You were missed, we love the content but what we love more is who provides the content. Take care of yourself first, we can wait because the content is worth it. Thank you ONZED
Hey, french fan here. Take your time for your videos, don't put pressure on yourself. Even for the climb! don't let it get to you. We love your content brother;take care
For what is worth, I think the content you create is top quality in every regard. The editing, the way you teach and comunicate concepts, the actual gameplay, everything. Nobody can keep perfect streaks permanently, anywhere, neither in LoL nor in life, so rest assured the quality is well worth the wait. Love your content! Edit: Thanks for subbing the videos btw
I can tell Onzed is a perfectionist from the quality of your content. So please dont stress out! Take a break if you want, as we'll always be waiting for you here Mr.Zed!
Greetings from Colombia, it's good to know that you're okay, since you don't have Twitter(x) and you've been missing for a long time, I hope for better things and thanks for the content, take the time you need, don't get saturated. wellcome back Onzed
Thanks for the video! How do you think, can Zed start with buffed yomuu into hydra right now for early spike and roam potential? For example to play with ignite/tp and nimbus cloak? Or rush hydra simply better?
드...드디어 멈춰있던 시간이 움직이기 시작했다.....
제드가 "생각이 너무 많아!"
라고 해줬었으면 감동이었는데
You were missed, we love the content but what we love more is who provides the content. Take care of yourself first, we can wait because the content is worth it. Thank you ONZED
amen! great to have you back onzed!
Hey, french fan here.
Take your time for your videos, don't put pressure on yourself. Even for the climb! don't let it get to you. We love your content brother;take care
인트로보는데 그냥 전체적인 싸움 피지컬들 미쳤다 천상계는 다른게임이네..
For what is worth, I think the content you create is top quality in every regard. The editing, the way you teach and comunicate concepts, the actual gameplay, everything. Nobody can keep perfect streaks permanently, anywhere, neither in LoL nor in life, so rest assured the quality is well worth the wait. Love your content!
Edit: Thanks for subbing the videos btw
와 드디어 .. 영상 자주올려주세요
와 진짜 걍 스펠체크 한타도중에 하는거부터 아펠 리븐궁 뛰어넘는거 까지 걍 다 레전드네..마스터까지는 찍어봤는데 그마이상은 진짜 또다른 벽인거같다..
I can tell Onzed is a perfectionist from the quality of your content. So please dont stress out! Take a break if you want, as we'll always be waiting for you here Mr.Zed!
자존감 되찾으셔서 다행입니다 :)
6:52초 e긁으면서 w쿨탐 줄여서 사는거 디테일..
시간을 멈추는 방법은 두가지가 있다.
빛과 같은 속력으로 달리는 것이 그 첫번째이고
두번째는 온재가 유튜브를 올리지 않는 것이다.
와 언제 오시나 기다렸습니다..
드디어 온재 제드를 다시 볼 수 있네요
Missed you. Definitely every morning first thing is to watch your video. Keep up the grind and you will get there! Rooting for you!
히드라 다음에 너프된 드락말고 버프된 요우무는 어떤가요? 거의 드락만 올리시는것 같아 질문드립니다
드디어 숨이 쉬어집니다 선생님...
와 진짜 그동안 많이 갈고 닦은게 느껴지는 영상입니다 스킬하나 허투로 사용하지않으시고 평타하나 더 세심하게 넣으시네요...
He’s been in the lab trying to get around that ridiculous nerf. Glad you’re back zed daddy.
I'm really happy that you posted a new video after a long time
glad to see you back
돌아와서 기쁩니다 제에드~
언제나 응원합니다
보조룬에 침착 들어도 괜찮을까요?😢 w너프전 제드만해서 그런지 기력이 부족하다 느껴지는거같아요 ㅠ
침착 때문에 보조 룬으로 정밀 드는 건 별로 안 좋은 것 같습니다.
Love your videos, keep going!!!
Glad to see you back bro !! .
만약 팀에 오른이 있으면 정복자 W2선마 제드 할만한가요?
이제 W 2 선마는 안 쓰는 게 좋을 것 같아요.
3:49 아펠리오스 리븐 궁 피하는거 존나 섹시하네
히드라 드락 블클 고정인가요 전 3코어 쇼진가서 쿨 당기는데 별로일까요
오랜만입니다 형님
missed you a lot , man!
Te extrañé mucho amigo mio 😢❤
Welcome back again!
Glad you're back!
결국 이제 초반 약한거 인정하고 존버 해야하는 건가 ㅠ
감전은 이제 안쓰시는거죠?...
감전도 잘 쓰면은 괜찮은데 선제공격이 무난하게 좋은 것 같아요.
요우무는 안쓰나요
돌아왔구나 온재식이~~
Welcome back!
형님 기다렸어요
Welcome back ❤
We missed u
Brazil it's on your side 💛💚
돌아왓구나 온태식이😢
Wellcome back sensei 😂❤
ㅠㅠ 드뎌 돌아오셧군
Good to see you back! I'm a big fan from Brazil.
와 이게 얼마만이야!!
The return of the KING
The king is back!
원래 미드 제드 탑 제이스 주로 했는데 요새 바꿔서 함.. 오히려 제이스가 미드에서 더 좋은거같고 제드도 탑이 미드보다 더 좋은거같음
Welcome back legend ❤
so glad you're back!
온재님을 알기전엔 만년 플레였는데 지금은 제드 하나로 다2까지 승률 80퍼로 갔네요 콤보 같은거야 대부분 알고 있는것들이었지만 라인전이나 사소한 디테일같은게 티어 올리는데에 큰도움이 되었던거 같아요 온재님도 다시 챌 가시길 바래요 화이팅
오랜만이야 보고싶었어 엉아 영상 많이 올려줘 사랑해
Đợi mãi lâu quá rồi mới ra video
Yayy I have missed your videos
Greetings from Colombia, it's good to know that you're okay, since you don't have Twitter(x) and you've been missing for a long time, I hope for better things and thanks for the content, take the time you need, don't get saturated. wellcome back Onzed
별세한줄.. 오랜만이에요
Keep it up man you are a legend
그것이 돌아왔다 내 마약,,
왕이 돌아왔다!!
Onzed is back WOOOO
Ayooooo! He's backkkk! The greatest of all ONZEEEED!
밥 안 먹고 숨 참고 기다렸자나여
missed your vids man
So happy to see you back! Favorite zed and one of my favorite players to watch and learn from
온재씨 수능 잘보라고 응원좀 해줘
온재씨 수능잘봐
King is back.
Welcome back
animo hermano, se te extrañaba
왜 이제 와!!!!!
OMG!!! The hero comes back :D
지금 정복자는 무난하게 들수있는 정도인가요?
지금 정복자는 들기 힘들다 생각합니다.
Finally he is back
when are you gonna make an intro? like your friends Pzzang and Irelking
So happy that you are back. Miss your zed a lot. ❤
Thanks for the video! How do you think, can Zed start with buffed yomuu into hydra right now for early spike and roam potential? For example to play with ignite/tp and nimbus cloak? Or rush hydra simply better?
Welcome back Onzed, the legend, we missed you
그가 돌아왔다
어... 올라왔다!
Nice to meet you
Where u been?
miss u so much bro❤
Welcome back.
드디어 서늘한 감각을 되찾은 온재
온재 업
Missed your videos
2:20 사일 돌았노
missed u bro
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ? ive missed you demoted to d1 am hardstuck d1 d2 master thank god youre back
기억을 잃어버린 제드 유망주
I missed u, man
Miss you so much!
I believe in your climb. Maybe Zed gets banned less now :)
형 돌아온거야?
Good to see you again best Zed world