Democrats Gets Terrible News After boycott of Trump's inauguration - ‘You Must Hear This’

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @misisbrown4368
    @misisbrown4368 3 дня назад +649

    Who’s going to miss any of these Dems at the Inauguration?? NOT me! Anyone?

    • @cielitagarcia6489
      @cielitagarcia6489 2 дня назад +32


    • @lorrifrench4460
      @lorrifrench4460 2 дня назад

      🎯Won’t miss them one bit.

    • @rebeccahernandez3460
      @rebeccahernandez3460 2 дня назад

      I very much doubt that President Trump could care one way or another if they attend his Inauguration. But it just shows that they are unwilling to even try and work with the Trump administration, and how they will work against him at ever turn. BUT, we are all aware of the kinds of crap they will try this time and they won't get away with it, cause we will vote them out!

    • @Pollux-v4p
      @Pollux-v4p 2 дня назад

      Maybe Biden will miss his partners in crime.

    • @Valerie-ei9vh
      @Valerie-ei9vh 2 дня назад +18

      Not me.

  • @jilljacobs8194
    @jilljacobs8194 2 дня назад +352

    I don't care if the Democrats don't attend

    • @DerekThomasLirio
      @DerekThomasLirio 2 дня назад +9

      If democrats are absent from any event, it is a gift. They seem to believe that would be some sort of punishment or disrespect. The inauguration would go better if democrats are absent. They've done absolutely nothing since the beginning of Trump's term, and including Biden's entire term. I would've shook his hand and thanked him when he said democrats are not attending.

    • @RobertaMcFarland-e1r
      @RobertaMcFarland-e1r 2 дня назад +3

      Do the Dems think they will be missed? I AM SIICK OF THEM. FOUR YEARS OF THEM IS ENOUGH. WE HAVE TRUMP BACK. YEA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @freedomfromcocktailjabs
      @freedomfromcocktailjabs День назад +2

      Get the dogs in to patrol the areas if the dems not going 🤔
      Protection needed for TRUMP

  • @sharongallagher3443
    @sharongallagher3443 3 дня назад +372

    Obama 's administration is who Trump is talking about.

    • @jasonme3557
      @jasonme3557 3 дня назад

      Correct, The Change Obama was talking about is division

    • @coriG77
      @coriG77 3 дня назад +32

      Yes! He is…. You go Trump🇺🇸💥🇺🇸

    • @NevehaTomlin
      @NevehaTomlin 2 дня назад +18

      Obama is still in charge

    • @michelleneamor6048
      @michelleneamor6048 2 дня назад +13

      ​@@NevehaTomlin DOOMED😂😂😂

    • @loridiaz9601
      @loridiaz9601 2 дня назад +13

      He knows that ,he even said its great to hear those words again (again , which means he knows this is from his first inauguration)

  • @Carol-e7q
    @Carol-e7q 2 дня назад +324

    Not attending the inauguration just another way of showing how unAmerican they are.

    • @jaysmith792
      @jaysmith792 2 дня назад +20

      And immature And paid for

    • @harrietdeluna583
      @harrietdeluna583 2 дня назад +8

      Yeah! We got all the space to occupy stay home please I’m praying that you forget to come or you get busy on something or the common excuse you get sick .

    • @mylamberfeeties875
      @mylamberfeeties875 2 дня назад

      ​@@harrietdeluna583being far from a dem is the safest according to the Bible the left does the opposite of what God says.. I read it throughly 13 times straight thru. Have you read the entire Bible straight thru even once? Remember God knows when you are not being honest 😊

    • @deanheilman1979
      @deanheilman1979 2 дня назад

      This is the peaceful transition of power for the communist dems.

    • @leslienewton2773
      @leslienewton2773 День назад +2


  • @cathytzinas3180
    @cathytzinas3180 3 дня назад +292


    • @HappyDanceThrifter
      @HappyDanceThrifter 2 дня назад +7

      I want to press the like button but it is at #47 and I don't want to jinx your blessing. xo

    • @michaeldente5760
      @michaeldente5760 2 дня назад +4


  • @alvinriegel6074
    @alvinriegel6074 2 дня назад +221

    The dumpocrats stay home and let REAL AMERICANS go to the inauguration. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @harrietdeluna583
      @harrietdeluna583 2 дня назад

      Yes indeed because the next election the are going permanently stay home if this is how the show courtesy to the American people freedom to choose

    • @patriciariller3020
      @patriciariller3020 2 дня назад +9

      Amen! Patriots stand together!🙏🇺🇸

    • @annettesasseville7986
      @annettesasseville7986 2 дня назад +9

      Even Canadians standing with our brothers and sisters for the good ol USA
      May GOD BLESS US ALL! More prayers please!🙏🙏🙏❤️🇺🇸🇨🇦❤️🇺🇸🇨🇦❤️

    • @mariafriad6113
      @mariafriad6113 2 дня назад +4


    • @mariafriad6113
      @mariafriad6113 2 дня назад +6

      @@annettesasseville7986Thank you neighbor.🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @BarbaraGrosvenor
    @BarbaraGrosvenor 3 дня назад +166

    The Democrats who are afraid to attend such an important event need to resign.

