How to Plan a Fall Garden (and Second Summer Planting) | You CAN Grow Food! | Roots and Refuge Farm

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 679

  • @Aye_Yay_La
    @Aye_Yay_La 2 года назад +4

    I love when I get into a new hobby and find my person on RUclips and they have years of content that answer ALL of questions. It’s like finding a good show with 6 seasons already. Love this channel.

  • @tarabonee8855
    @tarabonee8855 6 лет назад +107

    I always plant my tomato suckers as my second crop, it saves me loads of time vs starting from seed. One tip I've learned, take a glass of water with you to the garden. As quick as I snap the sucker from the parent plnt, I plop it straight in the water, and take that straight to the kitchen window. Our heat in West TN is just too much for the suckers to root well outdoors. I change the water daily, and plant them out as soon as the have roots, just about a week or so

    • @theuplifteffect5365
      @theuplifteffect5365 4 года назад +17

      Hi! We have this issue too, in SC. I just wanted to share what has worked for me- I find unruly tomato stems that can be pruned and are over a foot long- then I remove all of the leaves except the top few inches, then use a stake to create a very deep hole, and bury at least 8 inches of the tomato stem. The longer the stem/ deeper you can bury it, the better. That way, the stem has access to cooler moist soil so it can root, even in the heat. I give it a bit of shade for a while with an overturned pot until it starts to take off.
      Good luck, hope it helps 😊

  • @beverlyharding2785
    @beverlyharding2785 5 лет назад +1

    Not to mention that if you are planting a fall garden, it is nice for the pollinators because there is a "dearth" of nectar and pollen around late summer...with all the goodies that you all (y'all, yinz, youze guys) will be planting in your now "inspired by Jess" fall gardens, it's just making my little bees hearts buzz with happiness!

  • @raynall3593
    @raynall3593 6 лет назад +116

    One thing I have to say is that you aspire me to do more and learn more. Your passion and enthusiasm are contagious. And you are so knowledgeable. Makes me want to do more and learn more as I have indeed learned a lot from following your videos. Also, what a breath of fresh air to see someone so positive in this day when everyone is seeming to focus on the negatives. Keep up the good work and May God bless your endeavors.

    • @deborah820
      @deborah820 2 года назад +1

      Here I sit and watch this video three years later and your words resonate with me as well!

  • @crystallofty1991
    @crystallofty1991 5 лет назад +34

    I love that you explain what a lot of the “gardening terms “ mean. Things like frost date , short season , Frost tender etc
    I’m aware you can look them up but it is really nice to have someone actually explain it for those who learn better through hearing vs reading .

  • @sharonp.6505
    @sharonp.6505 6 лет назад +89

    Thanks for your awesome videos! Just a quick observation on fall growing. Days to maturity on seed packets are calculated for spring planting and don't take into account the shorter days of fall. Vegetables grow slower in shorter day length so two weeks should be added to the "days to maturity" to take that slower fall growth into account. :-)

    • @laurenadams8800
      @laurenadams8800 4 года назад +1

      Thank You for the tip Sharon 😁

    • @jeslynmo
      @jeslynmo 4 года назад +3

      @@laurenadams8800 I've heard Jess say this too. And other trusted sources. ;)

    • @laurenadams8800
      @laurenadams8800 4 года назад +1

      Thank You Ladies ❤️

    • @mommacrow3170
      @mommacrow3170 4 года назад

      That's excellent info...was wondering about that! Thanks!

  • @roanholley-hime3275
    @roanholley-hime3275 4 года назад +1

    I have just moved into a new house and there was no garden. It is actually just an open field and my house is in the middle! It is hard clay and limestone and if I am lucky there are places where at the deepest I have 6" of soil. The wind is exhausting, there are no trees to speak of so it gets hot like the surface of the sun! I also have a very modest budget. I decided to get inspiration from other people. I discovered ROOTS AND REFUGE farm! I am so thankful for your advice and enthusiasm. I don't feel despondent anymore because of the aggressive conditions. I now feel excited about what I can do! I grew up gardening with my mom and for the first time in a long time I feel like I did when I was in the garden with her! Sooo.. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful tutorials... I thoroughly enjoy every one and I admire how you approach gardening for the benefit of your family and the happiness of your heart. This is a long blurb but you make a difference and deserved to hear it!

