I’ve been arrested 9 times for climate protest - both XR and Insulate Britain. I had to do 240hrs of community service as well as pay loads of fines. One tool they used against IB was to place injunctions on the roads and then National Highways took us to court to claim the legal expenses of placing the injunctions- a bill which came to about £3,000 for each of us. We had some help from JSO but ended up having to foot at least half of this bill each - and that was on top of the fines we had to pay for obstruction of a highway and for some of us public nuisance! The continual barrage of legal documents being presented by agents coming to our houses was very intimidating and went on and on. I have had to take a stand back from protest but continue to spread the message through my work as an artist. Thanks for a great interview!
I got arrested eight times doing civil disobedience starting in 1994. It's when the forced mandatory "cavity searches" upon entry into jail kicked in that I decided against it as a strategy.
I'm happy to hear people assemblies mentioned. I first heard about this form Larry Lessig. This is a great anecdote for the crises we are seeing in "democracies".
Brilliant interview, thanks. Especially valued Pascha's take on coming together as a full resistance-ecosystem, without muddling that system's seperate (eg accountable and non-accountable) campaign threads
Hello Rachel, I would just like to make a point that you said "slashing tyres" in the video which is misleading, what the "tyre extinguishers" do is let the tyres down, not slash them in any way. Many opposing people have said that to me, making out damage is done, to be deliberately mislead. That said I love your channel and what you do very much best wishes Peter.
I was included in an Eco-terrorist report in the early 2000s - a report by "Cyberian Intelligence" for the Fur industry. I was considered one of 12 "ecoterrorists" in the U.S. for the report. Why? Because I was called a "multisector" and "habitual" activist. hahaha. I did nonviolent civil disobedience but that got me labeled as an "ecoterrorist" suspect.
“…elderly men braying at each other across an aisle…” brilliant. This episode is alarming, I want to congratulate the podcast, please keep up the good work. Unsettling, reveals a growing attack on sensitive people at all levels.
Hi, you should reach out to Jean-Baptiste Fressoz (about energy issues and the transition myth) and Helene Grosbois (about pesticides being a more pressing issue than climate change, because what is killing life on this planet now is not yet climate change).
The hippies worked with accoustic guitar or tambourine, I prefer the banjo as composite 5 strung drum. Traditional folk and contemporary HipHop bring people together. I sing as I can, pushing through absurd taboo with rythmic poetry. Fun and compassion build relationship.
Premeditative arrests happened in Twin Cities Minnesota in 2008 for the RNC (Republican National Convention) - the activists were tracked via their cell phones and then arrested before they even protested at the RNC. "But now-retired officer Richard Greelis from the Bloomington Police Department near Minneapolis reveals that local authorities quarreled over who would get to plant informants in political-protest groups, created their own activist organization with an “appropriately provocative name” and laughed about getting paid to participate in a monthly demonstration bike ride known as Critical Mass that encourages alternative transportation....The eight people arrested were ultimately charged with “conspiracy to riot in the furtherance of terrorism,” a relatively new state law passed after Sept. 11 and used for the first time during the convention. A county prosecutor later dropped the terrorism enhancements, however, complaining that they “complicated” the case. The group still faces lesser charges today....During the weekend prior to the convention, deputies carried out several high-profile “pre-emptive” raids in the Twin Cities area where police seized cameras, cell phones, laptops, supplies for making banners and signs and political pamphlets. They also allegedly found “caltrops,” steel points that can be used to deflate car tires by placing them in the road. "
I wish we had time to build the Direct Participatory Democracies, in my estimation ( of a 40 year climate activist) we only have 5 years to lower atmospheric CO2 down to a climate stable min 300ppm. Even then we will witness the extinction of nearly all life, in theory we can stop worst case scenarios of total extinction but to do that would require 2 rapid transitions. 1) move to a plant based food System so we could reforest the 78% of agricultural land that would be freed up. 2 move to Decentralised Carbon Neg (Non Fossilised) Algae Based Economies. 🌻🌎✌🏽
"[Even at 300ppm] we [would] witness the extinction of nearly all life..." Then, according to you, there's no point in paying *_any_* attention to CO2 emissions.
Slow walking illegal! As a Tai Chi teacher, I instruct slow walking, walking meditation, one almost a weekly basis. This news feels like vomit on my ethical compass. Just saying.
My vision is that the situations upcoming will re-establish the one house one family foundation of society that was and what was done in the place i grew up but globally. Then i think each family will have to pick a speciality and interact with their neighbours to replace the production lines of today with. As a result each household is a technofeudal system. Some will be able to do multiple steps and fewer still be even larger, but there would non of the structure we have now. Thirdly, those groups of people who are non technphilic and or have low fertilty of under 2 will go extinct, while having both will be encouraged. Bcause of the decentralized system, those processes that destroy the environment will just also go extinct with the technofeudal locales that do consider the environment as well. Thus in this world, we no longer have to worry about acedmic peer review which is fed by corrupt interests and standards. Nor we will have to tell the gov. anything we are doing, nor will be able to respond anyway. This would be a boom to biotech, which is my specialty, since real changes could be implimented rather then what is now which is experiment to drug discovery over permenent genetic solutions to problems that the average person can see as well etc.
