Toolsday: What is the BEST Tool to Drill Holes in Concrete

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @lint2023
    @lint2023 Год назад +13

    Nice comparison and impressive results with the Dewalts. A few decades ago nothing bored like a Hilti. I have no idea how they are today but they outperformed everything on high strength industrial floors.

    • @elliotkane4443
      @elliotkane4443 Год назад +1

      Lots of builders here in Australia have them, in my opinion they are very overrated and a pain to use, high vibration, no cutout if they jam (drill will smack you in the face), definitely not as powerful as newer more well known brands.
      I got a SDS Max Dewalt on a killer sale a couple years ago, not the top of their range but it is a decent unit, better than most hiltis for waaay less money.
      Hilti offers a 20yr warranty and service package with their rotary hammers, I reckon thats why the companies go for them.

  • @sPGgwUxYrSd7Cf5H
    @sPGgwUxYrSd7Cf5H Год назад +9

    I bought the 20v Dewalt DCH273B to see if it would help break up ice with a 3" chisel from my driveway and around my house (I live in Lake Tahoe and we got over 700" of snow this year). I must say sds plus rotary hammers are amazing. Im not sure why you'd even need a corded version. SDS plus with a 3" chisel works great at breaking up ice dams too! The tool requires firm resistance for the hammer action to kick in so it's actually safer to use on a roof than you'd think.. I highly recommend picking one up if you have some serious ice you need to manage. Side note, haven't drilled any concrete with it yet...

  • @saadhubi
    @saadhubi Год назад +70

    The Ingersoll Rand 114GQC Air Hammer was just the tool I needed. I Use it to remove stuck bolts. If held at the right angle you can cut slightly into the bolt. Then turn the air hammer to where it will hammer the stuck bolt to unspin the bolt. Given a little practice it works great. This air hammer gives you the control needed to get the job done right. Very powerful yet still does not seem to have as much vibration as other guns I have used. One of the best I have gotten my hands on.

  • @warnerbrenner1743
    @warnerbrenner1743 Год назад +119

    For me, the ideas in Plans were a starting point for building different sheds . Ryan gives ideas that allow an individual to draw nicest conclusions into the design and building of his or her own shed.

  • @brycegreenstein7441
    @brycegreenstein7441 Год назад +3

    the drill only function on the sds plus for using a carbide rebar cutting bit that has the sds plus shank. For instance, you're drilling in concrete with a sds plus masonry bit, you hit rebar, you swap out the masonry bit for a rebar cutting bit, and switch the function to drill only.

  • @danielst-cyr
    @danielst-cyr Год назад +4

    Very informative video Kyle. I wish I had known this years ago, even if cordless options were probably not as available as today.

  • @stoneinthefield1
    @stoneinthefield1 Год назад +1

    Best in RUclips with tool reviews. Sincerely.

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 Год назад +2

    I've used the SDS with a 1" bit to drill a hole for a ground rod in concrete doing a whole house generator. It works great and effortlessly! The regular SDS drills the hole, small or big, without effort.
    Obviously, if you are drilling as many holes as Kyle does on a post frame for his brackets, I would go with the bigger + SDS!

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 10 месяцев назад

    I’ve always cleaned out my holes by running the bit into a few times. Always worked for me

  • @ericsoumah7510
    @ericsoumah7510 Год назад +1

    I missed your Toolsday, great to see it again. Keep up the great work👍👍

  • @mattseymour8637
    @mattseymour8637 Год назад

    I have the DeWalt battery SDS drill and love it! Even when chiseling for a good amount of time was impressed how long the battery lasted.
    I do have a Makita SDS but find the battery one so convenient!

  • @BobvanVelzen
    @BobvanVelzen Год назад +3

    I use the Hikoki 36v with dust extraction and its good. Usually go for 12, 14, or 18mm holes for expansion or chemical anchors. Really quick and dust free.