    • @monicamissner1115
      @monicamissner1115 4 года назад

      Try some buckets to start off with or make small raised beds to start. Sounds like you have an open canvas!! Or maybe even a couple wine barrels cut in half double the space

    • @roanholley-hime3275
      @roanholley-hime3275 4 года назад

      @@monicamissner1115 What a lovely surprise to have you comment on MY comment.. you are the first person who has ever done that! Thank you! And thank you for your very cool ideas.. I have been busy trying to bring things together to make some physical improvements in my garden and I will ABSOLUTELY apply your suggestions. I hope your weather is treating you well and your harvest is rich.

  • @mtk1974
    @mtk1974 5 лет назад +33

    I planted zucchini seeds in August because of this video, and we will be having zucchini for dinner tonight in October. I enjoy your videos and the great information you give us. Thank you!

  • @haleyhamer7128
    @haleyhamer7128 5 лет назад +70

    Homesteading Family recommends dehydrating greens to turn into a “super greens powder” for smoothies

    • @suzannebastin9030
      @suzannebastin9030 4 года назад +1

      Nice! Thanks!

    • @thejunkjourney2650
      @thejunkjourney2650 4 года назад +17

      I also recommended dehydrating root crops, broccoli stems, etc. In slices or chunks for winter soups and casseroles. I even recently made a special blend of the select few veggies my daughter wants in her soup when she makes some ramen style soup for herself.

    • @XxiiCoookiesiix
      @XxiiCoookiesiix 4 года назад

      That’s a great idea!

    • @rosejafari8917
      @rosejafari8917 4 года назад +3

      Don't forget to try cooking and drying the wild crops like lamb's quarters which is more nutritious than spinach.

    • @lowlee78
      @lowlee78 4 года назад


  • @andreawilson233
    @andreawilson233 4 года назад +3

    I realize this video is 2 years old, but I just want to say how inspiring you are. For gardeners who are just starting out this information is very important. I myself have been able to start a garden with the information you have shared and although it is small it is thriving because of the skills I have obtained in multiple videos you have shared. Thank you and God bless you.

  • @BreeT1221
    @BreeT1221 4 года назад +24

    I just discovered you and I'm seriously obsessed. I have definitely been binge watching your videos. You provide the kind of information overload that I live for! I don't need to do an internet deep dive to get all the information I need. You have most of it right here! Love it! ❤

  • @TheMons26
    @TheMons26 4 года назад +1

    You have absolutely found your calling. You are a fabulous teacher. Organized, articulate, easy to watch, knowledgeable.... I'm so grateful.

  • @GoodTimeHollerHomestead
    @GoodTimeHollerHomestead 6 лет назад +71

    I have planted a sucker from my cherry tomato plant and it is double in size now and producing tons of blooms! It was kind of an experiment and worked great!!

  • @agent8082
    @agent8082 6 лет назад +1

    My mom told me her grandfather would take the branches that would be touching the ground. He would put a big rock on them and they would start a new plant right their. Rocks also hold moisture under them.

  • @1bamachick101
    @1bamachick101 3 года назад

    Jess, thank you.
    Enjoy learning & getting inspiration watching your videos. I tinker with growing. I give thanks bc He gives me these items that taste delicious when I plant a seed. ❤️🙏🏼❤️ 💐
    I have about 53 plus tomato plants growing. Because of your advice; I have grown a array of varieties. My blackberries are being harvested daily which are a nice treat when checking out what goodies are ready to pick. The Lord blessed us with a good crop of peaches & nectarines.
    I have to learn planning. Being a mom of 4 & moving lots kept me from planning & dreaming. Now that I’m busier than ever.... (7 kids & 21 gkids plus church service) the learning of the Word is key to overcoming & enduring life’s craziness.
    It’s the peace of all & for all.
    I wished that I had this desire of growing a garden when our kids were little. Truth: timing & seasoning. Then give thanks because there is so much to be thankful for.
    I see me planting more seeds this fall. We usually have tomatoes late so maybe squash or something more? God only knows; health issues & rain 🙇🏽‍♀️
    God bless
    ❤️🙏🏼 & a holy 😘 & 🤗’s.

  • @texasjohnflobbert6545
    @texasjohnflobbert6545 5 лет назад +48

    Fall planting seems soooo much less intimidating now, and now I know how to plan for the frost dates. Thank you!

  • @tomk7272
    @tomk7272 5 лет назад +3

    I recently found your channel, and I love your content. I just finished my degree in horticulture and am a professional gardener serving veterans. I’m lacking experience as I’m in my first year on the job and second year in my backyard. Thank you for sharing your experiences and practices with us. I’ve been filling my notes with a lot of your recommendations. We are trying to grow 20,000 pounds of food or more with veterans for veterans. I’ll keep watching for more best practices from you and others.

