Melvins - What's In My Bag?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @lucasb7729
    @lucasb7729 2 года назад +231

    These guys have been around for almost 50 years and some consider them the fathers of grunge and sludge metal. I discovered them in the early nineties and have always loved them

    • @Guppusmaximus
      @Guppusmaximus 2 года назад +20

      Without their legendary 80s stuff, Nirvana would not have had a style to get famous from.

    • @herbertwest9626
      @herbertwest9626 2 года назад +15

      These guys have been around as a band for about 40 years. They started in the early 1980s. Don't make them older than they are.

    • @SlideRSB
      @SlideRSB 2 года назад +1

      @@herbertwest9626 oh please. What do you know?

    • @herbertwest9626
      @herbertwest9626 2 года назад +10

      @@SlideRSB What do I know? I've just been listening to bands like the Melvins since the early 1980s. That's what I know. The Melvins formed in the early 80s. That's 40, not 50 years of existence. When you don't know the facts it's better to shut up.

    • @SlideRSB
      @SlideRSB 2 года назад +2

      @@herbertwest9626 Nah. When someone says something in the comments section that you think is stupid, it's best to keep your own mouth shut. Besides, the OP didn't say 50 years. They said "almost 50 years." 😉

  • @JanPrzybylowski
    @JanPrzybylowski 7 лет назад +330

    David Byrne on this show would be one of the best things that happened to internet ever.

  • @Matt_JR
    @Matt_JR 6 лет назад +71

    How can you not love Buzz and the Melvins?

  • @chakstandsup
    @chakstandsup 7 лет назад +196

    Man, you can really tell these guys are best buds. Legends!

  • @LinkToon000
    @LinkToon000 7 лет назад +2240

    Melvins were like the 3 stoner dudes in high school that everyone knew but never really talked to

    • @Hal9000ize
      @Hal9000ize 7 лет назад +57

      Best description of them TBH

    • @remybienko1026
      @remybienko1026 7 лет назад +96

      stoners gone straight edge, I gotta say.

    • @TheGoldDragon100
      @TheGoldDragon100 7 лет назад +7

      Brody Armstrice True. Still, gotta love Melvins.

    • @remybienko1026
      @remybienko1026 7 лет назад +45

      +Ongo Gablogian, Mind you, if not for their straight-edge thingy, they might not have stayed together till today. Melvins have been around for twice my lifetime, and keep getting better.
      It just reminded me of what Buzz said one one of his Interviews about pot helping with focus: "definitely. First they focus on the TV. Then they focus on the fridge." I'm not against weed in any way, but damn :D Whatever they do, it works well for them. Melvins are a living legend.

    • @ps.6023
      @ps.6023 7 лет назад +18

      except Kurt Cobain Dave Ghrol and Krist talked to them a lot and Kurt Idolized them.

  • @0satanisboring0
    @0satanisboring0 7 лет назад +430

    I met Buzz as a teen outside of Amoeba in 2003. He had just bought a bunch of VHS tapes. Such a down to earth, easy to talk to guy.

    • @ps.6023
      @ps.6023 7 лет назад +22

      unlike Dave Ghrol.

    • @TehGoldd
      @TehGoldd 7 лет назад +11

      can you shut the fuck up

    • @nickfanzo
      @nickfanzo 7 лет назад +8

      0satanisboring0 you were a teen in 2003?!?! fuck im old..

    • @ps.6023
      @ps.6023 7 лет назад +1

      its true

    • @TehGoldd
      @TehGoldd 7 лет назад +4

      whats wrong with dave "ghrol"

  • @intrepiddreams9282
    @intrepiddreams9282 6 лет назад +107

    This has become my new favorite way of finding new music. I get to listen to my idols pick their favorite music and then go youtube surfing! Thanks Amoeba!

  • @MisterLuggage
    @MisterLuggage 7 лет назад +949

    Steve Albini would be AMAZING on this show

    • @remybienko1026
      @remybienko1026 7 лет назад +44

      I totally second this. Would love to hear him ramble about the records' history, the labels, the scene and the lack thereof, and whatever else. And he's got some obscure music taste. Though I doubt that he would accept the invite, given his busy schedule.

    • @GFEBMX
      @GFEBMX 7 лет назад +6

      yeah do that

    • @UndisputedUFC
      @UndisputedUFC 7 лет назад +24

      If there's one comment on RUclips that needs to be acknowledged, it's definitely this one! Steve Albini is a must

    • @bernhardsart
      @bernhardsart 7 лет назад +5


    • @spacewurm
      @spacewurm 7 лет назад +25

      Albini would just put stuff in his sack to insult.

