MITSKI REACTION | Bury Me at Makeout Creek

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Luscent
    @Luscent  Год назад +3

    Hiya! You can watch this with no cuts on Patreon!

  • @hey.its.fine0115
    @hey.its.fine0115 11 месяцев назад +55

    Mitski said in an interview that i will came about because she wanted to write a love song but she didnt have anyone in mind so she wrote what she needed to hear

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  11 месяцев назад +5

      oh interesting!

  • @iregretthis
    @iregretthis Год назад +140

    Last words of a shooting star is by far my absolute favourite from this album. It was a comfort song for me when I was in a really dark place. I believe the general idea of the song is that she is on a crashing plane (a star shooting out of the sky), and she is reflecting on how she wanted to die anyway, and this way she doesn’t have to feel guilty or leave that shame of “giving up” to her friends and family. Especially the line of “blood sniffing shark”, like she was depressed and looking to harm herself. The room being left tidy and clean makes it look like she had her life together to the people she leaves behind. It’s overall a very grim representation of wanting to die but not wanting to bare the shame that is usually associated with suicide, so by the plane crashing she is given a way to make her death “clean and pretty”. That’s how I interpreted it at least!

    • @marktoniamor-segan3670
      @marktoniamor-segan3670 Год назад +1

      Absolutely this, down to it being a comfort at a dark point. My preferred version is the audiotree live performance because of a misinterpretation in my end - at ~1:03 after “carefully I was going to live” there’s a sort of feedback or background noise or something, but upon first listening when I didn’t know it was an indoor performance, I assumed it was a bird call caught by a mic and the contrast of birdsong after the line about living versus the imagery of the plane crashing really gets to me. One of those little things where a misreading ends up adding value where arguably it shouldn’t be

    • @ashleycampbell3288
      @ashleycampbell3288 Год назад +3

      The thing is, she actually experienced this. The plane was on tirbulance and she said in her head "if I'm gonna die here, at least they will think of me kindly because I left my room tidy."

    • @valynambrose
      @valynambrose 3 месяца назад +2

      Despite many people's first thoughts, songs like these are more comforting and saved me from making dumb decisions in the heat of a moment, like many others. I personally took the airplane turbulence as a metaphor, like she's going through a rough patch in her life and its affecting her to the point where she is ending it all, but she still feels the need to apologize to other people as she is slipping away from life even then, her death would be nothing more than an inconvenience to others, so at least if she apologizes she can feel as if she hadn't burdened others so heavily, they'll never know how deeply her feelings went, how disturbing her thoughts would be, and would therefore find it easier to simply say "we had no idea." Some people choose to interpret it as suicide, others don't. I def did the first. She says she sat in there like a blood sniffing shark, as you said as if she is looking or thinking about if she were to die. Her dreams make music in the night, she wishes for something different from this, and yet she still gets up the next day. She talks about this other person, how they are infatuated and focused on themself rather than her, and she takes a louder more emotional tone as she speaks about a bell that is only a shell of its former self on the outside, yet its original form is walled in. How ironic for the "Liberty" bell to be trapped inside of a replica. It sings through the night of its dreams, with the bell of its original self, and is told to simply endure and that things will get better. She is constantly going back and forth, trying to convince herself that maybe she'd be able to keep on living. She always wanted to die clean and pretty, but was too busy living to be able to fix it into her schedule. We oftentimes continue on in life mindlessly despite harboring such thoughts, not always acting on them. I see it as her being relieved that she didn't realize something so pivotal would happen to her that she would choose to end it there, because if she had known she might have hesitated due to feeling a need to continue on. The entire song is a constant tug and pull of "I don't want to live anymore but I'm not really sure how to even go about it." This abrupt "turbulence" or issue in her life that strikes suddenly is something she is glad for. She no longer has to sit around waiting for an excuse or to have a moment to genuinely consider things and is pushed to the edge before being able to think rationally or make a mess with her emotions by faltering in her decision. And then there was none.