  • @tugslife965
    @tugslife965 4 года назад +2

    I've found my new addiction. I really enjoy this channel. Thank you

  • @happyhoppershomestead8664
    @happyhoppershomestead8664 5 лет назад +13

    Well I was already gonna plant a fall garden but now I'm gonna do more. Love watching you girl you get me excited about things in my garden.

  • @jenw8323
    @jenw8323 4 года назад +4

    So I totally paused your video and planned my fall garden. Planted the next morning since our frost date is sooner than yours! Came back to finish your video today. Thanks for inspiring me to just do it!!

  • @precioussongflower2218
    @precioussongflower2218 5 лет назад +1

    Hey friend, I praise God for this video. My husband and I are in a lot of debt with little income so I grow some of our food to supplement our income so this video is very timely for me. Thanks lady! ☺️

  • @Quantum_GirlE
    @Quantum_GirlE 5 лет назад +10

    "Nice, frost kissed flavor." I love the way she thinks. Started my fall garden inside yesterday. Hoping we have a longer growing season, like we did last year.

  • @lelaburnett4197
    @lelaburnett4197 2 года назад

    Oh my .... I just can't say enough how wonderful you are to be a part of. Thank you for sharing your life.

  • @happyhound1373
    @happyhound1373 6 лет назад +1

    You’ve inspired me for the upcoming garden season and to plan better for a Fall garden. Fall gardening super extends your harvest and it is the best when I am harvesting leeks and kale in mid-November and carrots in December (carrots covered under a small plastic hoop system over a raised bed). I live in upstate NY as well. Also a great system of storage is your cold garage for months to come such as for leeks, potatoes, beets and winter squash. I harvested leeks in mid-Nov. then just placed them roots down in a 5 gallon pail or Rubbermaid tote (uncovered) and placed in my cold garage and I am still using them in mid-January. My Waltham Butternut Squash are in great shape now, Jan. 11th, as well. So with a Fall harvest you actually still have plants from your garden well into winter and even spring with this low input storage method. If my cold garage gets too cold during really frigid spells I just bring the boxes or pails of veggies down into my warmer basement as needed until the frigid spell breaks. I have also found that I can harvest my bell peppers in mid-October just before first frost and then simply store them in a large cooler with the lid propped open for up to one month using them as needed without them spoiling. Of course they do best stored on a protected cool porch or garage during this time and are fine as long as temps. Don’t get below freezing in the cooler. I have eliminated a lot of time consuming and even expensive processing methods by these simple storage methods.

  • @kabookie-
    @kabookie- 5 лет назад

    I'm 60, and hubby is 50, and new gardeners. We have learned so much from your videos. Trellised our squash and cucumbers and still harvesting daily. We roasted radishes for the first time. Because you told us we would plant a Fall garden, we will! We're in Bowling Green, KY. Thank you for everything you do!

  • @thebluecottage9952
    @thebluecottage9952 6 лет назад +8

    Fall is my favorite time of year to garden! I live in Texas and we just had a day that got up to 113, nothing is growing that well, but fall is when everything takes off with cooler temps, my favorite time to garden is from September through December, plus I love Brussels sprouts and there’s no way I’m growing that in spring and summer here in Texas!

    • @TheChickenCoopHomestead
      @TheChickenCoopHomestead 6 лет назад +2

      Heather’s Homestead I’m in East Texas small town. Mineola.

    • @thebluecottage9952
      @thebluecottage9952 6 лет назад +1

      The Chicken Coop I’m in Fort Worth :)

    • @TheChickenCoopHomestead
      @TheChickenCoopHomestead 6 лет назад


    • @tiffanyhammond4144
      @tiffanyhammond4144 6 лет назад +1

      @@thebluecottage9952 Do you have a Facebook page? I'm in the Fort Worth area and just getting into learning about homesteading. I would love to see what you've got going on since you're in the same area.

    • @thebluecottage9952
      @thebluecottage9952 6 лет назад

      Tiffany Hammond I don’t have a Facebook page specifically for my garden but my Instagram which is just heather Boldt, I show some of what I’m growing/ doing if you’re interested. I’m also in the Fort Worth area!

  • @mikkibates7854
    @mikkibates7854 3 года назад

    I've never had a Fall garden before. We live west of you - a few hours. The thought of gardening in pleasant weather is REALLY exciting. THANK YOU.

