받는게 없는데 광고를 걸어야할지 잘 모르겠네요. 다음에 또 스틱 원하는거 있으시면 리뷰해볼게요~! I got the sitck from Hitbox and this is not for AD. Let me know if you want me to review another stick. Thanks.
Thats not the issue with this stick, its about how it has the accesibility of providing two different movement inputs (stick, and buttons). Which makes it easy to hit just frames like jsfr, ewgf, pewgf, etc. Those moves are locked behind execution because they are really good moves, if you take away the execution, then you simply have OP moves you can spam with 0 effort.
Lol you cant really compare between mixbox and keyboard in terms of easeness, to this day on keyboard i still cant do the things that im able to do at mixbox such as electrics.
ayy bois finally found a stick I can use to transition from pad. Not used to using arcade sticks, but I keep breaking D-pads in under 8 months due to the stress of constant FADC combos and Wavedash
It does make it easier, i use an xbox controller and i can do 3 to 4 JFSR with hwoarang although there are players out there who can do the same with or withouth an arcade stick so if you dont have one is just gonna take more time to get to the same level
I tried xbox 360 controller, xbox 1, ps4 and keyboard and I'm gonna say things like jfsr are easier on keyboard and thing like wave dashing are easier on controllers in general but the KBD is the easiest on keyboard Key moves of akuma geese and aliza are very hard to input on keyboard And for some reason i couldn't ever press 4 keys at the same time on keyboard
@@المساعدالعام it mostly depends on the player, i find it easy to KBD on the Xbox controller and maybe i need.more practice and time to get on this level, in the end is like jdcr said in a previous video, "use whatever feels better for you". Thats why i believe that anyone can get to the top level but in a.different time and level of dificulty
@@edgarscottkarmacho Okay but you clearly have practised this for a long time. There is a promotional video of a guy playing Tekken 7 for the first time. He used this cross up and was able to do like 20 EWGF in a row. This thing is a shortcut to execution and goes against the whole point of high execution characters in Tekken.
Old EVO yes, they released statement about it back then. i dont think any tournament banned it yet prior covid. Nowdays tho, as its online anyway, most likely allowed
If someone had a macro to remove the execution aspect of doing electrics, I would call them cheaters. If someone used an arcade stick to remove the execution aspect of doing electrics... then... idk man.
If i play with a controller that makes execution harder, and i use it against someone with a regular controlller, does that mean that person is cheating?
If a player has access to executing a high level command list movement such as pewgf or running attack by a macro or shortcut, then it is called cheating. Such executions are not easily perfected on a normal command and yet a simple button or move forward stick can easily outdo or achieve these results.
@@linja3946 I mean it's just a controller at the end, it's not like it is just 1 button that does all the inputs. It's not really cheating imo. But anyway I don't really care too much ,I'm a pad player anyway and i don't really care too much about what you use as long as it's not auto guard/parry/duck or macro backdash.
@@EggscellentTree I have nothing against controllers for i use it myself. The video shown on sticks with the extra buttons for executing the difficult moves are what i was referring to...
Best comment. Guys lets be honest here. If macro is %100 cheating as one button doing the job, this device is 95% cheating as two buttons doing the job. If this stick become legal than I am fine to allow rest of the 5% and you can use macro directly.
God you’re dumb. Crossup allows you to do everything that theoretically possible with a pad (dpad and analog inputs at the same time) but more comfortably, so you’ve just proven yourself wrong. If you used a claw grip you could utilise the analog stick with your thumb and the dpad with your index, this is just using a PS4 pad board and putting the buttons and lever in more comfortable, accessible spots
히트박스 크로스업이 스파에서도 사용하기위해 추가방향키가 위에 있는지는 모르겠습니다만. 저는 방향키를 버튼으로 다른방식으로 추가해서 사용중입니다. 검지(왼손) 중지(오손) 약지(우방향키) 검지(왼발) 중지(오발) 약지(좌방향키) 엄지(하방향키) 방향키는 3개만 (상방향키는 없습니다.) 일단 장점이 손의 움직임이 크게 없다는데 있습니다. 크로스업은 초풍 나가게할려면 중지로 눌렀던 오른손버튼을 엄지로 누르면서 나머지 손가락도 같이 움직여야합니다. 그런데 위와같이 오른손버튼 옆에 방향키 오른발옆에 방향키두면 중지의 이동없이 엄지 약지를 이용해서 초풍을 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다. (무족초) 일반적인 초풍은 약지(우방향키)누르고 떼고 레버방향키아래로 한후 중지(오손)+약지(우방향키) 레버로만으로는 초풍을 10에 한번정도만 사용 할 수 있었는데 레버 버튼을 요래 바꾸니.. 10에 9번 초풍이 나갑니다. 매우 쉽습니다. 크로스업을 보고 많이 참조해서 이래 설정했습니다 버튼누르는 손가락이 최대한 바뀌지 않게 하면서 사용할려고 하다보니 저런배열이 나오더군요.. 백대쉬도 쉽습니다. 위 동영상에 나온것같이 레버좌방향키로 땡기고 엄지..약지 반복해서 누르면 나갑니다. 크로스업은 정말 잘나왔다고 생각합니다.. 컨트롤이 너무 쉽게되서 .. 어려운 커맨더 입력이 쉽게되기 때문에 초심자가 사용하기 좋은 조이스틱이라 봅니다. 하지만 전 레오를 합니다 ㅡ.ㅡ.....(아무런 의미 없습니다 ㅠㅠ)
Isn't cheating. if you're a bad player, it suddenly isn't going to make you win. It'll make rudimentary actions like movement easier and some moves but you still need to know *how* and *when* to do those things in a match. It just cuts down practice time on basic stuff. What would be cheating is if each button had an auto attack/dodge to beat highs/lows/mids etc into a hit/combo or if it could autoguard anything.