  • @jessicabrum9200
    @jessicabrum9200 Год назад +81

    Just in case nobody told you yet: I Will is a love song that she realized that she had no one to write for, só instead, she wrote what she would like that somebody would write for her. She write for herself basically

    • @olivermceldon
      @olivermceldon 10 месяцев назад +2

      Makes me cry every time, it's so vulnerable

  • @snailflowers
    @snailflowers Год назад +44

    i think this is by far one of her most beloved albums by her fans and i have to agree. each song is sooo carefully and intentionally crafted and just gets better and better on every listen

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад +3

      yeah I feel that it feels very specifically crafted to me

  • @jammy3542
    @jammy3542 Год назад +30

    last word of a shooting star is about a fiery plane going down (the shooting star). Mitskis kinda reliving her memories before the crash.

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад +1

      oh 😮

    • @isabelaalbis5387
      @isabelaalbis5387 11 месяцев назад +1

      she never said that. But mitski did state she wants her listeners to interpret her songs however they want to

    • @jammy3542
      @jammy3542 11 месяцев назад

      @@isabelaalbis5387 girl ok just saying what I've heard xo

  • @WW-xr1fb
    @WW-xr1fb Год назад +29

    Definitely do her first 2 albums!! Lush is my personal favourite - it's very eclectic but i think it has some of her best lyrics and vocals

  • @Er3nis
    @Er3nis Год назад +7

    My Top 5
    1- Drunk Walk Home
    2- Townie
    3- Jobless Monday
    4- First Love / Late Spring
    5- Carry Me Out

  • @ricprodri
    @ricprodri Год назад +224

    Experiencing late adolescence when you're in your mid 20's is something very common when you're LGBTQ 😓

  • @louise_eee
    @louise_eee Год назад +33

    2:50 texas reznikoff 🕯️
    5:20 townie 🍾
    9:13 first love late spring 🌸
    14:01 francis forever 🦢
    16:52 i don’t smoke 🚬
    20:47 jobless monday 💼
    24:03 drunk walk home 🚶🏻‍♀️
    27:31 i will 🎵
    30:40 carry me out ⚰️
    35:23 last words of a shooting star 💫

  • @AllBee007
    @AllBee007 Год назад +15

    Mitski was one of the first artists (after Hozier) who’s voice brought me instant peace no matter what I was going through, and gave a voice to the grief that I could never put words to ❤

  • @damnthony1074
    @damnthony1074 Год назад +18

    There is something so special about Mitski's voice. My favorite record of hers is Puberty 2, so please react to that. Her record "Retired from Sad, New Career in Business" is amazing as well.

  • @francescawhite4166
    @francescawhite4166 Год назад +6

    Francis Forever is my fav Mitski song i was so sad when it wasn't your fav 😭😭😭

  • @antonellavaliente5500
    @antonellavaliente5500 Год назад +2

    francis forever was my most listened to song this year and it's mostly because of how much it reminds me of my relationship with my mom

  • @Sammy11611
    @Sammy11611 Год назад +7

    YESSSSS THIS IS MY FAV MITSKI ALBUM!!! Loved your reaction!! My favs are Drunk walk home, I Will, and Last words of a shooting star! Also mitski said I Will is a love song she wrote while she wasn't in love and she wrote it to herself, the song is what she wishes someone would say to her!

  • @brunoramos3989
    @brunoramos3989 11 месяцев назад +1

    the story behind i will is that mitski wanted to write a love song for the album but she didn't have a lover so she wrote it about things that she would like to hear from someone else

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  11 месяцев назад +1

      oh wow cool!

  • @jamiegrantduggan373
    @jamiegrantduggan373 Год назад +3

    I think the song 'I Will' is taken from the perspective of a third person(mitskis lover) and the words being spoken are what Mitski would like to hear from that person.

  • @benalberts8905
    @benalberts8905 Год назад +2

    You have to watch some of the live performances from this album! Drunk Walk Home especially (live at Palisades, and at Boston Calling), as well as Townie and I Don't Smoke.

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад +2

      oh cool! yeah will defo check them out

  • @thegayben
    @thegayben Год назад +1

    i dont smoke: my fav mitski song of all time xx

  • @ivoryalmond
    @ivoryalmond Год назад +1

    Top 5 for me:
    1. Townie
    2. Carry Me Out
    3. I Don't Smoke
    4. Drunk Walk Home
    5. First Love/Late Spring

  • @MultiGreenG
    @MultiGreenG Год назад +14

    "I Bet On Losing Dogs" is one of my all time favorite songs from Mitski. Love her. Puberty 2 is my favorite album of hers. I have it on vinyl.

