Les guetteurs de sons by Georges Aperghis-Dressage Percussion

  • Опубликовано: 30 дек 2015

Комментарии • 11

  • @Danibyo
    @Danibyo 10 месяцев назад +1

    Esta peça acusmática, nos dá uma impressão sonora única em uma possível previsão musical rímica! É possível o som estar audível em forma de memorias....o espetáculo performista nos enche os olhos, não só pela complexidade da execução das musicista, mas também a relação que as aços nos dão...como se ouvissemos através da intencionalidade gestual! Parabéns pela brilhante performance.

  • @Danibyo
    @Danibyo 10 месяцев назад

    The acousmatic piece gives us a unique sound impression in a possible rhymic musical prediction! It is possible for sound to be audible in the form of memories....the performance spectacle fills our eyes, not only due to the complexity of the musician's execution, but also the relationship that the actions give us...as if we were listening through gestural intentionality! Congratulations on a brilliant performance.

  • @asym52
    @asym52 4 года назад

    Vastly entertaining piece. And as perfectly performed as it is possible to imagine. Thanks you three, and thank you M. Aperghis. Truly lovely music and a great show.

  • @mateuszfandri8086
    @mateuszfandri8086 3 года назад

    The richness and complexity of this piece is extraordinary! Great composition, combination of drum sounds, word sounds, vocal sounds, body movement and even theatre action - wow!

  • @bombotubers
    @bombotubers 5 лет назад +1

    wich techniques are used here? que tecnicas son utilizadas aqui?

    • @user-re1km6uc3h
      @user-re1km6uc3h 4 года назад +1

      They did well, but honestly, not perfectly. As shown, Everyone will understand how difficult this piece is.
      During performed, they always should be care about another players's attack, but actually it's hard to see each others. (as you see)
      Even more (may be) they are another perc. player behind the hall. (I can hear another player's sounds)
      As Each of players including another player in the back can't see each others, they have to be extremely sensitive to 'the sound'. not sound, 'the sound'.
      What's interesting about this point is that it doesn't only apply to players.
      People who'll see this performance also should pay attention too to understand 'who is the player of each attack?'
      And even more, they treat a tricks themselves by pretending a lot and a lot of times. (as you see, again)
      Than, what'll be the 'purpose' in this piece? "Aperghis is like to bully others"?
      I think, may be he wants to make us in one with this piece.
      During the performance, every, everyone should extremely pay attention to the 'sound' as i told.
      So we don't have to think anything but 'the sound'. Than it will make us one through this amazing work.

  • @mathias841
    @mathias841 5 лет назад +1

    J'aimerais comprendre. J'apprécierais toute aide apportée. Cordialement.

    • @haribocestcoollavie
      @haribocestcoollavie 5 лет назад +5

      "Le silence, Les sons Dans la tête. Au dehors.
      Trois musiciens côte à côte.
      Trois individus, ou trois versions du même ?
      Instruments identiques pour les trois.
      Instruments qui jouent parfois tout seuls, malgré la volonté des interprètes pour leur plus vif étonnement, ou qui servent à modeler des sons comme si ceux-ci étaient palpables.
      Le mécanisme est ici monté : silence - volonté de produire un son - transmission aux bras, aux mains, aux doigts.
      Production du son - écoute.
      Les mains des percussionnistes travaillent parfois indépendamment de leurs corps. Eux-mêmes en sont surpris.
      Tout ceci donne lieu à des petites séquences tendres et comiques pendant lesquelles des connivences se créent entre les trois musiciens qui modèlent les sons pour lutter contre le silence.
      Qui aura le dernier mot ?"

  • @machida5114
    @machida5114 3 года назад

    quite good!

  • @ROBINdulce
    @ROBINdulce 3 года назад

    Este video enriquece al experiencia y ha de ser leal a las intenciones estéticas del compositor,
    Una grabación sólo de audio sería incapaz de transmitir ni la gestualidad ni la narrativa entre las tres percusionistas, quienes con virtuosismo nos ofrecen un espectáculo no sólo acústico, sino coreográfico y escénico.

  • @user-re1km6uc3h
    @user-re1km6uc3h 4 года назад

    They did well, but honestly, not perfectly. As shown, Everyone will understand how difficult this piece is.
    During performed, they always should be care about another players's attack, but actually it's hard to see each others. (as you see)
    Even more (may be) they are another perc. player behind the hall. (I can hear another player's sounds)
    As Each of players including another player in the back can't see each others, they have to be extremely sensitive to 'the sound'. not sound, 'the sound'.
    What's interesting about this point is that it doesn't only apply to players.
    People who'll see this performance also should pay attention too to understand 'who is the player of each attack?'
    And even more, they treat a tricks themselves by pretending a lot and a lot of times. (as you see, again)
    Than, what'll be the 'purpose' in this piece? "Aperghis is like to bully others"?
    I think, may be he wants to make us in one with this piece.
    During the performance, every, everyone should extremely pay attention to the 'sound' as i told.
    So we don't have to think anything but 'the sound'. Than it will make us one through this amazing work.