100% agree. this isn't going to suddenly make you an EVO champion player, but it is definitely an advancement in technology that can give you an advantage. Hardware evolves.
@@GuyverSenpai it's not about hardware. There are certain moves that are broken af but still present in game because those are hard to execute. For pewgf, a 13f safe launcher with insane damage, but it's hard to execute. Kazuyas WR2 into ewgf is super good combo but it's really hard to do. With cross uo, you're basically removing the execution part, and we left we just a broken move.
Jesus Christ that wavu... and that’s not even on a Korean style lever. Picked up an etokki Omni yesterday. I really want to see if I can learn stick. TheMainManSwe got me into learning tekken, you and CBM made me want to learn to master my characters (Jin and Armor King). After I get tekken god omega I’m going to start over on stick
@@Section8dc cause it is a scrub stick. Practice the stuff like everyone else. People using that stick deserve no respect. Im playing with stick for nearly 4 years and i practiced alot to do wavedash, kbd or ewgf fluently
@@quekZo95 I hear you on the execution part but calling everyone scrubs helps nothing. The thing is with all these new controllers is that the community always bitches saying "this is the end of execution!" but then you barely see them in tournaments, and hardly ever winning if you do. This is exactly what happened with hitbox, everyone freaked out, demanded it be banned cuz "all their hard work would mean nothing" and yet here we are, and the only pro I can think of to actually win with one consistently is super akouma. I play on stick, hitbox, and pad and they all have there advantages and disadvantages, Im not better cuz I use one over the others. I dont see this thing as a threat at all cuz its not going to give you matchup knowledge and fundamentals.
So execution is the only reason fighting games are hard and not the matchup knowledge, mental gymnastics, frame data, or basic fundamentals? Does this stick make you instantly better because you can do a PEWGF 7 times in a row in training? Execution (in most cases) does not equal skill.
at the end of the day, if only matters if you are having fun as long as you are not cheating (since crossup is still allowed for production it looks like it won't be considered as cheating for now)
Imagine wearing basketball sneakers to a football match and saying the rest of the players are cheating because you have worse gear. When does an input look hard when performed by JDCR? Truth is this the evolution of design in fighting games. Just like steering rigs have become more advanced, flight sim sticks have more features and regular console controllers are outshone by ones designed more for specific genres. This stick is an advantage. Not cheating.
@@arcadedbeast I'm aware it was your opinion, what I shared was my opinion using some examples. It's not that I'm necessarily more correct than yourself, I just feel strongly about it not being cheating but being an advance in competitive equipment, similar to advanced keyboard ergonomics or more aquadynamic swimming caps. Much love and respect.
It's pretty much a glorified macro. It will probably be banned in tournaments but at least you can still have fun with it and use it for some other games as well.
@@tyrannosaurus_x Since each button input is still only one button input, it definitely can't be compared to a macro. Hence why it's been confirmed to be legal at Evo/Combobreaker/etc. Not that having a crossup will really make much of a difference. What separates us from the best players in the world has more to do with knowledge than execution.
Well I mean if everyone can use this arcade stick I don't see why it's cheating. More an innovation if you ask me. You still need the skills, you still need the experience to play well.
