i think tandem mode is nice because because fire and ice is composed of all the pro players mixed together it means if they just play the regular games, there is a lot of players that are not to compete. with this tandem mode, the players that are competing are doubled and the fun is also doubled.
doublelift is the most ugly and arrogant player ive ever met in my life... and for his skill, so many players that play better, and have a better mindset
No it was almost definitely a wrestling reference, since instead of just using "Miz", they used "*THE* Miz". Although, i wouldn't go as far to say that one of them watches, they could of just seen in a vid before or have heard his name before
Tbh it's not that hard playing Twitch as 2 players, Eve too. It was a good playable choice tho. While for the Thresh, Cass, Vayne and Fizz players need to be more in sync. Still, really fun game. Was laughing my ass off.
Yknow, I think this game was decided at the first minutes, early Ruzi was left alone and would've died IF the condemn and flay hadn't gone off at the same time*flay hit him before he hit the wall*, I guess 4 man coordination is hard
Obviously the casters think that NA is better than EU, and they said it a couple of times, today 4 years later, the whole world knows NA is the worst region. So my question is did he failed his job or is he just blinded by Teemo Q?
No había mucha cinergía en Baker xD no se entendían pobre faker seguramente estaba muy frustrado con lo maco que es Bjersen con el mouse estoy seguro que faker preferiría pelear e intenar el bait que ir huyendo.
The amount of co-ordination need between them is immense especially when neither speak the same language and have to try to read what the other is doing/thinking.
I don’t know who to cheer for cause I am a fanatic fan but I also like faker en bjergeson and them together at one computer holy shit haha but imagine faker and babyfaker next time :o
They should have at least had players who spoke a common language play in tandem with each other. It would have been better to have the Korean speaking players (Impact/Smeb+Faker) play together instead of playing by lane assignment.
Jamie Dimon then how about aphro playing vayne, xpeke playing nautilus, celebrity playing thresh, karsa playing cassio, bebe on evelynn, optimus on hecarim, or reignover on darius? yeaah, it wasnt lane assignment. the teams were made by the players, they all knew about the barriers they were creating
bjergsen doesnt look too uncomfortable being with faker. i think he might actually be a bit salty towards him, since they are similar in that they are both star midlaners but faker has won three world championships while bjergsen hasnt even come close to something like that.
I really doubt that he is salty towards Faker. I'm sure there is a part of him which is jealous but I doubt he is that childish. It's probably just the language barrier.
yeah I can see Ice won just on the champ select. evelyn Q is automatically targeted while moving, so it's easy to spam. she's camouflaged until she attacks/ is seen so players can predict for a good amount of time when to protobelt/ult to burst down their target. twitch is AA based meaning the mouse player does at least 80% of the job. only the keyboard player has to do is to press the camouflage skill, and then ult when assassinating. only "hard" part is when to press the slow, but it's not even comparable to, say thresh (that pick is so awful LOL( cassiopeia's twin fangs are also targeted automatically (I think) even while moving when the target is poisoned. the ult is the only thing tricky there. and nautilus.. well even if his anchor misses he still has an AA stun, AOE slow and targeted long range ult. team fire comp is just plain trolling, they're not even try harding which I like. 😂 fizz, vayne, and thresh picks are just for the lulz.
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I would pay money to listen to what faker and bjerg said to each other tbh
not that much , faker can't speak english
@@BadW0lf_ nah, bjerson can't speak korean LOL that would be what Bjerson actually gonna response to his answer
bjerg and faker at 1 computer??? my life is now complete
also rush hr 2
i think tandem mode is nice because because fire and ice is composed of all the pro players mixed together it means if they just play the regular games, there is a lot of players that are not to compete. with this tandem mode, the players that are competing are doubled and the fun is also doubled.
baker XD
Quint Verkoeijen I'm disappointed they didn't take pantheon
asgerØK so true :D baker pantheon
the twitch made the game soo boring they need to make tandem offical
Looks like a typical silver game...
