Abraham Mulder - " Mélancolique"

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 147

  • @abrahammulder
    @abrahammulder 3 дня назад +9

    What a surprise Juliane ❤ You play it so beautiful.Thank you for playing my humble compositions. Never thought someone would play them. This year has almost past and this melancholic piece reflects the memories. I wish you a wonderful and blessed Christmas dear Juliane😘

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +3

      Thank you very much, dear Bram, I'm very happy that you like my interpretation! 🙏☺️
      It's a really beautiful composition and I really enjoyed playing it! ☺️
      Warm greetings and best wishes to you in the Netherlands! 😊 👋 💫

  • @georgeguitar
    @georgeguitar 3 дня назад +2

    Beautiful, nuanced playing

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much, dear George! 🙏😊 This pleases me!
      Have a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @golanhalima
    @golanhalima 3 дня назад +2

    Fantastic preformence.

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Golan! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Dear evening greetings! ✨🎶

  • @carmartrigo
    @carmartrigo 3 дня назад +2

    Beautiful. A very touching performance.

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад

      Many thanks, dear Carlos! 🙏😊 I'm glad you liked it! Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @Robert_A_Keyboards4948
    @Robert_A_Keyboards4948 3 дня назад +2

    That piece is beautiful, and beautifully played! It is truly romanticpiano! You have such a gift for bringing out the best in many different pieces of music! Continue!!!!!!!!!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much for your kind words, dear Robert! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it! Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

  • @wardnjm
    @wardnjm 3 дня назад +2

    🤩This is wonderful.. Happy New Year 🎉🎄🇱🇾

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks for enjoying it! 🙏 😊 Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @donnamitchell7composerarranger
    @donnamitchell7composerarranger 2 дня назад +2

    Beautiful composition by Bram and a beautiful performance, dear Juliane!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Donna! 🙏 😊 Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @keyamusica
    @keyamusica 3 дня назад +2

    Such a heartfelt and touching composition by Abraham and your playing has conveyed and highlight all the musical nuances of this piece dear Juliane 🤩💛💛👍👍👍

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад +1

      Thanks for enjoying it! 🙏 😊 Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @diamantineworld8813
    @diamantineworld8813 3 дня назад +1

    La musique qui vous mène dans un monde magique comme un beau rêve ❤❤❤❤ excellent

  • @LuigiQuarta67
    @LuigiQuarta67 3 дня назад +3

    Brano molto malinconico e riflessivo! Brava Juliane!❤

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much, dear Luigi! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @jeffreyhartmannmusic
    @jeffreyhartmannmusic 3 дня назад +3

    Bravo Juliane !!, Thanks friend…jeff

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Jeffrey! 🙏 😊 Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @KerstinSiebenKaiser
    @KerstinSiebenKaiser 3 дня назад +2

    Ein wunderbares Stück voll sanfter Traurigkeit, und ebenso wunderbar gespielt! Liebe Grüße aus Heidelberg 🌺

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Herzlichen Dank, das freut mich sehr, liebe Kerstin! 🙏😊
      Ja, es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne, berührende Komposition von Abraham! ✨
      Liebe Grüße und eine wundervolle neue Woche für Dich! ☀️💫🎶

  • @SacredSoundss
    @SacredSoundss 3 дня назад +2

    Such a beautiful soulful piece, beautiful 🙏🙏♥️♥️

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Best wishes for a wonderful new week, dear friend! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @RoseWilson
    @RoseWilson 3 дня назад +2

    Beautiful performance & emotional and melancholic music, It would be perfect for a film 🎶✨❤

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Rose! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Yes, this music could be good for a movie! 😊
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

    @ARIEL999WINGS 3 дня назад +2

    Very, Very liked....🎼❤❤❤!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much, dear friend! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @Surphirey
    @Surphirey 3 дня назад +2

    That's just amazing 👏 🙌 you make it look so easy! Amazing music 🎶 🎵 ❤️ 👌 ♥️

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Yes, this composition by Abraham Mulder is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨ Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @MiamiJeff1967
    @MiamiJeff1967 3 дня назад +2