@@jetsettech8804 im not sure if its cheating i didn't use any third-party software to help me or any macros im just changing the keybinds in the settings
if it's not a ad and a review then: 1. why not mention one negative aspect of it, were their really none? 2.why include the price and the pre order date? 3. you didn't even give you opinion on it , like if you think it's cheating or not. if you like it etc.
Learn to read between the lines, the title clearly has his opinion of whether he thinks it is cheating or not, regardless he still has to put rice on the table by 'advertising' his sponsorships.
사기스틱이죠. cpt에서 가프로박스가 제재받았던건 동일한 방향버튼 2개를 이용해서 더 빠르고 간단한 입력이 가능했고 이게 결국 실력vs실력이 아닌 장비대결이 되버리는거 아니냐는 논란이 있었죠. 그래서 결국 동일한 입력이 2개이상 있는건 퇴출되었고 믹스박스는 딱 거기에 부합하는 입력장치기 때문에 대회에서 사용 불가능한 장비라고 봅니다. 뭐 자세한건 코로나가 종식되고 오프라인 대회가 열려야 알겠지만 히트박스에서 뭔생각으로 만든건지 모르겠네요.
With similar sticks and other accessories on the market, I can see motion inputs being phased out of fighting games, there are lots of examples of this all ready happening. I don't think it's a problem, not having motion inputs because it removes learning them using the muscle memory process which takes a long, long time but the problem is when developers change motion inputs to something else that has a bad effect on gameplay and game mechanics. If done correctly and there are games without motion inputs that work extremely well without it effecting gameplay or game mechanics, the sky is the limit. Maybe in the future will see more fighting games without motion inputs but as for now a Hitbox stick might be handy if you have the money.
OMG thank you for this! I knew something was wrong! It go from like simple tekken to playing against cats where you can tell you gonna lose regardless!
Definitely a cheating for sure. It took me a year to get at least decent at backdashing in ps4 pad and you can backdash easily in just under 30 mins with this stick. I wonder if tournaments will allow this in the future
EVO allowed this back then based on their statement. Before covid tho, now mostly online, i dont think they can ban u from using cross up there. Also if EVO still think the same, then it will be allowed
Hit box is and has always been a cheating bypass for people that suck at executing movements by themselved and have to be carried out by a specific device like some sort of handicapped player. Fortunately there are not many and are also easy to spot, it's just faked stuff like having a button that automatically performed an jf electric for example. At least this one have the decency of having a lever.
I'll just state that I don't own an arcade stick. With this are you suggesting we should also ban the use of keyboards on PC and make it so its sticks/pads only? Cross up is understandable because it gives you two sets of movements on both sides to utilise and to simplify execution in a way developer's haven't intended, the buttons on the hit box are a replacement for the lever, you won't simply become instantly gain a huge boost execution, there is of course still inconsistencies when trying to do things like EWGF on a keyboard and god forbid an iWR2 or JFSR, even half-circles are still issues with me, so are 360s.
@@p99chan99 tekken is the most complex figting game in terms of movement. The way movement is arranged makes it simpler with buttons if we are talking about a device specifically conceived to ease things up, which is something that differs from a keyboard right off the bat. Keyboards are not designed/intended for fighting games. And on top of that, you could even use hitbox for other fighting games. It's just tekken, because of its movement dimension, what makes hitbox kinda disgusting. You can even listen to players reviewing the product saying that it was unfairly easy to wavedash or just frame with that, Aris among them.
@@aquilesca5tr0 maybe at first (just maybe) but the path is shorter and easier. There are things that you can achieve with a hitbox that cannot be executed with a lever, and all of that in less time. There's no way around it.
받는게 없는데 광고를 걸어야할지 잘 모르겠네요. 다음에 또 스틱 원하는거 있으시면 리뷰해볼게요~!
I got the sitck from Hitbox and this is not for AD. Let me know if you want me to review another stick. Thanks.
Thank you for the disclosure.
I would love to see more stick reviews from you!
Great video as always, thanks for the quality content!
Razer Panthera EVO please. For me it's to light and small 😕
try the mixbox , it's seems good for WR move like drag WR2 !
An informative and practical, yet short and concise review. Thanks JDCR!
Oh yeah? What did he say then? LOL
great review JDCR, greetings from Brazil, i love to watch your gameplay!
Eu também!!!
The backdash can be done on a keyboard as well. Just hold back, then press down and forward in a specific rythm.
Thats not the issue with this stick, its about how it has the accesibility of providing two different movement inputs (stick, and buttons). Which makes it easy to hit just frames like jsfr, ewgf, pewgf, etc. Those moves are locked behind execution because they are really good moves, if you take away the execution, then you simply have OP moves you can spam with 0 effort.