    • @celticone4677
      @celticone4677 2 дня назад

      Do you think they will be missed? How these people would have the gaul to show their faces at the return of brightness to America, when they were responsible for letting the darkness into America in the first place. They should be shunned instead of welcomed.

    • @susanjsnook7826
      @susanjsnook7826 2 дня назад +7

      They know GITMO has a special place for them!!!!

    • @americansfirst9679
      @americansfirst9679 2 дня назад +3

      Let’s primary them in 2026

  • @pamelaferreira4594
    @pamelaferreira4594 2 дня назад +181

    Tell the Democrats THANK YOU for skipping the Inauguration. We don’t want them acting out like spoiled brats, which they will, and we want happiness, love of CHRIST and Love of Israel. Thank you and enjoy yourselves, somewhere else.

    • @KrystynaKaczynski
      @KrystynaKaczynski 2 дня назад +14

      Take thier salaries and pensions starting Jan 1st.

    • @Long-HairedLuigi
      @Long-HairedLuigi 2 дня назад +2

      @@KrystynaKaczynskiCan I have 1 of their lear jets? 😂

    • @KrystynaKaczynski
      @KrystynaKaczynski 2 дня назад +3

      @Long-HairedLuigi lol

    • @SheilaGroulx
      @SheilaGroulx 18 часов назад

      @@pamelaferreira4594 I am sure they will send all their little friends. Like BLM, ANTIF, THE P---Y group with the cute hats and another trouble makers they can pay to cause mayham.

  • @misisbrown4368
    @misisbrown4368 3 дня назад +311

    Trump makes sense all the time❤🇺🇸. Dear God, please protect this President at all time🙏

    • @michelleneamor6048
      @michelleneamor6048 2 дня назад +16


    • @sunnystormy4973
      @sunnystormy4973 2 дня назад +9

      🙏 president trump always ! 💯

    • @brendaross3961
      @brendaross3961 2 дня назад +6

      Praying in agreement with you! Amen

    • @cherryformentera2943
      @cherryformentera2943 2 дня назад +3

      Vance 2028 ,Vivek,Byron so that we will not have NO more nightmares it's very scary ...

  • @Rling8226
    @Rling8226 3 дня назад +128

    Who cares what these fools do.all the dems can stay home for the next 4 years.

    • @cynthiapinkerman9939
      @cynthiapinkerman9939 2 дня назад


  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +259

    We must stand together and not let them divide us ever again. 🙏❤️🇺🇲

    • @BuilderofRat
      @BuilderofRat 31 минуту назад

      The Democrats are so ingrained toward socialism that some of them will never ever want anything to do with us Republicans. Let's see if the Democrat censors at YT delete this comment.

  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +136

    You know this is a big movement when the Amish come out and vote for president Trump. Because they don't do anything modern like we do❤🙏🇺🇲

    • @cheriwarren4524
      @cheriwarren4524 3 дня назад

      Agree. The Amish farmers are being destroyed by overreach of globalist gov! I stand with all our family farmers! They should have the right to farm without being bullied, God gives us our rights above all others. Stand with your local farmers!

  • @shannonmitchell3061
    @shannonmitchell3061 3 дня назад +243

    If they are that afraid they need to resign.

    • @bettynicholson6418
      @bettynicholson6418 2 дня назад

      Most of them have resigned they see what was going down and how demo were cheating we the people taxpayers dollars

    • @jaysmith792
      @jaysmith792 2 дня назад

      They are anti-America !!!!

    • @bubbajones5905
      @bubbajones5905 2 дня назад +11

      13 politicians who refuse to work with others to make a better USA. Are these the kind of people we need in office?

    • @DreamCatcher-tq5lh
      @DreamCatcher-tq5lh 2 дня назад +7

      @@bubbajones5905 The answer to your question is a big fat NO!!!

