Otira (the lords prayer) by Celestial Chorus Choir

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @dwinaworkoutsatem4032
    @dwinaworkoutsatem4032 Год назад +1

    October 2023 and this still hits deep. 🙏🏻🔥

    • @NakasDIY2018JP
      @NakasDIY2018JP  11 месяцев назад

      I'm telling you, the song is always so fresh

  • @emilemartin3906
    @emilemartin3906 6 лет назад +20

    *Pater en banvelé*
    *O Tira o one minkut o wo one kome djo nè sio nénè bone bon balak bâ né wè Tira o one minkut o o.*
    1. Nzon nzon Tira o za djelan olugu o (oo Tira o one minkut oo)
    -Ayon nzon Tira o ivé à si ndjès...
    -Taman won bonba asi vene nda djo....
    2-Va bès meze bia djel na zé a ndzé zen o....
    -O dzu bés abé zom bia bonwè a Nti....
    -Ta nde bia dzu babe nyan bâ vus ne bés o...
    3-Té lég bés meboblan me satan a Nti...
    -O visa béa mi béa mimam mise a Nti....
    -A Zambi kome djô ne si one minkut o...

  • @atangaalombah4186
    @atangaalombah4186 Год назад +1

    Wonderful a capella rendition of My Lifetime. Base/ Baritone just insane!!!10/10

  • @LindaNtoh
    @LindaNtoh Год назад +1

    Beautiful voices is toughing

  • @dwinaworkoutsatem4032
    @dwinaworkoutsatem4032 2 года назад +2

    I just missed this music today n decided to listen it and it still gives me goosebumps as always 🔥 🙏

  • @maimartine4069
    @maimartine4069 5 месяцев назад

    Vous êtes des anges. Ce chant traverse les cieux comme un éclair.

    @BRYANBEZB 7 лет назад +2

    I can't get enough of Sts Peter & Paul University of Buea Chaplaincy. It was a great blessing being part of this wonderful community. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you all.

  • @kukwabridget691
    @kukwabridget691 10 лет назад +3

    muah! Up CCC. never this proud of u guys. Blessed the day i became part of this Heavenly voices

  • @jeanernest26
    @jeanernest26 8 лет назад +2


  • @michellebeyala4916
    @michellebeyala4916 3 года назад +4


  • @melvisngenang8914
    @melvisngenang8914 10 лет назад +2

    Amazing ,this is just what i ve been looking for,cant stop listening to it

  • @heldrinembah9423
    @heldrinembah9423 10 лет назад +2

    Wow!!!!! Bravo guys , words can't explain how I am feeling right now. It's so touching, I am proud to be part of this wonderful choir. CCC all the way

    • @futu868
      @futu868 8 лет назад


    • @fabiennekengne4086
      @fabiennekengne4086 5 лет назад

      It is a prayer, our father who is in heaven etc... As it is the case, you shouldn't have been done without those variations at the end. The Soprano is too high it would have been better to take a different one because her voice is not hearing in the high notes for those who don't know the song. Thank you

  • @adelinekaren6353
    @adelinekaren6353 10 лет назад +7

    Hey, I am so proud of you guys. Even if I were to start all over again, I will still be part of CCC. I love and miss you guys. Thumbs up!!!!

  • @c3_c3
    @c3_c3 10 лет назад +2

    CCC!!! Well done! More power to your elbows. God bless!

  • @junioraaliya
    @junioraaliya 10 лет назад +1

    Very very great. Omg CCC doing great things .I'm so proud of u guys. Forward ever

  • @mandzoedel9762
    @mandzoedel9762 10 лет назад +3

    Dang guys am so impressed. Love everything about it. Waiting for more.

  • @ireneawirnia1419
    @ireneawirnia1419 6 лет назад +2

    This is perfect.You did a good job.Good melody and perfect blend..To God be the Glory and congrats.