@@inder3944 Oh, I know. I was just saying, you can do pretty much the same backdash with a keyboard.
How do you start backdash on keyboard. Mine just stand still
Lol you cant really compare between mixbox and keyboard in terms of easeness, to this day on keyboard i still cant do the things that im able to do at mixbox such as electrics.
not all keyboards have socd cleaning
2:32 imagine someone rocking that stick at your local tournament and making that loud noise whenever they backdash
Sadly, for the last year and a half all we could do is imagine.
JDCR it sounds like a machine gun when you do your moves... pros are really something
ayy bois finally found a stick I can use to transition from pad. Not used to using arcade sticks, but I keep breaking D-pads in under 8 months due to the stress of constant FADC combos and Wavedash
Yeah that’s what made me switch to stick and let me tell you, it makes the game WAYY more engaging and fun
It does make it easier, i use an xbox controller and i can do 3 to 4 JFSR with hwoarang although there are players out there who can do the same with or withouth an arcade stick so if you dont have one is just gonna take more time to get to the same level
I tried xbox 360 controller, xbox 1, ps4 and keyboard and I'm gonna say things like jfsr are easier on keyboard and thing like wave dashing are easier on controllers in general but the KBD is the easiest on keyboard
Key moves of akuma geese and aliza are very hard to input on keyboard
And for some reason i couldn't ever press 4 keys at the same time on keyboard
@@المساعدالعام it mostly depends on the player, i find it easy to KBD on the Xbox controller and maybe i need.more practice and time to get on this level, in the end is like jdcr said in a previous video, "use whatever feels better for you". Thats why i believe that anyone can get to the top level but in a.different time and level of dificulty
@@edgarscottkarmacho Yeah pretty good point
@@edgarscottkarmacho Okay but you clearly have practised this for a long time. There is a promotional video of a guy playing Tekken 7 for the first time. He used this cross up and was able to do like 20 EWGF in a row. This thing is a shortcut to execution and goes against the whole point of high execution characters in Tekken.
Imagine buying this only to be in green ranks
Why you gotta hate
Hey it might be what you need to get out of light blue ranks :^)
got this fight stick from kickstarter and it great, i dont use the extra directional buttons as much as i should but it for sure helps
I was skeptical at first but when I saw the handcam I saw what it was truly capable of. I think I’ll definitely pick this up down the road thanks!
1:24 „Majima Goro“
I've heard that before in another jdcr video , it seems like that yakuza character is also korean expression. I wonder what it mean though.
It means "lastly"
What’s the odds of this getting banned jdcr?
It can be used in tournament?
Thank you so much for everything you do for the community jdcr, the timing here is perfect because I was thinking about getting one!
How about review the etokki that you used to use?
hello jdcr.is that a sanwa lever?what do you think of the lever when doing movement compare to your original korean lever?
Woah JDCR, whats that huge monitor? Is that the one with low response time that you spoke about before?
That is LG CX OLED, it's Jisang's TV. He was in Jisang's place when recording this review.
Is it tournament legal though?
Old EVO yes, they released statement about it back then. i dont think any tournament banned it yet prior covid. Nowdays tho, as its online anyway, most likely allowed
Where can i order this cross box? And also is this the crossbox 1 or crossbox 2?
nobody is gonna talk that custom mod razor panthera buttons panel layout? may i know where to buy that?
Will Hitbox be your controller of choice from now on? Thanks!
are you using a 35mm or 45mm Ball-top on the Crossup?
kickstarter 할 때부터 사려고 했으나 전부 32mm 버튼구성이라는게 아쉬워서 접었습니다. 손이 작으면 간격이 길어지는 버튼조합은 힘들것 같다는 예상이...
HitBox 측에는 예전부터 24mm layout을 만들어달라고 문의했으나 역시나 일반소비자의 피드백은 받아들여지지 않네요 ㅠㅠ
혹시라도 HitBox측에 feedback 주신다면 정말 감사드리겠습니다.
Where can I buy those?
If someone had a macro to remove the execution aspect of doing electrics, I would call them cheaters.
If someone used an arcade stick to remove the execution aspect of doing electrics... then... idk man.
If i play with a controller that makes execution harder, and i use it against someone with a regular controlller, does that mean that person is cheating?
If a player has access to executing a high level command list movement such as pewgf or running attack by a macro or shortcut, then it is called cheating. Such executions are not easily perfected on a normal command and yet a simple button or move forward stick can easily outdo or achieve these results.