EroticOni676trust 4444 6446 6446644 yuan476on23 66656 64676 4466667446 46645 yuan 6 46667 46 46666 64 645 7 7 4464464666644 7 6 66667 66466664467 644 6446 6446 644 446 4 yuan 467 646 4467 4466647 644 66 6 46 yuan45 6466 6 44 6 6 6th 4466 6446644 644666 66 46 6 44 646 6466 6646 64766 466 644 44 46 6 56656 yuan4466 44446677467 6467 746646777 yuan 764 647476 64 yuan45664666776 64447 yuan yuan 67 46646474667766446477 64747466776 7476777477 yuan446467667 yuan46 64676447664765466677 yuan47776yuan477767yuan47764664646477 67 yuan47776476 yuan 6 67 47 64 477746447777yuan4766574667 yua47777 6477 6444776677yuan44776466yuan477446444774777444777yuan476 456 yuan 446 74766 6444776677yuan44776466yuan47744644477476 56 644 6444776 776776677yuan44776466yuan477446444774766456457447775657 64447766 4476575 644777656 5667 6444776677yuan44776466yuan47744644477476645 446566 7 6 677yuan44776466yuan4774464447774747677yuan44776466yuan47744644477747474766454566 4567645 677yuan44776466yuan4774464447747664545 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@@iliketoeatasoap6894 i agree
@@wolfclaw3812 i read this number , believe it or not
"team ice s ban spells I.C.E., that's cool..." "while team fire s ban spells A.F.K. just in the wrong order. XXXXXXXD i can't stop laughing
Baker is hilarious. But Rush Hour 2 is fucking golden lmao. Nothing to do with the names, but the dynamic duo 😭
Rush hour 2 xD im dying!
i bet they could still carry to challenger like this
hahaha like totally i agree
Rush hour 2 vayne plays still better than bronze auto lock vayne players LUL
Agreed.........especially PH vayne players. Such Feeders and Blames the support.
Agreed.........especially PH vayne players. Such Feeders and Blames the support.
Afuro Terumi Ares I'm a vayne main. And I find this 90% true , cause I used to be a dick.
doublelift is the most ugly and arrogant player ive ever met in my life... and for his skill, so many players that play better, and have a better mindset
Baker so op that predicted fizz ult lmao
faker and white faker
no no no
he he he
bjergsen and koren bjergsen... kappa
welcome to twitch in season 7
This would have been 10 times funny if there was 10 casters/commentators speaking at the same time XD
This all stars.... Fire just keep trolling
game start at 6:14
Wondering why Faker and Bjergsen didn't pick Pantheon
Lupus Underwood Or Morgana.
Still can't believe NOBODY ever focused the enemy ADC???
That is QTV + Optimus (Prime), you idiot!
Wait is that a wrestling reference I see? Top lanr is The Miz
Might be, but its Mouse and Ziv playing so it could just be a coincidence^^
RawX97 rip the dream q.q
No it was almost definitely a wrestling reference, since instead of just using "Miz", they used "*THE* Miz". Although, i wouldn't go as far to say that one of them watches, they could of just seen in a vid before or have heard his name before
It's definitely a wrestling reference :D
Well it was a refernce. Quickshot said the miz is awesome when rengar killed hecarim at around 10:15.
Whay were the rules.1 controls mouse other qwer?
luffy435 basically
Man Baker is good. Combined 3 world championships!
2:27 for OP Aphro eyebrows!
Little did they know, the observers were in tandem as well
Am I the only one who kept on replaying xMithie's failed flash just to see Uzi, Rekkles, Doublelift, and Aphromodo's hilarious reactions?
can you guys tell me who are all the rosters? thanks
Weeb Gamer on fire
on ice
WUB Az_modAn thank you so much good sir
y no pick anivia brand?
Question for tandem mode do they play with smart cast or quick cast?
probably smart?
Pretty sure it's player's choice.
***** yea probably
like you can tell that baker is playing on quick lmao
Boze Phanlo and you can tell celeblife was too
in that case it wasnt a good choice tho. poor madlife😐
That Ibai>Slowshot sign behid the casters at the end of the game lmao
Tbh it's not that hard playing Twitch as 2 players, Eve too. It was a good playable choice tho. While for the Thresh, Cass, Vayne and Fizz players need to be more in sync. Still, really fun game. Was laughing my ass off.
16:03 Darius HYPE!
8:48 Thresh ruins Vayne's E skill. Omg.
8:50 condemn canceled by flay. well I guess 4 people trying to communicate that is hard
Rush Hour 2 ... Best name in the world ... And movie.
That Thresh with 2 player is so hard actually
That Rush Hour 2 got me good. 😂😂
Headhunter or lunar wraith??
Keith Sum lunar looks super good
Xmithie most underrated name.
What makes it better is that neither of the two play in the NA LCS 💀
Who is kappa ?
BEBELOVE :D Filipinos would approve hahaha
galong nila lahat
Gian Carlo Cruz xmithie approves --the real xmithie, not those name usurpers
True tho. Agree ako dyan.
SML? Hahahahaha peace!
“this what happens when two fakers finally collide”
this is so funny XD
Éramos felices y no lo sabiamos
Uzi like to use twitch every allstar tandem mode he did it in 2018 lol
What if they put hashinshin and tyler1 🤔
It would have been funny if Baker chose Pantheon :L
Eoin Finn copied my comment
theo dõi LOL đến bây giờ chỉ vì Faker. Không quan trọng thắng thua xem vui là được.