  • @cheelvis9771
    @cheelvis9771 10 лет назад +1

    Wow, i so love this. CCC for life. Very beautiful track, melody, harmony and the video is top notch. Keep it up guys and God's Glory will continue to shine in us all

  • @capitald.v.u5300
    @capitald.v.u5300 6 лет назад +2

    Soul refining rhythm and an apt melody for a superlative spiritual realm.

  • @stevewilfred3560
    @stevewilfred3560 5 месяцев назад

    wowww this is so great

  • @sakwenasale4912
    @sakwenasale4912 3 года назад +1

    Wow beautiful and handsome faces so encouraging

  • @applelove1018
    @applelove1018 3 года назад +1

    Great voices 😍🤠😉

  • @burlamajolie480
    @burlamajolie480 7 лет назад +2

    i love this song please for the lyrics.
    i will want to sing with our group in Swiss thanks in advance.

  • @labanmalaika426
    @labanmalaika426 2 года назад

    So nice 🙏

  • @gothuekamgafranckydilane4834
    @gothuekamgafranckydilane4834 2 года назад +1

    O Tira o one minkut o wo one kome djo nè sio nénè bone bon balak bâ né wè Tira o one minkut o o.
    1. Nzon nzon Tira o za djelan olugu o (oo Tira o one minkut oo)
    -Ayon nzon Tira o ivé à si ndjès...
    -Taman won bonba asi vene nda djo....
    2-Va bès meze bia djel na zé a ndzé zen o....
    -O dzu bés abé zom bia bonwè a Nti....
    -Ta nde bia dzu babe nyan bâ vus ne bés o...
    3-Té lég bés meboblan me satan a Nti...
    -O visa béa mi béa mimam mise a Nti....
    -A Zambi kome djô ne si one minkut o...

  • @alexzaz6376
    @alexzaz6376 Год назад +1

    very well

  • @gothuekamgafranckydilane4834
    @gothuekamgafranckydilane4834 2 года назад +1

    i am seduce. Let the Lord be lifted above all.

  • @zangfranklin303
    @zangfranklin303 6 месяцев назад


  • @burlamajolie480
    @burlamajolie480 7 лет назад +2

    please pleaseni need the lyrics .
    thanks in advance

  • @kelinekongchi
    @kelinekongchi 4 года назад


  • @raoulngoufo497
    @raoulngoufo497 7 лет назад +1

    Trés beau Chant peut - on avoir la traduction et la copie ?

  • @c.j.thedude
    @c.j.thedude 3 года назад

    Very Nice!

  • @raoulngoufo497
    @raoulngoufo497 7 лет назад +1

    Please can i have copy and translation of this song ? I like it, thank

    • @mervychou1036
      @mervychou1036 6 лет назад

      Moi aussi je veux la traduction

    • @okaksang1111
      @okaksang1111 6 лет назад

      That's my mother's tongue. Huh... I don't recognize the lyrics...

  • @StadianeWagoum-l1s
    @StadianeWagoum-l1s 2 месяца назад

  • @jeanernest26
    @jeanernest26 8 лет назад

    Svp puis-je avoir les paroles ? j'aimerai la chanter avec mon groupe durant les fetes de Noel. Merci d'avance

  • @fideliembatama264
    @fideliembatama264 Год назад

    Bonjour svp les paroles écrites

  • @rosinetchouwa1368
    @rosinetchouwa1368 7 лет назад

    very nice this song, can i have the translation (ENGLISH OR FRENCH) please, thks

    • @emelineessembion596
      @emelineessembion596 6 лет назад +1

      Hey guys this is a nice one. It's the our father prayer in Maka language, East Cameroun, inbox me and get the music sheet. I use to sing it back home.

    • @NakasDIY2018JP
      @NakasDIY2018JP  5 лет назад

      It is simply the Lord's prayer

  • @anangtegha6340
    @anangtegha6340 3 года назад

    ccc to the world