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 10 месяцев назад

    I’ve used the SDS plus with a 1 1/8” bit to drill into a sidewalk next to a house where we set whole house automatic standby General Generators and the rotary drill makes it go through the concrete so easily that there’s really no strain! I used the type you set on the ground though, but I never attached the dust collection, but it’s a good idea to use dust collection though!
    We started using the SDS plus because they didn’t burn up as many bits drilling brick for straps for the conduit running from the transfer switch to the generator, and brick can burn up bits fast. I think it has to do with the speed! The SDS plus is a money saver if you’re drilling a lot of brick for support brackets!

  • @tooltipswithtommy
    @tooltipswithtommy Год назад +1

    Got the Bosch version of all these. Great video.

  • @imtonedeaf1
    @imtonedeaf1 Год назад +6

    The bosch bulldog corded just works very well light weight I've used hilty pro level the bulldog drill 3 1 holes don't push on your hammer drills 1000 holes a month for 3 years

    • @Jabberwok28
      @Jabberwok28 Год назад +1

      Yep, if it isn’t blue and begins with “B”, I’ll pass.

    • @RRBuildings
      @RRBuildings  Год назад +1

      I always used my bulldog… this is maybe better tho serious

    • @imtonedeaf1
      @imtonedeaf1 Год назад

      We putting earthquake beams in stairwell in a Hilton the bulldog out worked all others if new cordless drill are better thats amazing

  • @georgeabrams729
    @georgeabrams729 Год назад +2

    You can use the rotate only option, no hammer, when you use a diamond core drill in concrete.

  • @bossmanz28
    @bossmanz28 Год назад +1

    Dewalt makes great cordless rotary hammers. I have the 5/8 atomic sds plus, the flexvolt 1 1/4" sds plus, and the flexvolt 2" sds max. Ive been thinkin bout adding that exact 1 1/8" sds plus d handle you got and your making me want it more especially with the much more convenient dust extractor. Good video

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 Год назад +1

    the SDS will drill faster than a regular hammer drill, and the bits last longer! That's from years of experience! I can't say anything about the Max, but the SDS drill, is great. You will save time and money on bits for sure!

  • @BraxxJuventa
    @BraxxJuventa Год назад +1

    Thanks for filming Kyle! 👍😁

  • @skygreen5939
    @skygreen5939 Год назад +1

    15:46 maybe use "drill only" mode for coring? Not sure.

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 Год назад +1

    DeWalt has a great SDS drill, and the dust collection piece that connects to them I think are probably different based on which model you have. They do a great job of controlling the Silica dust, which can be very harmful to your health over time. Large commercial jobs are so big on controlling the silica dust, which can be from many different things, with machines that put down water on top and draw it up. If you haven't gone onto the OSHA site and taken the OSHA 10 or OSHA 30, I would suggest doing it for your safety and those who may work on your jobsite!

  • @philwort1873
    @philwort1873 Год назад +4

    Love that toolsday is back! Is the metabo htp 36v or 18? I would love to see a comparison between the dewalt and metabo htp. Both with dust box attachments. Also another toolsday suggestion. Do you find that cheap vs expensive bits makes much of a difference in sds, multitool. Circular saw, grinder discs? Thanks

    • @sanchotheboss4068
      @sanchotheboss4068 Год назад +1

      Metabo is both and in my experience roughly 17 years experience building and rehabbing homes, bits and blades make a world of difference Diablo blades for everything that involves a blade lol

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 Год назад

    I haven't seen the model dust collection you have here, but looks much more convenient for the dust collection!

  • @ndothager
    @ndothager Год назад +1

    One video I would love to see is how to go about the ordering of materials, specifically ordering metal. I always have to trim everything down to size. Is this common for you too? I would also love to see how you work with exterior lighting on walls with metal exterior. Anyways, just an idea on some videos. Thanks!

  • @AnomadAlaska
    @AnomadAlaska Год назад +1

    Picked one of those DeWalts up last year to install a new water line to my rental house. Sure beats a cold chisel and a hammer.

