Great new intro!!! Personally I home that over the years Hermione helped Arthur with his collection of Muggle Artifacts, explained all of then, Answered all his questions and most importantly helped with his one great desire "to know how airplanes stay up". For years I have fantasied her taking him on an airplane ride after explaining this.
Watching and old Seamus Gorman video and a notification for this one from you pops up. Deciding to make a comment about that. Three seconds into your video there's a notification popping up that there's a new SuperCarlinBrothers video on a Harry Potter related topic. Also, I really need to go to the bathroom. Great. Really great.
To Harry Potter Folklore, this had me in tears, so sad the life of Author, he is my favorite character in the book. Love the relationship he and Molly have, such dedicated parents. Thank you once again, God bless.
Arthur’s mother wasn’t disowned by her family her named showed up on the family tree not crosses out like others ones. The family was respect at a time. They where part of the sacred 28
Jerry Ring No she was disowned out of her family tree .............. In the Black family there is members who can kill for blood purity just like when Bellatrix Lestrange killed her niece Nymphadora Tonkx
Aruther has a amazing mind and a huge heart and great farther figure to Harry ❤️💛❤️💛❤️ I love your new intro it’s epic thank you for spending your time on the video Could squibs be taught potions so they could be apart of of the wizarding world like a dyslexic person in wizard forms so they can still find them wizard jobs? Just wondering shank you again 💛💛💛💛💛
I know you probably won't read this but I just want to thank you for your channel and work! Youre frigging amazing and I love you seriously! I love your videos... Keep up the good work!!!!!
I watch tons of videos about Harry Potter and yours are my absolute favorites!!!! I’m really picky and do believe the books are that you follow the books, present great visuals and audio quality!!! Love Love Love Love!!!! One day you should work for an official HP site.... like Pottermore ....or where ever you want!!! You truly have a love and through knowledge of HP and it shows!! I wish you nothing but the best that your awesome talent deserves !!! You are truly gifted!! I will continue to watch EVERYTHING you post and hope one day you’ll make lots of money doing it because again you are super talented!! Love Love Love Love you!!!
Hey Dean love the new intro and I greatly appreciate all the content you put out on your channel. Keep up the fantastic work and have a great rest of your night:)
Keep up the great vids man. Ur style is fun and ur vids are entertaining. The people you choose are relevant but their backstory isn’t that explored in the books, so ur chose to people is great.
This is kind of a random question, but if Harry had been a regular child, would Dumbledore had tried so hard to make sure he received his Hogwarts letter? Another way to think about it: would any other student whose guardians wanted to reject the Hogwarts letter/its meaning like the Dursleys did receive the same amount of attention regarding the efforts to get the Hogwarts letter to the student?
Steph Man it would be smart if they did. Imagine what a untrained wizard would expose to muggles. And if they don't use magic they could be an obscure which is worse.
Glad the new intro is going down well!
Harry Potter Folklore thanks for ❤
I liked the old intro.
Harry Potter Folklore I really like it
It's amazing!!
great intro! :D
Me. Weasley is such a kind hearted man.
Ginette Hazard Mr?
This is awesome! Great job as always Dean!
MovieFlame plz do another video
I subscribed
MovieFlame or do you mean ALWAYS
I love Arthur he so kind
arthur: lacking money wins some and spends it all on vacation
kreepercraft wasnt just on a trip, Dean forgot to mention Fred, George, Ron and Ginny got new robes and school materials
i know guys im being sarcastic
Thanks Harry Potter Folklore for hearting my comment
They probably never had a family vacation together before - all nine of them.
Arthur and Molly are two of my favorite characters. They have so little but are willing to share it all with Harry without a thought.
Great new intro!!! Personally I home that over the years Hermione helped Arthur with his collection of Muggle Artifacts, explained all of then, Answered all his questions and most importantly helped with his one great desire "to know how airplanes stay up". For years I have fantasied her taking him on an airplane ride after explaining this.
Wow what a well done intro. Edit: Thanks for the heart and well done on the video aswell. Keep up the great work mate.