I’m personally appalled at people here thinking slashing tires and holding up traffic doing petty criminal acts. Seriously unintelligent pointless acts. Does nothing to strengthen your causes. Get better understanding of the climate change and perhaps get onto Dane Wigington and look up! I won’t bag this lass as she has had on plenty intelligent types whom hold constructive insights. Bravo for having concerns and love for the planet and its inhabitants but please don’t give this fella much of any credit. Comes across like too much indoctrination of what’s makes matters worse for us all. Lift your game mate you could do more if your redirect your energies toward true love and more positive actions. Discover whom is at the creation of this societal issues we all are facing
We already have a better understanding of climate change. There's a 50/50 chance the gulf stream well cease to be before 2050, there's no doubt it is collapsing. That's just one tipping point of many. You seem to be suggesting young people should get educated, why get educated when governments aren't listening to the consensus of Science? I might add for context many people think that a scientific consensus refers to a large group of scientists who all agree that something is true. In reality, a scientific consensus is a large body of scientific studies that all agree with and support each other. We've had this consensus for a long long time.
Tiers are not slashed they are let down as you are probably aware! The actions of the likes of "Fossil Free London" are ignored by the media. I'm appalled that our young people have to do crazy thing because of the spineless inaction of the general population.
I’ve been arrested 9 times for climate protest - both XR and Insulate Britain. I had to do 240hrs of community service as well as pay loads of fines. One tool they used against IB was to place injunctions on the roads and then National Highways took us to court to claim the legal expenses of placing the injunctions- a bill which came to about £3,000 for each of us. We had some help from JSO but ended up having to foot at least half of this bill each - and that was on top of the fines we had to pay for obstruction of a highway and for some of us public nuisance! The continual barrage of legal documents being presented by agents coming to our houses was very intimidating and went on and on. I have had to take a stand back from protest but continue to spread the message through my work as an artist.
Thanks for a great interview!
Great to see Pasha in this interview. I've been lucky enough to meet him at some of those People's Assembilies in Exeter.
I've been arrested three times under these new uk protest laws
What for?
@mralekito road marches
This is the work 🎉
So good I listened twice.
I got arrested eight times doing civil disobedience starting in 1994. It's when the forced mandatory "cavity searches" upon entry into jail kicked in that I decided against it as a strategy.
I'm happy to hear people assemblies mentioned. I first heard about this form Larry Lessig. This is a great anecdote for the crises we are seeing in "democracies".
Brilliant interview, thanks. Especially valued Pascha's take on coming together as a full resistance-ecosystem, without muddling that system's seperate (eg accountable and non-accountable) campaign threads
Hello Rachel, I would just like to make a point that you said "slashing tyres" in the video which is misleading, what the "tyre extinguishers" do is let the tyres down, not slash them in any way. Many opposing people have said that to me, making out damage is done, to be deliberately mislead. That said I love your channel and what you do very much best wishes Peter.
I was included in an Eco-terrorist report in the early 2000s - a report by "Cyberian Intelligence" for the Fur industry. I was considered one of 12 "ecoterrorists" in the U.S. for the report. Why? Because I was called a "multisector" and "habitual" activist. hahaha. I did nonviolent civil disobedience but that got me labeled as an "ecoterrorist" suspect.
“…elderly men braying at each other across an aisle…” brilliant. This episode is alarming, I want to congratulate the podcast, please keep up the good work. Unsettling, reveals a growing attack on sensitive people at all levels.
Thank you
Love your work!
Isn't pollution a public nuisance? Arrest the industries, if they have rights then they must have accountability!
CO2 isn't a pollutant.
@@aliendroneservices6621ding bat
Some of us have been Communists all our lives. Good luck comrades.
Hi, you should reach out to Jean-Baptiste Fressoz (about energy issues and the transition myth) and Helene Grosbois (about pesticides being a more pressing issue than climate change, because what is killing life on this planet now is not yet climate change).
Keep up the good, hard work, Rachel! Thank you. Also, check out Billie Eilish’s Ocean Eyes song. ❤
What is the most effective way to convert the various types of denier ?
The hippies worked with accoustic guitar or tambourine, I prefer the banjo as composite 5 strung drum. Traditional folk and contemporary HipHop bring people together. I sing as I can, pushing through absurd taboo with rythmic poetry. Fun and compassion build relationship.
Geoengineers bought the Exeter climate department a swag supercomputer, yes?