  • @Georgggg
    @Georgggg 7 месяцев назад +1

    You shouldn't push sds+/max rotary hammer. Their hammer function works regardless of your pressure, unlike hammer drill. Its even recommended to push just enough to keep contact with concret, but not more, because that way hammer impulses will be stronger.
    Thats why it is so efficient and easy to use.

  • @2chipped
    @2chipped Год назад +5

    For 1/4 tapcons using a 3/16 bit overhead,the 5/8 m12 fuel is the best in my experience for its light weight and size.
    I've drilled probably between 10-15000 holes using the m12,it's lightweight, and great for vertical in the up position, or horizontally.
    I have the m12 hammervac,but prefer using packout vacuum.
    My rules on drilling for any concrete fastner,whether pin/redhead/or large tapcon.
    #1 overdrill by 1/3 depth needed for the specific fastner.
    #2 vacuum as you go.
    #3 use 1/3 more capacity for width for speed.
    I have driiled shallow 2 inch holes with the m12 (only rated for 5/8 because that tool was closer.
    I installed fence for 15 years (2004-2019) including plated posts,and tapconning post to masonry columns.
    My arsenal is m12 fuel sds,m18 fuel 7/8,1 inch corded D-handle Bosch,and corded 2 inch sds max Bosch.
    A regular cordless hammerdrill is a waste of time, except for less than 4 holes.

  • @firemanj35
    @firemanj35 Год назад +1

    Only question I would ask is. Are all the bits two fluted or four? Vacuuming is way better than the bulb we used to use to blow the hole out and into your face if you didn't move your head. Can you turn the vacuoff if you get into a water situation?

    • @RRBuildings
      @RRBuildings  Год назад +1

      Just disconnect the vacuum no problem

  • @macairtuber
    @macairtuber 10 месяцев назад

    We are often drilling 100+ holes one after another - 1/2" or 5/8" - mostly in garages and exterior for termite work and mostly simple vertical drill downs. Which tool would you buy? Looking at Hilti, Bosch, Dewalt and corded or cordless and sds plus or sds max. So many options.

  • @Z-Bart
    @Z-Bart Год назад +1

    Good info Kyle. My Bosch just crapped out. Time to go cordless.

  • @Cavett24
    @Cavett24 Год назад

    That's the universal dust collection from milwaukee. It will fit any make and size. The milwaukee shown does have a dust collector that fits just like the dewalt for better visibility. FYI

  • @barjonahbuxton3264
    @barjonahbuxton3264 Год назад +2

    Please do a toolsday on dust extractors/shop vacs

  • @fxtfusion
    @fxtfusion Год назад

    you can buy the proper dust extractor for the milwaukee which is basically like the dewalts one. the milwaukee m12 add on dust extractor can work with any brand and was mostly made to fit on older corded models

  • @WorldWideWillem-360
    @WorldWideWillem-360 Год назад +18

    In Europe there is way more brick and concrete than here in North America. My advise for a DIY person, maybe buy a light machine for some occasional small holes. But when you need to drill a lot of them, just RENT one of those big monsters. As a student, 40 years ago, I did exactly that and I drilled over a hundred 1/4 inch holes in super hard 10 year old concrete within an hour. The rent was minimal and my neighbors loved it that the noise was over so soon. 🙂

    • @witchcult_666
      @witchcult_666 9 месяцев назад

      “You will own nothing and you will be happy”
      go back to the Soviet Union commie

  • @shcaskey
    @shcaskey Год назад +1

    slick video (intro) editing!! good job!

  • @DaleJacaway
    @DaleJacaway Год назад

    I would love to see a Tools day done on whatever CAD program you use

  • @DavidWeinberg-cm9xd
    @DavidWeinberg-cm9xd Год назад

    I used a 28V Milwaukee 1/2" hammer drill to install up to 3/4" x 6" concrete anchors with no problems over 20 years ago? Now the 18V Fuels have probably more power than that had, so you may be able to get away with regular non-SDS style hammer drills for almost any size below 3/4"? What do you think?