    • @Long-HairedLuigi
      @Long-HairedLuigi 2 дня назад +3

      Says a LOT about how guilty they know they deliberately are, doesn't it?

  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +128

    They can stay away it's a blessing party of liars

  • @misisbrown4368
    @misisbrown4368 3 дня назад +131

    There should be new rule for these congress and senate people: Pay-Per-Attendance. No show, no pay.

    • @lorilienemann3879
      @lorilienemann3879 3 дня назад +8

      I wish i could agree w what you say a thousand fold

    • @rebeccahernandez3460
      @rebeccahernandez3460 2 дня назад +11

      I agree and we need term limits and they shouldn't be allowed to give themselves big raises, that should be voted on by the American people every 4 years.

    • @MsRhodeman
      @MsRhodeman 2 дня назад +4

      Exactly, and wasn't that what they tried to do to the NFL players if you don't take the knee same thing...😊

    • @tobybuckwheat9270
      @tobybuckwheat9270 2 дня назад +2

      I don't think any democrat needs to be there if they don't want to because that leaves more seats open for actual patriots

  • @TrojanOneAndAll
    @TrojanOneAndAll 2 дня назад +104

    Thanks President Trump!!!! We are so blessed to be on the winning side. This man loves his people & his country.

    • @sunnystormy4973
      @sunnystormy4973 2 дня назад +8

      💯 president trump all the way !

    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад

      so refreshing after 4 years of Tyranny

  • @kennethcampbell6934
    @kennethcampbell6934 2 дня назад +78

    I wasn't for Trump until I actually got to listen to one of his speeches,then I saw we have 99% the same love of COUNTRY!

    • @astridryan390
      @astridryan390 2 дня назад +1


    • @sunnystormy4973
      @sunnystormy4973 2 дня назад +5

      💯 president trump always !
      45th and 47th #maga

    • @kennethcampbell6934
      @kennethcampbell6934 2 дня назад +5

      @@astridryan390 I voted for him both times, how is that too long

    • @user-ym5io2ul1o
      @user-ym5io2ul1o День назад

      Thank you for listening to him.

    • @BuilderofRat
      @BuilderofRat 29 минут назад

      @@kennethcampbell6934 I voted for him 3 times.

  • @williamhills8782
    @williamhills8782 3 дня назад +69

    Trump all the way the boss man is back

  • @LizetteBestard
    @LizetteBestard 2 дня назад +99

    I stand with Trump 🙏🏻

  • @ronaldgarcia1058
    @ronaldgarcia1058 3 дня назад +33

    The ones that DON'T show up, should not have a JOB!!!!!

  • @karaitejudaism8618
    @karaitejudaism8618 3 дня назад +87


    • @Pollux-v4p
      @Pollux-v4p 2 дня назад

      They would say it to their illegals.

    • @ChrisEskimo-o9r
      @ChrisEskimo-o9r 2 дня назад

      You're EXACTLY RIGHT!!! THEY feel that they are, and deserve the power to DOMINATE their SUBJECTS!!! THAT is the COMMUNIST WAY.

  • @donnamalone9018
    @donnamalone9018 2 дня назад +41

    So sick of Schumer and all of them

    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад +3

      I don't want them spoiling a wonderful time for everyone there anyway

    • @donnamalone9018
      @donnamalone9018 2 дня назад

      @gary-ke7qk I want to know why some of them are still in Congress. Pelosi was on a trip to Europe on.our dime when she fell..

  • @LoriOttoson
    @LoriOttoson 3 дня назад +109

    🤔....62 year old white woman here and I live in California, most of my neighbors are Latino, and they're awesome neighbors 💯 I'll be in DC J20TH celebrating 🍾 my birthday, and more important, TRUMPS inauguration 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉it's really sad that a few people have so much hate for TRUMP, and white people, but honestly I don't care what race, nationality, or color you are, only care about your 💖

    • @michelleneamor6048
      @michelleneamor6048 2 дня назад +10


    • @brendavaldez5918
      @brendavaldez5918 2 дня назад +10

      Exactly 👍 🎉

    • @LoriOttoson
      @LoriOttoson 2 дня назад

      Especially NOT me, this is my TRIUMPHANT RETURN to DC, haven't been there since J6!!!!!

    • @maxinetisdale2369
      @maxinetisdale2369 2 дня назад +4

      Thank you, Lori! You are a beautiful soul! ❤

    • @DreamCatcher-tq5lh
      @DreamCatcher-tq5lh 2 дня назад +3

      @LoriOttoson Amen! I hope you have a safe and exciting trip to DC for TWO important occasions!! Here's wishing you an early very Happy Birthday!!

