If you like my walk, Please sub my channel: rebrand.ly/walk-together 00:00:00 고려대학교 정문 / Main Gate 00:00:38 중앙광장 / Central Plaza 00:01:54 백주년기념 삼성관-박물관 / Centennial Memorial Samsung Hall / Museum 00:03:17 크림슨 센터 / The Crimson Center 00:03:47 LG-POSCO 경영관 / LG-POSCO Hall 00:05:04 경영본관 / Business School Main Hall 00:06:30 현대자동차 경영관 / Hyundai Motor Hall 00:09:15 사범대학 구관&신관 / Collage of Education Buildings 00:10:26 운초우선교육관 / Uncho-Useoun Hall 00:11:47 CJ 법학관 / CJ Law Hall 00:13:17 법학관(신관) / College of Law 00:14:03 해송 법학도서관 / Haesong Law Library 00:14:46 법학관(구관) / College of Law Annex 00:15:49 동원글로벌리더십홀 / Dongwon Global Leadership Hall 00:18:10 아세아문제연구소 / Asiatic Research Center 00:18:40 중앙도서관(신관) / Main Library 00:20:12 중앙도서관(대학원) / Graduate School 00:23:01 본관부속사무실 / Main Hall Annex (Administration Building Annex) 00:25:42 인촌기념관 / Inchon Memorial Hall 00:26:40 수당삼양패컬티하우스 / Sudang Samyang Faculty House 00:28:41 국제관 / International Studies Hall 00:30:06 문과대학(서관) / Collage of Liberal Arts 00:34:20 본관 / Main Hall 00:36:51 중앙광장 / Central Plaza 00:40:28 SK 미래관 / SK Future Hall 00:43:00 하나프라자 / Hana Plaza 00:43:34 강당 / Auditorium 00:45:36 미디어관&정경관 / Media Hall / Science and Engineering Library 00:46:40 파이빌 99 / π-Ville 99 00:49:55 우당교양관 / Woodang Hall 00:50:25 학생회관 / Student Union Building 00:51:21 4.18 기념관 / 4.18 Memorial Hall 00:53:27 미디어관 / Media Hall 00:53:59 고려대로 / Goryeodae-ro 00:56:10 개운사길 / Gaeunsa-gil 01:00:00 고려대학교 기숙사 / Korea University Anam Domitory 01:07:39 민족문화연구원 / Research Institute of Korean Studies 01:10:05 화정체육관 / Tiger Dome 01:11:22 학군단 / ROTC Building 01:11:52 우정간호학관 / Woojung College of Nursing 01:15:21 KU R&D 센터 / KU R&D Center 01:16:25 의과대학 문숙의학관 / College of Medicine - Moonsook Medical Building 01:18:18 의과대학 본관 / College of Medicine - Main Building 01:22:28 의학도서관 / Medical Library 01:30:58 고려대학교 안암병원 / Korea University Anam Hospital 01:32:25 생명과학관(동관) / College of Life Science and Biotechnology - East Building 01:33:42 우정 정보관 / Woojung Hall of Informatics 01:34:34 미래융합기술관 / International Center for Converging Technology 01:37:19 이학관 별관 / College of Science Annex 01:37:57 환경실험관 / Environmental Engineering Laboratory 01:38:23 애기능 생활관 / Aegineung Student Center 01:39:18 과학도서관 / Science and Engineering Library 01:45:18 애기능 학생회관 / Aegineung Student Union Building 01:46:24 로봇융합관 / Robot Convergence Building 01:47:10 신공학관 / New Engineering Hall 01:47:57 창의관 / Innovation Building 01:49:45 공학관 / College of Engineering 01:51:03 신학관 / Techno Complex Research Center 01:51:48 기초과학관 / Korea Basic Science Institute 01:52:56 아산이학관 / College of Science Asan Hall 01:53:46 하나스퀘어 / Hana Square 01:54:17 과학도서관 / Science and Engineering Library 01:55:22 생명과학관(서관) / College of Life Science and Biotechnology - West Building 01:57:13 하나스퀘어 / Hana Square 02:00:24 안암역 / Anam Station 02:01:38 고려대로24길 / Goryeodae-ro 24gil
@Abhisar Choubey What I wanted to say is not that Korean universities are of low quality, but that the rankings of universities you are talking about are different from the facts. As I wrote in the comment above, the QS world ranking for 2021 is, SNU 37 KAIST 39 KU 69 POSTECH 77 YU 85 SKKU 88 So the ranking you wrote is not true. www.unipress.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1440 As you said, Korea is a country with the world's highest educational enthusiasm, and the level of universities is also the world's highest, but in general, the world university evaluation is mostly based on Western universities, so Korean universities tend to be undervalued.