    Wow! what a moving piece Juliane! Very beautiful & so soulful! Fantastic performance of such a tender composition! Great Job! 👍😎✌🏼

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Jimmy! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @TechnoSyncStudio
    @TechnoSyncStudio 3 дня назад +2

    Very relaxing piano playing Juliane
    wonderful piece of music
    enjoyed your performance so much 👍🌟👍🌟👍

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад +1

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear friend! 🙏 😊 Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @ernstvingerhoets
    @ernstvingerhoets 22 часа назад +1

    so nice and peaceful in this weary world.

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  12 часов назад

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Ernst! 🙏 😊 Warm greetings and all the best! 🌿✨🎶

  • @shivarahimipiano
    @shivarahimipiano 3 дня назад +2

    That was such an emotional and heartfelt performance of this very beautiful melancholic piece by Mulder! Amazing performance Juliane!🥰❤

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much, dear Shiva! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Yes, this composition by Abraham Mulder is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
    @Foto-PoesieUndMusik 3 дня назад +2

    So, so wunderschön und gefühlvoll. Ich liebe den sanft melancholischen Klang, der dieser Komposition zu Grunde liegt. Eine grossartige Komposition von unserem Freund Abraham, eine fantastische Aufführung von Dir meine liebe Juliane. Von Herzen mein Dank...
    Umarmung und liebe Abendgrüsse aus der Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Ganz herzlichen Dank, lieber Hans-Peter! Ich freue mich sehr über Deine lieben Worte! 🙏😊
      Ja, es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne, berührende Komposition von Abraham! ✨
      Umarmung, herzliche Grüße und beste Wünsche für eine wundervolle neue Woche! ☀️
      ️Deine Freundin Juliane 🎶 💫

  • @Rexsy.Piano.Symphonics.Ecstasy
    @Rexsy.Piano.Symphonics.Ecstasy 3 дня назад +2

    *Absolutely Beautiful....Soft & Romantic....Nice Performance....Thanks dear Juliane!* ✨💎💗

  • @RotraudSchulte
    @RotraudSchulte День назад +2

    Fantastische Atmosphäre und ein wunderbares Video zur Weihnachtszeit,
    danke dir Juliane und Abraham . Frohe Weihnachten wünscht, Lolo🙏🧑‍🎄🎄🎀🎁

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Ganz herzlichen Dank, liebe Lolo! 🙏☺️
      Liebe Grüße und ein glückliches Weihnachtsfest! ✨🎄

  • @TimothyLiem
    @TimothyLiem 3 дня назад +1

    I'm in love with your melancholic piano composition with soothing melodies, dear Julianne 🎹🎶🎵👍👍❤❤❤

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Timothy! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @MooreMusic12
    @MooreMusic12 3 дня назад +2

    Very beautiful 😊😊

  • @피아노공장장ThePianoFact
    @피아노공장장ThePianoFact 3 дня назад +2

    Dear Juliane! I hear in this piece of music 'melancholy' a sound of sadness but not being completely immersed in that emotion, and a sound of calm and tranquility. I think 'melancholy' has a positive power that allows modern people who live busy lives to pause for a moment and look at themselves or rest themselves. I enjoyed your performance of this piece. Warm greetings!😅

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Gwanghae! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Yes, I agree with you. It is melancholic but not completely sad. It has a calm of acceptance of what is.
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @betovillela
    @betovillela 9 часов назад

    A great pleasure to listen to this beautiful song and beautiful presentation, dear friend and teacher Juliane! Thank you very much for this beautiful moment! My greetings Beto 👏👏👏

  • @Incredible_Piano
    @Incredible_Piano День назад +1

    Beautiful playing and lovely melancholic music👌☺️🎶👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🌹🌹🌹
    Thank you for sharing!🌹

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks for enjoying it! 🙏 😊 Warm greetings and all the best! 🌿✨🎶

    @TAKFULLHOUSE5150 День назад +1

    beautiful performance and music! wonderful work my friend
    thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful day

