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  • @Nighthawkinlight
    @Nighthawkinlight 3 года назад +66

    You know what I love about Samson? You rightly identify that he has no good deeds recorded whatsoever. Even with his dieing breath Samson asks God to give him strength in order to satisfy his own human vengeance. And yet, Hebrews 11 holds him up as an example of faith right there with Abraham, Moses, David, Samuel... Think about that. Think about what that means in terms of how the author of Hebrews defines faith. Samson had no recorded good works, and his one moment of faith in God for strength which only came because of personal failure - even that faith was put forward out of a desire to accomplish a selfish end. The only good quality Samson had was to realize by the end of his life that his strength was not of himself, and he was totally reliant on God. That one thing gets him a spot in Hebrews 11, even with a faith that was polluted by sinful motives. The faith in God rather than himself is justification enough for his sin to be overlooked. A picture of Romans 3-4, and maybe even the thief on the cross.

    • @tira0207
      @tira0207 3 года назад +1

      That is interesting. Perhaps Samson is the SUMMARY of all the judges.. that all of them FAIL.. all of them basically were just mere human who cannot fully deliver. Only the Christ can truly deliver the people. Also, perhaps, Samson typifies Jesus in that in his death, the 'delivered' the people of Israel by killing more of their enemies than he did in his entire life before.

    • @threearrows2248
      @threearrows2248 2 года назад +3


    • @journeyfortwo5211
      @journeyfortwo5211 2 года назад +3

      Amazing isn't it? Does this mean Samson will be in heaven?

    • @zumbinisgm
      @zumbinisgm 10 месяцев назад +3

      His sin is NOT overlooked. It is paid for by the death of Jesus Christ, as is the sin of every believer, past, present, and future to the end of humanity.

    • @Nighthawkinlight
      @Nighthawkinlight 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@zumbinisgm It was overlooked, i.e. passed over temporarily because God in his foreknowledge knew that he would be providing the future sacrifice to pay for it. See Rom 3:25-26

  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 5 лет назад +27

    Wow. This was suchhh an awesome reward after finishing the book of Judges in my reading plan!!! I must be a major Bible nerd because I enjoyed this SO much LOL! LOVE you Pastor Mike!! Thank you!!!

  • @nikao7751
    @nikao7751 5 лет назад +17

    keep e'm coming. can't get enough. it's a blessing for the whole body

  • @deannamelchert5083
    @deannamelchert5083 2 года назад +7

    You’re hilarious! I love your teaching style . I am so thrilled about everything I’m learning .. I hunger for this stuff. Truth in the Bible ❤

  • @busyharbor75
    @busyharbor75 5 лет назад +13

    Brother you are so filled with the joy of the lord! Glory be to God for blessing us with you sir!

  • @robertcarr4985
    @robertcarr4985 Год назад +1

    I've been studying the Bible and eschatology and hermeneutics for more than 20 years thank you so much for your service Mike this is true accurate Biblical teaching thank you so much from one TRUE believer to another

  • @someowens8569
    @someowens8569 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for making these teachings available! Blessings!

  • @bettymofokeng3404
    @bettymofokeng3404 Год назад +1

    I love listening to you pastor Mike, the way you explain scriptures, it's awesome 👌🙏

  • @MrBobbaulch
    @MrBobbaulch 3 года назад +8

    What does Samson have to do with Jesus?
    I’m glad you asked.
    Many parts of Samson’s life are “shadows” of the life of Jesus. From an angel telling his mother that she would bear a son (like Mary), to Samson loving a woman who wasn’t an Israelite (as Jesus loved non-Israelites), to the story of honey coming from within a lion (as the words of Jesus - a lion - are sweet as honey to his followers).
    But, I want to focus on two things in particular in Samson’s life that parallel the life of Jesus. Keep in mind, that Samson was a judge who served for 20 years. So, his pronouncements of judgement and the justice he dealt were very important.
    Remember the story about Samson killing 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey? The backstory is this:
    Samson came home to be with his wife (like Jesus came to earth to be with the Jews 2000 years ago). But his wife’s father wouldn’t let him in (like the Jewish leaders tried to keep Jesus from the Jews). So Samson used foxes to burn the crops of his enemies (like Jesus used his words to rob the Jewish leaders of their honor). So the enemies persuaded Samson’s own countrymen to turn him over to them (like the Jewish leaders worked with Judas to turn Jesus over to them). But the enemies’ plan backfired because their bonds on Samson melted away and Samson killed them (just like the Jewish leaders’ plan backfired when the bonds of death melted away and Jesus conquered those who deny he is King).
    Pretty cool.
    Now think about how Samson died. Do you remember that? The harlot Samson loves betrayed him into his enemies’ hands (sounds like Jesus and Judas). The enemies torture Samson (like Jesus was tortured). Samson’s final moments were when he sacrificed his own life so that his enemy would be defeated (just like Jesus sacrificed his own life so Satan would be defeated).

