Nyob Oxygen Vim Txoj Kev Ruam. 4/12/2023
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Nyob Oxygen Vim Txoj Kev Ruam.
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Koj txiv thaub laus mas khua thiab tsim nyog tuag mus los xyov tsim nyog mag tsim kom them tau koj niam lub neej ib sim neej rov qab
Nej txiv mos ab thiab nej ntsej muag sib tuab dhau lawm nej thiaj tseem tos txais nws yuav ntsej muag
Hos niag mos ab ntawv yeej looj ntsej muag aub tuab ntsuav nrog nej vim nej coj li nej
Neeg ce tsi sawm zoo . Zoo kawg nawb .😂😢😅😊
Zoo ib zaj lus kawm rau nej cov pog laus thiab thaub laus hlwb npuas kawg
Tus laus thiab tus hluas hais lus yeej tsis muaj hnub hais lus sib to taub vim nyias nyiam nyias
My dad left my mom when she was only 40. I’m glad my mama is smarter than some elders. She never mess with any of the boys overseas. And she never move on, she only focus on us. Now she lives with me and she is so much more happier.
Peb hlb koj niam kawg mi ntxhais aww.tu tu saib dhau li lawm os 😂😂😢😢😂😂
Nej cov me nyuam coj zoo heev thov qhua nej nawb mog
Txhua txhua tus niam tsev uas twb muaj ib pab me nyuam txaus txib txaus tu lawm yog thaum yus tus txiv ho ntxeev siab mus muaj tus tshiab tsis hlub yus lawm los yus yuav tsum vuag yus pab me nyuam vuag yus lub neej tuav khov kho ua lub neej nyob nrog lub teb lub chaw. Yus yuav tau hlub yus tus kheej. Txawm tsis muaj tus txiv los yus muaj ib tsev me nyuam lawm yus yeej ua tau ib lub neej nyob sov siab so. Vim txhua txhua tus thaum peb laus peb yuav rov kawg rau peb cov me nyuam nkaus xwb. Tsis muaj leej twg nyob sab nraud yuav hlub peb tshaj li peb cov me nyuam lawm os cov niam tsev.
Niam Ntsuab Teev, hais lus yuam kev tag li lawm os koj nas. At ~25:30, koj hais tias kuv tus nus khiag kiag, tab sis yog tus txiv tshiab khiav nas
Ruam dhau lawm ces yus yuav tau rau yus txoj kev ruam xwb mog
Nws tus Txiv tshiab yeej yuav npam ib hnub twg xwb. Tsis tau txog caij npam xwb nawb txhob raw zoo siab mog .😂😂
Ntshaw ntshaw txoj kev sib tw ua neej ces kawg Tau li ko tiag tsis Tim tus txiv mos ab nawb Tim koj niam xwb txawm yog nej Tau ib tug zoo li no los nej yeej tsis nyiam ib yam thiab xav xav tau txiv mos ab yuav tsum siab ntev thiab yoog lawv me ntsis thiaj tsis tau mob hos coj li koj niam coj ces kawg zoo li koj niam xwb tiag
Xub tiag ces tuag tiag xwb hos yus laus lawv huas ne
Ua lub neej ib tug laus ib tus hluas ces yeej tsis txog twg li os
OB niam txiv DEV cas yog koj niam thiab koj txiv xwb!!…🐕🐕 Hahaha 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Koj hai yog tshaj plaw li lawm os 😊
Koj hais yog kawg txiv neej dab tuag npaum li cas los yeej xav tau tus poj niam zoo nkauj tshaj xwb!!!
Of course, the people from Laos are all about MONEY. I feel so bad for your parents, especially your mom. Your story breaks my heart. I wish your mom the best. Don’t forget to keep loving your mom even though she can’t remember sometimes. Love her enough so that you won’t feel too bad when she’s no longer here. Take care.
Cas koj txawm siv hais lus yuam kev rhuav lawm thiab na niam ntxawm aw
Yog cov laus twb paub paub ntuas peb cov hluas tias kom yus txhob mus muab pob zeb tsoo yus tau hau ces yog li no mas..pab koj niam tu siab os vim txoj kev chim siab kev mob siab thiaj yuam kev tag os!!
Is a lesson for old folks.not worth it
Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it'll help our elders.
