STOP giving information FREE WILL... (Neville Goddard)

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
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    #subconsciousmind #manifestation
    Thursday's video= They mirror your DESIRE 🔥 (Energy + Vibration + Frequency) • They mirror your DESIR...

Комментарии • 77

  • @jackiek4159
    @jackiek4159 Год назад +37

    Stop reacting to the information and remain in your wish fulfilled! Thank you for another great one Joseph! 🙏🏻💞✨

  • @goldmiiind
    @goldmiiind Год назад +46


    • @mosthated.e.2422
      @mosthated.e.2422 Год назад +6


    • @azaleaslightsage1271
      @azaleaslightsage1271 Год назад +7

      Understand ALL POSSIBILITIES is exactly that ... ALL the negatives too, that's why it's important to clarify exactly what you want, not be open to ALL
      Many make this rookie mistake, which comes from others teachings not from self guidance from within your own self 😊

    • @goldmiiind
      @goldmiiind Год назад +2

      @@azaleaslightsage1271 precisely... god is no thing and has no body, nor positive or negative, just infinite possibilities

    • @azaleaslightsage1271
      @azaleaslightsage1271 Год назад +4

      @@goldmiiind doesn't precisely work that way
      But I understand again that didn't come from Within yourself, you heard that elsewhere.
      Positive negative does exist that's very obvious,
      I got caught up in all that as well
      Was only once I only listened to myself only took guidance from within myself instead of following Another's teaching guidance that I could then completely create my life exactly as I wanted it to be, by doing nothing but imagining it as I wanted it to be, visions came to me freely, I used no methods no emotional output, just thought it Once got it in ways Noone would think possible anyway ...
      What I have achieved others would say is impossible and yet ...
      The true teacher will always only lead you back to yourself
      No mumbo jumbo required
      No rituals needed
      Just ask it think it Believe it recieve it.
      It's that simple!
      But teaching you that doesn't profit anybody else does it.
      Also understand the true teacher GIVES the gift for free, doesn't make profit selling it, only problem is No-one Believes the true teacher. Won't believe it's that simple 😌 🤷

    • @JulesRules7777
      @JulesRules7777 Год назад +4

      You’re both right because it works exactly as you believe it does - you create your own reality. It’s your movie.

  • @NU94
    @NU94 Год назад +20

    I had an experience yesterday just BEFORE watching this video which was absolutely MAGICAL.
    Context: I've suffered from anxiety since I could remember and it's been controlling my emotions thoughts decisions and relationships. It's affected my entire life adversely.
    In the store yesterday I noticed that before my anxiety started there was (ALWAYS) an ALMOST invisible suggestion in my mind. VERY easy to miss. Sometimes the suggestion would come as a sort of intuition (this person is judging you, your style is weird) and sometimes it would appear as a feeling SUGGESTING something bad was happening or would. If I was PRESENT when the suggestion first appeared, before the negative feelings fully arrived (which I believe IS the belief), I could literally just KNOW that it wasn't true or KNOW that I didn't know if it were true and my heart and mind would gently release it the mental and emotional aspect of the suggestion. It was purely a ISN'T THIS WONDERFUL moment and felt very natural with no force or fighting within. I didn't question it whatsoever.
    Later on that same day and this morning I watched this video and realized I was in some odd synchronicity not allowing data to determine my reality.

    • @redwolf7929
      @redwolf7929 Год назад +5

      I feel happy for you to have this insight. Also I found it helps to remember, it's just a feeling ,or just a thought it's not " me"when those anxiety arises.

  • @renzo6489
    @renzo6489 Год назад +16

    Always on point !! Like a pencil

  • @niloukashfi6096
    @niloukashfi6096 Год назад +5

    Thank you Joseph, I actually stopped this habit of giving my power away and acknowledge my I am as the only boss of my life.

  • @Nattyann986
    @Nattyann986 Год назад +17

    This makes so much sense! Thankyou! I’m think I’m really getting the hang of this now

    • @robynevans1287
      @robynevans1287 Год назад +3

      YAAAY! 😁💖 (celebrating for & with you!!)