  • @run4cmt
    @run4cmt 2 года назад

    Thank you for your solid and in-depth teaching. I am so tired of watered-down sermons at church. I so agree with the state of America and I hold the churches partly responsible. I grow in faith by listening to your gifted teaching.

  • @theresheis9338
    @theresheis9338 5 лет назад +5

    Awesome! The series continues.
    Happy New Year Pastor Mike, Thank you for your ministry 🙏

  • @mable552
    @mable552 2 года назад

    Wow. You make the Old Testament come alive! God's word is amazing!

  • @emf49
    @emf49 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks for the overview of Judges. I was just about to re-read this book so your insight will be most helpful. I love how you find templates of Jesus and the continual message of redemption throughout scripture. It's a constant reminder of the richness and depth of the Word of God. 😊

  • @happygolucky5855
    @happygolucky5855 Год назад

    I just read judges and tryed to highlight areas that i thought were types of christ, so im excited to watch this to see what i missed!

  • @j.b.5420
    @j.b.5420 5 лет назад +3

    🌟wow, thanks: learning a on Judges is something especially last few chapters

  • @jgil1966
    @jgil1966 5 лет назад +1

    Jefteh's typology explanation was AWESOME, thanks Mike!

  • @denissutherland3653
    @denissutherland3653 5 лет назад +5

    John 13 : 20 " I tell you the truth, whoever accepts anyone I send
    accepts me ; and whoever accepts me accepts the One who sent me."

  • @brandyjanik66
    @brandyjanik66 5 лет назад +7

    LOL.... "Pent Tege" ...That reminded me of that poor youth pastor that tried to say "pitching tents"

  • @shanecolunga2484
    @shanecolunga2484 5 лет назад +14

    Mike hope you don't mind if I use your lessons to undo a terrible mistake I made misguiding my family?

  • @jahni-hm9qv
    @jahni-hm9qv Год назад

    Wow, such an amusing, entertaining yet educational approach to Bible interpretation! I was cracking up at shamwow 😂 like how you use common words and phrases or even act out Bible characters voices, to help us understand what you feel the Bible is saying,,cool, kinda , bummer... and how you keep it 💯 real, when in doubt: "I'm not sure," "there could be", " I think", "who knows"," maybe". Essentially your bright personality, extremely light approach & Humor really shine throughout this presentation... how you say something but emphasize with a straight look, laugh at your own jokes and or pause to get a reaction as to reassure it's a hyperbole or perhaps to not sound awkward...
    I get you're non traditional and want to keep the audience engaged, not bored, etc. BUT referring to Christ's (Sacrifice at the cross) "Judo is really good, to defeat Satan and death", was uncaaled for and some might say blatantly disrespectful.., it was clearly understood that the power of the blood of the lamb was victorious, alluding to your similar Bible reference in JUDGES, using the enemies' weapon against them with swords. PPL DON'T NECESSARILY NEED TO LAUGH THE ENTIRE TIME.
    God bless you brother ❤

  • @marinegirl4860
    @marinegirl4860 5 лет назад +4

    Thank you 😊 I needed to hear this.

  • @toddkeeran3479
    @toddkeeran3479 Год назад +1

    Jesus went to the cross as our Shepherd and He rose to be our intercessor. This is the seed sown along the path.

  • @CharlesHorning
    @CharlesHorning 5 лет назад +3

    So good.