  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +147

    If we all stand strong they can't divide us anymore ❤️🙏🇺🇲

    • @mangelvega6698
      @mangelvega6698 2 дня назад +3


    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад +2

      stay strong, we are true and righteous and they can't stand it, they lost their power and they are miserable and still clinging to hate like a comfort blanket for a two year old.

  • @BrendaCosta-xh9zs
    @BrendaCosta-xh9zs 2 дня назад +37

    OMG! These democrats are unbelievable! Do they really think the American people don’t know what they are doing! People need to fight harder to get them out .

  • @raquelgage4398
    @raquelgage4398 2 дня назад +58

    They will not be missed.

  • @estherganga3345
    @estherganga3345 2 дня назад +18

    They hate honesty, and everything good. They prefer a liar they can control

  • @donnab9530
    @donnab9530 3 дня назад +51

    Pete is a true Patriot

    @THE_FACTS_ONLY_HERE 2 дня назад +74

    President Trumps the man!

  • @1beni
    @1beni 2 дня назад +53

    All Glory to God! May God continue to protect President Trump.

  • @Cangatyrde8765
    @Cangatyrde8765 2 дня назад +16

    I'm praying for Pam Bondi to investigate everything un-American she can find. I am praying for prison for these traitors.

  • @Vrtlancer21
    @Vrtlancer21 3 дня назад +69

    Every single voter from these states should be calling their offices and telling them to do what they were elected to do. Support and defend the constitution and do your duties as voted for. You don’t get to pick and choose what you don’t wanna do. You were elected, do your god damned duty.

    • @dougdemoe4008
      @dougdemoe4008 День назад +1

      Yes sir you are absolutely right

    • @Vrtlancer21
      @Vrtlancer21 День назад

      @ not that we give a shit if they attend, it’s the principle that they were elected to do a job and that means doing things their little feelers may not like.

  • @scarlettwilson7121
    @scarlettwilson7121 2 дня назад +61


  • @RayLawrenceJrMUSIC
    @RayLawrenceJrMUSIC 3 дня назад +29

    God heard our prayers. One Nation Under God is blessed.

  • @jerrysmith5015
    @jerrysmith5015 2 дня назад +30

    Give their tickets to a Veteran who would be happy to fill it…..

  • @caroleriffle9078
    @caroleriffle9078 3 дня назад +59

    Their not needed these democrats need to get out of office and let good people who care about the American people

  • @rebeccapadilla8806
    @rebeccapadilla8806 3 дня назад +91

    Just keep praying for our Country 🙏🏽🌲🙏🏽

    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад

      God is leading us through this wicked quagmire they have created in Washington DC, aka " the swamp"

  • @gailherr8316
    @gailherr8316 2 дня назад +8

    If they don’t show up just shows they have never been for the American people! What are they so scared of!

  • @PinkRollerSkates
    @PinkRollerSkates 3 дня назад +30

    Trump Rocks! I ❤ President Tr🦆mp! He's so a.w.e.s.o.m.e!!!

  • @nievesgarcia2494
    @nievesgarcia2494 2 дня назад +27

    13 people showing themselves to the public, and we the people paying for them to be bullish to the people.

  • @trudyatherton1743
    @trudyatherton1743 3 дня назад +106

    13 people with TDS! They aren’t showing their selves in a good light ! What does this say about their character! It’s shameful

    • @misisbrown4368
      @misisbrown4368 3 дня назад +13

      We know what they say about the number “13”🤣✌️

    • @glassontherocks
      @glassontherocks 2 дня назад +3

      @@misisbrown4368 Or number one on the list.

    • @rlrollinsllc520
      @rlrollinsllc520 2 дня назад +4

      I hope none of them get reelected, people see this lack of integrity.

    • @jjw9222
      @jjw9222 2 дня назад +1

      STOPwith the name calling,we won,be happy. You need not keep yapping. If you really don't care,ignore them.

    • @Beehappy76637
      @Beehappy76637 2 дня назад

      Can we send them
      All pacifiers ? They all need sent a thank you card. Cause we now know the people that are there for themselves versus the people. They have unknowingly put in their resignation. As Elon said he plans to keep his super pac going to have money on standby to go against people like that during a campaign.
      If you can’t support a republican president that means you don’t care about the republicans that live in the area you represent. I think we all should give them the attention they want. Make it known for anyone living in those states and are republican, they are not represented because they are not democrats.

