ومتسخة راجعوا حياتكم وتصرفاتكم عيشوا حياتكم صح اعملوا روتيناتكم عادية ونحن سوف نساندكم ولا داعي الكذب لان الله لن يبارك لكم في اي شيء
Диана лучше себя ведет с девочками Сагиджан чем с отцом спокойно поела не капризничала
будьте пожалуйста построже с Дианой, если Вы ей желаете добра.
Вы отец и глава семьи, поэтому и должны держать всё под контролем.
Не позволяйте Вашей дочери бить Вас и даже в шутку.
Приучите её сидеть на одном месте когда она ест.
И всегда думайте о тем, что Вашему ребёнку всего лишь 1 годик и 4 месяца, она ещё совсем маленькая!
Она совсем маленькая и сама не знает чего хочет и ещё в силу возраста не отличает опасность, хорошее от плохого.
Наберетесь терпения и учите её жить правильно и с уважением к Вам как к отцу и родителю.
Правильное воспитание детей, это труд и терпение!
С уважением/\/\
Buuuua,Kursv.no es cabeza de familia ni nada,no piensa así que no puede llevar una familia con dignidad,creo que debió de ser cabrero o algo así para estar en la montaña solo toda la vida.
Кхосров молодой папа. И ему конечно не хватает жизненного опыта.
И этот опыт человек получает через его ошибки. Когда больно, но и учишься быстрее.
Всё будет хорошо.
Сейчас семья переживает тяжёлое время.
Get Nulifar a BED!
They don’t have room.
Plus they don’t have the money to order a bed oversea . They always sleep on the floor it’s their way of life they’re custom they’ve been doing this for thousands of years maybe you should study Iran customs, and what they have for only the rich kind of afford a bed❤
Why is she allowed to bother the chickens????? Let them eat!!!
Diana feel herself uncertain, because also adults behave like small children.
Çekim yaparken kameramanın gürültülü bir şekilde çekirdek yemesi çok rahatsız edici. İzleyiciye saygısızlık bu.
😂Dokładnie zachowuje się jak dzikus👋👋👍👍👍
Live and let live. If you are that sensitive, you are watching the wrong show. 😂
Я прошу давно уже оператора- перестать ЧАВКАТЬ В КАМЕРУ!
😂😂😂😂 vous croyez a tout ce cinema tout es mensonges ils sont la 1 h pour tourner après il partent chez eux. Diana un audieuce
Pero que Diana no camina,eso no es teatro,eso es real y esa niña no camina y si lo hace ,lo hace mal y lo mismo digo de los berrinches,los berrinches también son reales no son ninguna mentira,esta niña en la realidad es INSOPORTABLE.
And no towel to dry off, why dont they use towels.
Children thrive with boundaries. This puts them on a footing of knowing consistency and security. They know what is and what isn’t allowed. Helps them make decision and interact with people. People don’t run when they see you coming.
I agree.a child who has been taught right from wrong feels secure,and loved.this kid can't feel any of that!
They are going to need to set some, or they have a very long road ahead. If Diana is autistic they more than most need a definite schedule, and routine. When teaching them I used to have make picture schedules for them which helped reduce their anxiety because they knew what was coming next. If the schedule had to change they didn’t cope very well.
I've been saying for a while Nulifer needed to have her on a schedule. I don't think they quite get it. The children need that schedules and discipline. I think we all get tired of saying this.
Do not let Diana hit the other children and the animals
@@lisadawes9427. I totally agree with you. I am probably saying too much most of the time, but I get so frustrated when they make everything so hard with Diana. With a routine and schedule I think she would be a lot less fussy.
Что мы хотим от детей , если родители головой пользуются не по назначению. Голова у них не чтобы думать , а для того чтобы носить платок и прическу. Вот они уже кур кормят на терассе . Яйца покупают , а Диана ходит между кур босиком по холодному кафелю. Козам тоже нравится поближе к дому , а лучше в доме. Лентяи и безумцы , им не детей рожать а лечиться надо. Оператор , хватит семечки есть.
A una niña tan pequeña no se le da una fritada de tomate. Que desastre sois.
