GH- Luke and Laura (&Lucky) 95-96 playlist p 183

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @brendacantafio4332
    @brendacantafio4332 4 года назад +2

    I missed some of the programs from the 90'sand I love watching.them for the first time. It brings me back and I am happy. Great.

  • @KDL861
    @KDL861 5 лет назад +4

    GF plays Laura so well, sitting at the defense table with her face in her hands. She looks so frustrated, angry and innocent.

  • @KDL861
    @KDL861 5 лет назад +3

    Yea. What’s up with the glances between Lily and Garcia?

  • @sonyab1974
    @sonyab1974 13 лет назад +2

    Kevin: It's going to be murder in their today though.
    Kevin: Sorry.
    Luke: It's a good one doc.

  • @butterfly7704
    @butterfly7704 13 лет назад

    @sussezq You're Welcome, and thanks for posting!

  • @mikemontgomery7857
    @mikemontgomery7857 Год назад

    I saw a spark with Laura and her future husband, Kevin.

  • @MsKuzzon
    @MsKuzzon 6 лет назад

    i think garcia has a thing for lily and it might be that she has one for him as well .

    • @KDL861
      @KDL861 5 лет назад

      mili We’ll see. I just started this episode.

  • @karenoneel2339
    @karenoneel2339 6 лет назад

    Bad call having Laura in palliative death gray. And her hair up like a matron. Good gawd.

    • @betsykeller9096
      @betsykeller9096 5 лет назад

      Your comment made me laugh. I went all "Hot in Cleveland" gag reel in my head on that one. But, yeah, her outfits were just not that stunning in this era.