  • @scottfeatherstone7156
    @scottfeatherstone7156 Год назад +1

    Great video thanks for putting it together

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 10 месяцев назад

    So what do you think the best option is for cordless miter saws lately? It’s been a long time since you done a comparison and am curious. I know DeWalt has the 120v cordless running on Dual 60v flex batteries, so I’m just curious. I’ve been in construction all my life and brands are always trying to out do their last tool!

  • @mattv5281
    @mattv5281 Год назад

    Could you talk about the best ways to drill medium to large holes, 1-4 inches, in concrete as well as softer masonry material like brick or block? For example there are SDS max spiral bits, SDS plus or max hole saws, diamond hole saws that fit in a regular drill, and dedicated diamond core drill machines.

  • @EOTG_AK
    @EOTG_AK Год назад +1

    The only issue I have had with the Dewalt 60v SDS Max was recovering from the purchase price.

  • @tgsgardenmaintenance4627
    @tgsgardenmaintenance4627 8 месяцев назад

    I use a cheap Titan purely for busting concrete. Cost £50 ten years ago, and has survived all the abuse I could throw at it! 8 jules of power is pretty sufficient for my needs, especially with a 400mm chisel bit!

  • @libertarian1637
    @libertarian1637 3 месяца назад

    In my experience easy drilling usually goes: drill, hammer drill, rotary hammer drill. The rotary hammer drills can be SDS, SDS-Plus, SDS-Max, or Spline. Most rotary hammer drills have 3 modes, rotary only, rotary hammer, and hammer only; these multi-modes and increased striking makes these the best concrete blaring tools out there. Right angle drills can also be used in coding as they can be nicer to run when coring a vertical surface. If you need more powerful chipping a hex hex shaft hammer can be best, but it can’t drill.
    You also have to be careful depending on what you’re drilling with any hammer drills, as some materials, like cinder block, can blow out with hammer drills leading to enlargement of holes or loss of structure.

  • @daverauch7591
    @daverauch7591 Год назад +1

    Working in large commercial construction that is the most typical hammer drill too. Even in large scale you will see that drill 9/10

  • @josephzimmer5385
    @josephzimmer5385 Год назад +1

    I've been thinking about making the switch to battery powered rotary hammers, just so that I don't have to lug around a generator any more. But how many 5/8 holes at about 9" deep would you guess you can get out of the SDS and SDS Max drills on an 8ah battery?

    • @RRBuildings
      @RRBuildings  Год назад +3

      we typically drill all of the 5/8" holes on a standard project (maybe 40) holes with a couple batteries

    • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
      @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 Год назад

      @@RRBuildings I can see that! the small SDS drills holes like butter. the bits last forever!

  • @terryclement9811
    @terryclement9811 Год назад

    Question, just a project guy here. I have a heavy duty corded 1/2” Dewalt from the mid 80’s and drilled maybe a couple hundred holes. I just using the standard bits from Lowe’s or Home Depot and I get a lot of holes that tend to lead off location when the bit hits gravel in the concrete. Suggestions?

  • @carcasscruncher9354
    @carcasscruncher9354 Год назад

    Some states have pretty heavy fines for not having dust control...especially with concrete dust.

  • @keithMichael01
    @keithMichael01 Год назад

    But the hole bit is what is most important.. what’s the best to drill hole in concrete. Diamond but what brand

  • @fixintoo7194
    @fixintoo7194 Год назад

    Thanks for another great video

  • @calebescalante3195
    @calebescalante3195 Год назад +1

    Thank you RR Building very helpful

  • @zeuz4218
    @zeuz4218 Год назад +1

    No Bosch profactor sds max ?

