The next total solar eclipse visible from the mainland U.S. will be on August 21, 2017. During a total solar eclipse - when the new moon swings in front of the sun and completely covers it - the sky turns suddenly from day into night, and stars pop into view.
8.51 kyaahhh kawaii !! Gai is so cute . I always want to hug him ^^
Thanks for the upload! I love this anime!
Yes! Kira and Maya are back!
Hey! That new character was so handsome!
But for me however.....Goh is the most handsome
The op song always make me cry
I was beginning to think there were no interesting humans in this series!
AWHAW I KNEW IT SHIVA IS STILL ALIVE afterall they need someone to compeat with shin over judas dont they
OMG THAT HILL, looks like Nightmare Before Christmas. =3 00.10
Maya I missed you!~
Komai has pointy ears =o
Smexy xd
The next total solar eclipse visible from the mainland U.S. will be on August 21, 2017. During a total solar eclipse - when the new moon swings in front of the sun and completely covers it - the sky turns suddenly from day into night, and stars pop into view.
@0:10 isn't that the Grinch's house/place?
oh, so shiva isn't dead.
hm, that's a shame :v