Really wonderful. Everything very well taken care of. What I admire is the concern with green areas, the gardens, landscaping. Everything very clean, and well maintained. Very imposing. All of this demonstrates how the Korean people are concerned with the teaching of their people.
i just finished my first semester at kodae. after watching this vid i realize so many places i dont even know they are at my own school. imma go have a tour slowly by using this vid as the reference. thank you 😂
Today in this live. Lucas oppa you have replied to your fans comment . Even in this covid situation you have uploading video for us Don't forget that I will always support you here from Tamil Nadu which is in India You have shown lot of video thank you for your hard work I'm just 14 this year take care of your family Lucas oppa ,Thank you for your response actually don't get angry with me oppa actually no one will respond to me so only I'm greeting you again and again THANK YOU HARD WORK 💜💜💜 FIGHTING 💪💪👍
I always try to comment all my viewers. Also, I've been to India many times, but not yet to Tamil Nadu. Looks nice to visit, but not sure when I can visit there again.
I want to go as an international student in 2022 but I'm not sure is I should pospone it for 2023 because I don't want to go and be locked in all the time or be in an empty university (but of course i would understand bc covid), what do you think i should do?
🐯22학번 아기호랑이🐯홧팅 고려대 신입생 학부모입니다~👬🏻 민족고대를 어릴때 부터 외치며 열심히 내신과 수능공부 매진하여 합.격.순간까지^^) 가슴이 벅차오르네요💓 "너의 젊음을 고대에 걸어라 고대는 너에게 미래를 걸겠다"🍀 이 아름다운 캠퍼스에서 모든 학생들이 멋진 꿈을 펼치기를:) 응원합니다😊
If you like my walk, Please sub my channel: rebrand.ly/walk-together
00:00:00 고려대학교 정문 / Main Gate
00:00:38 중앙광장 / Central Plaza
00:01:54 백주년기념 삼성관-박물관 / Centennial Memorial Samsung Hall / Museum
00:03:17 크림슨 센터 / The Crimson Center
00:03:47 LG-POSCO 경영관 / LG-POSCO Hall
00:05:04 경영본관 / Business School Main Hall
00:06:30 현대자동차 경영관 / Hyundai Motor Hall
00:09:15 사범대학 구관&신관 / Collage of Education Buildings
00:10:26 운초우선교육관 / Uncho-Useoun Hall
00:11:47 CJ 법학관 / CJ Law Hall
00:13:17 법학관(신관) / College of Law
00:14:03 해송 법학도서관 / Haesong Law Library
00:14:46 법학관(구관) / College of Law Annex
00:15:49 동원글로벌리더십홀 / Dongwon Global Leadership Hall
00:18:10 아세아문제연구소 / Asiatic Research Center
00:18:40 중앙도서관(신관) / Main Library
00:20:12 중앙도서관(대학원) / Graduate School
00:23:01 본관부속사무실 / Main Hall Annex (Administration Building Annex)
00:25:42 인촌기념관 / Inchon Memorial Hall
00:26:40 수당삼양패컬티하우스 / Sudang Samyang Faculty House
00:28:41 국제관 / International Studies Hall
00:30:06 문과대학(서관) / Collage of Liberal Arts
00:34:20 본관 / Main Hall
00:36:51 중앙광장 / Central Plaza
00:40:28 SK 미래관 / SK Future Hall
00:43:00 하나프라자 / Hana Plaza
00:43:34 강당 / Auditorium