  • @GrammaRosesHomestead
    @GrammaRosesHomestead 6 лет назад +16

    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into both shooting and editing your videos. Now you add this plant list and links. You are the best and I really appreciate all that you do.

  • @mint_tans
    @mint_tans 4 года назад +2

    Could you do a video about overwintering? I’m new to gardening and I’m wondering what we just pull out after their growing season ends, vs what to over winter, how to over winter, and what’s worth over wintering vs what’s not.

  • @BurlesonREBELCheer
    @BurlesonREBELCheer 6 лет назад +93

    I’m to the point where I’m following every video! Love your garden and learning a lot. Following you on Instagram! I adore your style and all of your adorable dresses 👗

    • @gabbiesmeemee
      @gabbiesmeemee 6 лет назад +4

      The Walters House she's very inspirational to me. We grew up 40 miles away from her home. I ended up moving away 20 years ago to Wichita Kansas. I get so tickled at her because her accent is so me!! Lol my family teases me when my Arkansas accent comes out. I've been sending them Jesse's videos saying, now I don't feel alone. Then yesterday a man came by from one of the churches here they are having vacation Bible School. I was in the other room but heard his voice. I thought, that man is from Arkansas! I went to the door and he was telling my daughter he was from Arkansas. Lmbo we have a one of a kind accent like no other lol

    • @thinkforyourselfjohn3163
      @thinkforyourselfjohn3163 6 лет назад +1

      The Walters House she is darling.

    • @debrapaulino918
      @debrapaulino918 5 лет назад

      Totally here too.

  • @bethberndt3172
    @bethberndt3172 6 лет назад +15

    OMG between you and Laura from Garden Answer, I am so excited to garden again! I will pull out my old cucumber plants tomorrow and start something. I am farther north (northern Illinois) so it might have to be greens but I have a renewed energy to try again. Thanks for your excitement and knowledge!

    • @mildreddavis1684
      @mildreddavis1684 5 лет назад +3

      Leave the "roots" in the soil, as that will enrich the soil and compost all the leaves/greens 👍☺

  • @truthbombsmcgoo8513
    @truthbombsmcgoo8513 4 года назад +3

    This is the first time I'm gardening solo and I increased my gardening because of all your awesome videos. Thank you so much!!!!! I'm really overjoyed to have this in my life. Hugs

  • @michaelphillips68
    @michaelphillips68 5 лет назад +9

    Started a garden this year after watching your videos. Best thing ive ever done thanx for the motivation

  • @daunesmith6859
    @daunesmith6859 5 лет назад

    I have been so encouraged by your passion, your knowledge and your love for Jesus in the garden...You said something in another video I watched that overwhelmed me. And it was something so water by hand because (in my words) God is there and you can pray and be with Him...I weep sometimes when I'm in mine, thanking Him for what he's given me and the love for the work, His presence, the bugs, the process and how I've grown and the eventual harvest. My garden is nowhere near as productive as yours but you inspire me to keep at it.
    Last year I was in Buffalo, NY at this time, in a hospice room with my MIL and everything I worked for died...I live in San Antonio, TX, and tho my son worked to help, it wasn't enough. So we rethought the garden and decided to do raised beds, instead of the ground. My amazing carpenter husband built me beds and we made a fence to surround it out of pallets to keep the chickens out. It's quite the urban garden and one day, my dream is to teach others that they, too, can grow their own food and enjoy God in the Garden...where it all began.
    Your videos always encourage me and I am so thankful for you.
    Thank you again for taking the time to be who you are!!!
    God's best to you,
    Green Thumb Genius, an Instagram name my son gave me cuz sometimes things just grow and he is amazed and I am dumbfounded by it.

  • @mayabellebethany
    @mayabellebethany 2 года назад

    Jess, you're so adorable in this video! Your enthusiasm and positivity just radiate. :)

  • @GraceHomesteadFarm
    @GraceHomesteadFarm 6 лет назад +27

    I am getting excited to plant my fall garden. My baker creek order just came in! I have pulled some plants and found a horse farm giving 1yr old poo/shavings away. I went and got a huge load and put it in areas where the fall garden will be. I also have rabbits so I need to gather up some poo and head to the garden. I am working on my raised beds where my peas, carrots and radishes will be. Hopefully I can get them done in time. Watching your videos gives me the push I need!! Thank you!!

  • @hevang8495
    @hevang8495 5 лет назад +13

    I've grow Chinese cabbage and bok choy in the fall when great success!

    • @cmaur811
      @cmaur811 5 лет назад

      Ang Edgington what zone?

