The Corporal Works of Mercy

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @algo7096
    @algo7096 2 года назад +1

    Thanks Dr. Brant Pitre, and one with you in prayer as well from the Philippines 🇵🇭

  • @israelcarrazana2264
    @israelcarrazana2264 4 года назад +11

    Praise be Jesus and Mary now and forever

  • @maycamilleri8308
    @maycamilleri8308 4 года назад +7

    Dr. Petrie, keep it up. Thank God for you.

  • @cuauhtemocmorisco3493
    @cuauhtemocmorisco3493 4 года назад +9

    Awesome explanation. For this lent those are my 2 goals to pray for everyone that is sick and to give every time I see a homeless man or woman.

  • @stefieladiong1707
    @stefieladiong1707 2 года назад +1

    Amen’thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of Faith.stay and be with us oh Lord as we continue doing good to our needy brethren 🙏🙏🙏

  • @jerryjacona5013
    @jerryjacona5013 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks Doc

  • @jerryjacona5013
    @jerryjacona5013 Год назад

    That really resonated thank you

  • @alexanderv1620
    @alexanderv1620 4 года назад +8

    Great stuff. Can you do a video on Marian Apparitions?

    • @paulmiller3469
      @paulmiller3469 4 года назад

      He's following the Lectionary, so I would guess not (unless it is something outside this series).

  • @jerryjacona5013
    @jerryjacona5013 Месяц назад

    Wow im going to hell, and i go to daily Mass offen haven't missed Mass on Sunday in 20 years all most no one teaches it this way thanks Bishop Barrens

  • @christophlindinger2267
    @christophlindinger2267 4 года назад +2

    We see a lot of children begging in front of supermarkets (it's a southern African country, quite poor). The problem is, if you give them money you encourage them and more and more children will become beggars. It's a messy situation, but I dont think we can and should just give everyone who asks, it is not loving but simplistic.

  • @jayfanucci4498
    @jayfanucci4498 4 года назад +1

    Sounds pretty easy to be a Christian and apply corporal mercy- clothe and feed and care for the ones most dearest to you. I thought it was something a little tougher- like caring for the stranger, the despised, the least of my brethren...... Learn something new every day.

  • @markkaram7758
    @markkaram7758 4 года назад +1

    Can someone please tell me the name of the author or publisher of the books on St Paul on the shelf behind Dr Pitre’s right shoulder side. Driving me mad that I can’t find it. Thank you in advance

  • @magaman6353
    @magaman6353 4 года назад

    Not sure about "burying the dead" nowadays since the average funeral costs $10K to $25K. Incidentally, how come no one ever talks about the 7 spiritual works of mercy? They are higher than the 7 corporal works since they are directed to the needs of the soul.

  • @alexanderpaine7518
    @alexanderpaine7518 4 года назад

    Being naked means far more than not having clothes. Why do they keep rewriting the Bible. Novus ordo?

  • @ronaller5209
    @ronaller5209 4 года назад

    Matthew:25 The Parable of the Talents discourse concerns the accountability of believers who live through the Tribulation period when the Lord then comes and executes the judgment of the sheep and the goats.
    The sheep and goat judgment begins with this statement in Matt 25:31: "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory." Thus, this judgment occurs immediately after Jesus' glorious return to the earth at the end of the Tribulation.
    As Jesus sits on His throne as Judge, the nations will be brought to Him and separated into two groups, the "sheep" on His right and the "goats" on his left (Matt 25:32). The word for nations is the same word for Gentiles, which shows us that this judgment concerns Gentiles, not Jews.
    It is also important to understand that the nations always refers, in the Bible, to people who are alive on the earth. This means that the judgment of the nations is a judgment of those Gentiles who survive the Tribulation period.
    The blessing given to the sheep is that they will inherit the Kingdom, because they attended to Jesus' needs by aiding Him in various ways.DURING THE TRIBULATION Jesus explains this enigmatic saying by indicating that "inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me."

    • @pattymcintyre6200
      @pattymcintyre6200 4 года назад +1

      Ron Aller Where exactly is that, or any other, reference of the existence of the Tribulation occur in the Bible? Or Jesus sort of returning, but not coming all the way to earth....or are you claiming He will return 2 more times. Please give your scriptural references for the facts you state above. Nations is the same word for gentiles? Where does it say that the parable only concerns those who went through the Tribulation? Where is that?
      Did Jesus make a mistake and have to resort to Plan B? I don’t believe so.
      Could be you are reading too much into the basic truth of the words.