  • @robynevans1287
    @robynevans1287 Год назад +6

    *BAM!* 🎯 INSTANT THUMBS-UP👍upon hearing that *POWER-FULL* intro/title -
    Let that SINK IN!💖💖💖
    ...& now back to the rest of the video!😊💖👍👍

  • @Brand-of6eo
    @Brand-of6eo Год назад +4

    Oh you’re just showing off now. Preaching. 🙏🏾

  • @diyab1056
    @diyab1056 Год назад +8

    We had a 5.0 earthquake in SA this weekend, it was scary I thought we were gonna die so started praying/affirming for safety and it stopped. Then this rich guy my fam is obsessed with came to see me yesterday, he's a lawyer too and a commercial pilot. It was horrible he's obese and looks at least 40yo and they keep trying to convince me to marry him and this time he ended up staying for 2 hours. He even followed me into my room and asked what I'm looking for in a husband so I said "Someone muscular who gyms daily" and he looked embarrassed for at least a quarter of a second but I don't think this deterred him.
    Then we went to eat out where 2 of my uncles and 2 of my aunts tried pressurizing me to marry him with phrases like "This is a golden opportunity" and "They're from a nice family." Then last night I wasn't even bothered by any of this, I felt oddly calm like none of what they said mattered and I definitely won't marry him no matter what. So I think I came a long way from being stressed and angry and all this meditation must really be working.

    • @suramyasingh4529
      @suramyasingh4529 Год назад +3

      I agree with the guys thing you are saying. I used to feel triggered with any rishta coming along nut mow I feel more neutral and balanced and realised that they just started disappearing without any resistance from my end. the world is within.

    • @diyab1056
      @diyab1056 Год назад +1

      @@suramyasingh4529 they dissappear but it usually takes some effort on my end like I told my uncle "I'm not attracted to him I don't wanna meet him" and my uncle said "Your concerns are noted but he's coming on Sunday" 🫡
      Then when he was here I said how my husband should be a house husband who can cook and clean for me 😂 this is gross to guys right coz they want a girl that can cook? I can cook but I didn't wanna tell him that. He asked how many children I wanted so I just thought none with you but I said 2. He stepped on my mat to try and sit on my bed so I told him "No shoes on the mat!" so he asked to sit on my chair instead and I was like "No" lol he can stand 😂 then he left his Ray Bans in my room so my bro had to call him to come pick it up coz no way was I gonna call him coz that would give him my number 😇 I dunno how but I really need to heal some trauma that causes this irl stuff

    • @Kundalini_Goddess
      @Kundalini_Goddess Год назад +2

      It's not trauma that is attracting these situations for you, it's just your ego's need for attention, conceitedness and to be relevant. But you are not your ego.

    • @suramyasingh4529
      @suramyasingh4529 Год назад +2

      @@diyab1056 haha.. had a good laugh reading the narrative about how you handled the situation. I think you did the best in given scenarios and I hope you find a good guy for yourself who doesn’t feel like a forced relationship 🧡

    • @diyab1056
      @diyab1056 Год назад +1

      @@Kundalini_Goddess how is this conceited? And yes I love attention but from certain people only. Not wanting to marry a man for his money or accolades is atypical at best, it's not conceited and it's not coz I think I'm better than him. I'm just not sexually attracted to money 😂 And if a guy told me he's not into short small Indian Turkish girls that wear glasses then I'm not gonna be offended or think he's conceited, I'll just thank him for his honesty and go about my day.
      I dunno how some women will actually marry a guy for money, this makes no sense to me. Maybe if you're literally starving to death, but still. Is it amazing when the guy is rich af and takes you on expensive dates and buys whatever you so much as glance at? Yes speaking from personal experience it's great, AS LONG AS you like the guy already, it's like a bonus. If you don't and you just wanna leave but the guy orders nearly the entire menu to impress you coz he's rich then it becomes a bit absurd. I don't claim to be a catch and again I dunno why they do this, I didn't ask them to. To me it's even more amazing to go on a free date stargazing if you love the person you're with.
      I believe trauma causes these weird arranged marriage meetings. I'm still trying to figure out how.