  • @allthethingsyouwillsee1081
    @allthethingsyouwillsee1081 Год назад

    Thanks Pastor Mike

  • @nurfacealways
    @nurfacealways 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you... God Speed

  • @ThePettiestOfficer_Juan117
    @ThePettiestOfficer_Juan117 5 лет назад +7

    Typology from Judges (Deborah/Barak)...
    My daughter’s name is Jael, taken from Judges.
    The meaning of Jael…
    Jael or Yael (Hebrew Ya'el, יָעֵל, meaning, “He that ascends; or Ibex/Goat - both will be relevant) is a woman mentioned in the Book of Judges, chapters 4 and 5, in the Hebrew Bible, as the heroine who killed Sisera to deliver Israel from the troops of King Jabin by hammering a tent spike through his head. This is a pretty controversial story, and many are like, why is that even in the Bible? To that I’d say, it is literal Israelite history, and there is something much deeper going on here.
    The Bible gives us a clue to her significance by saying she is blessed above women, and she's a bride (Judges 5:24). The typology is beautiful. Jael is a gentile bride connected to the prevention of impending death of God’s people as well as the defeat of a satanic figure with a piercing. She is an Old Testament picture of the New Testament Bride of Christ (mostly made of gentiles), who is blessed above all women, and the result of the defeating of evil by a pierced Messiah who would ascend. Only through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus do we even have a Bride of Christ.
    Jael’s name means ibex, or goat. So, in a sense, the "goat" defeated death and evil with a piercing. Sound familiar? We see in Leviticus 16 how the Nation of Israel would have sins temporarily covered on the Day of Atonement by the High Priest placing the sins of the Nation upon their scapegoat. This is a foreshadowing of Christ. He is our final scapegoat; the once and final sacrifice to atone for the sins of the world (Hebrews 10:12). Jesus defeated impending permanent death for the entire human race with piercings (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Corinthians 15:22), thus destroying the works of Satan (1 John 3:8).
    How did Jael accomplish this typology? She stepped out boldly in faith, allowing Sisera into her own residence giving him a false sense of security (Judges 4:17-21). I believe this is mirrored in the actions of our Savior as He was able to lure Satan into a false sense of security by persuading the world to crucify the Son of God. Sisera did not have the slightest clue his fate was sealed by accepting Jael’s offer, just as Satan was caught by surprise that his own weapon, death, would be used against him to bring about the redemption of mankind (1 Corinthians 2:8).
    I believe there is a connection given to us by Paul in the 16th chapter of Romans, how Jael’s actions typify the works of our Savior, and the connection to His body, the Church.
    “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.” Romans 16:20
    Here, we see Satan, himself, being put under the feet of the Bride of Christ. Paul is addressing the Church in Rome in this epistle. It is inescapable, Jesus and His Body, the Church, will have evil made their footstool. Praise the Lord that not only does Jesus have the victory over sin and death, but since we are included in His Body by faith, we too have the victory.
    Jael's story is about faith, strength, and courage in the face of evil. Her story is about ultimate victory. The only question that remains is, like Jael, will you have victory over evil and impending permanent death?

    • @tintinismybelgian
      @tintinismybelgian 3 года назад

      You have some really interesting points about Jael. Allow me to add onto that a little:
      A type that I find in the story of Deborah/Barak/Jael is Jesus's condemnation of those who would abuse or mistreat women. In Judges 5:30, Deborah's song alludes to the way in which Sisera's armies would regularly kidnap/rape/enslave women during their raiding parties. This is probably a key factor into why Jael takes the initiative to kill Sisera, as she can feel empathy/sympathy for those women and is predestined to serve justice on their behalf. This also connects to the way Jesus, in becoming a human, can feel empathy for the suffering that Satan unleashes on humans and is fit to be the honored victor over the devil.

  • @Apologia5
    @Apologia5 5 лет назад +1

    We know you're a busy guy but are you planning on doing a response/refutation video to the one that James White did of your Calvinism one?