La llevo al Doctor y Mando a poner un unguento en el pecho y medicina y miren como la tiene sin zapatos cojiendo ese frio por los pies yo creo que ni la medicina le ha dado
I'm so sorry for your loss. I fell down a flight of stairs and lost my baby at six months pregnant, so I feel your pain
Oh, that’s very sad. 😢❤❤
I am so sorry you lost your baby at six months. I think that is way harder than what Nifuler has gone through. She was hardly pregnant. It never went past the embryo stage. It wasn’t viable on the first ultrasound. I don’t even know if I should believe she was ever even pregnant because they have stopped showing their real lives when they had her run away.
I do not believe any of this , you do not stay in hospital long for abortion, and come walking out like she had given both to full grown baby. Her mother not being a loud in is bull, because her sister was let in . They lie , like when she last left khorow and was staying at her mother’s . On the day that khorow was putting the silver insulation on the house they are building he had the young lady there helping him with cleaning and making tea, when khorow was out side the kitchen door feeding the chicken it’s shows the girl walking in to the kitchen door , and with her back to the camera is Nuilfer at the kitchen sink , the girl realizes the slip up and goes out to tell khorow you can see her whispering to him that the camera showed Nuilfer , when she was supposed to be living at her mothers
@@52480-lTotally agree. If she’s in there it might have been for something else.
Disculpen por lo que voy a decir ,se deben educar primero a los padres para que después eduquen a la niña ,pobre niña ,ni la comida el padre logró darle 😢.son todos iguales en,las aldeas porque dejan a los niños pegarle a los animales y los estimulan qué tiren piedras ,de que manera se van a educar los niños no es una crítica son culturas distintas ,pero me dan lastima por los niños inocentes .los amo a todos divinos ❤😢
Хосров,прекратите кормить Диану печеньем и конфетам от слова совсем.И тогда Диана будет сидеть и кушать все что вы дадите малышке правильно приготовленную кашу и суп
Да уж лучше печенья, чем ту бурду помидорную😢
That requires common sense😂
الحمد لله على سلامة زوجتك ويعوضكم بطفل.يملي حياتكم بهجه وسرور وان تحي حياة جديده خاليه من المتاعب والمشاكل وبالافراح والمسرات😊❤
Why is it in this channel that the kids always looks dirty? Especially DIANA. She should be kept clean because she’s always getting sick.
All the children seen need to be showered or bathed each day.Their hairs are terrible.Also, many of the womens hairs are terrible also.Greasy and dirty.
Everyday tasks that should be enjoyable routine activities for the learning and growing development of this child have become a circus. The child continues to dominste every daily lesson. The willful toddler unravels every step of daily tasks from breakfast to dinner by getting her way to dominate the parents. Her favorite "modus-operandi" is to cry to protest any and all parenral interaction she refuses to participate in. Unless it 's her choice to cooperate,(depending on how hungary she is) she will refuse to eat, and would rather play and throw her food at meal time, to be rewarded by her parents with a bag of junk food purchased just for her. This bag us full of candy, cakes, cookies, bars, chips, lolly-pops, suckers, artificial juice boxes and so on. She has learned she does't have to eat at all. Mealtimes are free-time where the child runs around in circles grabbing every object to toss on the ground, often at the parents. T he day continues with the same scenerio acted out for every task from dressing, grooming. putting on coats, hats, socks/shoes. The process is the same with the child being turned out unfinished, unkept, half-dressed barefoot, wild hair, dirty face and hands---bawling her head off.
You are absolutely right. Khosrow and Nifuler should watch how Tajmah feeds her baby, and Venus as well. They hold them securely and get the job done. They don’t make a production out of it. Nifuler has a bunch of junk food in the cabinet that Diana can reach. All Diana has to do is bring something from the cabinet and Nifuler will open it for her. Even if they are about to eat lunch or dinner she still gives her junk food. There is no common sense.
Zum Kotzen Sorry😭😭😭😭😭
The goats are hungry too.
You would know. 😮
She was never pregnant. All for views. Disgusting when women are going through this for real.
I agree.
Yes agree
Totally agree.
You would know. 😮
Nargis just came over to be on the camera and is not helping things. So annoying.
Los niños no golpeen a los anoimales No sean aprovechados
Nifuler was really putting on the poor me act in the car. She is such a big baby.
I know some of you will be relieved…. Some of the messages let me know they are not pleased with what I have to say and that’s okay. Nilfor is coming home so I will quit watching the channel…..
I don’t blame you. I am getting to the point I don’t like either one of them. I can’t stand Khosrow bossing his sisters.