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks so much, dear Tak 🙏😊 This pleases me! Dear evening greetings! ✨🎶

  • @PianoImprovVlogger
    @PianoImprovVlogger 3 дня назад +1

    Juliane ! Listening to you play is like going to a concert hall recital of one of the most beautiful players I listen to. Fantastic ❤ !!!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад +1

      Dear Denise, thank you very much for your kind and appreciative words! 🙏☺️ I'm really pleased that you liked it! I wish you a wonderful week with lots of music! ✨🎶🤍

  • @WilliamKroupaJr.
    @WilliamKroupaJr. 3 дня назад +2

    Excellent and charming composition. Thank you for this wonderfully delicate and well played performance. Bravo!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад

      Thanks so much for listening and for your kind words! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it!
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

  • @korolmusicschool
    @korolmusicschool 2 дня назад +1

    Beautiful composition and amazing performance!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Marianna! 🙏 😊 Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @PaulWhite743
    @PaulWhite743 3 дня назад +2

    An excellent performance of this beautiful piece, played with great smoothness and expression. Thank you dear Juliane for sharing. With best wishes for the festive season, Paul

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Paul! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Best wishes for a wonderful new week and blessed Christmas! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @marcelocasaispiano
    @marcelocasaispiano 3 дня назад +2

    Wow. Absolutely beautiful sound. I feel like I'm dreaming with a beautiful sunset. I love it. Thanks for sharing your amazing musical talent and this outstanding performance. It is always a fantastic musical experience to visit your marvelous channel. Greetings from Argentina 🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад

      Thanks so much for listening and for your kind words, dear friend Marcelo! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it!
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

  • @tonyrush8122
    @tonyrush8122 2 дня назад +1

    . a peace's corner❤❤

  • @MusicLah
    @MusicLah 2 дня назад +1

    This is such a heartfelt and magical performance. Thanks for the music as always, Julianne!!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks so much, dear friend! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @Piano_Ucyuuu
    @Piano_Ucyuuu День назад +1

    Beautiful and heartfelt piano performance 💐🥰 It was so pleasant and enchanting to listen to 💐 Thank you very much 💝

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  23 часа назад +1

      Thanks so much for listening and for your kind words, dear friend! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it!
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! ☀️🎶

  • @axelmenningen
    @axelmenningen 3 дня назад +1

    Das Stück ist sehr bewegend und macht seinem Titel alle Ehre. Du spielst es unglaublich schön, Juliane. 💫

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Herzlichen Dank, das freut mich sehr! 🙏😊 Ja, es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne, berührende Komposition von Abraham Mulder! ✨
      Beste Wünsche für einen wundervollen Tag! ☀️🎶

  • @alexanderivakov
    @alexanderivakov 3 дня назад +1

    Magnificent performance and beautiful piece! Love it! ♥♥♥

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад +1

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Alexander! 🙏 😊 Yes, this composition by Abraham Mulder is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Have a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

    • @alexanderivakov
      @alexanderivakov 2 дня назад


  • @fizpiano
    @fizpiano 3 дня назад +1

    I was truly healed by the slow and beautiful melody. Your emotional performance is wonderful.❤🎹😍

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад +1

      Many thanks, dear friend! 🙏😊 I'm glad you liked it! Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @A.Stone-piano
    @A.Stone-piano 3 дня назад +2

    Das ist auch wieder so ein wunderschönes Stück und so gefühlvoll und ergreifend vorgetragen 🥰🥰🥰 liebe Juliane!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche 🙋🏻‍♀️🎵🎹🎶🪻

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Herzlichen Dank, liebe Andrea, das freut mich sehr! 🙏😊 Ja, es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne, berührende Komposition von Abraham Mulder! ✨Liebe Grüße und eine wundervolle neue Woche für Dich! ☀️💫🎶

  • @tiaemi9867
    @tiaemi9867 3 дня назад +1

    Very beautiful interpretation, my friend 🎶❣️
    Thank you for sharing 🙏

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад +1

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Tia! 🙏 😊 Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @CristinaS
    @CristinaS 3 дня назад +2