  • @staciezelling9378
    @staciezelling9378 3 года назад

    I decided to go back to the start of your families time on you tube while you are preparing for your new adventure, and I have to say I have half a few good giggles! Your herd of two goats! I just thought to myself "you have no idea what is coming!" Lol. It has been nice to see your growth and the positive changes you continue to make after all these years. I feel that sometimes it is good to move forward and learn and sometimes its important to take it back to the beginning and follow the steps. I have been watching your channel since spring and I feel so blessed to have found you! I agree with most, if not all your growing practices and am so grateful for the chance to learn from all your experiments. For me your life on RUclips is like a great book, I can seem to put you down and I'm learning so much it keeps me hooked. I feel like I jumped into the story in the middle when I randomly started watching this spring and now that you guys are moving I wanted to read this book front to back... If that makes any sense! This video really helped me to realise how much potential growing time we still have and the waste it would be not to take advantage of it! Good luck with your move and I am excited to start the sequel along with your family, I bless you to Jessica.

  • @juliehenderson3604
    @juliehenderson3604 5 лет назад +1

    Jess look at you sitting on a blanket right where the pavilion is now! The garden has come such a long way it's really neat to watch the old videos and see the change and where you've come from and the journey along the way

  • @tls8688
    @tls8688 5 лет назад

    Your energy and health is wonderful to watch. That alone should encourage people to take up growing their own healthy food!

  • @jenro9801
    @jenro9801 5 лет назад +24

    As far as mental images go, "Tomato armpits" is a rare and beautiful one

  • @cynthiastinson7059
    @cynthiastinson7059 2 года назад

    Am now in love with your energy. Thank you so much! Just planted zuchinni and winter squash with 112 days till frost. I am not fond of summer gardening because of the heat, and now I know how to do a fall planting. Wow.

  • @Robin-eu8ve
    @Robin-eu8ve 6 лет назад

    You are not just a great gardener but a great mother and great human beaning.

  • @ic_beauty
    @ic_beauty 4 года назад

    Thank you fellow Arkansan for encouraging us. You are such a beautiful lady

  • @lionsoulhomestead
    @lionsoulhomestead 2 года назад

    Thank you so much Jess for breaking down fall gardening, you really make it a lot easier to plan for!!

  • @davewmck
    @davewmck 5 лет назад +10

    Thanks for the video. Lots of good information. My garden has been incredibly stressed this year by 2 weeks of 100 degree plus temps in May in S.C., but now you have given me hope for the fall garden 😀

  • @hidawayhomestead524
    @hidawayhomestead524 6 лет назад

    Just organizing my seeds today to start my fall garden. Five grandchildren are coming over tomorrow to help. Ages 5 to 10. Love it that they want to learn, help, and eat! 🌱🐔🐷🐐

  • @sandralewis1689
    @sandralewis1689 6 лет назад +1

    This was superb! Really makes fall growing approachable for newbies. Doing it in July is brilliant as well. When I'm planning I will often take a gamble on having enough days until the first killing frost. Our weather is so crazy nowadays that you may get an extra month of growing weather and to me, it's worth the price of some seeds and the space that would otherwise be empty if I don't take the chance.

  • @joiel9386
    @joiel9386 4 года назад

    I'm laying in bed grieving for my dog I put down yesterday, your video is inspiring me to get out of bed and be productive in the garden🖤🌻 thank you so much, I love your videos!

  • @MsCaterific
    @MsCaterific 4 года назад

    Ahhhhh, the summer night sounds are sooooo soothing.

  • @pennyw5050
    @pennyw5050 5 лет назад +2

    We had a late spring and I decided go big or go home! It is my relaxation place. I have learned some things I had forgotten.
    I took the year off last year due to family situation. I recovered my container garden boxes and then had a neighbor give some more plants after planting so I had to build another box. You are a lot of fun to listen too and I am convinced to sit and plan a fall garden! Thanks for all you do and share.

  • @tongelawilliams4785
    @tongelawilliams4785 5 лет назад +11

    I am always in tears when I watch your videos. They are so down to earth and realistic. Wish I could grow to that capacity😣! Small yard and terrible dry soil mixed with a lot of rocks. Thinking about raised beds. Keep the videos comming!!!