  • @matthewshelton1975
    @matthewshelton1975 5 месяцев назад

    As for OSAS, I think God preserves those who want to be preserved. He won't let any doubt overpower your faith. I think in order to lose salvation, a Christian has to deliberately and solemnly renounce Christ (thst is, not by accident or trickery) and to unwaveringly stick to their decision unto death.
    For someone who is pressured to deny Christ under duress, If their faith is real they will receive the fortitude to never give in, even unto death. If their faith is not internalized but just for show or they never really believed it to the core, they will give it up to save their flesh.

  • @tintinismybelgian
    @tintinismybelgian 3 года назад +1

    A type that I find in the story of Deborah/Barak/Jael is Jesus's condemnation of those who would abuse or mistreat women. In Judges 5:30, Deborah's song alludes to the way in which Sisera's armies would regularly kidnap/rape/enslave women during their raiding parties. This is probably a key factor into why Jael takes the initiative to kill Sisera, as she can feel empathy/sympathy for those women and is predestined to serve justice on their behalf. This also connects to the way Jesus, in becoming a human, can feel empathy for the suffering that Satan unleashes on humans and is fit to be the honored victor over the devil.

  • @michaelt5030
    @michaelt5030 Год назад

    Going in order of your playlist, this comes right after your video on the butchering of typology Catholics do to find their Mariology. It is jarring how generous you are with these types after going through the Marian dogmas with such a fine-toothed comb.

  • @mrmikepreacher
    @mrmikepreacher 4 года назад

    Mike thanks for this teaching, I just wanted to draw attention to something, you said Puah was the Judge after Abimelech, but it was actually Tola, he was the son of Puah, Tola was the Judge who judged Israel for 23yrs, I just thought I point light to that, I think it was just small error.
    Judges 10:1-2 - And after Abimelech there arose to defend Israel Tola the son of Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar; and he dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim.
    2 And he judged Israel twenty and three years, and died, and was buried in Shamir.

  • @mariembuenaventura1278
    @mariembuenaventura1278 4 года назад

    Thank you sir...

  • @ThePreacherman9
    @ThePreacherman9 2 года назад

    Jesus is in judges he's the angel of the Lord and meets Samson's parents he calls himself wonderful and they say they saw God🔥🙏🔥

  • @fyrerayne8882
    @fyrerayne8882 3 года назад +2

    Sorry I have to point this out: At 26:25 you said "pent teg" instead of "tent peg" haha

  • @iainpattison903
    @iainpattison903 3 года назад

    It's interesting that Mike says, at approximately 53:25, that Jesus is The Second Coming, I agree with him. I've heard it said that Seth was The First Coming.

  • @StephenKenW
    @StephenKenW 5 лет назад +2

    I feel like you missed some large awesome parallels to the gospel in jephthah

  • @pmpm4774
    @pmpm4774 3 года назад

    You missed one about Gidion. 'The sword of the Lord and of Gidion'. In Revelation Jesus comes with a sword in his mouth. Gidion defeats his army by speaking.

  • @honorablejudgedirkwillems7607
    @honorablejudgedirkwillems7607 5 лет назад +2

    What church or denomination are you with or non-denominational? Inter-denom?

    • @MikeWinger
      @MikeWinger 5 лет назад +3

      I am a pastor within the Calvary Chapel movement. It is non-denominational.

    • @cbugglesworth8279
      @cbugglesworth8279 5 лет назад

      @@MikeWinger Well hello there. Awfully quiet. Care to respond to me, or are my questions just too much hitting the juggler for you to deal with? Seems you have quite alot of confused people here trying to fight your battles.
      Seems you need to educate folks what the difference between MODALISM and TRINITARIANISM is... You seem confused as well. Oh well, if the shepherd is confused, so will the sheep be confused........ and boy are folks on this page confused!!! hehehehe
      I see the fulfilment of Isaiah 65:13,14 concerning your Trinity Calvary Chapel Cult organization when we read:
      "Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says:
      “Look! My servants will eat, but you will go hungry.
      Look! My servants will drink, but you will go thirsty.
      Look! My servants will rejoice, but you will suffer shame.
      Look! My servants will shout joyfully because of the good condition of the heart,
      But you will cry out because of the pain of heart
      And you will wail because of a broken spirit.
      And that is sad. Come on, help your confused sheep on this page to see the folly of your heretical trinity teaching and that EVEN YOU AGREE Jesus is ***NOT ALL*** THAT the ALMIGHTY YHVH God IS! (as that would be the definition of MODALISM) Come on, admit it! You aren't a liar are you? You seem like a stand up kinda guy.... Many of the trinitarian folks on this page have stated "JESUS IS ALL THAT the ALMIGHTY YHVH is!!" Do you concur Mike Winger??? .. or do you condemn that MODALISTIC theology? Come on Mike, take a stand!!.... This is hilarious!!