  • @Sparkystacoma
    @Sparkystacoma Год назад +1

    Milwaukee makes a similar drill powered cleaner. I prefer the M12 fuel for smaller bits. I do like the new dewalt. I don't know which would win between the newest Milwaukee and newest dewalt. Both are great. Sds bits are better than most hammer drill bits. I use the sds plus drilling through ceramic or porcelain no hammer for TV mounting. The sds is just superior. A Ryobi sds will put that awesome XGT to shame in the concrete. And sds max 3/4" needs like 3-5 hits before it's through stucco lol

  • @EOTG_AK
    @EOTG_AK Год назад

    I picked up an SDS max to keyless drill chuck adapter and use the non hammer function to mix up very thick materials. It also runs the hell out of a strikemaster ice auger bit 😂

  • @kevinthomas1727
    @kevinthomas1727 Год назад +1

    I need this. Spent honest to God 3 hrs using a hand hammer drill to drill a bunch of holes in a concrete wall last week.
    Sort of a weird question ha, but where do you get your work pants from?

  • @cameronlovell3735
    @cameronlovell3735 Год назад

    Hey, great video! Im a contractor - do any of these options meet the requirements of OSHA Table 1 for Silica Control?

  • @ForeverVersatile
    @ForeverVersatile 7 месяцев назад

    What's the best method to drill for running conduit through roughly 20+ inches of foundation wall??

  • @revinguillen7300
    @revinguillen7300 Год назад

    another data point: I’ve successfully used my 18v bosch to drill 2” holes in concrete using an sds plus core drill bit. Slow going and eats battery, but never came close to feeling like the shank was gonna break.

  • @DGALVIN45
    @DGALVIN45 Год назад

    Love the content Kyle! Quick question, how does the dust collection on the SDS Plus operate since it doesn't require it's own separate battery? Is it rechargeable?

  • @6atlantis
    @6atlantis Год назад

    Sometimes the problem with drilling into concrete with a regular hammer drill is that since it takes longer, it also reams the hole out more which isn’t a good thing.

  • @zhuchai393
    @zhuchai393 Год назад

    The drill mode is use for drilling into thick steel like ibeam or c channel steel more easier cosz it heavy duty...also can drill into purling wood that use bolt&nut...

  • @ed1375
    @ed1375 5 месяцев назад

    This is the first time I come across this channel and I straight up thought you were Canelo Álvarez the boxer😂 thanks for the video though brotha!

  • @josephabela1922
    @josephabela1922 5 месяцев назад

    I am awear I am late to this party, however Milwaukee offers a dedicated dust extractor to most of thier impact hammer drills besides the M12 universal you shown here, to be a fair comparison with team yellow.

  • @loktom4068
    @loktom4068 18 дней назад

    If you only drill a few holes under 1/2 " diameter holes, RYOBI SDS plus should serve well.

  • @venanciontuguasumunsi3099
    @venanciontuguasumunsi3099 Год назад

    This boy is very good

  • @danichicago9140
    @danichicago9140 Год назад

    You can't beat the 36V Hilti. 99% of my use is anchors though. The Husqvarna core drill for penetrations. We use dewalt at work. Probably run a few hundred drop ins a week. They feel cheap drill slow and die often.

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 10 месяцев назад

    Yeah, you can imagine how much time and money you will save using the SDS for a 3/16 for a 1/4 tapcon! Way faster and you don’t burn through as many bits and your ears will be better for it! I actually prefer the SDS you set to the side at the beginning, and it is shorter if you need clearance as well!

  • @gregorymacneil2836
    @gregorymacneil2836 Год назад

    What about a Hilti? My Hilti is a few years old and still drills super fast. Okay the Hilti is more expensive but it performs!

    • @LARULES100
      @LARULES100 Год назад

      Hilti with the vacuum is the best I've ever used.Better than any dewalt,Milwaukee,Bosch or makita.Its powerful and cuts holes for tap cons and anchors like butter and super fast.

    • @SkilledLabor
      @SkilledLabor Год назад

      Picked up the Hilti TE60 nuron few months back. What a beast! Hilti is the shit

  • @DT-5150
    @DT-5150 4 месяца назад

    If you want the best rotary hammer… Hilti. They have the best rotary hammers. They are expensive compared to the others you review here, but they are worth it. Couple them with Hilti’s SDS plus and max drill bits and you’ll never use anything else.