00:45:36 미디어관&정경관 / Media Hall / Science and Engineering Library
00:46:40 파이빌 99 / π-Ville 99
00:49:55 우당교양관 / Woodang Hall
00:50:25 학생회관 / Student Union Building
00:51:21 4.18 기념관 / 4.18 Memorial Hall
00:53:27 미디어관 / Media Hall
00:53:59 고려대로 / Goryeodae-ro
00:56:10 개운사길 / Gaeunsa-gil
01:00:00 고려대학교 기숙사 / Korea University Anam Domitory
01:07:39 민족문화연구원 / Research Institute of Korean Studies
01:10:05 화정체육관 / Tiger Dome
01:11:22 학군단 / ROTC Building
01:11:52 우정간호학관 / Woojung College of Nursing
01:15:21 KU R&D 센터 / KU R&D Center
01:16:25 의과대학 문숙의학관 / College of Medicine - Moonsook Medical Building
01:18:18 의과대학 본관 / College of Medicine - Main Building
01:22:28 의학도서관 / Medical Library
01:30:58 고려대학교 안암병원 / Korea University Anam Hospital
01:32:25 생명과학관(동관) / College of Life Science and Biotechnology - East Building
01:33:42 우정 정보관 / Woojung Hall of Informatics
01:34:34 미래융합기술관 / International Center for Converging Technology
01:37:19 이학관 별관 / College of Science Annex
01:37:57 환경실험관 / Environmental Engineering Laboratory
01:38:23 애기능 생활관 / Aegineung Student Center
01:39:18 과학도서관 / Science and Engineering Library
01:45:18 애기능 학생회관 / Aegineung Student Union Building
01:46:24 로봇융합관 / Robot Convergence Building
01:47:10 신공학관 / New Engineering Hall
01:47:57 창의관 / Innovation Building
01:49:45 공학관 / College of Engineering
01:51:03 신학관 / Techno Complex Research Center
01:51:48 기초과학관 / Korea Basic Science Institute
01:52:56 아산이학관 / College of Science Asan Hall
01:53:46 하나스퀘어 / Hana Square
01:54:17 과학도서관 / Science and Engineering Library
01:55:22 생명과학관(서관) / College of Life Science and Biotechnology - West Building
01:57:13 하나스퀘어 / Hana Square
02:00:24 안암역 / Anam Station
02:01:38 고려대로24길 / Goryeodae-ro 24gil
campur saja kak semua ku pasukan pilih yg seni budaya oke
하 진짜 고풍스럽고 멋스러운 외관에 실용적인 지하캠퍼스, 3개나 있는 경영 건물까지... 학교 다닐 맛 나겠다 진짜..
OMG....this place is huge!!! Very beautiful though! I really enjoy your videos!
Thank you so much for watching my video! ;-)
Beautiful Video! Big like 👍
딱 좋은 시기네요. 👍👍👍👍
봄날의 캠퍼스가 최고죠!!
Indeed, the leading uni in Korea has an amazingly nice campus. Thanks for the walk.
고려대를 정말 자세하게 보여주셨네요~ 예전에 잠깐 들어갔다가 바로 나와서 캠퍼스에 대한 기억이 없는데, 이렇게 자세하게 구경시켜주셔서 너무 감사해요 ^^ 제가 한바퀴 돈 것 같아요!
사전에 공부를 좀 하고 갔지요 ㅎㅎ
So beautiful and top-ranked universities! It must take a lot of effort to walk around so much. Appreciate your Korea tour 🖤
@Abhisar Choubey 2021 QS WORLD RANKING IN KOREA IS
SNU 37
KU 69
YU 85
@Abhisar Choubey What I wanted to say is not that Korean universities are of low quality, but that the rankings of universities you are talking about are different from the facts.
As I wrote in the comment above, the QS world ranking for 2021 is,
SNU 37
KU 69
YU 85
So the ranking you wrote is not true.