وانا ايضا
I ja.
Postali su odvratni.
Da zive u mojoj državi, prijavila bih roditelje za nemaran odnos prema djetetu.
Yes I don't like the attitude character of Nilofer ...that's why her child Diana is already has same spoiled child ..she never have a cute smile...Her mother doesn't know anything of Parenting ...
Isso faz este favor flor por falta de adeus 👋👋👋 vai pela sombra,o que menos precisamos é gente tóxica.
Bonjour 👋 mon dieu 🙏 faut pas contrarié sinon elle crie et vous suconber à tous ces caprices 😮😮😮😮😮 vous devez lui faire comprendre que quand on mange on fait rien d autre ds notre pays nous n' avons pas ce soucis car les petits enfants sont dans des chaises spéciales bébé 😮😮😮😮
Diana n écoute pas elle tape les animaux et s est pas bon sa va la rendre méchante et si sa mere rentre de l hôpital il faudra qu elle se repose mais avec sa fille sa sera pas possible je pence et Elle n écoute pas son pere 😮😮😮😮
мамага сама во всем аиновата.именно мамаша таскала Диану еа руках лишь бы ничего не делать
ديانا لابد أن تعاقب على الأخطاء التي تفعلها حتى تتعلم التربية الصحيحة هى مش متربية اصلا
I am sorry for your loss, but in the US we have D&C go home the same day and back to work in a couple days. It doesn’t take 2-3 weeks. Thousands and thousands of women have went through this. Yes I have lost a baby and d&c, god knows what he is doing.
I thought they said she had a reaction to the anesthesia. It may be why she was there longer. She might have also had an infection after having had a partial miscarriage
@@michaelmeyer4895 She was told to go to hospital and get an abortion but she did not and waited for days??? The videos never said how long she waited. I believe she had a bad infection.
I think it was at least two weeks .
@@josiecooper-g8vI always have a reaction to anesthesia and a couple days I’m fine…… Even with medication for infection she should be fine. This is one big performance.
It's nilaofaur we're talkin about here she's all about the drama
Why let chickens on the deck, they poop everywhere and very unsanitary
Apparently they like tracking poop through the house.Nasty!
Because the goats are always eating the food they leave out for the chickens.
احمدو ربنا أن الطفل الثانى لم يأتى لانكم فسلتم فى تربية ديانا فكيف تربون الثانى 😂
Khosrow: Nilufer necesita a su madre para que la cuide y que nadie venga de visita, que la dejen descansar y recomponerse en paz. Mejor cuida tú de Diana como puedas....
@@52480-lI agree that why no one sees her. I have always said this is a big show…..😊
@@52480-l it has all been for drama. the normal drama to increase views drawn out tooo long
Я ни разу не видела, чтобы Диана полноцено поела,как она ест я не могу смотреть,у них столько коз, неужели нельзя сварить молочную кашку, молочка дать попить...😢😢😢
Они молоко не пьют никогда не видела ни в одном видео, в лучшем случае пахту, не знаю что это, но они называют так отходы, когда готовят, масло.а кашу варят из камней творожных и в основном зимой.
@@User-sev263они доят коз даже и не моют вымя, это молоко вонючее, как его пить? Хотя козы заходят к ним в дом, они наверное привыкли к этому запаху.
Hola a todos. Tendría que venir tu mamá a cuidarte y a ayudarte querida Nilufer. Ella sería la mejor opción ❤
Her mother only wants her when she can get Diana.
@@AmandaBosseI don’t blame Tobi. I don’t think having her as a daughter was easy.
La madre todavía la malcria más. Esto no tiene solución. La niña es un horror.
Because they are stupid, they think we are stupid also!
No merecen like pues tienen a sus animales con hambre a las cabras 🐐 tienen amber 🙏 por favor
Treba da hranis Dyanu kod kuce Vi sto zivite u Tom selu Okupajte i osisajte svoju djecu zasto su Neuredna bar jednom u sedam dana
you only got one kid , why you stop bathing her , you don't have six children, she's a star of the show , bath her please
@shahnazshahidiani2061 ja imam djecu imam I unucad nikad nebi sebe sredila ko dami da mi djeca hodaju prljava ako nemas ulove da pazis zasto imas setero nisu zivotinje I nemoj da odgovars gledam video I sve razumijem
Szlag mnie trafia jak widze jak dziecko bije doroslych i wszystkich 😡zamiast ją upomniec to odsuwają głowę!!!czy Ci ludzie wiedzą co o to ręcznik??bo nigdy nie widziałam, Diana ma cos ze stopami, czy oni wszyscy są ślepi?buty i ubrania kupują kilka rozmiarów za duze😂,nic sobie i tak z naszych komentarzy nie robią i po co dają nr telefonu?jak chca się porozumieć??!!