    • @ronaller5209
      @ronaller5209 4 года назад

      @@pattymcintyre6200 You must utilize the correct Hermeneutical Approach while studying the Scriptures - especially BIBLICAL PROPHECY Your “HERMENEUTIC” determines your Eschatology - AND VICE VERSA. These two things are so inter-related that it is impossible to determine which is the ‘first principle’ and which is the resultant one (which came first, the chicken or the egg?). This is so basic and fundamental to all Biblical Studies that I will take just a few moments to state it again and offer a very succinct summary of some of the major historical components as well.
      There are basically two primary approaches to “Hermeneutics” - The Literal (grammatical, historical, contextual) Hermeneutic and The Allegorical (nonliteral, ‘spiritualized’, fanciful, unconcerned about ‘understanding’ authorial intent or context) Hermeneutic. The Allegorical method presumes (very wrongly) that the meaning of the text is NOT IN the WORDS of the text BUT is BEHIND the Words of the text. In other words, for ‘allegorists’ the “meaning” is NOT determined by what is written but by what the interpreter “sees” or “thinks” when he/she reads the words. For those who ‘believe in’ the Allegorical method, one person’s interpretation is as valid as another person’s interpretation - even if they are mutually exclusive or contradictory. THUS, for those holding to the Allegorical method, the BIBLE is NOT GOD’S WORD - given by GOD as HIS MESSAGE TO HUMANKIND. If the BIBLE can legitimately mean different things to different people - then the BIBLE has no meaning in and of itself. IT IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD it is actually the word of whomever the interpreter happens to be. It is UTTERLY PREPOSTEROUS and yet the vast majority of people - even those who say they believe the BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD - use the ‘Allegorical method’ in their biblical interpretation.
      The LITERAL METHOD is the only reasonable, appropriate and accurate way to approach and understand the marvelous body of truth that is the BIBLE - THE WORD OF GOD! YHWH chose to communicate HIMSELF and HIS DEALINGS WITH HUMAN BEINGS THROUGH THE AGES (up to 95 A.D. when the book of Revelation was written - the LAST PART OF THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD) in WRITTEN FORM. He not only is the AUTHOR of all 66 books of the BIBLE (utilizing human authors to say what He wanted said) but HE has clearly also PROTECTED, GUARDED and GUIDED the TRANSMISSION of the TEXT OF THE SCRIPTURES down through the ages of time - to this very day!!! Literal Interpretation of Scripture LEADS to A PREMILLENNIAL ESCHATOLOGY. Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture has resulted in AMILLENNIALISM (AntiChiliasm) and POSTMILLENNIALISM (among many other ‘heresies’) that have resulted from improper and inaccurate handling (“wrongly dividing” - 2 Timothy 2:15) of the WORD OF TRUTH.
      KEY POINT....The Old Testament, Our Lord Jesus, The Apostles, The New Testament (especially the Book of Revelation) and The Early Church were ALL PREMILLENNIAL!!
      Anti-Chiliasm (rejection of the idea of a 1000 Year Kingdom/Reign of Christ on earth) ‘began’ - probably with Gnosticism but was formulated and organized as a way of thinking and believing in the ALEXANDRIAN SCHOOL of biblical interpretation. Especially important in this discussion is Origen (184-253 A.D.) and the Allegorical Interpretation (he called it ‘spiritualization’) of the Scriptures. (Origen was a very prolific writer - producing massive amounts of biblical commentary and theological studies - highly influential and yet very controversial even in his own day. BUT he was incredibly effective in not only developing the allegorical interpretation of the Bible but arguing for it being the correct and only way to interpret the Scriptures. It was ALL SHROUDED in the idea of it being MORE “SPIRITUAL” to interpret the Bible in this manner. BUT Origen was himself VERY, VERY CONFUSED in terms of his own Eschatology. His own writings are filled with conflicting ideas.). One of the great tragedies of Church History is the fact that Augustine of Hippo (354-430 A.D.) followed Origen in both his ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATION of the Scriptures and in his ANTI-CHILIASM. Augustine had many admirable qualities and had a good deal of orthodoxy in his theology but in several absolutely fundamental and crucial areas of Bible Interpretation and Theology, he was completely heretical. And it is very important to know that Augustine is the FATHER of ROMAN CATHOLIC THEOLOGY. Knowing and understanding the ideas, theology and historical significance of Origen of Alexandria and Augustine of Hippo explains to a great degree the ‘heretical’ biblical and theological foundations of the Roman Catholic Church. AND when one also recognizes that while the REFORMERS finally BROKE with the RCC in areas of BIBLIOLOGY (the BIBLE can be read & UNDERSTOOD by all people - not just the Clergy) and Soteriology (Eternal Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone) and Ecclesiology (The “Church” is all believers not the RCC Hierarchy and there is no such thing as “Apostolic Succession” in the Papacy) - THE REFORMATION DID NOTHING to break away from RCC ESCHATOLOGY!!!!.