Imagining one pair playing yuumi
Ow , if I'm one of the players I want to sit next to Rekkles, Bjergsen or Clearlove ☺️
Baker should have played Pantheon..,
No Nightblue3?
i saw rush hour 2, i died
근데 센빠이 영어로 비역슨 선수랑 대화 계속 하는건가... 못하는게 뭐지 이남자
FINALLY, Doublelift back with some more Vayne. Only this time, as Rush Hour
Yknow, I think this game was decided at the first minutes, early Ruzi was left alone and would've died IF the condemn and flay hadn't gone off at the same time*flay hit him before he hit the wall*, I guess 4 man coordination is hard
Better if it's BJERKER 😂😂😂
Man twitch was OP back then lol
Obviously the casters think that NA is better than EU, and they said it a couple of times, today 4 years later, the whole world knows NA is the worst region.
So my question is did he failed his job or is he just blinded by Teemo Q?
No había mucha cinergía en Baker xD no se entendían pobre faker seguramente estaba muy frustrado con lo maco que es Bjersen con el mouse estoy seguro que faker preferiría pelear e intenar el bait que ir huyendo.
when you combine the two best players in the world you get an average gold mid laner, lol.
The amount of co-ordination need between them is immense especially when neither speak the same language and have to try to read what the other is doing/thinking.
One for all tandem mode for all stars 2019
Doublelift and aphromoo's name is Rush hour 2 because they are Asian and black
Baker is having a hard time communicating
Allways wanted to be a baker
top laners having the most fun
Lolololol Faker and Bjerg BAKER XDD
I don’t know who to cheer for cause I am a fanatic fan but I also like faker en bjergeson and them together at one computer holy shit haha but imagine faker and babyfaker next time :o
i have a bjergsen i have a faker ughh BAKER!
Palmerz 1 what if i have a mitherfcking ring!! xD xD
Nautilus should be disabled in this mode
I will miss the Ruzi💔
They should have at least had players who spoke a common language play in tandem with each other. It would have been better to have the Korean speaking players (Impact/Smeb+Faker) play together instead of playing by lane assignment.
Jamie Dimon That would defeat the purpose ...
Jamie Dimon
then how about aphro playing vayne, xpeke playing nautilus, celebrity playing thresh, karsa playing cassio, bebe on evelynn, optimus on hecarim, or reignover on darius?
yeaah, it wasnt lane assignment. the teams were made by the players, they all knew about the barriers they were creating
WUB Az_modAn
I actually didn't realize until halfway through that the players were voted in their tandem assignments.
35:52 kappa
rush hour 2
I see what you did there
Faker and Bjergsen (Baker) shoulda player Pantheon cuz Pantheon has always wanted to be a Baker. :D :D :D
bjergsen doesnt look too uncomfortable being with faker. i think he might actually be a bit salty towards him, since they are similar in that they are both star midlaners but faker has won three world championships while bjergsen hasnt even come close to something like that.
I really doubt that he is salty towards Faker. I'm sure there is a part of him which is jealous but I doubt he is that childish. It's probably just the language barrier.
gay mode
Team Ice Ban: Ice niceeeeeee xDDDDDDD
Baker LOL
mouse and keyboard Challemge?!!!
yeah I can see Ice won just on the champ select.
evelyn Q is automatically targeted while moving, so it's easy to spam. she's camouflaged until she attacks/ is seen so players can predict for a good amount of time when to protobelt/ult to burst down their target.
twitch is AA based meaning the mouse player does at least 80% of the job. only the keyboard player has to do is to press the camouflage skill, and then ult when assassinating. only "hard" part is when to press the slow, but it's not even comparable to, say thresh (that pick is so awful LOL(
cassiopeia's twin fangs are also targeted automatically (I think) even while moving when the target is poisoned. the ult is the only thing tricky there.
and nautilus.. well even if his anchor misses he still has an AA stun, AOE slow and targeted long range ult.
team fire comp is just plain trolling, they're not even try harding which I like. 😂 fizz, vayne, and thresh picks are just for the lulz.
two on one computer
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Weak pick by uzi and rekkles. Just open R and just kite them easy.
Daddys baker
Wtf was actually looking for xmithie. Smfh 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
I GARENtee you will like the way I look
so boring that ice played twitch no fun
giammi snake bot lane felt so unnatural and cringe i wouldve skipped right to rush hour 3
to be fair it was mostly celebrity sucking at thresh, and tandem. i feel bad for madlife😶
Look like bronze vs silver ROLF LOL LMAO
Faker and bjerksen
Team Ice had easy champions to play with. Meh.
Baker sz
I ship baker