Jump Force : Aizen All Unique Dialogue Interactions
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- Jump Force : Aizen All Unique Dialogue Interactions (Bleach)
Aizen unique special intro dialogue quotes
Characters Unique Dialogues
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OUTRO MUSIC: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: www.epidemicsou...
Aizen just wanted to know if everyone is doing alright lol
He was so nice about it.
He was a really nice person 👍👍
He nice 🤩
Aizen literally is a nice dude everyone else attacks him
He asked Ichigo if he was well because he doesnt want him become the new soul king
Aizen : Being extremely polite in his greeting and asking about their wellbeing
Everyone else : AIZEN, HOW DARE YOU!
Well to be fair the way he says it feels like it should be a threat. Like for Renji "hey renji how are your friends in the six squad doing, are they still alive? Wouldn't it be really bad if they weren't?"
@@jaredmyers4506he said "well", not alive. He is not a type of person to threaten his own race
@@Sam-pp5fu I know but that’s not how they see it
When you see Sasuke talking with Aizen, but its Ishida in your head
I've seen this joke is other videos please *E X P L A I N*
@@ibefaker They share the same voice actor
@@thexshoter4866 ok thx thought so
Sosuke vs Sasuke 😂😂😂😂😂
Can someone explain what Aizen said to Sasuke?
Rukia: Impossible...It's you...
Subs: You fool...
Great job.
Im enough of a weeb to have noticed that.
Bruh I thought I was the only who noticed that.
@@aizensosuke1491 And here i was like:
-Wait...she's not saying "you fool" at all....what the fu**?
@@TheTomokiSakurai i bet someone was drunk and confused bakana with baka
i thought i was the only one...
-How are you doing?
-Don't look down on me!!
-I was just asking, geez....
"Aizen, you're too smart for your own good"
Oh, the badassery !!
And this is coming from mentally unstable silent type "badass" emo character
@@virtualinsanity589 you're right lol
@@noranradmusic I like how he talks like he knows aizen man a bleach and naruto animr crossover would be cool
@@GraveEnd Sasuke leaving konoha was part of aizen plan's
@@GraveEnd it was Ishida Uryuu speaking, not Sasuke LOL 🤣
”a speck or 2 of dust makes no difference to me ”
Always liked how Aizen usually says the full name to wich he is speaking to. It's like it's respectful yet rude at the same time.
That's just him
@@vegetalover9297 also byakuya
Ichigo be having PTSD just from hearing Aizens voice lmao
best villain ever
nice joke .
The101nega Blackbeard ????????? Lmaooooo this a joke right
DIO is the best villain
@@popeyeschicken3535 Blackbeard's a pretty good villain. Unorthadox to be sure, but still pretty good.
@@popeyeschicken3535 Nope Blackbeard is good. He's atypical and odd looking but also charismatic and believable.
Aizen, DIO and Hisoka all together as a group? Oh yes please let that happen one day
Dio: Oh? You are approaching us? Instead of running away, you come right to us?
Aizen: All according to Keikaku.
Hisoka: O-oh~ Gon~! ❤️
The menace trio
the way aizen greats them... he's tearing down their psyche...
Aizen: Is nice
Renji: *Anger*
It's been officially confirmed 1:01
Hollows and Soul Reapers are transcended in comparison to other anime verses. Thanks for uploading this video man.
Naruto solos bleach
@@Soapfan1992 Sorry to have to be the one to break it to you:
Vasto Lord Ichigo's Dimension Busting Cero Gigante >>>>>Naruto moon feat and planet hype
Facts:(Feat at 2:14) ruclips.net/video/pCWHd4Vqh6g/видео.html
Canon Facts >>>> baseless wank.
@@magnaz26 no ichigo is city level
@@Soapfan1992 maybe you didn't comprehend but I just posted a feat of Ichigo destroying an entire dimension with 5 levels of land masses. (Feat at 2:14) ruclips.net/video/pCWHd4Vqh6g/видео.html
The explosive force from just one Cero blew up the entire 4th level of hell then blew up the 3rd,2nd,1st, and then destroyed the Gates of Hell high in the atmosphere above the 1st layer and then the explosive force continued into the next dimension. And this is the 2nd time he has destroyed an entire dimension. Facts win debates not baseless claims. If you don't post any feats proving Naruto verse has anything on the level of Dimension busting Vasto Lord Ichigo than that is a concession from lack of evidence. This form of Ichigo that performed this feat is now weak in comparison to Ichigo's later forms such as Dangai and Blood War Ichigo, so Current Ichigo is now far above Dimension level.
sonic solos anime naruto never destroyed a moon ever in the anime dude stfu. Fucking weeb.
When aizen meet Sasuke : why your voice sound familiar
Earing Sasuke pronouncing Aizen's name was the best part of the video.