  • @dr.emilschaffhausen4683
    @dr.emilschaffhausen4683 3 дня назад +36

    They havnt learned a damn thing, and Im glad. They'll fail harder and harder as time passes.

  • @ToniStarnes-rf9oh
    @ToniStarnes-rf9oh 3 дня назад +58

    I’m here for you man.

  • @FairhFeurer
    @FairhFeurer 2 дня назад +23


  • @dkizzy55
    @dkizzy55 2 дня назад +32

    God is GREAT & God is LOVE!!! !!!

  • @kimberlyyancey3684
    @kimberlyyancey3684 2 дня назад +11

    If they don't want to go to the inauguration then perhaps they need to resign from Congress??

  • @melodyhart1331
    @melodyhart1331 3 дня назад +57

    Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year !

    • @margaretbaranowski2478
      @margaretbaranowski2478 2 дня назад

      Merry Christmas to you 🎄

    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад

      it's looking that way, this Christmas seems like it's going to be very joyous and wonderful. And the New Years (4) will be glorious.

  • @vivaldikmd
    @vivaldikmd 2 дня назад +13

    More room for true patriots…

  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +78

    They can stay away it's a blessing

    • @BuilderofRat
      @BuilderofRat 26 минут назад

      They have a sever case of TDS! I understand completely. I have a sever case of DDS.

  • @sandydunes6998
    @sandydunes6998 3 дня назад +25

    Who needs ‘em!!!!

  • @lorrainegoings8565
    @lorrainegoings8565 3 дня назад +37

    Praying 🙏 he's going to do what he says he's going to do. Merry Christmas

  • @justinpack5630
    @justinpack5630 3 дня назад +32

    MAGA Love everyone 🇺🇲

  • @anglosaxon5874
    @anglosaxon5874 2 дня назад +8

    Those dem politicians who skip the ceremony should be excluded from ALL other state/politicial ceremonies too during Trump's 4 years.

  • @ThomasTrimble-bf8bq
    @ThomasTrimble-bf8bq 3 дня назад +28

    Love You Brother!!

  • @MarisolVelez-vg3xl
    @MarisolVelez-vg3xl 3 дня назад +41

    Good afternoon everyone.... Watching from Massachusetts

  • @bobbyoakley1209
    @bobbyoakley1209 2 дня назад +32

    get out dems leave

  • @lizacampbell2183
    @lizacampbell2183 3 дня назад +8

    Besides Crockett and Omar I've never heard of any of these folks

    @GARRYLREID 3 дня назад +13

    Your Awesome buddy you get the Truth out there!

  • @pamela174
    @pamela174 2 дня назад +6

    Preach it baby.
    America is back

  • @Goldjacquie
    @Goldjacquie 3 дня назад +21

    Thanks Ricky, good news for American people

  • @virgenmoreira1382
    @virgenmoreira1382 2 дня назад +10

    We have to vote republican for the next 100 years

  • @pamela174
    @pamela174 2 дня назад +6

    A lot of my own family has literally disowned me because I love our Country. Support for America is bad to to many Americans, its ridiculous.
    God bless you hun

  • @SteveK139
    @SteveK139 3 дня назад +16

    Love the positive attitude in your show!

  • @love68
    @love68 3 дня назад +25

    They can give up their seats.🤔💯

  • @lponcale3396
    @lponcale3396 2 дня назад +11

    They're so jealous of TRUMP it's making them crazy, no I take that back they been crazy !

  • @adelinataraborelli8864
    @adelinataraborelli8864 3 дня назад +9

    They are a disgrace is 💯

  • @marieirwin6642
    @marieirwin6642 3 дня назад +19

    Pray hard that God stays with us

  • @BornFree-90
    @BornFree-90 3 дня назад +24

    Who cares who misses it? I will be taking time off from work in the UK to watch it.

  • @tommydykes7715
    @tommydykes7715 2 дня назад +13

    God is good
    All the time

  • @coriG77
    @coriG77 3 дня назад +22

    🇺🇸💥🎉GOD IS GOOD🎉💥🇺🇸

  • @keithmorris9465
    @keithmorris9465 2 дня назад +12

    Thanks! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication. MAGA 💯🇺🇸

  • @Bobm-kz5gp
    @Bobm-kz5gp 3 дня назад +11

    Your a Great American Rick keep up the good work!! I’m a 75 year old Virginia born and raised!!