@@linja3946 I mean it's just a controller at the end, it's not like it is just 1 button that does all the inputs. It's not really cheating imo. But anyway I don't really care too much ,I'm a pad player anyway and i don't really care too much about what you use as long as it's not auto guard/parry/duck or macro backdash.
@@EggscellentTree I have nothing against controllers for i use it myself. The video shown on sticks with the extra buttons for executing the difficult moves are what i was referring to...
Best comment. Guys lets be honest here. If macro is %100 cheating as one button doing the job, this device is 95% cheating as two buttons doing the job. If this stick become legal than I am fine to allow rest of the 5% and you can use macro directly.
can you review mixbox? I don't know its name. the one with keyboard movement
making gameplay more comfortable with hardware is okay. making gameplay easier with hardware is not
i agree with you, using macros is cheating
God you’re dumb. Crossup allows you to do everything that theoretically possible with a pad (dpad and analog inputs at the same time) but more comfortably, so you’ve just proven yourself wrong.
If you used a claw grip you could utilise the analog stick with your thumb and the dpad with your index, this is just using a PS4 pad board and putting the buttons and lever in more comfortable, accessible spots
Is this tournament legal ?
Stick and button quality on stock parts? How are they?
what’s your monitor and pc specs
1:24 did he say majima goro?!
Sooo basically 300€ for high execution?
흥미가 가는데 이 스틱은 대회에서 사용이 가능한가요??
히트박스 크로스업이 스파에서도 사용하기위해 추가방향키가 위에 있는지는 모르겠습니다만.
저는 방향키를 버튼으로 다른방식으로 추가해서 사용중입니다.
검지(왼손) 중지(오손) 약지(우방향키)
검지(왼발) 중지(오발) 약지(좌방향키)
방향키는 3개만 (상방향키는 없습니다.)
일단 장점이 손의 움직임이 크게 없다는데 있습니다.
크로스업은 초풍 나가게할려면 중지로 눌렀던 오른손버튼을 엄지로 누르면서 나머지 손가락도 같이 움직여야합니다.
그런데 위와같이 오른손버튼 옆에 방향키 오른발옆에 방향키두면
중지의 이동없이 엄지 약지를 이용해서 초풍을 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다. (무족초)
일반적인 초풍은 약지(우방향키)누르고 떼고 레버방향키아래로 한후 중지(오손)+약지(우방향키)
레버로만으로는 초풍을 10에 한번정도만 사용 할 수 있었는데 레버 버튼을 요래 바꾸니..
10에 9번 초풍이 나갑니다. 매우 쉽습니다.
크로스업을 보고 많이 참조해서 이래 설정했습니다 버튼누르는 손가락이 최대한 바뀌지 않게 하면서 사용할려고
하다보니 저런배열이 나오더군요..
백대쉬도 쉽습니다. 위 동영상에 나온것같이 레버좌방향키로 땡기고 엄지..약지 반복해서 누르면 나갑니다.
크로스업은 정말 잘나왔다고 생각합니다.. 컨트롤이 너무 쉽게되서 .. 어려운 커맨더 입력이 쉽게되기 때문에
초심자가 사용하기 좋은 조이스틱이라 봅니다.
하지만 전 레오를 합니다 ㅡ.ㅡ.....(아무런 의미 없습니다 ㅠㅠ)
Already preorrdered mine and I can't wait. Great review!
모자이크분 누가봐도 지상님같은데?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
umm sorry, i new at tekken and playing at keyboard, its seems like keyboard for me, cause i can binding what key i want. is keyboard cheating too ?
Isn't cheating. if you're a bad player, it suddenly isn't going to make you win. It'll make rudimentary actions like movement easier and some moves but you still need to know *how* and *when* to do those things in a match. It just cuts down practice time on basic stuff.
What would be cheating is if each button had an auto attack/dodge to beat highs/lows/mids etc into a hit/combo or if it could autoguard anything.
100% agree. this isn't going to suddenly make you an EVO champion player, but it is definitely an advancement in technology that can give you an advantage. Hardware evolves.
This is the most sensible argument for the crossup.
@@GuyverSenpai it's not about hardware. There are certain moves that are broken af but still present in game because those are hard to execute. For pewgf, a 13f safe launcher with insane damage, but it's hard to execute. Kazuyas WR2 into ewgf is super good combo but it's really hard to do. With cross uo, you're basically removing the execution part, and we left we just a broken move.
Really thinking of getting one.
Why is it so expensive
Isn't this Banned in Street Fighter
That was gafrobox, and it was kinda confusion on TO part. In the end allowed
Wait, so what about keyboard/mixbox? Are those okay in tournaments?