  • @Nobody-pq8xw
    @Nobody-pq8xw 8 месяцев назад

    My favorite is
    1. First love/ late spring
    2. Francis Forever
    3.Last words of a shooting star
    4.Drunk walking home
    5. I Don’t smoke

  • @damnthony1074
    @damnthony1074 Год назад +4

    No one can match Mitski's scream in Drunk Walk Home imo. I suggest you watch her performance of the song live in Palisades. Her scream there is terrific!

  • @scr4pb4by
    @scr4pb4by Год назад +1

    lush and retired from sad,new career in business are absolutely amazing albums- theyre very unique! looking forward to seeing you react to them

  • @caros3925
    @caros3925 Год назад +2

    Pls react to lush from mitski. Its on of my favorites and has an really cool vibe to it

  • @cecilianygaard343
    @cecilianygaard343 Год назад +2

    ahhh yes!!! this is my absolute favourite mitski album!! i definitely agree that she was still finding her style and experimenting, but its just so beautiful to me.
    I think my top five would be: Francis Forever, Last Words of a Shooting Star, Drunk Walk Home, First Love/Late Spring and Townie

  • @Althazar-t7g
    @Althazar-t7g Год назад +1

    TOP 5
    1, Francis Forever
    2. Texas Reznicoff
    3. First Love/Late Spring
    4. Townie
    5. Drunk Walk Home

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад

      ooh interesting quite different to mine!

  • @Rainydayreal_estate
    @Rainydayreal_estate 8 месяцев назад +1

    lmao and i thought last words of shooting is about her comtemplating suicide

  • @Kikimikiriki
    @Kikimikiriki Год назад +1

    this feels like her ultimate vent album

  • @jaylenetarin5927
    @jaylenetarin5927 Год назад +1


  • @cxbees
    @cxbees Год назад +3

    the first 2 are SO GOOD and literally 2 of my top 3 of her albums. highly recommend!! them being university projects makes them more impressive for sure, but they 100% hold their own with her recent work IMO (she's obviously evolved and gotten better but it's like genuinely SHOCKING that she did Lush at 19 on her own with a friend -- who is still her producer!!)

  • @M4rMar199
    @M4rMar199 Год назад

    So glad you got to experience this amaizing album!!

  • @devorab4888
    @devorab4888 Год назад +1

    Not to get your hopes up, but Puberty 2 is the one. Thematically, Bury Me… is a great primer for what gets explored in P2

  • @valentin1402
    @valentin1402 Год назад +3

    actually I will is a song mitski wrote to herself kinda?? she said that she wrote it as a love song but she didn’t have anyone to write it about, so she wrote it about the things she wanted to hear from someone else ..

  • @Er3nis
    @Er3nis Год назад +1

    Yes if you want to react Lush and Retired from sad, new carrier in business then you should definitely do it!

  • @ivoryalmond
    @ivoryalmond Год назад


  • @Fueledbychapstick
    @Fueledbychapstick Год назад

    This reaction helped me appreciate the album more, thank you! :) I can’t wait for Puberty 2, that’s my favorite!
    My faves from this are Townie, Jobless Monday, I Will, I Don’t Smoke, and probably Last Words 💞

  • @lulululululu866
    @lulululululu866 Год назад

    top 5:
    1. carry me out
    2. townie
    3. i dont smoke
    4. i will
    5. first love / late spring

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад +1

      nice mines so similar

  • @yuhhhxan
    @yuhhhxan Год назад

    Carry me out is a masterpiece

  • @deadlypotatoes1839
    @deadlypotatoes1839 Год назад +1

    I would love to see you react to her university albums!