  • @barefootsquid2454
    @barefootsquid2454 Год назад

    Why isnt a auto feed screwdriver used in US when doing drywall? Cant see a faster way to screw drywall with

    • @t0fast
      @t0fast 5 месяцев назад

      You commenting on the right vid, cause that has nothing to do with this vid? To answer your question though, they do. In fact, I don't know of the last time I've been to a project that didn't have them using one.

  • @robertlaird6746
    @robertlaird6746 Год назад +1

    I've got a Bosch 11264EVS

  • @DarioushSiamak
    @DarioushSiamak Год назад

    Thanks for the info by the way where do you buy your pants seems very comfortable thanks in advance

    • @RRBuildings
      @RRBuildings  Год назад

  • @Alexnse10
    @Alexnse10 Год назад +2

    ‘Clean out the hole before you put it in’ 🤔😂😂😂

  • @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736
    @comingtofull-ageinchrist6736 Год назад

    that's the truth on the concrete dust in the whole with a regular hammer drill, for sure!

  • @a921dji3
    @a921dji3 Год назад

    What about a 4 inch hole saw for a basement bathroom vent?

    • @feelingtardy
      @feelingtardy Год назад +3

      concrete core drill. be prepared to spend $$$. better to rent

    • @t0fast
      @t0fast 5 месяцев назад +1

      The DeWalt can go up to 6"

  • @louisd95714
    @louisd95714 Год назад

    I have seen videos if the Milwaukee M18Fuel hammer drill slice through that rock like butter.

  • @alexanderklein2902
    @alexanderklein2902 Год назад

    Taking of the hammer function makes sense when drilling in tiles first and then into the wall…

    @DAVITALORD Год назад

    when using regular hammer drill you should use speed 2

  • @davidhastings2936
    @davidhastings2936 Год назад

    Ditch the dewalt and go with Hilti. I had to buy a new hammer drill a couple years ago and the hilti out performed the dewalt all day long

  • @tonynewton7902
    @tonynewton7902 Год назад

    You can’t compare the Makita to those dewalt drills. The smaller the drill you work your way up to the size hole you need. We don’t get sent tools like you do. My Makita 18v sds does exactly the same as the default model you’re using.

  • @Everythingisgoingtobealright
    @Everythingisgoingtobealright Год назад +1

    “That is an impressively large hole”

  • @signatient.5012
    @signatient.5012 Год назад

    I recently bought a house the walls are concrete interior and exterior I've been looking for the right hammer drill my home is known has a superbuild I hear it's concrete inside and outside is concrete and stucco it's got rebar and chicken wire kinda annoying lol but house will stand against any storm u throw at it lol

  • @jm-ov5qd
    @jm-ov5qd Год назад

    the new makita 80v 52mm hammer drive has 21joules i think milwaukees largest has 8joules

  • @elliotkane4443
    @elliotkane4443 Год назад

    I would never drill a hole in concrete with a 1/2" one hand drill, that is a true exercise in futility and a patience-builder.
    Pretty sure those are only good for brickwork.
    To answer the host, I would use the drill only mode with an SDS drill to mix structural grout or cement, probably paint and render.
    Not as good as a dedicated mixer but way better than a 1/2" drill.

  •  Год назад

    Thật tuyệt vời , tôi ước có được 1 bộ công cụ như bạn

  • @BG-vq9fd
    @BG-vq9fd Год назад

    Good to know

  • @greenmoxy
    @greenmoxy Год назад

    CAT brand power tools with graphene battery tech. Bro... do you even know what graphene is? It's the future!

  • @gustavomolina888
    @gustavomolina888 Год назад +1

    Entiendo la comparación pero no lo hagas tan injusto usaste la velocidad 1 en el rotomartillo makita 😂 y lo correcto es perforar en ña velocidad 2

  • @wondon2992
    @wondon2992 Год назад

    Where is the 1-1/8 xgt?

  • @packattack1762
    @packattack1762 Год назад

    I personally have found that the drill bit makes the biggest difference.