    Wonderful piece by Bam and performance by you, dear Juliane! Bravo to both of you!
    Have a lovely week❤

    • @abrahammulder
      @abrahammulder 2 дня назад +1

      Thank you dear Cristina❤

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Cristina! 🙏 😊 Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @Piano4ever24
    @Piano4ever24 3 дня назад +3

    I’m amazed by your performance of "Mélancolique"! The way you bring out its melancholic beauty is deeply moving. Fantastic work!🤩

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much for listening and for your kind words, dear friend! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it! Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

    • @Piano4ever24
      @Piano4ever24 3 дня назад

      @@juliane_steinwachs-zeil Thank you, wishing you a wonderful new week as well! ☀✨

  • @piano_piapia
    @piano_piapia 3 дня назад +1

    It's a beautiful and sad melody. Your emotional and expressive performance is truly wonderful👏👏✨❤🎼🎶

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад

      Thanks so much, dear Pia! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @makisGibs
    @makisGibs 2 дня назад +1

    Absolutely great performance of this composition. The title provided a warning but the execution was more than the emotional confirmation for this. Congrats 👏.

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks so much, dear Makis! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Yes, this composition by Abraham is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @alice_piano
    @alice_piano День назад +1

    Amazing! loaded of feelings, dear Juliane :)🎵🧡☕

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Alice! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Dear evening greetings! ✨🎶

  • @BINE.P
    @BINE.P 3 дня назад +1

    Thank you very much for sharing the beautiful video and have a nice day

  • @a-laise
    @a-laise День назад +1

    Beautiful piano playing!!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  23 часа назад

      Thanks for enjoying it! 🙏 😊 Best wishes for a wonderful day! 🌺 🎶

  • @johnnyleppvieilleschanson
    @johnnyleppvieilleschanson 3 дня назад +2

    Salut mon ami,
    Super vidéo, je l'ai beaucoup aimée, bravo, merci pour le partage, merci. Je vous souhaite un excellent dimanche.
    Johnny 2///

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much for listening and for your kind words, dear Johnny! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it!
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

  • @Piano-music-with-İuliia
    @Piano-music-with-İuliia 3 дня назад +1

    Awesome performance, dear Juliane, - very beautiful 💜🎶!!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад +1

      Many thanks, dear Iuliia! 🙏😊 I'm glad you liked it! Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @joshsmithvibes
    @joshsmithvibes 3 дня назад +2

    Beautiful touch & harmonies

  • @sonniquickpianoimprov
    @sonniquickpianoimprov 3 дня назад +1

    This year has been difficult this is beautiful. It expresses how I am feeling. This year has been a hard one from beginning to end. I'm looking for a new year to start again.

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад

      Thanks for enjoying it, dear Sonni! 🙏 😊 Yes, let's hope for a better, peaceful new year! 🙏
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @sijosedire
    @sijosedire 2 дня назад +1

    Really mélancolic but so beautiful...great performance, bravo!

  • @pianothingsmusic
    @pianothingsmusic 3 дня назад +2

    Wundervolle, inspirierende Interpretation, liebe Juliane 🥰

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Herzlichen Dank, liebe Cornelia, Deine Worte freuen mich besonders! 🙏😊 Liebe Grüße und eine wundervolle neue Woche für Dich! ☀️💫🎶

  • @wolfgangberndt3481
    @wolfgangberndt3481 2 дня назад +1

    Sehr romantisch und auch ein bisschen melancholisch!