  • @shocklobster
    @shocklobster 3 года назад +112

    One of my favorite things about this band is just seeing them interact in side-shit like this, and they all just seem like such good, steadfast friends. With how some of my other favorite bands just melt down and blow apart because of "creative differences", which is usually a euphemism to cover up for bitchmade drama driven by self-interest, it's great to see a group just hang together like this.

    • @Oliver_Hallowee
      @Oliver_Hallowee 3 года назад +1

      Agreed. So evidently the best of friends.

  • @jessicamoore1314
    @jessicamoore1314 6 лет назад +53

    I love how normal and nice they are to each other. 😅I was expecting some sort of obscure world music and we got mainly the Stones, the Runaways and Miles Davis. 🤘🏻

  • @jbeckmann6145
    @jbeckmann6145 7 лет назад +131

    damn, Buzz is a generous cat. Just an all round good dude

    • @TheRoroCuz
      @TheRoroCuz 6 лет назад

      J Beckmann except they aren't purchased because they're still in the security cases?

    • @fartkerson
      @fartkerson 4 года назад +5

      @@TheRoroCuz Pretty sure they're still inside Amoeba while filming this, so they haven't hit the register on the way out yet.

    • @Jamesp1972
      @Jamesp1972 4 года назад +1


  • @GillSalty
    @GillSalty 7 лет назад +281

    "Oh wait, we forgot to get Black Sabbath!" :D :D :D

    • @Carlos-xz3vi
      @Carlos-xz3vi 6 лет назад +32

      Gill Salty They probably have all their albums and have bought them 3,4,5 times each.

    • @KatiaIg.
      @KatiaIg. 5 лет назад +1

      4 sure!lol

    • @michaelhudson2912
      @michaelhudson2912 3 года назад +1

      @@pashadyne that's not surprising. They come from the punk scene, not really metalheads apart from liking a few bands, from what I've gleaned from interviews anyway.

    • @michaelhudson2912
      @michaelhudson2912 3 года назад

      @@pashadyne I know what kind of bands MA includes and excludes. Melvins were always a metal band with a small 'm' to me, i.e., there's metal in there but it's just one element among many. I'd be willing to bet that Buzz doesn't listen to much metal outside of Sabbath, 70s Priest, maybe a little Motorhead, I think he's mentioned Celtic Frost/Hellhammer and Venom too. Maybe Voivod. Basically, the metal bands that punk dudes listened to in the 80s. I highly doubt he listens to too much thrash on the regular or any death or black metal for that matter.

    • @michaelhudson2912
      @michaelhudson2912 3 года назад

      btw, plenty of metalheads who are into doom like Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus and Trouble don't really give a fuck about the Melvins lol. Some do but generally more 'traditional' metal guys aren't listening to them much.

  • @theballadofamixtape
    @theballadofamixtape 7 лет назад +39

    Excellent taste from an excellent band!

  • @WoWplyr19
    @WoWplyr19 7 лет назад +155

    King Buzzo's a legend

    • @nicholasalexopoulos1332
      @nicholasalexopoulos1332 4 года назад

      @@MidWestWaters345 lmao kurt cobain was influenced a lot by the melvins

    • @FetishonyoutubeURL
      @FetishonyoutubeURL 4 года назад

      @@MidWestWaters345 ok no. Fckin 1 fan of nirvana...

    • @五一十VIX
      @五一十VIX 4 месяца назад

      @@nicholasalexopoulos1332Wasn’t Kurt Cobain friends with Buzz?

  • @shruggzdastr8-facedclown
    @shruggzdastr8-facedclown 6 лет назад +34

    You can't go wrong with any '70s Stones album -- that decade was the zenith of their career!

    • @shannonpatrick77
      @shannonpatrick77 Год назад

      lol that decade was their career

    • @shruggzdastr8-facedclown
      @shruggzdastr8-facedclown Год назад +2

      @@shannonpatrick77: Their '60s material was great, too, but what they did in the '70s was the best they ever did

    • @shannonpatrick77
      @shannonpatrick77 Год назад +2

      @@shruggzdastr8-facedclown Agreed

  • @FANKANable
    @FANKANable 7 лет назад +15

    This show is so incredible! some of the episodes just hit me in an emotional way and this is one of them. so many good picks

    • @amoeba
      @amoeba  7 лет назад +10

      Thanks so much for the feedback. We love making the show and this episode in particular was a great one to work on.