  • @infinitedopamine6429
    @infinitedopamine6429 Год назад +4

    Joseph u don’t need clickbait red arrow thumbnails bro

  • @hyghpriestesss
    @hyghpriestesss Год назад +5


  • @haggai3.477
    @haggai3.477 Год назад +2

    Language is the Ladder to higher realms of understanding.
    To LOVE something is to find it DESIRABLE.
    Imagination is the conjuring of WORDS as pictures.
    Desire is the process of bringing one's imagination to it's boiling point.
    Desire is the Diet of the Inner/ Spirit Man.
    Passion is the Pinnacle of one's desire.
    Obsession is the object of one's passion.
    Obsession is the Fire that consumes one's Time.
    Time is a Spiritual Temperature Gauge.
    Time is the Fuel that feeds your Obsession.
    You will only be remembered for your Obsession.
    8Love never fails. But whether there be prophecies, they shall cease; whether there be languages, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. 9For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; 10But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall be set aside. 11When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I reasoned as a child; but when I became a man, I set aside the things of a child. 12For now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall see face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know exactly as I have been known. 13And now, these three remain: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of these is love.
    1 CORINTHIANS 13: 8-13 AFV
    To Respect something is to find it valuable
    Essentially, the value of a thing is determined by its RARITY.
    Respect is the Art of VERBAL CELEBRATION.
    Worship is CELEBRATION.
    Consequently, whatever you Celebrate will come to you Willingly.
    Agreement is the Fruit of WILLINGNESS.
    Agreement occurs when two WILLS CONNECT.
    One's WILL is the Key to the door of the SOUL.
    One's WILL is the Power to Overcome/ Conquer an Obstacle or an Enemy.
    Therefore, when you feed a woman's SOUL, she surrenders her body.
    However, when you feed a Man's Spirit He surrenders His Will.
    You do not Attract What you Need.
    You do not Attract What you Love.
    Ultimately, you attract What you VALUE.
    10He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. 11He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. 12But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. 13They are reborn-not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
    14So the Word became humand and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.e And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
    15John testified about him when he shouted to the crowds, “This is the one I was talking about when I said, ‘Someone is coming after me who is far greater than I am, for he existed long before me.’”
    16From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.f 17For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. 18No one has ever seen God. But the unique One, who is himself God,g is near to the Father’s heart. He has revealed God to us.
    JOHN 1: 10-18 NLT

  • @khaossmith1257
    @khaossmith1257 Год назад +5

    👁🙌🏾👌🏾💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️♾️🦋🌞🔑🌎🧲💪🏾💯🤗✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵 infinite gratitude, appreciation, and love for you and your message 🙏😌 Ase'

  • @TheTranquilTrader
    @TheTranquilTrader Год назад +3

    Thanks Joseph

  • @Eva-rq3gl
    @Eva-rq3gl Год назад +3

    Thank you. 🙏🏾 I’m saving this autosuggestion

  • @Listentothewind7
    @Listentothewind7 Год назад +5

    Always good stuff

  • @empresempress
    @empresempress Год назад +5

    This video is perfect timing ❤

  • @titanium4k
    @titanium4k Год назад +10

    Well done as Initiated.
    Titanium Fork Appreciated.
    Simplicity is Divinity
    Lux Veritas

  • @AmazingNature365
    @AmazingNature365 Год назад +3


  • @YofavoriteShinobi
    @YofavoriteShinobi Год назад +5

    would it help to stop checking for a change as well? ive heard that slows the process. anyone in the community have any thoughts on that? i.e for someones payment.

    • @Sun-ng7gj
      @Sun-ng7gj Год назад +3

      You only check something if you doubt it doing perfectly.

    • @dr.m6152
      @dr.m6152 Год назад

      Yup dont do it live in fulfillment

  • @juanbarberis7192
    @juanbarberis7192 Год назад

    Tks, Joseph! Wishing you health & abundance! 😀

  • @Lee-ii9mk
    @Lee-ii9mk Год назад +2

    I love the Bible verse you’ve used I also had that in mind 💙

  • @evanworldwind5468
    @evanworldwind5468 Год назад

    Give Thanks Brother Joseph, As always, spirit have a way of remembering me, through your words/video, to stay focus. I am grateful. Blessings.

  • @youlovechika
    @youlovechika Год назад +3

    thank you

  • @TheWheatGoddess
    @TheWheatGoddess Год назад

    Great timing. Too much abundance can lead to fragile results.

  • @motivationtube5399
    @motivationtube5399 Год назад +1

    Can we do this in physical ailments? Like serious ones?

  • @mcjogom
    @mcjogom Год назад +3

    👍💖👍Thank you!