Yog kawg. Pab qhia cov nyuj laos uas phej xav mus noj zaub mos na.
koj niam ce tsi nyog tuag lawm ma lau li koj niam 60 xyoo li koj niam lawm tseem yuav mu ntshaw txiv npaum li ko thiab neeg npam xwb os cia kom koj txiv zoo kiag li koj niam thiab la ma es nkawd thiaj sib phim os koj thiab koj txiv nkawd ce muaj kev npam ib yam nkau 😂😂😂😂😂
Cov Hmoob mislivkas nej cov npaj thaub mejthaub nej yeej paub zoo tias tuslaus thiab tushluas yeej nyob g tau ua ke los nej sawvdaws kuj phov siav tuag tas zog txhob nrhiav txoj kev nyuab siab rau nej cov menyuam lawm os
yog tias koj niam tuag no ces kom koj niam coj mus nqa khau xwb moj nej niam yuav txhawj nas thaum twg koj niam tuag no nco ntsoov kom kom niam coj mus xwb nawb
This young husband is a good person since he still consider you kids family. Your mother was too controlling.
Pog laus tsis mloog me nyuam lus ces kawg zoo li no xwb peb cov poj niam laus tau zoo Nyob ces nyob twj ywm mas lo pab tu siab kawg li os 😢
Nom tswv txoj cai twb yeej hais tias yog nej tos nej tus txij nkawm nyob lwm teb chaws tuaj txog yog nws tsis yog tuaj yuav nej tuaj hlub nej tiag. Tsuas yog nws muab nej tuam choj tuaj rau teb chaws meskas xwb no ces kom nej muab xa rov qab no nev. Ua cas case twg los yeej xa tsis tau lawv rov qab li?
Nyuj ua nyuj thauj nees ua nees ris. Phov siav tuag ces zoo li ko ntag.
Hajhajhaj tus me muam niam ntsuab teev aw koj hais2 dab neeg zoo li koj vwm tag li lawm thiab os rau qhov hais qee tsam mas koj hais lus yuam kev rhuav li lawm thiab nas
So many stories like this being told, yet no old men and old women listen and learn from it. These will continue to happen if our parents don’t learn from stories like this.
Because they think it will not happened to them
Preach it. These OGs know what they are getting themselves into.
Just why like that. Tupid can't help tupid. 🎉
Cov poj niam thiab Txiv neej laus ua ntshaw2 Txiv mos Ab thiab niam mos Ab ces Zoo li no ntag mas. Sawv daws twb paub ib ntus zaj zus los tseem tsis zeem kiag li. Cov niam laus Ab thiab Txiv laus Ab ces yeej paub lauv.
Txawm pestsawg tus poglaus &yawglaus mob tuag kus los yeej tsis zeem. Tseem yuav mob coob tus ntxiv tom ntej no.
Cov niammos ab txiv mos ab no use pog laus yawg laus xwb.pab tu siab tabsi tim koj niam nrhab nyob nrhab mus that ces kawg mob stroke tuag
Tsis tsim nyog nej tseem yuav ua phooj ywg nrog nej niag txiv tshiab ntawm kov lawm yog nej ua li kov ces yog nej tsis hlub nej niam nej thiajj nrog txiv tshiab ua phem rau nej niam es tsis k nej niam li thiab...nej niam yeej ua tsis yog lawm los mas.
Tsis txhob ntseeg txivneej li nawb. Tus hluas thiab laus los coj phem tib yam os cov vivncaus aw. Ruam thiab ntse los yeej muaj lub maib phem. Txivneej hmoob txaem nyob lub ntuj twg los tseem yog ntshav hmoob ces yeej txawj limhiam tas tas.
Koj niam tshiab thiab txiv tshiab yog hluas nkauj hluas nraug Tim nplog teb
Koj niam tseem Nyob ces tsis tau npam os lwm hnub ces txiv tshia mam npam os enjoy when he can, what’s come around goes around
Koj hais yog kawg
Yg li kj hv o
Tsis ua cas qhov mob ua koj mob nov nws yeej mob rau yam koj niam txaus siab mob xwb koj nws mob lub cev xwb nws yeej txaus siab rau yam nws tau thiab yam nws ntshaw lawm mas me ntxhai txhob nyuab siab nej hlub nws los nws tsis hlub nws tu kheej nws rov nrhiav mob rau nws xwb tsis muaj leej twg pab tau nws li os mog ua tsaug koj Muab koj niam lub neej share rau peb mloog ua kev kawm os mog .
Tus npam ces yog nej niam thiab txiv nkawv lawm ntag.
