notes for surge attachment - it deals 5% more damage than inferono. It slows down while the effect is ongoing on the victim . most importantly, it cancels reloads on weapons making it a good attachment for melees that slice instead of being blunt
@@cheycer9784 bro what theyre adding like 3 years worth of crim content within like 3 months, the new weapons is content and they also expanded the map and made a bunch of qol changes. this update was a straight W, criminality is just sustaining because of its braindead playstyle and its repetitive gameplay with a content desert while this game is booming with content and this games developers are dedicated bro
green got buffed (i think) cuz theres a new loading dock area whatever u wanna call it, and when u start green card raid u can go back there and get 2 "green crates" which have any card in the game, higher pop more likely to get red and orange. (I just did green raid 10~ mins ago and got a orange and red from the 2 green crates)
Honestly this game is really fun but every time I get good stuff some high level player just comes out of nowhere and kills me so I have to get everything again but I usually just get killed again because there is nothing preventing new players from getting killed over and over again from high level players or I just get jumped by four people who keep targeting me because I fought back, I try to not kill people I see, but at this point I’m am just becoming what I hate which is killing people when they are just trying to have fun
notes for surge attachment - it deals 5% more damage than inferono. It slows down while the effect is ongoing on the victim . most importantly, it cancels reloads on weapons making it a good attachment for melees that slice instead of being blunt
the "crim killer" is wild.
they just add guns and hope it works, the attachments are cool but it needs work!
@@cheycer9784 bro what theyre adding like 3 years worth of crim content within like 3 months, the new weapons is content and they also expanded the map and made a bunch of qol changes. this update was a straight W, criminality is just sustaining because of its braindead playstyle and its repetitive gameplay with a content desert while this game is booming with content and this games developers are dedicated bro
I argued with crim players and their defense was "there's to much stuff in blaclout"
@@mega6076not even a crim killa if anything it made crim better 😂😂
With the addition to the red breaker I think it made the boss at 15/15 easier
green got buffed (i think) cuz theres a new loading dock area whatever u wanna call it, and when u start green card raid u can go back there and get 2 "green crates" which have any card in the game, higher pop more likely to get red and orange. (I just did green raid 10~ mins ago and got a orange and red from the 2 green crates)
Honestly this game is really fun but every time I get good stuff some high level player just comes out of nowhere and kills me so I have to get everything again but I usually just get killed again because there is nothing preventing new players from getting killed over and over again from high level players or I just get jumped by four people who keep targeting me because I fought back, I try to not kill people I see, but at this point I’m am just becoming what I hate which is killing people when they are just trying to have fun
surge slows down whoever's hit and prevents them from jumping for the duration of the effect on proc
Vergil and MGR cosplayers gonna go crazy w/ dis update 🗣
the outro is fire 🔥🔥
3:12 sync goes hard
you r the editing master dawg
W edits
I subacribe
edit in this video ar fire
Can you tell me the Font your using?
I am desperate..
bender [used here]
VCREAS [main one]
@@N16isbetterthanhydeinsight Thank you.
I sure wish this game had console support
It might seem crazy what I'm about to say
@@L0WSKY. I already know :D
durr 1k players at a peak of a paid game 🤤
no way is that N16???!??!?!?!
n16 voice reveal 😱😱
goat tuber brah
Both Crim and blackout steal stuff, Blackout stole stuff from dying light, Crim stole stuff from The Boys, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.
finally u uploaded n16
i despise how u cant prebuy the scars
Better off getting the G3 instead of the SCAR-H and SCAR-20
yakuz sound...
A carinha dele
Need a bleackout mobile.
wdasrgfw23 B) i gave u dat scar 17