Ну как зачем, чтобы денежки им высылали.
Сейчас, на какой иранский канал, не зайдешь, у всех на заставке выходит номер телефона, по которому можно связаться с героями канала ...все они, поголовно, ждут от зрителей посылок и денежных подношений, до того стали меркантильными и наглыми, что уже, в кадре, выпрашивают деньги...
Все детей оставляют только Сабджану, как будто больше кроме неё никого нет
Например Зухра с Фатимой могли бы посмотреть на время за Дианой😮
Диана с девочками хорошо ладит, не капризничает, ведёт себя хорошо 👍😊❤❤❤
Семья Ахмеда только отзывчивая, ближе всех 👍👍👍
Sajan is also the one that took care of Arad when she herself just delivered a baby. Why didn’t someone else step in but they asked her. Amazing.
Он приносил туда Диану, там так встретили, что он тут же увёз другой бабушке и оттуда забрал, потому что знает как с ней сложно
Gracias a Dios que ya estará en su casa con su familia. Cuídate mucho Nilufar ❤❤❤
Cuando la niña hace cosas bién, tienen que decirle que està muy bién hecho. No todo es castigarle . No se si me explico. Cuandio hace algo bièn, tienen que hacércelo saber y decirle: Muy bién hecho hija. Y cuando hace algo que no está bién , también tienen que decírselo.
You are totally correct. You always want to be giving way more positives than negatives. But you shouldn’t be afraid to tell a child no, and then praise them when they stop doing the undesired behavior, and quickly praise them when they are engaging in a desired behavior.
Non insegnatele a tirare pietre 😮😮
У детей, в той местности, это самое любимое развлечение...виноваты взрослые, родители, которые поощряют такие игры, вот дети, потом, и замахиваются на всех, подряд, на людей и животных...
Hoping Nilufar will be feeling better soon! ❤❤
She won't! She will drag this out as long as she possibly can for attention, and pity!
Khosrow sometimes I think you give Diana to many orders at once and she can't handle it so gets mad, stay on one thing at a time until she does what you have asked
Why don't you finish your addition to your house and patio. Are you stopping this channel? Are you unhappy how the house has that space between them? MAYBE YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE PARENT'S.
Washing baby outside with freezing cold water.Why do you not use a towel to dry her.No warm coat or socks. When are you ever going to learn? Oh! Good, proper food being cooked. Make sure Diana eats plenty. She has now developed Goat horns in her hair. Is this the best you can do? Baby looks very pale. She could be anaemic!
Neden bu insanlar aile planlaması yapmıyor neden durumları kötü olduğu halde bukadar çok çocuk doğuruyorlar. Bu genç kızlarada yazık sürekli kardeş geliyor bakıyorlar sonra kendileri evlenip yine birsürü çocuk hayatları hep böyle olurmu. İnsan durumuna göre çocuk yapar niçin böyle dünyaya gelen çocuklara da üzülüyorum 😢 Aile planlaması gerekiyor
ربنا رحم هذا الطفل من وجوده معكم لانكم تسيئون تربيتهم😂
Nilofar no quería el bebé porque no ama a su esposo. Ahora a la mejor ya estará satisfecha.😏😟
العمه لم تستحمل ديانا نص ساعةً ولم تطعمها بل رجعتها لبيتهم 😂😂😂واهتمت بالغسيل وخسرو يوزع المال الهدايا لاخته ولبناتها عمه انانية
I wouldn’t want to watch Diana either not even 10 mins
His sister has a lot of work to do on a daily basis. Khosrow is not very respectful of his sister’s responsibilities and time. He thinks women are supposed to serve him and do what he says. I really detest the way he orders them around. I don’t think Venus likes it at all.
Диана так любит сама бегать! Всё смотреть! Так зачем вы её сразу хватаете на руки???
Вы никогда не думали , что родителям виднее? А на руки ее бурут когда она плачет и просится на руки. ВЫ что своих маленьких детей на руках не носили?