Koj niam twb nyiam li ntawd ces cia ua li koj niam hais xwb mas tsim nyog kawg li os
Kuv mas tsis xav hmov pog laus tos tub mos ab kuv es muaj 30 xyoo xwb kuv twb tsis kam tig mus saib cov niag nyab laj lim xyiam li as peb cov pog laus hmoob tim no tsis muaj siab ntsws raug tsim txom tiag tiag li yom tub mos ab thiab nkauj mos ab tuaj txog kav tsij khiav kom tag vim twb tsis sib phim kiag li kom pog laus thiab thaub laus tso tseg txoj kev mus hmoob nyab laj noj tuv nawb
E yg li kom na e ua ca niaj nhub no tseem mj ib cov nkauj mog ab ho tseem nyb nrog cov thaub laus thb ma
The person sharing this story is on point on everything. I don't dispute anything she says, some people forgot or are in denial when they look into the mirror. Nowadays, no matter where you live or who you are, it's all about the $$$$.
Luag cov niam mos ab txiv mos ab nyob Laos 🇱🇦 ces zoo kiag li cov hungry tsov txaij nyob nram Africa tos ntsoov cov deer OG nyob meskas mus txog ces noj 1 tog zus xwb .txhob tu siab yus yeem yus
Nej tus txiv tshiab thiab nej tus niam tshiab yeej muaj kev txhaum thiab nawb vim nkawv zoo nkawg siab yuav tus laus thiab yuav tsis dim dawb dawb, ib hnub twg yeej yuav npam thiab😭😭😭😭
Can't believe they are still friends with the mothers new husband from laos.
Kav tsij qhia cov niag pog lau yawg lau vwm tim ko thiaj g muaj2 plhus thiab o txhob xav tias hmoob mekas thiaj ntxub hmoob nplog xwb hmoob nplog lod yeej ntxub hmoob mekas cov ua pLuag tsab muaj rhos nyiaj nplawm heev
Thank u for sharing your mom's story. Unfortunately, people (both men and women) will continue to do this until it happens to them bc they always think it'll never happen to them or they're willing to risk everything for three days of happiness. But when they're disable and laying in bed, they always regret their decisions and then it becomes stories like this on youtube to teach others. The cycle continues.
Sister pab tu siab kawg koj niam koj txiv nkawm ces tsim txiaj tib yam xwb os muaj neej Tsi ua neej es tab mus phov siav xwb os
It’s too late for those old people to learn! It’s up to our generation to change it!
Cov hluas mloog es kawm ho cov niag laus ces lawv twb tsis mloog li os lawv txawm yuav ib tug tuaj es khiav lawv lawm lo lawv yeej rov mus yuav dua yeej tsis zeem li os
BRAVO 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Girl. Well said.
Kawg dev yeem noj qua es npua yeem noj xua ces pab tsis tau lawm.
Nyiam ua Nyiam thiaj li paub yog lwm tus qhia cais hais 2 tuag kug los lawv hais tias dag xwb.
Xav kom lawv khib mas kav tsij ua ib tug zoo niam tsev rau yus tej me nyuam xwb mas lawv thiaj khib vim nws tsis tau chaw txib yus tej me nyuam ces nws khib mas
Ntuj aw laus npaum no mus yuav tu 18 xyoo g ua hauj lwm o ruam noaum koj nyuam qhuav ntxim
Everything s it's old ppl fault they way over Laos why you have to go get them
More Hmong OG who thinks money can buy love lol. Y’all gotta switch the roles around and ask yourself if you would marry your grandma or grandpa . Too funny
Cia koj niam nws nyob nws tim tsev laus txoj kev no twb yog nws xaiv ne.
your mom's young husband is not the bad one. He did try to come back making things up with your mom but it doesnt work out. Like you said they live and like things different cause of their age. It good he didnt take your mom ring and good that he left some money for your mom. I've known other young men that they married older woman to come here and when they leave they took everything.
At first I felt bad for the mom, but after listening to the story further, mom is at fault too. She should have listened to her kids and stop controlling.
Oldies are out of control with their kus kes. It’s unbearably irritating. I experienced it with elderly in-laws. Can’t imagine being the spouses of the age of you being the age of their last child or even grandchildren.
But it could also be that, he’s waiting for his citizenship.
@AllThingsBeautiful I agree he was only waiting for his paperwork.
Nej niam thiab nej txiv mas ntse ib yam nkaus ntag sib xeem seb leej twg tau thib ib ntag ov
Some people learned the hard way…too bad she should’ve spend her money on y’all kids 😂 instead of the young grass. She knew from the beginning, it ain’t gonna work!