  • @numsiskit
    @numsiskit 7 лет назад +77

    What's in my bag is the best thing on RUclips.

    • @amoeba
      @amoeba  7 лет назад +21

      Hey, thanks!

    • @numsiskit
      @numsiskit 7 лет назад

      Love it!

    • @mr.strugglesnuggle6668
      @mr.strugglesnuggle6668 7 лет назад +5

      spacewurm C'mon now, no need to turn a nice comment thread to shit with politics. Especially American politics.

    • @deadinthewater218
      @deadinthewater218 6 лет назад +1

      George Hancock Jr. binge watching the crap out of em

    • @MrDantres
      @MrDantres 4 года назад

      I'm beginning to agree....

  • @shacktime
    @shacktime 5 лет назад +27

    One of my all-time favorite memories: going to Disneyland on a whim with some friends to give the place a go on acid and ending up in a long ass line for Space Mountain with Buzz Osborne in a Blondie t-shirt to keep us company and pass the time.
    It’s quite a story.
    And he’s right on about “On the Corner.”

      @MOCKTAGSUPERFAN 5 лет назад +3

      sounds fake but i really wanna believe it at the same time

    • @shacktime
      @shacktime 5 лет назад

      Jakob Martin I don’t give a flying fuck what you want to believe.

    • @ziegh5369
      @ziegh5369 3 года назад

      This goes to 0 to 100 really fucking quick

  • @砂糖市-d6q
    @砂糖市-d6q 7 лет назад +533

    We need Mike Patton

    • @thatguy4343
      @thatguy4343 7 лет назад +4


    • @andrewphippsphillips1455
      @andrewphippsphillips1455 6 лет назад +3

      I've seen & been in the record shop Mike Patton loves in London, along Portobello Rd. Fuckin awesome place.

    • @mutton7891
      @mutton7891 6 лет назад

      @@andrewphippsphillips1455 What's the shop's name?

    • @ashrafsahdan5606
      @ashrafsahdan5606 5 лет назад +48

      "Hey Mike what's in your bag?"
      "I don't know, man. I am still looking for something that I wasn't a part of"

    • @Oracle13
      @Oracle13 5 лет назад

      @@ashrafsahdan5606 HA! 😄

  • @lindalinda0316
    @lindalinda0316 7 лет назад +8

    Always appreciate What's In My Bag, but this edition is particularly awesome; love how they geek out over the early Stones stuff...seem like nice guys who'd be fun to hang out with.

  • @alexandrerodrigues9844
    @alexandrerodrigues9844 6 лет назад +32

    "And... I bought for Dale" "Awwwww"

  • @遠哲-e7p
    @遠哲-e7p 2 года назад +17

    I saw the melvins play live in 1990, they were awesome. I saw them play again in 2010, and they were amazing. How many bands can do that?

  • @sonicjohn2195
    @sonicjohn2195 7 лет назад +7

    Definetly one of my favorites from the serie. Lots of great advices and knowledge!

  • @JoyDivision88
    @JoyDivision88 16 дней назад

    A tribute to Jack Johnson is my favourite Miles Davis album. Kudos to you.

  • @NicholasSantangeloDrummer
    @NicholasSantangeloDrummer 7 лет назад +178

    I'm a simple man. I see amoeba "What's in My Bag" & The Melvins, I click like.
    Also shout out to On The Corner. Highly underrated.

    • @solomonophonic9103
      @solomonophonic9103 7 лет назад +1

      are you fucking kidding me thats so overrated

    • @wids
      @wids 7 лет назад

      solomonophonic Why do you think that?

    • @CipherSerpico
      @CipherSerpico 5 лет назад

      Are you saying On The Corner is overrated?

    • @jaredgiff6342
      @jaredgiff6342 5 лет назад

      simpleton. not simple man.

  • @liquidpebbles7475
    @liquidpebbles7475 6 лет назад +3

    Love how miles Davis pops in this series, no matter the type of artist and music they make

  • @hyperventilatinggeek
    @hyperventilatinggeek 7 лет назад +11

    These guys from the Melvins and J Mascis are giving me a load of hope lately because they're punk/hardcore guys who loved the Rolling Stones. I don't see many people, especially my age (22) who dig the Stones like me, and think it's as good as punk rock. Exile is my fav too Buzz!!