  • @braex2417
    @braex2417 Год назад

    the crazier thing about mitski is that she was performing geyser before bmamc was released

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад

      oh really!! thats interesting

  • @jarmonaaa
    @jarmonaaa Год назад +1

    I almost died omg

  • @nicomints
    @nicomints Год назад +2

    Hey! i've never commented on your videos, which i have been watching, but your videos are very nice and fun to watch. Bury me is def one of my fav albums ever, btw the title is a "the simpsons" quote lol, I'd say my top 5 songs are: carry me out, drunk walk home, francis forever, texas reznikoff and last words.
    Mitski said that her songs are up to interpretation and you give them your own meaning, which i think is cool (though some talk about racial and culture-clash things as you mentioned.) This is such a teen album and i love it, the ending i personally interpret with as a more dramatic ending. Great vid!!

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад

      the simpsons thing is so random hahah yeah I love how open her songs are for interpretation

  • @dsaid20817
    @dsaid20817 10 месяцев назад

    unrelated but 3:48 is so real, i cant let me hair be a mess

  • @jessicabrum9200
    @jessicabrum9200 Год назад +2

    So, laurel hell finally grew up on you or meh? Its my fav album, I think its her darkest and honest songs

  • @RapunzeLover
    @RapunzeLover Год назад


  • @saraleon97
    @saraleon97 Год назад

    ooooh yessss I love this album ❤️

  • @baludlad2173
    @baludlad2173 Год назад

    I love how raw this album is for sure, even though that doesn’t make it any less intentional. I think Puberty 2 is an improvement in on this sound and it’s production but there’s something to be admired in how simply the story is told in this album

  • @ghoulboss7848
    @ghoulboss7848 Год назад

    I highly recommend listening to Lush next

  • @medievalphantom
    @medievalphantom Год назад

    🫶🏼so excited

  • @zryiii
    @zryiii Год назад

    You should react to the new Hannah Diamond album Perfect Picture! She is one of the veterans of hyperpop and worked a lot with PC Music/A.G. Cook who produced much of Charli XCX's music. The album is really solid and I think you'd appreciate it

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад

      oh cool! yeah I've heard about her will defo check her out

  • @ICouldntEvenHearYou
    @ICouldntEvenHearYou 9 месяцев назад

    BMAMC is her quarter life crisis

  • @jeansboy
    @jeansboy Год назад +2

    puberty 2 😩😩please

  • @blqkhle
    @blqkhle 7 месяцев назад

    Francis forever is a cover actually

  • @19.jimmy.91
    @19.jimmy.91 Год назад

    You should listen to Nicolas Jaar & Ali Sethi Intiha!

  • @Puberty2-l2s
    @Puberty2-l2s Год назад +3

    where are the ppl with the timestamps💔💔

    • @urmpho
      @urmpho Год назад +1

      in the description ❤

    • @louise_eee
      @louise_eee Год назад +1

      2:50 texas reznikoff 🕯️
      5:20 townie 🍾
      9:13 first love late spring 🌸
      14:01 francis forever 🦢
      16:52 i don’t smoke 🚬
      20:47 jobless monday 💼
      24:03 drunk walk home 🚶🏻‍♀️
      27:31 i will 🎵
      30:40 carry me out ⚰️
      35:23 last words of a shooting star 💫

  • @marianaaguiar4167
    @marianaaguiar4167 5 месяцев назад

    meu deus acho que nunca vi alguem ter uma interpretação tao ridicula de i will com todo respeito

    • @marianaaguiar4167
      @marianaaguiar4167 5 месяцев назад

      nem de last words pqp ??

    • @bpdcallie
      @bpdcallie 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@marianaaguiar4167 porra né como que tu ouve last words of a shooting star e de algum jeito consegue tirar do teu cu DEIXAR A ADOLESCÊNCIA PRA TRÁS tipo a mitski falando de morte e ele "kkkk, ent gente eu acho q ela ta falando de romance adolescente 😊"

  • @menta3001
    @menta3001 Год назад


  • @MarcusVinicius-zk2xs
    @MarcusVinicius-zk2xs Год назад +1

    waiting for the day when you'll do a joanna newsom reaction, pleeeease

  • @Ray-zq1sp
    @Ray-zq1sp Год назад

    The title is a Simpsons reference lol

    • @Luscent
      @Luscent  Год назад

      omg really? 😂

  • @syntheticsilkwood2206
    @syntheticsilkwood2206 Год назад

    Lush is her best album imo
    Well her darkest at least

  • @nadiap8522
    @nadiap8522 Год назад