    • @brandio1044
      @brandio1044 5 лет назад +6

      A quick cheaper start would be buckets. I grow a ton of my stuff in 10 in buckets i get for free at the flower shop :》

    • @darlagips
      @darlagips 5 лет назад +2

      I’m growing in frosting buckets I get from a friend who bakes cakes. They are working out wonderfully

    • @brandio1044
      @brandio1044 5 лет назад

      @@darlagips I have those too. I use them to store the veggies in after I have grown and dehydrated them. ☺

    • @monicamissner1115
      @monicamissner1115 4 года назад

      Buckets are the best and easy to move around all my tomatoes were in buckets last year and they were huge. I got some from my local bakery at the grocery store and then I went and just bought some at Walmart they’re pretty cheap to buy.

  • @platypusmaximus6658
    @platypusmaximus6658 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for explaining how to use the almanac and explaining this in a way that people in different regions can still use the information. I always hear an exact date, like “September 25”, and have never even heard of frost dates. This was SO helpful.

  • @tinamccartney3778
    @tinamccartney3778 5 лет назад

    There is so much valuable information in this video I may have to watch it four or five times! Hit the pause button about 123 times and take many many notes for my garden notebook! Thank you Jess! You are an angel

  • @justplainkate8075
    @justplainkate8075 5 лет назад +1

    Love this topic. You came in just when I’m feeling defeated in my garden due to the heat and now the hurricane expected to drop possibly 20 plus inches of rain right over me. I have hope now that I still have time after all this passes over.

  • @marypaino1327
    @marypaino1327 4 года назад

    Thanks to your tip on using plastic totes to protect lettuce I successfully planted different greens and lettuce last winter. The nights can get down to low 20's but days often warm to 40 and even 50 sometimes. Also had a low tunnel that was protected nicely using heavy plastic. Happy to say I have now been eating fresh veggies from garden for a full year

  • @sarahestrada8530
    @sarahestrada8530 4 года назад +1

    Omg this video is before the pavillion! 😭 Thanks for reminding me about the fall garden, much needed today...

  • @l.sexton439
    @l.sexton439 4 года назад

    Your enthusiasm is contagious!

  • @marlooostmeyer2778
    @marlooostmeyer2778 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you Jess. I just found your Vlog this past spring and I have learned more from you in the past few months than I have learned in 25 years of gardening on my own. I pass along to everyone I know who loves to garden that you are the best source of info. out there, + it's great to watch a cool family thriving on their terms!

  • @pamela8644
    @pamela8644 6 лет назад +1

    I am not a tattoo girl.... but girl.. your artwork is incredible. Such detail and thought. Pssst.. Thank you for all you share and give to us. You are amazing!

  • @rosejafari8917
    @rosejafari8917 4 года назад +1

    Goat manure is cool like rabbit manure and can be used directly in the garden.

  • @indridcold4469
    @indridcold4469 6 лет назад +13

    My favorite fall crops are kale and also cabbage to make homemade kraut . Lemon cucumbers grow well in the fall as well .

    • @candykuettel4586
      @candykuettel4586 6 лет назад +2

      indrid cold
      Never heard of lemon cucumbers!!! I’ll look those up.. Tks

    • @indridcold4469
      @indridcold4469 6 лет назад +2

      Candy Kuettel they're yummy big producers to .

    • @monicamissner1115
      @monicamissner1115 4 года назад

      Lemon cucumbers are the best!!!

  • @GabrieleSovers
    @GabrieleSovers 5 лет назад +2

    I live in the Pacific Northwest, zone 8b. Just subscribed to your Your RUclips channel. I love the cattle panel growing system for the tomatoes and peppers. We have been growing this way for two years, makes it so much cleaner and easier when harvesting. Love your gardens.

  • @Constitutionalapologist
    @Constitutionalapologist 5 лет назад

    Dude, I was a fan but now I'm a super fan. I'm from Conway too. Born and raised. Now I live in Gainesville, Florida though. I miss it so.
    Keep inspiring, the positivity is contagious. :)

  • @terenceneuhoff6461
    @terenceneuhoff6461 5 лет назад

    I have recently begun watching your videos and I absolutely love all the info you give and the passion you do it with.
    I have been toying with the idea over the past two or three months about starting a vegatable garden for our family and God has his ways of talking to us through others. He brought me you and today I was standing in our backyard and my 'mother-in-law' asked what I was doing and I explained to her I was looking to see where I could possibly make a small raised bed for my wife and I tomatoes and cucumbers that we use a lot. Without hesitation she said I could cut back the trees and use a huge part of the back yard!