    • @cbugglesworth8279
      @cbugglesworth8279 5 лет назад

      ​@@MikeWinger WOW! You are doing a trinity broadcast tomorrow! Will you answer my questions there? I bet you wont. In case you forgot here are a few: (Got lots more)
      **Is your One Almighty YHVH or Jehovah God, THREE DISTINCT Persons that are this one Ontological (ESSENCE) being, namely YHVH or Jehovah God? YES OR NO?**
      If No, this conversation is over.
      If Yes, I ask:
      **Is Jesus THREE Persons?**
      Yes or No?
      If you answer YES, then this conversation is over as that makes you a MODALIST. (more on that later)
      If you properly answered NO, then Jesus cannot be this ** YHVH** God as he does not meet the "criteria" that YOU present as being needed to be **THE** Almighty God," namely:
      "THREE DISTINCT persons that cannot be separated from ESSENCE."
      **IS Jesus ALL that Jehovah God the Almighty Is?** YES OR NO.
      **IF Yes, you have no choice but to agree that Jesus is the Father the son and the holy spirit! Why??? Because you **cannot separate persons from essence** (ontological trinity) can you?** You are thus a **MODALIST**
      **IF NO, then what God is Jesus if he is not the ONE Triune God who is 3 persons??** Are you a polytheist? Is Jesus a DIFFERENT GOD from the Father? If not, please show me chapter and verse where Jesus is identified as being "just one person" of the same God the Father and holy spirit is. Chapter and verse please.
      **What is the difference between MODALISM and TRINITARIANISM?**
      (this is not for me, but I figure if the confused sheep on this page hear it from you, they will follow, cus well this is a case of the Blind following the blind so all are falling into the pit!)
      **WAS JESUS THE TRIUNE GOD COME IN FLESH?? or a different God come in flesh??** If he was the TRIUNE GOD come in Flesh, was he the Father Son and holy spirit unto himself who was in Flesh? If so, you are a MODALIST. Where does the Bible say the FATHER or holy spirit ever came in flesh? Or was Jesus only ONE PERSON OF God come in Flesh... And if so, chapter and verse that articulates such a grand verbose claim! And if so, then Jesus cannot be all that God is, as he was NOT the Father nor the holy spirit! **If you are NOT all that God is Mike, you are NOT God**
      **The Word GOD is a count noun, that is, a noun one can count." If this count noun with regard to Jehovah is tri-personal then one cannot use the count noun GOD with reference to just ONE of the tri-personal beings, as the COUNT NOUN can only Grammatically point to all three SIMULTANEOUSLY! As well as the fact that you cannot separate PERSON FROM BEING!
      (Remember the Athanasian creed states all three persons as being God, then boldly declares "There are not three Gods but one God!" So the Creed itself is telling you Jesus is just one person OF this Godhead that the CREED itself invented! How many verses are found in the Athanasian creed? ZERO! Who wrote it? Hint: No one knows.. And you believe this stuff??)
      Remember again sir, you cannot SEPARATE PERSON FROM ESSENCE! In other words Mike, there is no such thing as a floating head! You can't have Jesus being **the** YHVH God apart from the Father and holy spirit at any given millisecond of time! If the count noun GOD, which is a thing, or a what, is 3 separate PERSONS, (which cannot be separated from BEING or essence), then the WHAT, the ESSENCE which is GOD is not just one person, but three. Thus to say Jesus is God by itself is heresy! As it denies that which you seek to defend! Namely **that Jesus ALONE is not the One Almighty God, but there are 2 OTHER folk who also are this one God!** See Mike if Jesus really IS God, then there is no Trinity as Jesus is just one person. How simple is this?
      **Where does the Bible EVER define Jesus as just ONE PERSON OF SOME MADE UP TRI- PERSONAL GOD?"** As this is what you ULTIMATELY teach regarding the TYPE of God Jesus is!!! Chapter and verse please....
      Mike, your videos expose your hypocrisy. You folks constantly use MODALISTIC arguments disguised as being Trinitarian! Show us all one single verse in the Bible wherein ANYONE EVER SAID or IMPLIED the One Almighty Jehovah God, is 3 persons, and that Jesus is really NOT YHVH JeHoVaH God by HIMSELF, but is just one person **of** this tri-personal God. Come on........ these confused sheep are rooting for you....Whoo hoo!