"these kids are coping, just as planned"
Aizan was just greeting everyone.
Everyone:-How dare you look down on us😢
Aizen, Dio and hisoka as a gang wud just be too funny in a weird way 😂
The ultimate troll trio : villain edition
Exactly LoL 🤣 was searching for this comment
aizen really cares about everyone
Ichigo, have you been well?
My time with a chair and mindset with God is still the same.
Aizen just kindly asking Renji how his day is
Renji:DoNt yOU DaRe LoOK DoWn oN Me
Aizen actually was looking down on him ..
I don't know Japanese, but I believe I know what Rukia is saying. She's saying "Impossible. It's you." or something similar
I don't know japanese too but I am sure that she says "impossible! you bastard you are!...."
Aizen with Bleach characters: sup, how you been since we fought.
Aizen with anyone else: "pathetic"
Aizen being part of Jump Force was all part of his plan
Aizen with bleach characters:has everyone been well
Aizen with sasuke:speck of dust
Aizen is true malupulator of all time 🗿
damn even sasuke knows aizen is smart asf 🥶
So Good Finally See Aizen Animated Like This
Aizen really just walked up to the guy who beat him said “Yo you good fam”
Aizen: “Ichigo! I hope you’ve been well 😊”
Ichigo: “BASTARD!!!”
Aizen: “And Renji! You’re looking good! How is Squad 6 doing these days?”
Renji: “BURN IN HELL!”
Aizen: “Rukia! My old friend, it’s been too long! 🤗💕”
Aizen: “But I’ve just missed you all, it’s been so-“
Aizen: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU???? That’s it. Where’s Chair-Sama? I’m going home... 😡”
Kinda gives joker vibes
Dracula lines
@Ahmad Adnan l say
He beat some Belmont except the strongests ones
Sasuke: you killed my brother and my clan, prepare to die! 😡
Aizen: I don't even know who you are... 😐
Wake up to reality renji aizen isn't looking down on you it's just a fact that you're bellow him
aizen and sasuke have met in the past confirmed
SO many missed opportunities, Kenshiro and Jotaro and Dio, Aizen and Freeza, Aizen and Kurapika and Hisoka, Goku and Luffy/Naruto, Aizen and Shishio or Kenshin and Kenshiro....Ichigo and Naruto.. Naruto and Luffy interaction would have been great!! So many missed opportunities...
Or Ichigo and Luffy.
Most of the villains in this game fear aizen
Nope kaguya isn't
sonic solos anime kaguya Is a slut, worst thing to happen in Naruto and replace Madara gtfo
@@kartikaymisra4109 no u piece of shit
@@marvelvsdc6624 so Naruto is a piece of shit?
@@marvelvsdc6624 you're talking me that you think kaguya isn't trash? Ok you officially don't have rights or opinion
I like how aizen gets his blade blocked by a shoe and then casually accepted his death
Aizen: Is everobody in the six doin well
Drake: we are champions
Whahaha 😂 🤣
why did i just realize uryuu and sasuke have the same va?
Rukia's translation is wrong.
All the translations are wrong, they all suck
@@Blue-vd6bv no one fucking cares piece of shit
@@marvelvsdc6624 oooh we got a badass over here
@@LuffyxNamiisathing stfu
@@marvelvsdc6624 StFu
Beliau ini, bukan sembarang beliau.
Sasuke vs Aizen would be dope actually
Saskes answer was so clever! Too smart that he hurts himself
He would be shonen's thanos if they were to do something like the avengers
Aizen just checking in on people haha
Aizen really reminds me of Xehanort of how they are similar to planning out everything that happens and being too smart for their own good. XD
Different is
Azien was based
Renji calm down bro, he asked how you guys are doing, thats as far from looking down on you as he can get
Rukia's subtitles are horrible
The translation team behind this game was just very stupid.
@@captaincz5763 This translator was paid slave wages in addition to laziness, and think their writing is superior to the original Japanese because of the country, and culture they were born to in addition to multiple translators.
@@myujokt733 sometimes dialogue feels like it isn't completely translated, you know? Like there's more depth to it but then again idk how to speak Japanese so I can't really comment on this. I feel a little too harsh on my original comment too.
I haven't played Jump Force in a good while but I recall there was certain dub names that were used which annoyed me, particular with Yugi and Kaiba's monster attack names.
Why it doesn't have a unique interaction with Madara ;( it would've been the DREAM!
Sousuke vs Sasuke lul
Sasuke stomps his ripoff
Lol sealed Aizen murks Sasuke, unsealed Aizen would be a mismatch
@@Soapfan1992 why are u so angry Naruto Fanboy
@@scorpiokc a bleach tard
@@scorpiokc you so angry because bleach is trash while naruto goes on
An Uchiha saying that being too smart is a bad thing is quite out of character.
