It sucks when the mass market gets a hold of something and dilutes it. Classic dubstep was one of the greatest electronic based genres in invented. still is. Thanks for the upload.
The real thing is still going on strong. Check labels like Deep Dark and Dangerous or System Music and people like Kahn, Saule, Samba, Foamplate, Glume, Fiend, Chad Dubz and a long etc. Even old labels like Boka Records or Deep Medi and artists like Distance or Kromestar are still pushing things forward. Also a lot of big Dnb artists like Alix Perez or Icicle had Dubstep releases.
good for its time
It sucks when the mass market gets a hold of something and dilutes it. Classic dubstep was one of the greatest electronic based genres in invented. still is. Thanks for the upload.
The real thing is still going on strong. Check labels like Deep Dark and Dangerous or System Music and people like Kahn, Saule, Samba, Foamplate, Glume, Fiend, Chad Dubz and a long etc. Even old labels like Boka Records or Deep Medi and artists like Distance or Kromestar are still pushing things forward. Also a lot of big Dnb artists like Alix Perez or Icicle had Dubstep releases.
that drum work out to start - just for flavour - my man...
crazy tune ooohh myy !!
3k views? How is this not in everyones playlist.
Yeah it’s bad man
Completely can't push the thumb button of down or up.
no gyal tune