  • @SimonQuiva
    @SimonQuiva Год назад +4

    synchronicity - I just opened RUclips when you uploaded this video

  • @rogerlin9602
    @rogerlin9602 Год назад +9

    I relate to information from the premise of fulfilled desire, as my desire is already a fact.
    I reside in the state of my fulfilled desire.
    You surrender free will to information as a puppet because your subconscious mind already accepts that state / related beliefs as true.
    That's why if you are in the state of lack, information you receive simply confirms more lack.
    Thanks Neville and Joseph. 12 June 2023.

  • @TashaDavis-fh6zt
    @TashaDavis-fh6zt Год назад +1

    Perfect ! Really appreciate this ❤

  • @TiraFlecha777
    @TiraFlecha777 Год назад

    Thanks Joe 👏🤙

  • @robertrobertson7782
    @robertrobertson7782 Год назад

    Thank you Joseph💪🌎🙏⛰🪨🌲🌵🚵‍♀️

  • @rogerlin9602
    @rogerlin9602 Год назад +1

    Unseen power takes what you accept and feel as true, and externalizes for you.
    Isaiah 55:9
    9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    So are My ways higher than your ways,
    And My thoughts than your thoughts.
    This is a question of degree of faith in God's way, the way of unseen power.
    We aren't separated from God's thoughts. Hear intuition from God.
    Don't be biased and polarized by your egoic beliefs and information.
    The eternal body is imagination. All things are possible and already exist there.
    When in doubt, imagine lovingly.
    The spiritual self speaks to the physical self through the language of desire. What do you love?
    Thanks Neville. Thanks Joseph. 12 June 2023.🐧🐞🌷🔍🔬🐘🍇🌴🕯🤠

  • @paula-ann6230
    @paula-ann6230 Год назад +4

    I have just realised where my generalised anxiety comes from.

    • @NU94
      @NU94 Год назад


    • @NU94
      @NU94 Год назад

      I made a comment about this on here. It sorta comes as little suggestions about things that your brain just believes

  • @auty888
    @auty888 Год назад +3


  • @dani_jela
    @dani_jela Год назад +6

    I get that the content is awesome but unfortunately I understand so little because I don't speak English fluently. would someone be so kind to summarize the essentials for me? would be so grateful❤

  • @rarf2142
    @rarf2142 Год назад +1

    I stop reacting to polirizing information, and remain in my wish fulfilled

  • @SahilSharma-fp3ng
    @SahilSharma-fp3ng Год назад

    I would be very interested to see a few videos on your channel breaking down the esoteric meanings of the Holy Qur'an. It would be fascinating to listen to your insights and perspectives when it comes to this scripture and how it intertwines with success/manifestation

  • @helenmead4970
    @helenmead4970 Год назад +1

    bless you 🤚

  • @annadrawsnow
    @annadrawsnow Год назад +3


  • @TheQuantumQoach
    @TheQuantumQoach Год назад

    Good Man 💯😎💯 Good Stuff

  • @tenikafrancis
    @tenikafrancis Год назад

    This resonates deeply

  • @Astmens
    @Astmens Год назад +3


  • @payalkakade
    @payalkakade Год назад

    Feeling is the secret but I am numb because of the pain. I don't feel anything anymore

  • @609_
    @609_ Год назад

    love you brother ❤

  • @Divineone
    @Divineone Год назад

    Love 💕

  • @jami8884
    @jami8884 Год назад +2


  • @yen6069
    @yen6069 Год назад

    Went down this new age/manifestation/visualising/Neville Goddard rabbit hole last year. I was down bad. Until God took me out.
    Take a moment and think for yourselves why all the new age doctrines take out a few verses from the Bible and make it a foundation for an entirely different world out there. That’s how powerful God’s word is. Even the lies need bits and pieces from the Bible to remain valid. Been there, done that. We are so desperate for our desires to come true that we trust anybody and anything that give us even a little bit of hope. God is real and satan is real. It’s also written that the satan comes as an angel of light. Don’t believe me. Do your researches. Read the bible in its whole context, in its entirety and know for yourself. Seek the truth and you’ll eventually find it. You are not the truth, you are not the way and you definitely are not the way of life. Seek the truth cause I’ve been there and this ain’t it. Seek the truth. Not for anybody else but for yourselves.

    • @eds7343
      @eds7343 Год назад

      Jesus manifested all throughout the Bible.

  • @preetkaur9643
    @preetkaur9643 Год назад +3

    Thank you