Idk about mixbox, but keyboards is definitely fine
Mixbox and Keyboards are all tournament legal.
혹시 이 크로스업이 풍신류나 어려운 콤보를 가진 캐릭에 있어서 사용하기에 있어서 쉬울까요? 아니면 히트박스 c타입이 쉬울 지 살려고하는데 너무 고민되서 여쭤봅니다.
일반 소비자들은 꽤 좋아하겟는데.. 대회야 보는 눈이 있지만 겜하는 사람들 편법으로 이기려는 사람 한 둘이 아님. 핵,매크로,오토.. 이번 길티처럼 제작사 측에서 두 방향 동시 입력시 중립으로 만들어버리는 조치 같은걸 안 취하면 은근 팔릴듯..
잡다님 리뷰 잘하넹.
혹시 가프로식 힡박이랑 비교했을 때 뭐가 더 편하고 쉽게 사용할 수 있을까요?
Please add subtitle on your videos beacuse I can't understand too much.
Jesus Christ that wavu... and that’s not even on a Korean style lever. Picked up an etokki Omni yesterday. I really want to see if I can learn stick. TheMainManSwe got me into learning tekken, you and CBM made me want to learn to master my characters (Jin and Armor King). After I get tekken god omega I’m going to start over on stick
i think it is korean style lever its bat top?
형 보고싶슴다..대회 항상 응원합니다^^!!
dang your streaming/gaming setup is good!
no amount of controller technology can beat a really dedicated pad player
Straight facts my man!! Pad for life xD
anyone know what stick this is? 0:07
You talking about the Razor arcade stick?
@@AceHatake yea didnt notice the logo at first, its the panthera right?
Just got one. What's the command for wave dashing on this stick?
Inb4 everyone calls it cheating but no one wins with them at tournaments
yea because it will be most likely banned and thats good. Scrub stick
@@quekZo95 ive seen you in multiple comment sections calling everything scrub this or scrub that lol, no I doubt it will be banned.
@@Section8dc cause it is a scrub stick. Practice the stuff like everyone else. People using that stick deserve no respect. Im playing with stick for nearly 4 years and i practiced alot to do wavedash, kbd or ewgf fluently
@@quekZo95 I hear you on the execution part but calling everyone scrubs helps nothing. The thing is with all these new controllers is that the community always bitches saying "this is the end of execution!" but then you barely see them in tournaments, and hardly ever winning if you do.
This is exactly what happened with hitbox, everyone freaked out, demanded it be banned cuz "all their hard work would mean nothing" and yet here we are, and the only pro I can think of to actually win with one consistently is super akouma. I play on stick, hitbox, and pad and they all have there advantages and disadvantages, Im not better cuz I use one over the others. I dont see this thing as a threat at all cuz its not going to give you matchup knowledge and fundamentals.
Well iirc jdcr used it on evo japan back then on leroy era, but he still lost
Innovation will always be questioned in an old school scene like Fighting Games
This isn't fucking innovation, this is basically dumbing down the skill level required. This is coming from a recently joined player.
This is not innovation. This is cheating. Its like calling rollerblades in a marathon innovation
So execution is the only reason fighting games are hard and not the matchup knowledge, mental gymnastics, frame data, or basic fundamentals? Does this stick make you instantly better because you can do a PEWGF 7 times in a row in training? Execution (in most cases) does not equal skill.
lets just allow macros at this point.
@@tyren818 youd probably love easy WS1 loops, so why not
과도한 버튼배열등의 개조가 된 컨트롤러의 경우 시합에 사용하는것이 불가능합니다 ( ex : 가프로식 히트박스)
TWT Dojo 룰에 나와있는건데 공식대회에서 쓸수있을지는 모르겠네용
Great! Keep the ball rolling ❤
레버잡는 왼손 손목이 덜 부담이 가서 좋을거 같네요ㅋ 클라 근너클이랑 밥웨이브할때 좋겠당ㅜ
어디서 구매할수 있는 제품 인가요 ?
He didn't answer whether he thinks it's cheating or not. Seemed more like an ad tbh.
This stick....my hands would love me but my pride would hate me :(
at the end of the day, if only matters if you are having fun as long as you are not cheating (since crossup is still allowed for production it looks like it won't be considered as cheating for now)
Cool Board ❤️ Realy Best Game stick Tournament Best Board🔥❤️😘
Hey, nice apartment
lol he didn't even said anything about it being cheap or not
well duh it ain't cheap, unless you wipe your ass with 250 bucks
Majima Goro.
Majima for tekken 7 confirmed?