  • @KafkameetsPlath
    @KafkameetsPlath 4 года назад

    You are so encouraging, seriously calmed me all the way down lol God bless you! Thank you for sharing this and for allowing God to use you in a mighty way, thank you for being you 💕

  • @katrinaboos6232
    @katrinaboos6232 6 лет назад

    Hello Jess. I just did that with my tomato plants. I cut lots of suckers and replanted them. That way you don’t have to wait for seeds to germinate. Cutting the suckers works much better.

  • @sallyfaulkner9066
    @sallyfaulkner9066 5 лет назад +3

    I just love your video! You make it so approachable, but also remind us to *enjoy* the garden!

  • @truthgha
    @truthgha 5 лет назад

    You are so good. I am 68 and grew up gardening with parents and your info is right on! Blessings dear.

  • @joesoutdoorplaces
    @joesoutdoorplaces 6 лет назад

    My fall and winter garden is the most enjoyable for me. Less bugs, less weeding, less watering, less maintenance around the garden. Plus, I love collards, pork belly, and cornbread. Great video as usual.

  • @dpower02
    @dpower02 6 лет назад +1

    Good information Thanks for sharing! You can also plant garlic, onions and greens under your trees I use apple trees the trees are full and provide protection from frost so can grow later into fall.

  • @jennyjarrett1208
    @jennyjarrett1208 6 лет назад

    I just found you and was so excited to hear you are a Arkansas girl. I live in Maynard Ar Northeast about an hour from Jonesboro. You have given me the hope of planting a fall garden. You are very inspiring and your devotional of your struggle of the vehicle situation was the first video I seen if you. And wow, I couldn't stop listening to you. What an amazing person you are. Your words hit home for me. Thanks for sharing. God is Good.

  • @Harleyq2011
    @Harleyq2011 5 лет назад +4

    Hi, I'm Jesse from Pueblo Colorado. Gurrl I love you so much. I've been watching your videos since the beginning of the year and you have shared with me so much valuable information and given me some really great ideas. I totally used that arched cattle panel idea and the way it transformed my yard and increased my growing capacity, it's marvelous. I got my garden started really late this year, but that's ok, thanks to you I'm fully prepared for spring 2020. You've gotten me very excited about the fall garden and I'm going to be planning soon. Thank you to you and your family for this channel, y'all work so hard and we really appreciate the info, the passion, the message and the love. Btw I absolutely love Baker creek catalog and their seeds. I have some stunning plants growing from them, my black coat runner beans are gorgeous, and I'm very excited for the melon charentais and melon petit gris de rennes to finish. Anyhow, I just wanted to share some love with you since you've been such a positive force in my life this year. Xoxo from Colorado.

  • @judya.2528
    @judya.2528 6 лет назад

    Thank you for lifting the shroud of mystery over a fall garden. You cleared up a lot of questions I had. Please consider do videos over 2 other topics that I'm not very clear on: Fertilizer requirements for vegetables and companion growing based on soil needs and pest/disease control. Thanks!

  • @KBstar08
    @KBstar08 4 года назад

    Yours is my favorite homesteading channel. Thank you for all you do!!

  • @jd3552
    @jd3552 Год назад

    Darn, You are going to live a long, long time! Keep up your very positive garden knowledge.

  • @genal5808
    @genal5808 5 лет назад +3

    Great video for fall planting! I will be planting a fall garden. Thank you for your encouragement!

  • @project1003
    @project1003 4 года назад

    I've watched a half dozen videos on fall garden planning. This is simply the best info I've seen. You've got a new subscriber. Thank you SO MUCH!

  • @stumpbumpers
    @stumpbumpers 3 года назад

    It is July 7th and I have 132 days until my first frost. We theoretically have 239 frost free days. What a blessing!

  • @theresa121075
    @theresa121075 6 лет назад +2

    I recently found your channel and I absolutely love your garden. Because of your garden with the raised beds and vertical gardening I now have a better idea of how I want my garden next year. I am originally from NJ but live in SC. I am learning the very hard way just how different it is to garden down here. Between the heat and the evil CLAY, lol, I hve had to do a lot of reading and trying new things for my gardens in the coming seasons. Thank you. I hope you have great success in your fall garden. God bless you.

  • @LucynMommy
    @LucynMommy 6 лет назад +127

    I have a crazy idea! Could you do a video about how online seed swaps work and then encourage your listeners to post a list of haves/wants and do a swap in your comments?

    • @amypellicer1237
      @amypellicer1237 6 лет назад +7

      Are there particular types of seeds you are looking for? I have a TON of different kinds & would be willing to do a swap. Just let me know! :)

    • @LucynMommy
      @LucynMommy 6 лет назад +5

      This is my first year gardening. I would love to trade some things! I will type out a list of what I have/want and post it as a reply here tomorrow.