As you said, Korea is a country with the world's highest educational enthusiasm, and the level of universities is also the world's highest, but in general, the world university evaluation is mostly based on Western universities, so Korean universities tend to be undervalued.
aku mau mbak pasukan tim nasional Italia
미쳤다ㅠㅠ꼭 간다
Through your video we see that life is a daring adventure.......keep going to travel us!!!!!
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
정말 너무 예쁘네요. 한 번더 고려대를 다짐하게 만들어주는 영상이었어요..’◡̈
Already excited
Thank you so much for watching my video! ;-)
It's okay, I just love watching Korea, I'm curious also, so yours is the best one in terms clarity, smoothness,
Keep up the good work, and thanks for uploading videos regularly
Really wonderful. Everything very well taken care of. What I admire is the concern with green areas, the gardens, landscaping. Everything very clean, and well maintained. Very imposing.
All of this demonstrates how the Korean people are concerned with the teaching of their people.
Yes. Really nice university with well cared.
Great walking beautiful place 😍👍
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
i just finished my first semester at kodae. after watching this vid i realize so many places i dont even know they are at my own school. imma go have a tour slowly by using this vid as the reference. thank you 😂
Reminder set.
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
Looks beautiful.....
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
So beautiful thanks for sharing your moments with us it’s always great opportunity to travel with your videos
Thanks a lot!!
Wow so amazing. 💜💜✌
Thank you so much for watching my video! ;-)
멋지네요~! 굿👍
우리에겐 내일이 있고 또 그 내일이 있습니다! 김상협 총장님 그립습니다 ㅠ
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
Cool walking tour, I am walking in Hong Kong now, ASIA'S WORLD CITY! 😀
Thanks a lot. I like HK too!
연세대학교는 정말 많이 가봤었는데, 교려대는 처음 보는것 같아요! TV에서만 봤었는데 말이죠 ㅎㅎ 오늘도 멋진 영상 공유해주셔서 감사드립니다!
아무래도 연대앞 신촌거리가 접근성이 더 좋아서 그런것도 있는거 같긴 해요. 근데, 고대 캠퍼스도 상당히 멋지죠!
고대 정문엔 교명이 없죠
대한민국 국민이라면 누구나 알수 있는 대학이 민족고대라~😉
Amazing footage ✌️
Very nice
고려대 잠시 다녔던 그때가 그립네요 다시 도서관에서 공부하고 싶게 만드네요
1:32:25 👍👍👍
전 타대생이라 다니진 않았지만(ㅠㅠ), 그래도 좋았어요 ㅎㅎ
I'm waiting 😍
My dream place Korea🥰🥰
I like this very much! Thank you for this cool trip! More, please!
of course!
Wooahhh.. Waitinngg ❤️
@@WalkTogether Thankyou so much❤️
Beautiful video👍
just wow! amazing video quality , the audio is so good too!
I did change my MIC recently.
I love the blue chairs in the window👏🏻👍I enjoyed the two kids running into each other ,one look like an idol😀
Thanks 🙏🙏🙏
Me too!
Ahh I remember that extraordinary you and true beauty was shoot in korea university 🤩
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
@@WalkTogether ☺ 💙💜
유럽고대건물 같은 고려대 ㅎ 예전에 원서쓰러갔던기억이 나네요 결국 떨어졌지만
ㅠㅠ 사실 저도 옜날에 떨어졌어요 ㅋㅋ 그래서 근처의 멀지않은 다른 학교를 다녔죠. ㅋㅋ
0:30 날도 기가막히게 잡으셨네. 미세먼지 없고 파란하늘에 솜사탕들 ㅠㅠ 색감 너무 예뻐요
얼마전 고려대 캠퍼스 귀경갔다가 일만칠천보걸음,,,멋진건물 캠퍼스덕에 힘을줄도모름~
고려대 캠퍼스가 넓고 멋지죠 ㅎㅎ
Woahh I wish my campus looked like this
I wished the same too in the past.
Thank you for show us, it was amazing
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
Huge campus 😍
Watching from Cambodia 🥰
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
Thank you for this very nice video!
Each time this gives me a pleasant moment of escape. 😁
Merci !
Thanks a lot!!