I think it's cheating because this level of performance is impossible with a stick/d-pad.
What about regular Hitbox? Mix box? Keyboard?
Imagine wearing basketball sneakers to a football match and saying the rest of the players are cheating because you have worse gear.
When does an input look hard when performed by JDCR?
Truth is this the evolution of design in fighting games. Just like steering rigs have become more advanced, flight sim sticks have more features and regular console controllers are outshone by ones designed more for specific genres.
This stick is an advantage. Not cheating.
@@crewie94 I did say "i think" meaning my personal opinion. Even JDCR can't do the same things with just a joystick than he can do with the cross|up
@@arcadedbeast I'm aware it was your opinion, what I shared was my opinion using some examples.
It's not that I'm necessarily more correct than yourself, I just feel strongly about it not being cheating but being an advance in competitive equipment, similar to advanced keyboard ergonomics or more aquadynamic swimming caps.
Much love and respect.
It’s not impossible at all man, it just takes practice just like an arcade stick
It seems almost like tekken movement animations were made specifically for the input speed of a hitbox
옆에서 찍고 있는거 지상님 아닌가요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I just wanted to say I love you JDCR and keep up the good work :) (even though this stick is %100 cheating in my opinion...)
It's pretty much a glorified macro. It will probably be banned in tournaments but at least you can still have fun with it and use it for some other games as well.
I can do this on my keyboard aswell. but it is weird to do it. so i dont. it is more of a disadvantage if you practice this.
@@tyrannosaurus_x Since each button input is still only one button input, it definitely can't be compared to a macro. Hence why it's been confirmed to be legal at Evo/Combobreaker/etc.
Not that having a crossup will really make much of a difference. What separates us from the best players in the world has more to do with knowledge than execution.
궁금한데, 철권은 히트박스가 사용이 허용이 돼나요?
TWT와 같은 공식대회에서 일반적인 히트박스는 사용이 가능합니다. 실제로 히트박스를 사용해 우승한 선수도 있구요. 다만 위와같이 추가방향키 (움직임에 사용되는) 를 따로 설정할수있는 컨트롤러는 공식대회에서 사용이 불허되는것으로 알고 있습니다.
저 원리는 똑같이 키보드에도 적용됩니다. ( 1p 2p 방향키 다 쓰는 키보드 유저입니다. )
근샤 근썰트 등 각종 대시 기술도 딜레이 없이 가능합니다. 1p 앞 2p 앞 (누른상태) (오른손 - 거의 빠른 따닥 느낌) 으로 쓰면 근샤 근썰트 공참각 등 제로 거리에서 써집니다.
주문하긴 했었는데 실제로 보니 백대시가 엄청나네요. 이걸로 백대시 하면 빨강단 탈출 가능인가
혹시 판매처는 어디인지 알수 있나요?
fan JDCR from Việt Nam
Eng subs ? Or Say it in eng at the end ? It eould be appreciated
Enable the caption.
@@theurinal lol thanks ... i realized that halfway through the vid ha
이거 twt대회에서 쓸수있을지 궁금하네요
Well I mean if everyone can use this arcade stick I don't see why it's cheating. More an innovation if you ask me. You still need the skills, you still need the experience to play well.
Its like removing a part of what made fighting games appealing, the execution.
i prefer the real thing but holy crap it makes me wanna buy one
구매하고 싶은 스틱이나 국내 정식발매는 따로 없고, 해외 직구하려니 배송비가 90달러네요..ㅎㄷㄷ
@· · 그 제품 나오기 전에 덧글이긴한데.. 메이크스틱 제품 배열은 크로스업 알파때 배열이라.. ㅠ
@· · 아뇨 국내면 배송비랑 이것저것 따지면 메이크스틱으로 구매가 더 좋아요 무릎레버에 타키온 보드 넣어도 20만초반이면 사니까요 크로스업은 40만 넘어가요 배송비때문에ㅠ
Everybody has a preference. but good review.
pretty hands
와 힛박 커뮤보고 왔는데 팁도 알려주시네요ㅋ
힛박에 돈 받으셔야할듯
Ничего не понял, потому как корейского языка незнаяю, однако получил эстетическое удовольствие👍😉
i wouldn't say it's cheating since u can do the same thing on keyboard like u can have additional direction input amd it can be bind to any key u want
But that's cheating
@@jetsettech8804 easy. Just ban it on tournaments.