    • @ronaller5209
      @ronaller5209 4 года назад

      @@pattymcintyre6200 Since the Day of Pentecost and the beginning of the INTERIM AGE, Satan has a new ENEMY - THE CHURCH (An assembly of believers). So, while the NEW CHURCH was PRIMARILY JEWISH in makeup, SATAN BEGAN INTENSELY SEEKING TO WIPE OUT ALL THE JEWS and EARLY CHRISTIANS. What he succeeded in doing was SPREADING THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT CHRIST throughout the world. The Apostles and the newly commissioned Missionaries sent the GOSPEL out from Jerusalem and then from Antioch in Syria to the far corners of the earth. Soon Satan realized his persecution strategy was not working as planned so he changed his strategy. He began confusing the TRUTH and injecting all manner of ERROR into the fabric of the Church.
      THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH was born and RCC THEOLOGY became terribly corrupt and twisted. AND Satan had enough sense to realize that in order for these heretical ideas to survive he must make the SCRIPTURES/THE TRUTH from accessibility. SO, the RCC developed the hideous tradition that common people could not be allowed to know the BIBLE and only the POPE and the CHURCH could be allowed to INTERPRET IT. SO NOW, a corrupt and arrogant few human beings of the RCC PRIESTHOOD AND HIERARCHY were the only people on the earth who had the right and capability to declare what was true and what was false, what was right and what was wrong, and what was what YHWH had said. While YHWH would not allow the SCRIPTURES themselves to be corrupted, He did allow the TRUTH to be forced ‘underground’ for hundreds of years.
      It wasn’t until the 1500’s that and the REFORMATION that the RCC was challenged sufficiently to allow the SCRIPTURES and the TRUTH of them to RESURFACE and for the GOSPEL to be openly and publicly proclaimed. HOWEVER, the FULL BODY OF THE TRUTH OF THE SCRIPTURES and especially YHWH’s PLANS for the WORLD and for HIS KINGDOM to come on the earth when YHWH the FATHER SENDS YHWH THE SON back to the earth HAVE ALL BEEN HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT (in the BIBLE). AMILLENNIALISM has been Satan’s NUMBER ONE strategy for keeping the GRAND TRUTH of the COMING KINGDOM from the vast majority - even of CHRISTIANS in the world. AND THAT TO THIS VERY DAY!!!!

    • @pattymcintyre6200
      @pattymcintyre6200 4 года назад +1

      Ron Aller So basically, you are a Dispensationalist, and do not agree with any of the Catholic Church’s teaching. Right?

    • @ronaller5209
      @ronaller5209 4 года назад

      @@pattymcintyre6200 I'm a Believer who follows the New Testament Church (An Assembly of Believers) as succinctly described in the NT, I adhere to:
      1. Absolute commitment to the supremacy of the Word of God
      3. Classic Dispensational Theology
      4. Free Grace Theology
      5. Capability with the Biblical Languages
      I do not adhere to Calvin or Luther's theology in soteriology or eschatology.
      Prior to this I was an eternally condemned follower of The RCC.

  • @NMMD1531
    @NMMD1531 4 года назад

    It seems these works must be done directly by the person to receive the benefit and blessing from God. Giving money to a third party to do them doesn’t seem consistent with Scripture.

    • @thereaction18
      @thereaction18 4 года назад +1

      Consider, though, the widow's mite. It was all she had to give.

    • @NMMD1531
      @NMMD1531 4 года назад

      The Reaction , The widow received the ultimate blessing from the Lord Himself , just for a little amount.

  • @MasterKeyMagic
    @MasterKeyMagic Год назад

    So don't vote republican or establishment democrat💪🏽

  • @paulgerard4503
    @paulgerard4503 4 года назад

    Jesy copied Issiah becuase he was an observant Jew and had nothing much new to say.

    • @malcolmmeer9761
      @malcolmmeer9761 4 года назад +2

      3 thousand comedians can't get a gig and you're trying to be funny

    • @paulgerard4503
      @paulgerard4503 4 года назад

      @@malcolmmeer9761 Very little new to say. Observant Jew to the end. Do your research you jerk.

    • @thereaction18
      @thereaction18 4 года назад

      True, he only spoke what was given to him from the Father.

    • @alexanderpaine3685
      @alexanderpaine3685 4 года назад

      Waiting for the Moshiach?

    • @zenuno6936
      @zenuno6936 4 года назад

      The prophets got it from Him in the first place Him being the Creator and everything.
      In its angst to be contratrian the talmud confirms Jesus all the time:видео.html