Great Video
My gf goes to the university of seoul so beautiful there keep up the great videos my friend
this is so cool! amazing video quality, the audio sounds great on airpods max!
그립네요. 사람들이 보고 싶고
Welcome to KU!
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜 고려대 홍보채널인가요? ;-)
건우야 고대 가자!!
합격하면 돌아온다.
꼭 합격해서 댓글달아주세요
aku mau nya sama mereka yg hadil kakak Info Pelanggan masiawa tingkat tinggi s3
wow stunning and beautiful university ... nice one fellow walker ... I Enjoyed your videos.
전역하고 빨리 돌아가고 싶다 하...
KU gate look like a kingdom gate, amazing 😂
Ma dream to b in korea🇰🇷💗🥺
Hope you can travel to Korea soon..
@@WalkTogether thank u ☺but I haven't graduate 🙂 after 5 yrs I'm planning to visit🥰
It's amazing
Thanks a lot!! 💜💜💜
Today in this live. Lucas oppa you have replied to your fans comment . Even in this covid situation you have uploading video for us
Don't forget that I will always support you here from Tamil Nadu which is in India You have shown lot of video thank you for your hard work
I'm just 14 this year take care of your family Lucas oppa ,Thank you for your response actually don't get angry with me oppa actually no one will respond to me so only I'm greeting you again and again
I always try to comment all my viewers. Also, I've been to India many times, but not yet to Tamil Nadu. Looks nice to visit, but not sure when I can visit there again.
Thank 💙
Thank you so much for watching my video! ;-)
꼭 입학하고 싶어요...!!
고려대 교육학과 26학번으로 간다 정말로...!
I want to go as an international student in 2022 but I'm not sure is I should pospone it for 2023 because I don't want to go and be locked in all the time or be in an empty university (but of course i would understand bc covid), what do you think i should do?
The way you can hear Americans coming down the street before you even see them IAJDGJGIDGJI
Waw so wonderful... Can you give us walking vlog in konkuk university
Yes. I will... might be within this week.
90년대에 다녔는데 그땐 약간 썰렁한 느낌이었는데 몰라보게 많이 바뀐듯 ㅎㅎ
My biggest dream🥲🤲
What is the top-earning college university in Korea?!
Seoul national university
🐯22학번 아기호랑이🐯홧팅
고려대 신입생 학부모입니다~👬🏻
민족고대를 어릴때 부터 외치며
열심히 내신과 수능공부 매진하여
합.격.순간까지^^) 가슴이 벅차오르네요💓
"너의 젊음을 고대에 걸어라
고대는 너에게 미래를 걸겠다"🍀
이 아름다운 캠퍼스에서
모든 학생들이 멋진 꿈을 펼치기를:) 응원합니다😊
*잘랫어용 고리그 고마워용*
고려대 바이오의공학부 22학번🙏🏻🎉😁
중간에 정경관 번역이 잘못 됐네요. 정경관은 Science and Engineering Library가 아니라 Political science and Economics Hall이 맞습니다. 정경은 정치경제의 약자입니다.
조금 변명을 해보자면, 고려대 공식 지도에 그렇게 쓰여있어서..그냥 보고 쓰다보니 ㅠㅠ 물론 검토 안한 제잘못도 있지만, 공식 지도가 틀렸을 줄이야 ㅎㅎ
ʕฅ•ᴥ•ฅʔ。*:❀🌈 💜 🌈
한양대도 해주세요~!
Si tu cell es original puede copiar esto
저희 아들이..
저렇게 멋진 캠퍼스에서..
올해는 꼭 대면수업 하기를 바랍니다..
안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ 혹시 카메라 기종은 어떤 걸 쓰시나요??
EOS R6 씁니다
서울대도 가능할까요...!?
네. 예정에 있는데, 아직 학교에서 허락을 안해줘서요 ㅎㅎ
고려대가 학교냐? 공장이다. 인간성도 없고 인간에 대한 기본적인 인권도 짓밟는 고려대가 학교냐? 그냥 기계적인 공장이다.
신촌은 더하지 않을까?