  • @KathyStine-l1r
    @KathyStine-l1r 3 дня назад +26

    I feel blessed and so glad you are here with us!!! ❤️💖💕❤️🥰💋🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎉🥳

    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад

      They never saw this day coming, they are shocked

  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +9

    I agree with you 100%. we love you too

  • @lucymadden4234
    @lucymadden4234 3 дня назад +11

    That is the truth can't get here any sooner January here we go

  • @jerrygamble7733
    @jerrygamble7733 3 дня назад +12

    The president is almost back God bless everyone Mr Rick amen 🙏 👏 🙌 ❤️ ♥️

  • @leeroberts6227
    @leeroberts6227 2 дня назад +19

    That is so true brother we the American people has been put last

    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад

      they'd rather be spirit cooking their witches brew anyway, right?

  • @kathyrobertson4493
    @kathyrobertson4493 2 дня назад +3

    The ones boycotting the Inauguration should get thank you notes from Trump’s administration.

  • @chive229
    @chive229 2 дня назад +1

    Giving power back to the people! 💯

  • @CountessKek
    @CountessKek 3 дня назад +15

    The military LOVES our REAL President, esp. Veterans!!❤❤❤❤

  • @winddancer8086
    @winddancer8086 3 дня назад +13

    Stay strong

  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +15

    God is good! All Americans deserve everything we should get we the ones who work hard every day of our lives. It's not good to let people come here and take our stuff and then we the people don't have anything. ❤️🙏🙏

  • @Qdaboss21
    @Qdaboss21 3 дня назад +11

    Okay Rickk it all love to you ❤thank you my brother I never was a democrat I never vote democrat because I hate democrats I have no friends only my mom and dad who I take care of my mom and dad I only one house hold right now ❤

  • @MsJet1
    @MsJet1 2 дня назад +12

    There are more with you than against you. 🙏

  • @mikenicks7129
    @mikenicks7129 2 дня назад +6

    Biden has never even been to the Army Navy football game?!? Absolutely pitiful

  • @caroldietrich6893
    @caroldietrich6893 3 дня назад +17

    Merry Christmas ❤🙏

  • @LoriOttoson
    @LoriOttoson 3 дня назад +19

    😁's okay, I didn't want them at my birthday bash January 20th 🎉🎉🎉😂🤣😂🤣

  • @darrelllang4076
    @darrelllang4076 2 дня назад +20

    If the crying Dems want to skip , only makes more room for us … Go Trump !!!!!

  • @sandraheijmanjellema7739
    @sandraheijmanjellema7739 3 дня назад +15

    Blessings from Holland ❤You deserve also to go to the Inauguration!!

    • @gary-ke7qk
      @gary-ke7qk 2 дня назад

      I hope the crowds to watch the inauguration is a million strong.

  • @markgomes4969
    @markgomes4969 2 дня назад +12


  • @christeenprice5637
    @christeenprice5637 2 дня назад +3

    God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @jamesdagenais6494
    @jamesdagenais6494 2 дня назад +10

    Our country's debt seems to have doubled in the last four years. The democrats need to explain that.

  • @whiteprecious96
    @whiteprecious96 2 дня назад +4

    @Okay Rickk WE ARE HERE FOR IT. I have joy in my heart and gratitude for the Lord touching my mind and leading me to the Okay Rickk, Officer Tatum and Candice Owen's podcast to name a few and allowing me to see the TRUTH and EXCEPT IT. That's a blessing in and of itself. God bless you guys and all of God's creation because we All belong to him. We all bleed red. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND AMERICA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN 🇺🇸

  • @Catmommy22
    @Catmommy22 3 дня назад +9

    Love,support and bless you

  • @SirJayMullins
    @SirJayMullins 3 дня назад +5

    Go Pete! The best!

  • @charlotterogers7303
    @charlotterogers7303 2 дня назад +2

    Praying for our President and those who stand behind him🙏🙏❤️🇺🇸

  • @HughT-iy6oh
    @HughT-iy6oh 2 дня назад +11

    Thumbs 👍.

  • @deborahfrick5963
    @deborahfrick5963 3 дня назад +3

    Rick, I love your channel and I learn so much about current events viewing your site. I don't see half of these news events on TV. So, I look forward to what you are reporting.

  • @LindaD-s1b
    @LindaD-s1b 2 дня назад +7

    Hello Mr.Okayy Rickk so happy when i see your show .Thank you for all you have done keeping us informed.

  • @teresabarnes-matych
    @teresabarnes-matych 2 дня назад +1

    🇺🇸✊❣️MAGA Nation is Ascending! ONE LOVE AMERICA❣️✊🇺🇸