    • @robdegoyim4023
      @robdegoyim4023 5 лет назад +6

      @@cbugglesworth8279 In what spirit are you asking your questions? It doesn't seem like your aim is to build up faith in others, more like point-scoring for personal gratification. If you truly seek the truth, you would do well to be more humble.

    • @bobpolo2964
      @bobpolo2964 5 лет назад +3

      @@cbugglesworth8279 You seem pretty angry, friend. Mike believes in the triune God of Scripture and so do I. God is Father, Son, Spirit as revealed in Scripture

  • @freakkit
    @freakkit Год назад

    26:27 made me laugh
    You said Pent Teg lol
    I know what you meant though

  • @heb725
    @heb725 2 года назад

    Your channel keeps me from entertaining garbage on the internet. Thanks lol

  • @MikhaelTaxiarch-fw2hz
    @MikhaelTaxiarch-fw2hz 8 месяцев назад

    Exodus in 1,100's B.C. 215/215 span for 430 total combined with Canaan & Egypt. Betwenn 2,200-2,300, Christ returns. Daniel 8 says 2,300 years from first coming. Daniel 9, in the Old Greek Septuigent is 7 x 70 x 7, or 3,430 years from the Exodus. How many time will I forgive my brother? Until 7 times? I say not unto you until 7 times but until 70 times 7. Christ forgives until He returns.

  • @camomile012010
    @camomile012010 5 лет назад

    How did you figure the timeline of the bible? As I understood, the old testament goes to about 2 BC according to you ( about 4000 years ago). So does it mean the first people on earth appeared about 4000 years ago? But they keep excavating the proof that people lived hundreds of thousands of years ago.

    • @modellking
      @modellking 5 лет назад +1

      There are proposed solutions to this that allow an aged earth to be created for example that are not certain but prove the existence of a possible answer to the problem.

    • @themorningrain5806
      @themorningrain5806 5 лет назад

      SunnySideUp Always Nope, even Young Earth creationists don’t believe the World goes back to 2BC... the date mostly held by Young Earth creationists is at least 4000+ BC... The bible itself doesn’t give a date...

  • @braintrust4kids787
    @braintrust4kids787 2 года назад

    How do you explain Jephthah wnd his daughter?

  • @bobatl4990
    @bobatl4990 2 года назад

    Are the judges actually historical figures or is Samuel telling stories about the cyclical nature that continues to drive Israel downward over and over again

  • @derrickdeagerlyngdoh4116
    @derrickdeagerlyngdoh4116 4 года назад +1

    What about Samson's death..that he destroy n kill his enemies through his death

  • @seth1219
    @seth1219 5 лет назад +1

    Consider Samson as a type of Israel before he becomes a type of Christ - I think this is why his birth narrative is included. He enjoys the blessing of God, and also the Spirit of God with him despite his sin until eventually he forfeits the those by offering himself to multiple women, just like Israel joined themselves to multiple false gods.
    He brings about his destruction of the philistines through his own death - surely there is some typological picture here too

    • @jellyfish0311
      @jellyfish0311 3 года назад

      Huh that's a very interesting idea, Samson as an image of the ultimate Israelite

  • @kjstars
    @kjstars 5 лет назад +2

    I'm in the camp that Jephthah didn't sacrifice his daughter.