  • @brax0789
    @brax0789 Год назад +9

    Great to see Dewalt outshine Milwaukee for once

    • @NoName-ml5yk
      @NoName-ml5yk Год назад

      Milwaukee has one with an inline dust collector.

    • @deluxepressure
      @deluxepressure Год назад

      Milwaukee has a D handle with under Neath dust control to also

  • @evictioncarpentry2628
    @evictioncarpentry2628 Год назад

    The cordless SDS Max hammer drills aren't great.
    Even with the XC9.0 batteries on the M18 one you will go through a whole charge trying to drill 1 1/2 hole through a foundation for a service upgrade or something. So unless you've got a pile of batteries and are able to charge on site they're not the best option.
    9/10 times I'm using my regular hammer drill/driver, M12 SDS for slightly larger fasteners and then I have a Hilti 7 & 16 which covers basically everything except large coring sizes, which is rare for me.

    • @jaywelker5566
      @jaywelker5566 Год назад

      Milwaukee's cordless SDS Max are garbage. Especially their 1-9/16 model which is the one you probably used.
      There's much better cordless hammers from Makita, Metabo HPT and Dewalt. They'll still suck down batteries, but they aren't piss poor slow or give you permanent nerve damage like a Milwaukee does. A Makita 1-9/16" with AVT is one of the smoothest in the game and hits as hard as a Milwaukee 1-3/4" while weighing less. Made in Japan.

    • @t0fast
      @t0fast 5 месяцев назад

      Maybe it's your bit? I don't have any experience with Milwaukee's battery sds's though. I use the DeWalt 60v sds max to drill 1.5" holes into granite and get a just under 25 minutes of continuous drilling. When I drill into concrete, it just melts through in about 20 seconds.

    • @evictioncarpentry2628
      @evictioncarpentry2628 5 месяцев назад

      @@t0fast Bits (were at the time) nearly brand new, it's just a hog on batteries.
      You're definitely not drilling an inch and half hole through 12-16inch deep concrete foundation in 20 seconds. Lol

  • @justinrutledge6090
    @justinrutledge6090 Год назад

    You want to drill in concrete? Go to HARBOR FREIGHT get you a Bauer for under $150. Had it for 6 years drilled probably 300+ holes with it, its like brand new. Impressive tool.

  • @therealdojj
    @therealdojj Год назад +1

    This is turning into Project Farm 😂

    • @RRBuildings
      @RRBuildings  Год назад +1

      never watched project farm...not sure what that means

    • @jeradclark
      @jeradclark Год назад +3

      @@RRBuildings Project Farm is an awesome RUclips channel that does product comparisons (graphs, charts, ratings, etc.). Really great channel.

    • @therealdojj
      @therealdojj Год назад +1

      @@RRBuildings When it comes to real world testing of "things", in the way that you have done here, Todd is the master
      From jeans to engine oil to lawn mowers and everything in between, if you are likely to use it in a working environment, he tests stuff, often to destruction to find out not only what is the best, but also what you may also consider if you are on a budget
      2.6m subs too 👍

  • @YayFlyingCat
    @YayFlyingCat Год назад +1

    i cant go back to using hammer drills after getting my first rotary hammers. the sound is so obnoxious and feels pretty weak

  • @andrewkennedy9704
    @andrewkennedy9704 Год назад +2

    Hammer drill time....🕺

  • @jeromeborle564
    @jeromeborle564 Год назад

    Percussion drill need spécial drill bit. !!

  • @giovannifiorentino8947
    @giovannifiorentino8947 Год назад

    Missing camera operator credits!

  • @IRV707
    @IRV707 7 месяцев назад

    i know this is an old video, but whoever is recording makes it so difficult to focus its making me dizzy, great content though.

  • @ianscott6265
    @ianscott6265 Год назад

    There’s only one drill you should use always, that’s HILTI

  • @R0bsterb0Y
    @R0bsterb0Y Год назад

    It is an absolute mistake to drill into a regular impact drill with an SDS drill. An SDS drill only belongs in a rotary hammer. With a cordless percussion drill, "classic" masonry drills or modern multiconstruction drills are used.