Please do the Life of her Hermione Granger (like if you agree)
Gryffindor_ For_Life I definitely agree
I agree
i agree
I really do agree
Hi fellow Gryffindor.
One of the best most decent characters I have ever seen, nearly with a Bob Cratchet type of love for family and community..
I 💙 the Weasleys so I will ❤️ this video! Love the new intro BTW! 💙💙💙💙
Watching and old Seamus Gorman video and a notification for this one from you pops up. Deciding to make a comment about that. Three seconds into your video there's a notification popping up that there's a new SuperCarlinBrothers video on a Harry Potter related topic. Also, I really need to go to the bathroom. Great. Really great.
I was watching an Albus Dumbledore vid on SCB and an Incredibles vid on Seamus Gorman earlier
+FortuneFCS One or possibly both of us watch too many such videos on RUclips.
+FortuneFCS Reminds me of the conversation that goes like this: "I recently had a baby." "Is it a boy or a girl?" "Yes."
+Marie Lastname
That's one tired Mama, LOL 😊
To Harry Potter Folklore, this had me in tears, so sad the life of Author, he is my favorite character in the book. Love the relationship he and Molly have, such dedicated parents. Thank you once again, God bless.
In love with this video gets better with detail every time
Arthur’s mother wasn’t disowned by her family her named showed up on the family tree not crosses out like others ones. The family was respect at a time. They where part of the sacred 28
Jerry Ring right ? that must be wrong in the video
Ok your right my bad
Jerry Ring
No she was disowned out of her family tree
In the Black family there is members who can kill for blood purity just like when Bellatrix Lestrange killed her niece Nymphadora Tonkx
I watched this when there was 50 views. Also can u do the origins of the Peverel brothers
OMG this is an amazing intro followed by an amazing logo followed by and amazing vid!!!!!!! Keep it up!!!
Cried while watching this. Beautifully done.
Awesome new intro
Thanks for the ♥️ Morgan
I love the Weasleys, both Arthur and Molly were always so kind to Harry (and Hermione too), they deserve all the love!
Aruther has a amazing mind and a huge heart and great farther figure to Harry ❤️💛❤️💛❤️
I love your new intro it’s epic thank you for spending your time on the video
Could squibs be taught potions so they could be apart of of the wizarding world like a dyslexic person in wizard forms so they can still find them wizard jobs? Just wondering shank you again 💛💛💛💛💛
The intro is so cool!!!
I've been waiting for this for FOREVER
Amazing new intro!!!
I have a suggestion what was Hagrids wand made of
Pls like this so he can see
Oh there's a new intro!! I love it!!!!😆😆😆😆😆😆😄
I love Arthur he was so nice and amazing to everyone even those of non Magical abilities.
Thank you so much for never allowing my love for the harry potter books to die by making these amazing videos
Loved this. Arthur Weasley is my favorite father figure.
Love the new intro!!!!
you always make my evening man :)
Thanks for the great video and fabulous new intro. Have a great weekend.
Haven't been here since July 2017. Quality of the videos have gone up tremendously. Good job bro!
“ What is the function of a rubber duck?”
Best Quote Ever!!!
Jalyn Meckley it is!
Amazing video Dean👍👍 Keep it up
I always like this character and thanks to you now I know we share birthday, thank you ❣️❣️❣️🎉🎉🎉🎈🎊🎁
Love the new intro! Great video I love the Weasleys 😘
"happines can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the lights" Dumbledore
This gave me spoilers for what actually happened in the book shop as I’m reading the chambers of secrets
Pro Bro Gaming d Is it your fist time reading it? I feel bad
Sick intro
wow i love that you put so much effort into your vids ,to script it and find drawings to make it that much more interesting
you are truely amazing!
I love your channel ❤️ Omg thank you 😊
I know you probably won't read this but I just want to thank you for your channel and work! Youre frigging amazing and I love you seriously! I love your videos... Keep up the good work!!!!!