Commentasaurus passes thru the comment section again if only to get the YT algorithm excited and reward this video accordingly!
why we need such a long summary in the begining? I lasted till 2:55
Environmentalists supporting giving Presidential Pardons to former Ukrainian Gas Company Executives ? 😢
Premeditative arrests happened in Twin Cities Minnesota in 2008 for the RNC (Republican National Convention) - the activists were tracked via their cell phones and then arrested before they even protested at the RNC. "But now-retired officer Richard Greelis from the Bloomington Police Department near Minneapolis reveals that local authorities quarreled over who would get to plant informants in political-protest groups, created their own activist organization with an “appropriately provocative name” and laughed about getting paid to participate in a monthly demonstration bike ride known as Critical Mass that encourages alternative transportation....The eight people arrested were ultimately charged with “conspiracy to riot in the furtherance of terrorism,” a relatively new state law passed after Sept. 11 and used for the first time during the convention. A county prosecutor later dropped the terrorism enhancements, however, complaining that they “complicated” the case. The group still faces lesser charges today....During the weekend prior to the convention, deputies carried out several high-profile “pre-emptive” raids in the Twin Cities area where police seized cameras, cell phones, laptops, supplies for making banners and signs and political pamphlets. They also allegedly found “caltrops,” steel points that can be used to deflate car tires by placing them in the road. "
Is he using some sort of filter on his camera? Looks kind of drawn but also filmed.
I'm only ten minds in and a lot of what he's said i agree with but being against oil is madness. It looks as though he's sitting in a warm room.
I wish we had time to build the Direct Participatory Democracies, in my estimation ( of a 40 year climate activist) we only have 5 years to lower atmospheric CO2 down to a climate stable min 300ppm. Even then we will witness the extinction of nearly all life, in theory we can stop worst case scenarios of total extinction but to do that would require 2 rapid transitions. 1) move to a plant based food
System so we could reforest the 78% of agricultural land that would be freed up. 2 move to Decentralised Carbon Neg (Non Fossilised) Algae Based Economies. 🌻🌎✌🏽
"[Even at 300ppm] we [would] witness the extinction of nearly all life..."
Then, according to you, there's no point in paying *_any_* attention to CO2 emissions.
Slow walking illegal!
As a Tai Chi teacher, I instruct slow walking, walking meditation, one almost a weekly basis. This news feels like vomit on my ethical compass. Just saying.
By all means promote your lifestyle as an example or check back into prison.
My vision is that the situations upcoming will re-establish the one house one family foundation of society that was and what was done in the place i grew up but globally. Then i think each family will have to pick a speciality and interact with their neighbours to replace the production lines of today with. As a result each household is a technofeudal system. Some will be able to do multiple steps and fewer still be even larger, but there would non of the structure we have now. Thirdly, those groups of people who are non technphilic and or have low fertilty of under 2 will go extinct, while having both will be encouraged. Bcause of the decentralized system, those processes that destroy the environment will just also go extinct with the technofeudal locales that do consider the environment as well. Thus in this world, we no longer have to worry about acedmic peer review which is fed by corrupt interests and standards. Nor we will have to tell the gov. anything we are doing, nor will be able to respond anyway. This would be a boom to biotech, which is my specialty, since real changes could be implimented rather then what is now which is experiment to drug discovery over permenent genetic solutions to problems that the average person can see as well etc.
44:44 sabotage of Nord Stream resulted in worse outcomes for the natural environment.
6:05 This marks a new low for you, Rachel.
What are you talking about, Rachel doesn't speak anywhere near 6:05?
@drdjnorg She's co-signing Paul Bell's statements in support of rapists.
Algorithmic comment for the algorithm gods.
lets just judge him on teeth. Forget the rest....just teeth.
I’m personally appalled at people here thinking slashing tires and holding up traffic doing petty criminal acts. Seriously unintelligent pointless acts. Does nothing to strengthen your causes. Get better understanding of the climate change and perhaps get onto Dane Wigington and look up! I won’t bag this lass as she has had on plenty intelligent types whom hold constructive insights. Bravo for having concerns and love for the planet and its inhabitants but please don’t give this fella much of any credit. Comes across like too much indoctrination of what’s makes matters worse for us all. Lift your game mate you could do more if your redirect your energies toward true love and more positive actions. Discover whom is at the creation of this societal issues we all are facing
We already have a better understanding of climate change. There's a 50/50 chance the gulf stream well cease to be before 2050, there's no doubt it is collapsing. That's just one tipping point of many.
You seem to be suggesting young people should get educated, why get educated when governments aren't listening to the consensus of Science?
I might add for context many people think that a scientific consensus refers to a large group of scientists who all agree that something is true. In reality, a scientific consensus is a large body of scientific studies that all agree with and support each other.
We've had this consensus for a long long time.
Tiers are not slashed they are let down as you are probably aware! The actions of the likes of "Fossil Free London" are ignored by the media. I'm appalled that our young people have to do crazy thing because of the spineless inaction of the general population.