4k60p世界文化遺產(福建土樓)NHK世界第1奇樓,上天掉落的巨大甜甜圈建築!又被稱為四菜一湯獨一無二大型民居建筑藝術瑰寶。World Cultural Heritage Fujian Tulou

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • 【福建土樓】世界第1奇樓,上天掉落的巨大甜甜圈建築!又被稱為「四菜一湯」
    一個個如巧克力脆皮甜甜圈造型的建築,其實就是享負盛名的福建土樓啦!大家都說來到大陸福建就必須朝聖一下這獨一無二的建築奇葩-「福建土樓」!因為圓圓的造型,而且大多數為客家人所建造的,所以也被稱為「客家圓樓」。[Fujian Tulou] The world's first strange building, a huge donut building that fell from the sky! Also known as "four dishes and one soup"
    Each building shaped like a chocolate crispy doughnut is actually the famous Fujian Tulou! Everyone says that when you come to Fujian, you must make a pilgrimage to this unique architectural wonder - "Fujian Tulou"! Because of its round shape , and most of them were built by Hakka people, so they are also called "Hakka Round Buildings".

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