@ТамараЧерногор вы последнее видео смотрели? Хосров привёл Диану к сестре! Ребёнок с такой радостью бегал ножками, всё рассматривала! Нет подошли взрослые и стали её таскать на руках! Предлагать то, что Диане неинтересно!
Esa niña no sabe caminar,mejor dicho,no camina bien y entonces se cae mucho.
She really milking this hospital stay, I’m sorry but it’s a in and out surgery maybe one night stay and it’s not as bad as she pretending to be.
Aber alles dreht sich nur um Diana,wie eine Königin,sind alle selber Schuld😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏
Kosrow jorok bingiit ngasih makan ayam ditempat Diana maen jadinya kotor giliran mertua Anda yg selalu membersihkan dan mengepel halaman itu lhoo 🙉🙄🤦
Khorsow, então a Diana anda sem sapatos nesse chão frio? Depois a menina fica doente. O pai deve ter cuidado.
Mein gott Diana hat nur ein schuh an 😢 ,so dumme Menschen 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Dachte Diana ist Krank und Läuft schon wieder Barfuss😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Бог в помощь вашей семье! Здоровья и процветания! Пусть у вас всё будет хорошо!🌹❤🌹
@20;23 is that a rat crawling through the house behind that kid? I dont see any chickens nearby😂
Baby chicken.
Diana is beautiful baby girl,yes she is spoil so what,first child they love her a lot ❤️
so what? she will become a narcisstic, snobby little girl with bushy eyebrows and always a pout-not beautiful
Diana ho bije, yreba ju plesknuť po rukách, to nesmie robiť?!!!!!
من قلة التربية
Then Ahmed’s girls give her a stick and laugh when she hits the donkey. I don’t think Ahmed’s family is the place to go to get educated.
Kosrow please a gift to zarah and Sabjan, they always help you with Diana, and Diana is making problems, tantrums and is so annoying😢😢😢😢 always screaming and crying, zdo not forget the people who really love you and help in sad days, hope Nilucifer get well soon. God bless you all, greetings from México 🎉
I agree. Sabajan and her daughters are always being used by Khosrow and Nifuler. I guess their culture is different. If Khosrow was my brother I would have told him a long time ago to quit expecting me and my daughters to take care of Diana. I already have a baby to take care of, and no washing machine. They should at least offer to let Sabajan use their washing machine for all the time they have spent watching Diana, and I don’t see it letting up anytime soon.
Jest autystyczna
Yes I think so too 😊
You would know 😮
Купи стул для кормления,посади,накорми,отпусти,приучайте к нормальному,выкинь эту ложку дуристическую,возьми нормальную,побольше,что у вас там все через "жопу".
انت لم تستطع تربية ديانا فكيف تتركها مع طفلة مثلها😂
Странно как-то у них когда женщина рожает её сразу выписывают. Тут чистку делали уже три или четыре дня нет.
Это не обычная чистка.
Hola mi niña nilufer que alegría de verte qué vuelves a casa para que Diana esté con tigo y tu esposo khosrows todos juntos gracias a Dios que salistes de ese apuro te deseo pronta recuperación cuídate
دیانا رو بانظارت خودتون بفرستید داخل کوچه بابچه ها بازی کنه زیاد بغلش نکنید اینطوری خوشحال تره وقتی خودش درحال بازیه
Нилюфер , как умирающий лебедь , еле лапочет, как будто вместо чистки ей сделали полостную операцию, ну не надо переигрывать , скорее всего ничего не делали , это просто игра на кам еру и всего лишь. остальное провокация.
No,realmente no le han hecho nada,ni siquiera a estado en el hispital
Camera dude/ uncle who started laying around khosrows house,or whoever you are!?!?youre only hurting their purse by not posting comments!
Blessings beautiful people. Glad Nilufer is better. ❤
Хосров майката на Нилюфер трябва да дойде тя се грижи най добре❤❤❤❤❤❤
No socks again
The evil is looking out of the eyes of this Horror girly 😮 Diana😢
Evil comment 😮
Er Läuft ihr mit dem Essen nach 😮😮😮Meingott😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Her şey bir yana da bu evin bir depoya ihtiyaci var her şey her yerde .ortalik eşya dolu
I am confused now. was there, not a newborn baby in the hospital a few episodes ago?
Ziba's baby 👶