Lime Flavored Optimo - Sonica Aquatica (Sonic Advance 3 Ocean Base Zone Remix)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 40

  • @LimeFlavoredOptimo
    @LimeFlavoredOptimo  2 года назад +16

    Woah, this is only the second song of mine that's ever hit 10,000 views. Thanks, everybody!

    • @CarlosGil-ph7ed
      @CarlosGil-ph7ed 4 месяца назад

      Esque son estupendas y el sonido excelente

  • @Dreigonix
    @Dreigonix 8 месяцев назад +8

    Ocean Base was a banger as it was, but slowing it down like this lets the cool chords really sink in and makes for a surprisingly jazzy vibe.

  • @jusstadude
    @jusstadude 9 месяцев назад +5

    that's deep...

  • @UltimateN.
    @UltimateN. Год назад +7

    The piano just hits different..🎹

  • @epichero7279
    @epichero7279 3 года назад +21

    finally a decent ocean base remix!

  • @afrokumla9428
    @afrokumla9428 3 года назад +18

    How do you only have 400 views with this quality of music

  • @fchsean
    @fchsean 11 месяцев назад +2

    This remix absolutely slaps, awesome production value on this tbh great job!

  • @adreeeandanothere510
    @adreeeandanothere510 4 месяца назад

    A shame I find such well done music so late. Keep it up Lime, your fruits of labor are sweet.

  • @JarellPotter-cr6hz
    @JarellPotter-cr6hz 2 месяца назад +1


  • @zetsun0
    @zetsun0 2 месяца назад

    That's an excellent take on the song, good job mate

  • @Quangdeptrai_c12
    @Quangdeptrai_c12 2 года назад +4

    Chill and nostalgia.....thank you so mụch :''''''''''''')

  • @SirenRunner
    @SirenRunner 3 года назад +6

    God this sounds so perfect you nailed it!

    • @LimeFlavoredOptimo
      @LimeFlavoredOptimo  3 года назад +4

      Thanks, FL Studio says I spent 13 hours on a 5 minute song so I'd hope it sounds decent lol

    • @dexketristo2349
      @dexketristo2349 3 года назад

      @@LimeFlavoredOptimo It shows. A lot of effort was put into it. I love the jungle and electronica going on in it. xD

    • @DrSwazz
      @DrSwazz 3 года назад

      Ocean Base needed a jungle kick to it and this brings it

  • @lastlevelworld
    @lastlevelworld Год назад +3

    your page+remixes are ridiculously underrated. I hope you get the subs you deserve this year.

  • @fushisaruhiko
    @fushisaruhiko Год назад

    Dude this is amazing! Thank you so much for making an ocean base zone remix.

  • @cheesy713
    @cheesy713 2 года назад +9

    I absolutely love this remix! I love the way it starts off calmer before gradually picking up and calming down again near the end. This has so much quality to it, and I'm impressed with how you managed to fully remix the Map theme of Ocean Base, a theme I already think is really good. Very well done!

    • @LimeFlavoredOptimo
      @LimeFlavoredOptimo  2 года назад +2

      Thanks! This is probably the hardest chord progression I've had to pick out by ear. It's a shame that the GBA's soundchip wasn't that great, because the Sonic Advance games actually have some really neat soundtracks and the GBA's soundfonts don't do it justice. You might wanna check out my video on how I made this, because there was a lot that went into it :3

    • @JackTheGamer3
      @JackTheGamer3 10 месяцев назад

      We meet again!!!! ^^

  • @jaezewpozitron06
    @jaezewpozitron06 5 месяцев назад

    I can hear that GMS preset hehe! Amazing remix btw!

  • @voidblaster2959
    @voidblaster2959 3 года назад +5

    Love it

  • @lastlevelworld
    @lastlevelworld Год назад +1

    I wish I could give this another like.

  • @franikku
    @franikku 3 года назад +2

    This is so good. Congratulations!

  • @habthcanguru
    @habthcanguru Год назад +2

    I really love this rhythm! These funky drums is a really happy percussion for me, I know there's on street fighter 3 ost, you have a video or something that can help me to learn this? I already tried to search but I didn't get it
    Ps: That remix is amazing! I really love everything in! And I subscribed on you channel!

  • @chrissolanohernandez4260
    @chrissolanohernandez4260 2 года назад +3

    Excelente remix

  • @coolcale
    @coolcale 2 года назад +1


  • @raulsonicchoque854
    @raulsonicchoque854 3 года назад +3


  • @gabrielvaldez4042
    @gabrielvaldez4042 2 года назад +1


  • @Vaginetta
    @Vaginetta 3 года назад +4

    Sounds like Steven Universe battle music which makes me love it already

  • @Mae4Ever
    @Mae4Ever 3 года назад +1

    You do requests?

    • @LimeFlavoredOptimo
      @LimeFlavoredOptimo  3 года назад +10

      Sorry, I don't. Music production is only a small side hobby for me, and I'd hate for it to start feeling like a side job rather than a hobby. Thanks for askin', though.

  • @Tails_Fenix
    @Tails_Fenix 2 года назад

    Woh song de gill street fighter 3 and sonic advance 3

    @NFKRAYZ 3 года назад

    Is there any way to contact you?

  • @Beastmd
    @Beastmd 2 года назад

    PLEASE tell me you have spotify

    • @LimeFlavoredOptimo
      @LimeFlavoredOptimo  2 года назад +1

      Unfortunately not, since my stuff is entirely self-published. I'm just on here, SoundCloud and Bandcamp :c

  • @livylivia6995
    @livylivia6995 2 года назад

    Adorei essa música não quês me oferecer essa musica ah eu se chamo Frank i eu tenho 5 anos é um remix forces ah i porque não vai no grupo da Sega para metei no sonic forces