4:37 Founded Vanguard in 1975 (S&P 500 went up +28.42% that year, but ended the 1970s decade with an average annual gain of +2.88%) 6:01 (Interview starts) 6:06 Financial engineering: making numbers look better than they are 8:26 Focus on the long-term (investing), not the short-term (speculation) 8:40 Fiscal discipline and intelligent planning 8:58 Index fund investing means you simply want to be/match the market, instead of attempting to beat it 9:24 Instead of betting on one horse (one stock), you're buying the whole race (all stocks) 10:03 Investing is simple, but not easy 10:36 Think about how much in stocks, for growth (though risky) and how much in bonds with income 10:58 Have your bond position equal your age (if you're 30, have 30% bonds)
4:37 Founded Vanguard in 1975 (S&P 500 went up +28.42% that year, but ended the 1970s decade with an average annual gain of +2.88%)
6:01 (Interview starts)
6:06 Financial engineering: making numbers look better than they are
8:26 Focus on the long-term (investing), not the short-term (speculation)
8:40 Fiscal discipline and intelligent planning
8:58 Index fund investing means you simply want to be/match the market, instead of attempting to beat it
9:24 Instead of betting on one horse (one stock), you're buying the whole race (all stocks)
10:03 Investing is simple, but not easy
10:36 Think about how much in stocks, for growth (though risky) and how much in bonds with income
10:58 Have your bond position equal your age (if you're 30, have 30% bonds)
Is she 50 ??????????? I could have sworn she was in her 30's ...
Now she's got to be 40.
i cant believe she's 50 whats her secret
2024, the bozo on wall street is cooking the books again.
These jokes are so bad...
Yes, I find the bad jokes charming though.