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Vielen Dank, das freut mich sehr, lieber Wolfgang! 🙏
      Ja, es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne, berührende Komposition von Abraham! ✨ Liebe Grüße 💫🎶

  • @pia_no_stress
    @pia_no_stress День назад +2

    Bravissima!! Un grande like 69 👍👏👏

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад +1

      Thanks so much, dear Pia! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Dear evening greetings! ✨🎶

  • @jonathanbradley8698
    @jonathanbradley8698 3 дня назад +1

    A very nice piece and your beautiful focussed playing keeps the listener’s attention all the way. Another great video, Juliane! 😊

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much for your kind words, dear Jonathan! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it!
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

  • @siegfriedschlag4353
    @siegfriedschlag4353 3 дня назад +2

    🌲🧑‍🎄 Hello Juliane, thanks for your very beautiful Work 🌲 👍 we wish you a nice 3. Advent evening ❤ Thank you for your support 🔔 Siggi & Anne❤ Together we are strong 💪 Peace for all 👍

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад

      Thanks so much for listening and for your kind words, dear Siegfried! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it!
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

  • @MyBerny3364
    @MyBerny3364 3 дня назад +1

    Magnifique, bravo Juliane
    Bonne journée

  • @chiekotpiano
    @chiekotpiano 3 дня назад +1

    Thank you so much for the wonderful performance that makes me feel sad, Juliana😊😊✨

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад +1

      Thanks so much for your kind words, dear Chiekot! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it!
      Best wishes for a wonderful new week! ☀️💫 🎶

  • @AntonioCasoriaComposer
    @AntonioCasoriaComposer 3 дня назад +1

    Magnifica !! ✨✨💫💫💫

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  2 дня назад

      Thanks so much, dear Antonio! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Best wishes for a wonderful new week! 💫 🎶☀️

  • @Natt_piano
    @Natt_piano 3 дня назад +1

    You really brought out the melancholy feelings in such an expressive and beautiful way ❤ I felt the emotion behind every note 🎵 thank you for sharing this reflective and relaxing piece! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead, dear Juliane 🍁🧡

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад +1

      Thanks so much for listening and for your kind words, dear Natalie! 🙏😊 I'm very glad you like it! Yes, this composition by Abraham Mulder is really very touching and full of deep emotions! ✨
      Best wishes for a wonderful day! ☀️🎶

  • @TheAstroVid
    @TheAstroVid 3 дня назад +2

    👍🎶💖 Wunderschöner Adventsausklang // " . . Das Musikalische ist aber befähigt, diesen Christus-Impuls in Tönen, in gestalteten Tönen, in durchseelten, in durchgeistigten Tönen einmal vor die Welt hinzustellen. In Tönen kann symphonisch belebt werden dasjenige, was im Kosmisch-Tellurischen als der Christus-Impuls lebt.
    Man braucht dazu nur in einer innerlich bis ins Mystische in der Empfindung gehenden Vertiefung des musikalischen Erlebens das Terzengebiet in Dur vertiefen zu können. Erlebt man dies als etwas, was musikalisch ganz im Inneren des Menschen beschlossen ist, und empfindet man dann das Quintengebiet in Dur, empfindet man das Quintengebiet als dasjenige, was etwas Umhüllendes hat, was etwas davon hat, daß, wenn der Mensch in die Quintengestaltung hineinwächst, er bis an die Grenze des Menschlichen und Kosmischen gelangt, wo das Kosmische in das Menschliche hereintönt, das Menschliche in das Kosmische hinaus sich sehnt, ja hinaussehnend stürmt, dann kann man gerade im Musikalischen durch das Mysterium, das zwischen dem Terzen- und Quintengebiete in Dur sich abspielt etwas erleben von dem, was als Innermenschliches in das Kosmische hinaus will. Und gelangt man dann dazu, zuerst auftönen zu lassen in den Septimendissonanzen das Leben im Kosmos, wo die Septimendissonanzen sprechen als dasjenige, was der Mensch im Kosmos empfindend erleben kann, wenn er sich auf dem Wege befindet in die verschiedenen Geistesregionen hinaus, und gelangt man dazu, die Septimendissonanzen verschweben zu lassen so, daß sie gerade durch ihr Verschweben etwas Bestimmtes annehmen, dann bekommen die Septimen-dissonanzen zuletzt im Verschweben etwas, was sich wie ein musikalisches Firmament dem musikalischen Erleben darstellt. .. " (R. Steiner)