0:43 Shirou Emiya meets his daddy-in-law (UBW route)
Such a gentleman
Man. Why everyone is so mean to him he's just greeting everyone😂😂😂
Sasuke don’t want no smoke...
Sasukes one of the very few characters in this game who actually could beat Aizen tbh
what a nice joke
@@shnm9899 it wasn't a joke
Yep it's a joke. Aizen is leagues above Sasuke, even while sealed he's stronger than Sasuke by a lot
Sasuke >>>aizen
The Aizen vs. Sasuke one,idk why sasuke is more like Uryu there.Ik their VA is the same
I can understand "most" Japanese I hear (except nouns I have never heard before) and I can say with 100% confidence that MOST of the translations for this game are COMPLETELY wrong. I, with no actual effort or study to understand and speak the language can easily point out the purely INCORRECT translations.
Shiryu: "What is this strange Cosmo I sense?" (He makes no mention of sensing anything. An better translation would be "What....? This strange Cosmo....")
Aizen: HoLlOws aNd ShInIgaMi hAve TranScendanT PoWer! (completely wrong. he ANSWERS Shiryuu and says " It is a power that surpasses hollow and Shinigami"
Somebody got the job to translate this game with sub amateur level translation skills and it makes me mad that nobody checked it. Goddam it person who translated this, you are the problem. You somehow got hired to do this when crunchy roll translators get paid slave wages.
Thanks so much for pointing this out. This has been one of the many issues I have with Jump Force. The translation is wrong and just overall very inconsistent.
With YGO, they use the dub attack names but with Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon instead of its dub attack name "White Lightning" they use the original "Burst Stream of Destruction" name.
bUT WITH OBELISK THEY REVERT BACK TO THE DUB ATTACK NAME.. It's stupid. There's also the subtitles for Ichigo's Getsugatensho but the translation was too literal so they call it by what it means lmao
Sorry if phrased any of this incorrectly its late rn
@@captaincz5763 Welcome to the hell of actually knowing some Japanese and then reading bad translations. There is no escape.
Actually it's more like this translator is paid slave wages in addition to laziness, and think their writing is superior to the original Japanese because the country, and culture they were born to in addition to multiple translators.
0:42 Oh look, it's Uryuu!
1:01 is literally Reigen from Mob Pyscho 100 (I think)
Why does jump force aizen look like he’s gonna snort your breadcrumbs
this made me laugh lol
1:03 Fun Fact:In Latin American Dub Shiryu and Aizen have the same voice actor (Ricardo Mendoza)
In latin america sasuke and uryu share the same voice actor too
This whole video was apart of aizens plan
how are most of these people strong enough to even clash with Aizen
Basically the game hyper-nerfed or amped everyone to be the same power level for fairness of gameplay
@@corruptangel6793 ah that makes sense
Hisokaaaaa 😍
I don’t know why but I feel like Aizen and Seto Kiba should have a special interaction. What would these two arrogant ass people say
Aizen and Sasuke talk is literally my brother and me xD
Judging by the interactions with the soul reapers Aizen doesnt seem like the villain. Was he really the villain in bleach?
When Aizen said those things he didn't actually mean them he was just being a dick
Aizen *was* a villain. In the last arc, he took the side of the good guys because common enemy. This Aizen is supposed to be imprisoned, but he was a huge help in taking down the final villain.
Aizen is passive villain you could say, he didn't want to kill everyone in the soul society but still fought them
Naruto verse solos bleach verse
@@Blue-vd6bv stfu piece of shit
Aizen Muken Is Over power Character.
Oh myyy aizen and sasuke 😲😲 and aizen is nice to speak 🤣
I'm thinking of getting jump force is it good? The only thing I think is stupid is the goofy hyper realistic character design
Who the f is that that's not aizen😂
..........That's definitely Aizen.
Can some one tell me name of the game?
Jump force
That name leaves a horrible taste in my mouth!!
Jump force
What? Some of these subtitle translations are kind of whack 😨
0:31 OBITO
Sasuke claps Aizen now that I think about it
no base aizen unironically solos the verse
Kid Aizen solos Naruto bro
This game is so bad
Sharingan >>> Kyouka Suigetsu
Tsukuyomi >>> Aizen's Bankai
Rinnegan >>> Bleachverse.
stop smoking crack narutard
@@pinkdoe1725 It's just facts dumbtard.
@@Crownless.Prince your opinion doesn't = a fact
@@alexnugu A fact doesn't = a opinion. Opinionated idiot.
@@Crownless.Prince once again your opinion doesn't = fact
i can obviously tell just by looking at your comment and pfp that your a narutard and you've probably only seen one clip of bleach on youtube