    • @joshuapittman4663
      @joshuapittman4663 Год назад

      Although it’s been 5 years I’m currently 21 and I love the stones and Beatles and just about everything punk/hardcore.
      Absolutely love the Melvins and Dinosaur Jr (mainly the 1st 3 records).
      I listen to just about everything though…

    • @mikeborgmann
      @mikeborgmann Год назад

      Good music ALWAYS holds up....

  • @darthnihilus511
    @darthnihilus511 11 месяцев назад

    Just discovered these guys now I can’t stop watching and listening to everything them!

  • @diffusewings4937
    @diffusewings4937 2 года назад +3

    Rockers really dig jazz, which makes me so happy

  • @chizmo7
    @chizmo7 4 года назад +4

    That was awesome. I love the Melvins.

  • @bonnieblue-blade7376
    @bonnieblue-blade7376 6 лет назад +70

    Kurt Cobain loved these guys.

    • @FetishonyoutubeURL
      @FetishonyoutubeURL 4 года назад +4

      Yea, sad to see one of their biggest fan passing away before they passed.

    • @gavin6666
      @gavin6666 4 года назад +10

      Kurt was in a band with Dale Crover before he started Nirvana called "Fecal Matter", he also produced some of the "Houdini" album.

    • @leonfoxworthy
      @leonfoxworthy 3 года назад

      @Kasey Nicholson how?

    • @nathanbellamy3308
      @nathanbellamy3308 3 года назад +4

      Pretty sure everyone knows that

    • @nicholash1691
      @nicholash1691 3 года назад +2

      @Kasey Nicholson king buzzo is a twat

  • @noogie1
    @noogie1 6 лет назад +7

    Dale Crover currently my favorite drummer!

  • @AndreasW-p4r
    @AndreasW-p4r 6 лет назад +3

    Melvins are so freaking cool
    I been listening to them for so long

  • @castilho6700
    @castilho6700 Год назад +1

    It´s amazing! Big hug from Brazil!

  • @donniedoobie9627
    @donniedoobie9627 2 года назад +10

    I love the fact that the melvins are huge fans of the stones😊

  • @Tuuktalus
    @Tuuktalus 5 лет назад +3

    Glad the Melvins are still rocking. Seen em a few times in Denver. Always a good show.

  • @livingabstraction2206
    @livingabstraction2206 7 лет назад +4

    Wow the Kid Congo record and Savoy Motel record sound really awesome would love to listen to them.

  • @Bleedingvolcano
    @Bleedingvolcano 3 года назад +2

    This is the best episode I’ve seen. These guys are great

  • @echardcore
    @echardcore 7 лет назад +7

    I can't believe how normal these guys seem! They blew my mind at The Pony recently. Awesome show.

  • @Quagmire1771
    @Quagmire1771 3 года назад +1

    This introduced me to Ty Segall and The Lemon Twigs. Thank u Melvins!! 😊 Melvins are the best!

  • @marnatural7748
    @marnatural7748 5 лет назад +3

    What a great amount of music!!! Such a cool band👏👏❤

  • @kohlemainen
    @kohlemainen 7 лет назад +2

    Wonderful choices, all of them :)!

  • @asderc1
    @asderc1 6 лет назад +11

    That Steve Albini footage is beautiful

  • @ericragan
    @ericragan 8 месяцев назад +1

    Steve's reccomendation on Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds album changed my life. AMAZING!

  • @michaszeremeta4745
    @michaszeremeta4745 7 лет назад +525

    please please i mean PLEASSSE invite Butthole Surfers!!

  • @sly7642
    @sly7642 Год назад

    Love these guys. Stones, Kid Congo, Miles Davis, couldna be better!!

  • @ThisOldHat
    @ThisOldHat 7 лет назад +161

    Buzzo looks like the old lady who played the receptionist at the trailer park in No Country For Old Men who almost got killed by Anton Chiggur and didn't quite realize it before being saved by a toilet flush.

    • @jellyacc
      @jellyacc 5 лет назад +4

      The hell? No he doesnt

    • @jeshkam
      @jeshkam 5 лет назад +8

      He looks more like Patty/Selma Bouvier.

    • @austins.2495
      @austins.2495 3 года назад

      That's very specific

  • @bearsetsfire1361
    @bearsetsfire1361 7 лет назад +11

    This time: cool people on the show. Excellent!

  • @deepanshukumawat2634
    @deepanshukumawat2634 7 лет назад +106

    Get Jim Jarmusch on the show, please!!

  • @carlkellner1310
    @carlkellner1310 3 года назад +2

    The fact that Buzz is a Flannery O'Connor fan makes me love him even more... What a dude!