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Herzlichen Dank, das freut mich! 🙏😊
      Sie zitieren sehr oft Rudolf Steiner. Welches ist denn Ihre Meinung zu diesen beschriebenen Dingen? Was meinen Sie zu den Intervallen und ihrer Bedeutung?
      Liebe Grüße und eine wundervolle neue Woche! ☀️💫🎶

  • @stefan.kraus-composer
    @stefan.kraus-composer 3 дня назад +2

    Ich erinnere mich an dieses Stück. Es ist wunderbar. Und deine Interpretation ist sehr berührend, liebe Juliane! ❤️✨💖

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Herzlichen Dank, lieber Stefan, das freut mich sehr! 🙏😊
      Ja, es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne, berührende Komposition von Abraham! ✨ Liebe Grüße und eine wundervolle neue Woche für Dich! ☀️💫🎶

  • @inaki.rodriguez
    @inaki.rodriguez 3 дня назад +3

    Diese Melodie beschreibt m.M.n. eine Geschichte, Liebesgeschichte, oder so wie der Titel "Melancholie". Ausgezeichnet gespielt liebe Juliane. Vielen Dank für das Teilen!🌼

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  3 дня назад +1

      Herzlichen Dank, das freut mich sehr, lieber Inaki! 🙏😊
      Ja, es lassen sich auf jeden Fall Geschichten in diesem Stück erhören. 😊
      Liebe Grüße und eine wundervolle neue Woche für Dich! ☀️💫🎶

  • @fiordelis
    @fiordelis День назад +1

    Hello Mrs Juliane😊 adorable sound😊good job, have a blessed day😊 👏🏼✨😇🙏🏼

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks so much, dear Lis! 🙏😊 This pleases me! Dear evening greetings! ✨🎶

  • @pranjalsarkar9374
    @pranjalsarkar9374 2 дня назад +1

    Wow very amazing piano music and Very beautiful piano playing keep it up
    👍60 1+Sub

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Thanks so much! I'm very glad you like it! Thank you for your kind words, your interest and support! 🙏😊 Warm greetings and best wishes! 🎶🌷

  • @Chilldown1
    @Chilldown1 2 дня назад +1

    Sehr schön^^

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Herzlichen Dank, das freut mich! 🙏☺️ Beste Wünsche für einen wundervollen Tag! ☀️🎶

  • @BekaaRi
    @BekaaRi 12 часов назад +1

    Hello my faithful friend Juliane😻🌷
    What a pleasure to find you again in the middle of the week when it is always
    good to stop by your magnificent channel!!!🤩 💛
    You always know how to offer us pleasant videos..👍😉🍁
    A treat for the eyes and even more for the ears!!🔥🎶
    Thank you for all this generosity that is yours!!! Ending the year with you is a waking dream!!✨🍀
    I hope to see you again soon my good friend!!!🙏
    Let's always stay united and connected!!✨🍀💝
    Take care of yourself and all those who are dear to your eyes and your heart, I wish you a pleasant weekend ahead, blessed and sunny as well as excellent holidays with your family!!🌞🙏🌻
    See you soon my friend, may 2025 bring you happiness, wealth but what is even more important, health!!!⭐💝💐
    Musically 🎹 and very affectionately!!!🎀🥇
    Your faithful friend!!!🤵
    Like 🏆
    and always a full view and the like!!!🎬

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  11 часов назад

      Thanks so much for your kind words, dear Beka! 🙏😊
      I wish you a blessed Christmas 💫
      and a peaceful year with health and lots of music! 🙏🎶
      Best wishes, Juliane ✨

  • @axelmenningen
    @axelmenningen 3 дня назад +1

    Das Stück ist sehr bewegend und macht seinem Titel alle Ehre. Du spielst es unglaublich schön, Juliane. 💫

    • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
      @juliane_steinwachs-zeil  День назад

      Herzlichen Dank, das freut mich sehr! 🙏😊 Ja, es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne, berührende Komposition von Abraham Mulder! ✨
      Beste Wünsche für einen wundervollen Tag! ☀️🎶