  • @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll
    @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll 5 лет назад


  • @albertrenshaw4252
    @albertrenshaw4252 6 месяцев назад

    👆 I laughed at the Root Canal joke

  • @henriquespinella5712
    @henriquespinella5712 3 года назад

    Interesting that the judges are templates of Christ and after then came the time of kings, So it is whith Christ first he comes to save us and then he is crowned king and sits at the right of the father.

  • @withlove6973
    @withlove6973 4 года назад

    Jonah took God's warning to the Gentiles and they received it and were saved. Hosea was the husband of a harlot and remained faithful to her although she was not. God's faithfulness to Isreal even in the midst of her worshipping other gods... Both are represented in Christ!

  • @lesliedeadmond6087
    @lesliedeadmond6087 5 лет назад +7

    This is so.. AMERICA..right now today...yikes

    • @emf49
      @emf49 5 лет назад +5

      And Canada! Might we just say 'The West'? As Michael Heiser says, we're moving from the post-Christian era into the anti-Christian era. Much Grace will be required, both for boldness and courage!

  • @paulabrant9299
    @paulabrant9299 5 месяцев назад

    There may not have been a good guy in the book of Judges, 10:26 but Deborah was a great woman.

  • @captainwafflemcnubbin45
    @captainwafflemcnubbin45 5 лет назад

    Are you saying that the angel of the Lord is Jesus.. How can an angel be God? Jesus was in the beginning..He was God and is God. So, how can Jesus be an angel at any point when He has always been God or did I misunderstand?

    • @timg5603
      @timg5603 5 лет назад +1

      The word angel is a transliteration of the greek αγγελλος (angellos) which means messanger. Humans as well as divine beings in the NT and septuagint. Have been called αγγενλλος. The hebrew word we translate as angel is the same meaning, messenger. So its not heresy to say jesus was the angel (messenger) of the Lord.

    • @captainwafflemcnubbin45
      @captainwafflemcnubbin45 5 лет назад

      @@timg5603 The Things is He was and is Lord or how could he be the messenger of the Lord when he is Lord?

    • @timg5603
      @timg5603 5 лет назад

      @@captainwafflemcnubbin45 I guess my first question for you, before I get into a discussion, is if you believe in the triune nature of God.

    • @Sirach144
      @Sirach144 4 года назад

      Jesus is not Jehovah. Read Psalms 110:1.

    • @captainwafflemcnubbin45
      @captainwafflemcnubbin45 4 года назад +1

      I believe that Jesus both the son of God and God, I believe that the Father is both our Heavenly Father and God, I believe that tbe Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit and at tge same time. In other words the Father, Jesus, and the is God not gods plural but God and at the same time Jesus is the son and the GREAT I AM, and the FATHER is the FATHER and at the same time HE IS THE GREAT I AM and the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit and at the same he is THE GREAT I AM. Why, because the Father said let's make man in our own image. Who was the Father talking to well the Holy Spirit hovered over the earth in the beginning so I know he was there. Jesus was there because John chapter 1 it says in the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was God.....and THE WORD WAS MADE INTO FLESH AND dwelt among us. We know that the Father is in Heaven because Jesus prayed daily and he said from the cross FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO.....FATHER WHY DO YOU FORSAKE ME...and FATHER INTO YOUR HANDS I COMMEND MY SPRIRT and he died but we know 3 days later Jesus rose again demonstrateing that He in fact was God. Isaiah prophecied and they will call him MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER , PRINCE of PEACE . Scripture also says JESUS is called Emanuel which means God is with us. Okay, to summarize Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit is God, the GREAT I AM. That's what I believe and interpret the scriptures to mean for myself. Okay

  • @mhanna7878
    @mhanna7878 3 года назад

    BTW, Eglon means in Arabic little cow or buffalo 🦬😁😁

  • @zipgow
    @zipgow 2 года назад

    I think you sort of undersell the parallels between Samson's death and Jesus'. Samson's story is the ultimate example of martyrdom in the book of Judges, and yet he still fails to save his people, unlike Jesus.
    (We all sin and thus fall short, but there are multiple similarities between Jesus' death and Samson's. Not only were both were bound, bloodied and sentenced by Gentiles, but there is one major parallel between the ministries of both men. Samson's fall is attributed to the wiles of a prostitute, while Jesus improved the morals of sinners he dwelt with.)

