Kit Fisto was a Sith Lord? - The Original Script for Star Wars Attack of the Clones

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @gatsby798
    @gatsby798  3 дня назад +5

    Hey Guys! Apologies in delay between this video and last. I promise Revenge of the Sith’s video won’t take as long to upload.
    I left links to the scripts in the description for you guys to check out. I highly recommend that you do!
    This will be the last video I post this year so I hope you all have a good Xmas and have a happy new year when it comes. I will see you all in the new year! :)

  • @apollo1787
    @apollo1787 3 дня назад +9

    We needed more scenes with Count Dooku and the Lars family

    • @ALF8892
      @ALF8892 День назад +1

      I've heard people complain about the politics in episode 1 but I loved it. I also love Christopher Lee. They definitely should have had more Dooku scenes revolving around political issues. They could have made him look smart and charismatic. In the movie when he asked obi wan to join him he seemed like a psycho liar. They definitely should have developed his character

  • @StarBill-j1o
    @StarBill-j1o 3 дня назад +6

    Looking forward to learning the original story for Revenge of the Sith for the next video

  • @chromxrobinandcorrinxcamil9031
    @chromxrobinandcorrinxcamil9031 23 часа назад +1

    F moment for Kit.

  • @Motheos
    @Motheos 3 дня назад +3

    5:38 Obi Wan - my ever disinterested king

    • @gatsby798
      @gatsby798  2 дня назад

      I’m convinced Obi-Wan and Jocasta Nu had beef between one another.

  • @alekseev7646
    @alekseev7646 3 дня назад +4

    3:59 It'a a trap

  • @DecoderWalrus
    @DecoderWalrus 2 дня назад +2

    Attack of the Clones makes me sleep better than melatonin. Jar Jar's Great Adventure sounds more exciting.

  • @tomgordon6259
    @tomgordon6259 3 дня назад +2


  • @matthewhecht9257
    @matthewhecht9257 День назад

    Those are the same voices Seals are Good uses.

    • @gatsby798
      @gatsby798  День назад

      Entschuldige, mein Freund, ich verstehe nicht. Kannst du das bitte anders formulieren?