Cov menyuam nkag siab li nej muaj tsawg nawb
lawv aw cov txiv mos ab thiab niam nkauj mos ab ces taum choj xwb os
If your mom's ex husband is no longer your mom's husband, why are you children still associate with him? He is no longer part of the family any more. You children should cut ties from him because it is not right for your mom. He is the enemy now.
Muab xa rov qab xwb la mo
Cov maum nyuj laus es mus noj zaub mos tim nplog ces yog tib co niag maum dev liam txwv xwb nawb lawv aw...
It has to end this way so the headache will be over. That was a good thing
Kuv lub paub dai dai npib li kuv xav tau txiv neej li nyiaj xwb
Cov niag hmoob nplog ntawv mas zoo muab faus ciaj xwb tseem yuav tos tuaj noj qab hnav zoo ua dab tsi tsis cia tuag tim nplog teb noj quav nyuaj xwb mas lawv
Tsis yog tus nus khiav paub? Yog tus txiv tshiab khiav os.
Pab nej tu siab kawg nkaus. I am a victim of a husband married to someone over there.
I never interested those gold digger over there. Hearing these stories like that really saddened my heart. I am almost over with my depression, anxieties, anger, and bitter. Looking for peace from now on.
Pray God for miracle on your mom.
Ob niag niam txiv laus aw. Ua cas neb yuav ua tau ntxim ntxub ua luaj li os. Cov niag hluas nyob nplog teb yeej tsis hlub neb ob niag laus li os. Lawv xav yuav neb kom lawv tau tuaj nyob lub teb chaws meskas xwb na.
Yog vim li cas nej cov hmoob mika pheej yuav los yuav cov niag poj laib yawg laib tim nplog cov mus tsim nej rau mika xwb puas tsim nyog os hmoob pab nej tu siab
Zaj no phim rau cov thaub laus thiab cov pog laus nyob rau sab meskas nej tsis hnov npauj kub xyooj zaj nkauj los
Mloog mas zoo li tus txiv mos ab yeej tsis phem npaum li niag pog laus
Thanks for sharing. It's sad when a relationship doesn't work out. Overseas can be the only option for some elderly to find quick and fake love even if it's only 3 hot tea or 3 days, but there are consequences. Hope mother is better.
Twb hais tias tsuav tau puag 3 hmo xwb los yeej zoo siab lawm no ne es twb tau puag tshaj 3 hmo lawm ces kav liam xwb ma
Txhob cem tus txiv tshiab no os tim nej niam xwb os
Mob nyob mob pheej mu nrhiav mob ces yog li no mas
Yep!! When the old men’s & women’s goes crazy to those diamonds diggers they always said that’s not our problems, why we worried about them! They said as long as they gets to spend 3 days with the overseas!! So sorry for these poor minds people!!
Yes! Please Live & Learn...Old & Young cannot be together! Learn to love yourself!
Hmoob meskas ruam npaum ko los hmoob nplog cem hmoob meskas ruam ua cav tseem chim thiab
Koj niam thiab koj txiv tshuav kev npam es nkawv them kev npam xwb os 😮😮😮
Should just go sausages and mushrooms hunting only! You get more and no dramas in your life but remember don't answer your phone call when you come back home.
These old folks need to understand that they are not marrying a husband/wife. They are marrying a child expecting them to act like 60+ yr olds. These kids "says" they can trade their youth for a better life, but once they are here, things will never go as they "say".
Agree 💯
This is America, we have the right to ruam and noj quav nyuj laus... our old hmong people got what they need. It either tua or ua rau lawm nyob ntev.
When these og ppl gonna learn if u do for fun then it okay but if u do it for love u will be like this story can’t help stupid ppl
Xyov cov niam thiab txiv no cas lam laus xwb tsis paub kev ua neej ua neeg li. Cia kom raug li no thiaj zeem lau vim hais tsis tau lawm. Sib tw mus yuav cov hluas2 zoo li yus tej xeeb ntxwv los yog tub ntxawg/ntxhais ntxawm xwb. Yus mus coj qws tuaj ntaus yus ces pab tsis tau. I don't feel sorry for them.
She did said it well. She is very fair on her story
I agreed with you. She should’ve been smart and just mess around and don’t settle with that young boy old enough to be her grandson only. Old ladies and men think they can turn back the clock, but it’s always about the money. Never love. Old man to young lady rarely ever. Old lady to young man, never work!
Your step dad doesn’t seem that bad. He respects you guys. I’ve hear worse.
Your mom was only used as a means for your stepdad to come to America. There was no love. It was just a transaction. The young will never stay with the old. The older Hmong folks are stubborn and need to learn the hard way.
Kwv tij tseem yuav coj khiav mus hos