@@jetsettech8804 im not sure if its cheating i didn't use any third-party software to help me or any macros im just changing the keybinds in the settings
@@heheboi8831 question. If you enter a tournament with your keyboard, you think they'll allow you to do that? Be honest
@@jetsettech8804 tbh no. thats why i dont use extra direction input
Try hitstick
학교 발표 보는것 같습니다
Aww man this the video I want see but I don't speak it man. Translate, Subtitles something Help
use captions
The translation is there, you just had to enable the caption.
Cool I'm going through my arcade stick, hitbox or pad stag now...this was awesome!
초풍 초스카이 쓰는거보니깐 진짜 좋아보이네요 ㅋㅋ
if it's not a ad and a review then:
1. why not mention one negative aspect of it, were their really none?
2.why include the price and the pre order date?
3. you didn't even give you opinion on it , like if you think it's cheating or not. if you like it etc.
Learn to read between the lines, the title clearly has his opinion of whether he thinks it is cheating or not, regardless he still has to put rice on the table by 'advertising' his sponsorships.
사기스틱이죠. cpt에서 가프로박스가 제재받았던건 동일한 방향버튼 2개를 이용해서 더 빠르고 간단한 입력이 가능했고 이게 결국 실력vs실력이 아닌 장비대결이 되버리는거 아니냐는 논란이 있었죠. 그래서 결국 동일한 입력이 2개이상 있는건 퇴출되었고 믹스박스는 딱 거기에 부합하는 입력장치기 때문에 대회에서 사용 불가능한 장비라고 봅니다. 뭐 자세한건 코로나가 종식되고 오프라인 대회가 열려야 알겠지만 히트박스에서 뭔생각으로 만든건지 모르겠네요.
레버 종류 리뷰 좋을것같아요 !
With similar sticks and other accessories on the market, I can see motion inputs being phased out of fighting games, there are lots of examples of this all ready happening. I don't think it's a problem, not having motion inputs because it removes learning them using the muscle memory process which takes a long, long time but the problem is when developers change motion inputs to something else that has a bad effect on gameplay and game mechanics. If done correctly and there are games without motion inputs that work extremely well without it effecting gameplay or game mechanics, the sky is the limit. Maybe in the future will see more fighting games without motion inputs but as for now a Hitbox stick might be handy if you have the money.
JDCR please play tekken
Why is it cheating it doesn't look fast or anything
OMG thank you for this! I knew something was wrong! It go from like simple tekken to playing against cats where you can tell you gonna lose regardless!
Definitely a cheating for sure. It took me a year to get at least decent at backdashing in ps4 pad and you can backdash easily in just under 30 mins with this stick. I wonder if tournaments will allow this in the future
What I've heard is that they don't allow stick like cross up or keyboard for official tournaments nowadays. I don't remember who said it tho
EVO allowed this back then based on their statement. Before covid tho, now mostly online, i dont think they can ban u from using cross up there.
Also if EVO still think the same, then it will be allowed
@Bizardon i took breaks in between. sorry for not that being advanced i guess lol
근썰트 초스카이는 개사기네 ㅋㅋ 좋긴하네요 진심으로요
3:04 ._.
Hit box is and has always been a cheating bypass for people that suck at executing movements by themselved and have to be carried out by a specific device like some sort of handicapped player.
Fortunately there are not many and are also easy to spot, it's just faked stuff like having a button that automatically performed an jf electric for example.
At least this one have the decency of having a lever.
I'll just state that I don't own an arcade stick. With this are you suggesting we should also ban the use of keyboards on PC and make it so its sticks/pads only? Cross up is understandable because it gives you two sets of movements on both sides to utilise and to simplify execution in a way developer's haven't intended, the buttons on the hit box are a replacement for the lever, you won't simply become instantly gain a huge boost execution, there is of course still inconsistencies when trying to do things like EWGF on a keyboard and god forbid an iWR2 or JFSR, even half-circles are still issues with me, so are 360s.
@@p99chan99 tekken is the most complex figting game in terms of movement. The way movement is arranged makes it simpler with buttons if we are talking about a device specifically conceived to ease things up, which is something that differs from a keyboard right off the bat.
Keyboards are not designed/intended for fighting games. And on top of that, you could even use hitbox for other fighting games. It's just tekken, because of its movement dimension, what makes hitbox kinda disgusting. You can even listen to players reviewing the product saying that it was unfairly easy to wavedash or just frame with that, Aris among them.
@@fullshark09 hitbox is much less intuitive and difficult to master than a lever
@@aquilesca5tr0 maybe at first (just maybe) but the path is shorter and easier. There are things that you can achieve with a hitbox that cannot be executed with a lever, and all of that in less time. There's no way around it.
@@fullshark09 so stop using levers, levers were made to be intuitive, not practical or optimal