I watch tons of videos about Harry Potter and yours are my absolute favorites!!!! I’m really picky and do believe the books are that you follow the books, present great visuals and audio quality!!! Love Love Love Love!!!! One day you should work for an official HP site.... like Pottermore ....or where ever you want!!! You truly have a love and through knowledge of HP and it shows!! I wish you nothing but the best that your awesome talent deserves !!! You are truly gifted!! I will continue to watch EVERYTHING you post and hope one day you’ll make lots of money doing it because again you are super talented!! Love Love Love Love you!!!
“What exactly is the function of a rubber duck!?!?”
Your new intro is awesome!
Dobby’s Boggart ,What is Dobbys boggart?
Sophie Weasley -Ginny’s Slytherin Twin- I imagine it to be the corpse of the person he loved most. Dark, but who cares?!?!
Cool I guess Rip dobby
I like all of ure vids even if I dont like one because u deserve it
I love the illustrations 🤗
Flora François you can find them on pinterest too.really nice
Love this channel and I’m running out of Harry Potter characters you haven’t done life of
Awesome video! best one yet!
Another fantastic vid Dean, and loving the new graphics.
Please make video on life of Albus Dumbledore
You mean Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,right?
That video would last,I don't know,three hours?
Arthur is one of my favorite characters ever
I wish I was a Weasley!!!! please adopt me Molly and Arthur....
Ikr I wish my username was real
All your intros are really good and I always love them
just finished all harry potter books, now watching all your videos
Great video Dean!
I recently found your channel. I have been watching almost all of your videos. I love it, keep it up
OH U WEASLEY! ARTHUR! anyways another great vid AS ALWAYS HP FOLKLORE :D keep up the good work follow Slytherin!
I love the new opening to the video
Jesus that new intro looks amazing!
Amazing video as usual 10000 likes u deserve 💖💖
Yes! you uploaded a new video and I felt so much joy. Love the new intro!
Your damn music makes me wanna cry so emotional
This made my day 😍😍😍 thanks!
Love the new intro! 😍
Omg this one is awesome good job
My old ass watches all of your videos. Your voice is the most soothing thing ever
Hey Dean love the new intro and I greatly appreciate all the content you put out on your channel. Keep up the fantastic work and have a great rest of your night:)
Loves the Vid , have you ever been to Alnwick castle, where the film's where filmed ? It's a beautiful place , with lots of memorabilia on sale .
I haven’t even seen the whole video and I already love it.
Lmao “Tell me exactly the function of a *rubber duck* “
Love your new intro again keep up the good work 👍✌️
Good vid
Ginnie wow born in 81 same as me really makes me watch these films and reading the books knowing it’s set when I was a young teen lol
Great video! Love the new intro and icon BTW
Love the new intro and the video well done!!
Your intro is amazing Luv it!
Good work mate. Another great vid! Keep it up :)
Amazing vid! 🤩 👍
Great video
Keep up the great vids man. Ur style is fun and ur vids are entertaining. The people you choose are relevant but their backstory isn’t that explored in the books, so ur chose to people is great.
this is my Fav Family the Weasley and next the Potter Family.
Great new video (and intro) love your content
First. I LOVE these videos, keep making them please!
This is kind of a random question, but if Harry had been a regular child, would Dumbledore had tried so hard to make sure he received his Hogwarts letter? Another way to think about it: would any other student whose guardians wanted to reject the Hogwarts letter/its meaning like the Dursleys did receive the same amount of attention regarding the efforts to get the Hogwarts letter to the student?
Good question
Woah! Good question
Interesting question... maybe thats why mine is missing 🤔
Steph Man it would be smart if they did. Imagine what a untrained wizard would expose to muggles. And if they don't use magic they could be an obscure which is worse.
I think so but I’d take much longer for someone like Hagrid to come and smash the door open
Another amazing video!Keep it up!Love the new intro!Could you do the afterlife of peeves please?Your Awesome,Thanks!
Love this video
Great video man well done!
Daymmmmmmm...... that new intro is fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
Love ❤️ the fab intro
Thanks for the thumbs up guys
Love your new intro 😍
Love the new intro❤️❤️
The new intro is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
omg the new intro is sick mate!