  • @cd0u50c9
    @cd0u50c9 6 лет назад +8

    criminally underrated dude and talent! Not many bands that churn out so much music, and so much good music!! Absolute respect \m/

    • @joemayo4078
      @joemayo4078 3 года назад +4

      What’re you talking about? Underrated who?

  • @hang-sangitch
    @hang-sangitch 6 лет назад +4

    Ahh that was a nice moment when he bought the film for his friend. Buds! Cool guys

  • @BB-vo8bv
    @BB-vo8bv 5 лет назад +4

    The way I saw these guys tear up Vancouver last summer, you'd never expect them to be this down to earth.

  • @hazysativa3045
    @hazysativa3045 7 лет назад +1

    4:50 - On the corner!!!! I still listen to that every week.... haha

  • @livingabstraction2206
    @livingabstraction2206 7 лет назад +52

    On the Corner is probably one of Miles Davis most controversial records and considering how many experiments records he made in his later period, That's saying something.

    • @creekandseminole
      @creekandseminole 7 лет назад +5

      It's cool how it inspired a lot of other artists. In particular artists in the Post-Punk genre like The Pop Group and This Heat.

    • @OldSethOnetooth
      @OldSethOnetooth 7 лет назад +1

      I bought it after seeing Ron Mael of Sparks recommend it in a copy of Mojo and it really didn't disappoint, the intro is amazing and all the jazz critics hated it.

    • @daveisemoto2499
      @daveisemoto2499 7 лет назад +9

      When I used to work at the Virgin Megastore on Sunset Boulevard, Buzz would come in from time to time. One evening I asked if he could recommend something to me. He recommended On The Corner. I bought it that evening- It was/ is awesome!! Thanks Buzz!!

    • @andym28
      @andym28 7 лет назад +1

      Living Abstraction I could literally listen to Its About That Time on In A Silent Way forever. Makes me glad I've lived.

    • @CipherSerpico
      @CipherSerpico 6 лет назад +1

      It’s insane how many masterpieces Miles made.

  • @Idreallyrathernotthanks
    @Idreallyrathernotthanks 3 года назад +1

    On the Corner...aww hell yeah!

  • @DeathMetalheadish
    @DeathMetalheadish 6 лет назад +4

    These guys are really knowledgeable. Great to watch.

  • @toddjoseph1tj
    @toddjoseph1tj 8 месяцев назад

    Melvins are my favorite band to see live. They blow it up!!

  • @dstroh22
    @dstroh22 7 лет назад +9

    these guys are total og's

  • @DanielGarcia-hf5od
    @DanielGarcia-hf5od 4 года назад +2

    When the Ty Segall clip started, I immediately thought: 'those drums sound like Albini recorded them' and then Dale confirmed it. So distinct drum sound, I love it.

  • @riversutcliffe9520
    @riversutcliffe9520 6 лет назад +3

    Melvin are so awesome

  • @sicksavagelife5680
    @sicksavagelife5680 3 года назад +3

    That Miles Davis “On the Block” record rules. Definitely better than the rest captures the true sound of the streets.

  • @stevenimeson902
    @stevenimeson902 7 лет назад +4

    Bless this episode

  • @niles8102
    @niles8102 Год назад

    I saw these guys at Bumbershoot in Seattle in 2018. I have only heard of them and saw them randomly with my group of friends. Awesome show from them!

  • @ernieernst2296
    @ernieernst2296 6 лет назад +3

    Saw 'em play an in-store at Amoeba Hollywood...Dale totally channeled his inner Cubby and CRUSHED a Jr. sized drum kit. One of the best ever.

  • @Wrangledinkspud
    @Wrangledinkspud 7 лет назад +2

    Wow! Never expected this. Thanks, Amoeba!

  • @ducdefreneuse1762
    @ducdefreneuse1762 7 лет назад +3

    I’ve actually seen Buzz shopping at Ameoba in Hollywood several times. I used to live a few blocks away, so I was a regular. I never talked to Buzz but always wanted to check out what he was picking up!

  • @lindafortner4557
    @lindafortner4557 5 лет назад +1

    This is the video that first exposed me to Melvins, I love them now

  • @fintanoclery2698
    @fintanoclery2698 3 года назад +3

    Yes folks, Buzzo's carpet really does match the drapes.

  • @bigdad7257
    @bigdad7257 3 года назад +3

    2:43 Came here after hearing about Charlie’s passing. “Never doubt Charlie!”