  • @ibelieve3111
    @ibelieve3111 Год назад


  • @solomonbalogun6545
    @solomonbalogun6545 4 года назад

    (2)People of Israel

  • @RandolphTheWhite1
    @RandolphTheWhite1 4 года назад

    Shamgar (aka: Shamwow) 😂😂😂

  • @isheephearhim2609
    @isheephearhim2609 5 лет назад

    All of us our in the flesh and sinners. There is and only has been one who is not, The Lord Jesus Christ! Read the Word. This confusing and misleading doctrine is not helping you Be in the Spirit or to strengthen your spirit. Listen to Charles Spurgeon to hear the word as it is meant with scripture and the Truth. God always judged righteously against worshiping false gods and not following his instructions. ( Judges )

  • @hessin187
    @hessin187 8 дней назад

    Pent teg?🤣

  • @malirk
    @malirk 5 лет назад

    *QUESTION FOR MIKE* - If it was shown that LGBT couples are just as good parents as straight parents, would he be in favor of LGBT relationships? (YES/NO)
    I ask this because during his recent debate he brought this up. Let's ignore the Mark Regnerus study that has been widely debunked and grant him the premise. Is this what is causing Mike to be against LGBT couples marrying? Anyone is free to answer this too.

    • @Sirach144
      @Sirach144 4 года назад +6

      God made male and female for a reason. Men have sperm and women have eggs. Guess evolution is just as homophobic

    • @malirk
      @malirk 2 года назад

      @@Sirach144Glad you agree Evolution is true but I think you have to study it a little bit more.
      Evolution is about change in the allele frequency of a population over time. This happens by the passing down of genetic information from generation to generation.
      If you believe that God made people, you'd also believe God has people born who are sterile. Now why would a God do that to his creation?
      Evolution has an answer.
      There are mutations that are beneficial and some that are not. Through randomness we see sometimes a person born who is sterile. Now this means they will not pass down their genetic information.
      Interestingly enough, this is very different from being homosexual. Many people who are homosexual have biological children. In modern times people use IV fertilization but there are still people in the LGBT community getting pregnant through more "traditional" means. So clearly throughout Evolution people who are LGBT have been passing down their genetic information.

    • @malirk
      @malirk 2 года назад

      @@vicksonleji529 Pretty sure man made marriage. Also sadly marriage was more about property rights and own wives. Yes. The original idea of marriage was having multiple wives, even in the Bible.
      Exodus 21:10 - *If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights.*
      Many people respond with, "But those are the laws for the Hebrew people!" That creates two problems:
      1 - So God has different laws for different people at different times? Isn't God the same today as he was yesterday?
      2 - The 10 Commandments are right next to this. So are we suppose to not listen to those either?

    • @malirk
      @malirk 2 года назад

      @@vicksonleji529 So marriage is one man and one woman... except when God gives a culture the ability to have more...
      We agree.
      Sounds like marriage really isn't one man and one woman in Christianity.

    • @malirk
      @malirk 2 года назад

      @@vicksonleji529 I think we fully understand each other.
      The God of the Bible let his people engage in polygamy. Is this correct?

  • @jamesm5462
    @jamesm5462 4 года назад

    Let me see if you can and WILL do typology on Mary. Oh yeah. I see. Not in the bible.

  • @DBCisco
    @DBCisco 5 лет назад

    "How to find Captain Kirk in Lord of the Rings"

    • @pJ005-k9i
      @pJ005-k9i 5 лет назад


    • @tintinismybelgian
      @tintinismybelgian 3 года назад +1

      @@pJ005-k9i James Tiberius Kirk, captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, lived during the 23rd century, friend of Spock.

    • @athonyhiggins3117
      @athonyhiggins3117 3 года назад

      Keep looking

    • @DBCisco
      @DBCisco 3 года назад +1

      @@tintinismybelgian Also known as Aragorn !!! lol

    • @tintinismybelgian
      @tintinismybelgian 3 года назад +1

      @@DBCisco Would that make Legolas Spock and Gimli McCoy? (Or what parallel do you think makes more sense, personality-wise?)