  • @amphitheatre
    @amphitheatre 7 лет назад +3

    even if i don't like the pics i can listen to buzzo talk for hours

  • @joebobstevemcfrank
    @joebobstevemcfrank 7 лет назад +1

    This is absolutely perfect.

  • @Diamond_Skies
    @Diamond_Skies 7 лет назад +8

    Steve McDonald is a legend to me.

  • @WestCoastJazzForever
    @WestCoastJazzForever 3 года назад +1

    So so so happy Melvins know good music! 🎺

    • @vibratoryuniverse308
      @vibratoryuniverse308 2 года назад

      When people devote their lives to something pure and meaningful ❤️

  • @frankburuato8110
    @frankburuato8110 4 года назад +6

    King buzzo rocks and he'll always rock-hard he's the king

  • @D00M3R-SK8
    @D00M3R-SK8 4 года назад +1

    that bit is in the james brown movie too. great to see the source for this. thank man. I always find something when I watch these.

  • @father042
    @father042 7 лет назад +68

    I can't wait for episode with Steven Wilson

    • @footballorsoccer_
      @footballorsoccer_ 6 лет назад

      He is for sure going to be in an episode?

    • @WillEatForFood
      @WillEatForFood 5 лет назад +2

      You know he's gonna buy at least one Pink Floyd record 😂

  • @sabrina_1116
    @sabrina_1116 7 лет назад +1

    Love this episode! Melvins + Amoeba 😍

  • @OpheliaD
    @OpheliaD 4 года назад +2

    How cool 😎 this band is! Love ❤️ it!

  • @RAMLIA1
    @RAMLIA1 7 лет назад +1

    I live this band !

  • @supremebuffalo6322
    @supremebuffalo6322 7 лет назад +12

    got Moonage Daydream stuck in my head now

  • @preserver7777
    @preserver7777 7 лет назад +2

    I love The Melvin's

  • @tomitstube
    @tomitstube 7 лет назад +4

    really knowledgeable guys, impressed.

  • @tiagosgj
    @tiagosgj 7 лет назад +2

    Best episode ever!

  • @78LedHead
    @78LedHead 3 года назад +4

    1000% agree with Dale that Sticky Fingers is the best Stones album.

  • @holdencaulfield4808
    @holdencaulfield4808 2 года назад

    Wow I like them even more after this. Probably the best one of these I've seen.

  • @kwaddamage8286
    @kwaddamage8286 4 года назад +7

    that would be so weird to go to a Elton John concert and realize you are sitting next to Buzz Osborne. whoever those people were have a cool story to tell

  • @kcharles1149
    @kcharles1149 3 года назад

    love buzz and the gang - you guys always have the best concerts !! You have never seen these guys... go !

  • @dan-andreinafureanu6046
    @dan-andreinafureanu6046 7 лет назад +19

    I was listening to a Melvins album when I saw this video pop up on my subscription box, Nude With Boots to be precise.

  • @nimanikpoor2135
    @nimanikpoor2135 7 лет назад

    A smile sat on my face when i saw buzzo's smile in the thumbnail

  • @chazzdurden
    @chazzdurden 7 лет назад +4

    Can't believe that by the time it ended I wanted to see more and more haha ! love these guys so humble so fucking talented and with such a good taste for music and movies :D new King Congo fan right here (his solo stuff)

  • @ScotianBlooded
    @ScotianBlooded 4 года назад

    i love discovering all this in these videos

  • @charlesmayer7097
    @charlesmayer7097 3 года назад +3

    These guys are hilarious. Great dudes!

  • @mattnemekis8114
    @mattnemekis8114 2 месяца назад

    Rolling Stones, hmmm, i might have to check them out. Thanks Buzz.

  • @BubbaZen10
    @BubbaZen10 6 лет назад +5

    I came for the hair, stayed for the awesome musical knowledge.

  • @longhairedchild1
    @longhairedchild1 4 года назад

    so much gold in them bags. THANKS

  • @DavidBirchphoto1.
    @DavidBirchphoto1. 7 лет назад +8

    Anything with Rolling Stones interests me.

  • @AnthonyDove-dm5hi
    @AnthonyDove-dm5hi 10 месяцев назад

    Nice! Excelllent! Love the band and their choice.

  • @blastosist
    @blastosist 7 лет назад +102

    Generous Buzz.

    • @BioDuck12
      @BioDuck12 7 лет назад +5

      blastosist thats KING buzzo to you sir ;)

  • @peep2262
    @peep2262 7 лет назад +2