    • @gabbiesmeemee
      @gabbiesmeemee 6 лет назад +3

      That would be awesome. I'M just starting my seed collection this year. Would be awesome to start one with her subscribers.

    • @gabbiesmeemee
      @gabbiesmeemee 6 лет назад +1

      Amy Pellicer . Im Just now starting collecting seeds this year. I'd be willing to once I find some varieties I really like. Im new at this organic gardening and see collecting

    • @LucynMommy
      @LucynMommy 6 лет назад

      Amy Pellicer What seeds could you use?

  • @pamelalane6576
    @pamelalane6576 6 лет назад +1

    Oh wow just found your channel.. and needing this spark of encouragement for a fall planting.. thank you for all the info so informative your instructions are clear and easy.. Thank you ... I will have to watch all your videos now. I live in Missouri so feel like we are neighbors...LOVE your videos.

  • @mollyw280
    @mollyw280 4 года назад

    I've been wanting to plant vegetables, but felt stuck because it's the end of the season. Plus I've never really gardener before. This video was practical and actionable and got me farther than hours of prior videos. THANK YOU!! :)
    You've got a gift for teaching.

  • @cindik8017
    @cindik8017 6 лет назад

    Tilled in some compost/manure this evening. I hope to get some beans, beets, carrots and spinach in the ground after work tomorrow. It will be nice to bring new life into a spot where everything was done for the season. Thanks for the encouragement!

  • @vickymyers2652
    @vickymyers2652 5 лет назад +1

    Grow cilantro indoors worksgood.

  • @SkylinersYeti
    @SkylinersYeti 6 лет назад

    I am in Zone 5 in the Central Oregon Cascades, My winter garden is my favorite. I can have frost any month of the year here but many hardy plants in row covers or unheated greenhouse keeps me in salad greens all winter until I begin to get spring crops in May.

  • @writinggeek12
    @writinggeek12 5 лет назад

    Your videos teach me soo much more than I could ever hope from an article. Thank you for helping the beginners and dreamers out. This year, I am starting an outdoor garden. And I feel more prepared and knowledgeable now than I have ever (this is my like fifth time to attempt gardening -but this year is different). Anyways, watching your videos, learning, and drooling over your homestead is the inspiration for me to begin. :) So thank you.

  • @sandybo9937
    @sandybo9937 6 лет назад +1

    Jessica, a wonderful post, Swiss Chard is is the only leaf lettuce type that i can grow in the summer it does not bolt like spinish.

  • @tammiemeadows5278
    @tammiemeadows5278 4 года назад +3

    Gurrrlll so much information! I’m winded just listening to you 😂😂😂. But I’m gonna watch it again and take notes this time. Thanks for all you do! 🤗

  • @haras612
    @haras612 5 лет назад +2

    This is the best video!!! You are such a good instructor and motivator. I will plant a fall garden this year, I will!!! Thanks for all of your great videos, you are doing a great service.

  • @wisewomanhealing
    @wisewomanhealing 5 лет назад +2

    Love the night view of your garden, Jess. the noodle beans hanging from the arch are beautiful. Love the mason jar lamps.

  • @engleds
    @engleds 3 года назад

    Thank You for this video! I know you no longer live in Arkansas, but these videos help me as I live in NLR. Lots of other channels are from other places than AR and don't help me at all. i also enjoy your style of communication and you sharing your knowledge from your experience is a joy!

  • @gardeningwithgranny9714
    @gardeningwithgranny9714 5 лет назад

    Salad burnet is wonderful and stands up to snowbanks.... when chilled the cucumber flavor just pops... this perennial gets 3' x 2' when mature and the scarlet red flowers are beautiful!

  • @nickilyddane3473
    @nickilyddane3473 Год назад

    Re watching because I AM going to plant a Fall garden this year! I needed encouragement :)

  • @Converted2truth
    @Converted2truth 3 года назад

    My fall garden in Mi. I started in Aug. and Oct. New seeds in Nov. were slow but were up before mid Dec. Covered this area in leaf lettuce and endive. 2-3 coverings of plastic for the winter. the fall garden that wasn’t meant for harvesting after Oct. and Nov. were started in Aug.---Pac choi, endive, kale, lettuce.

  • @hectorbrown656
    @hectorbrown656 6 лет назад

    Bonjour Amy , Thank you for your question well to start with we don't plant tomatoes for a second time in the fall , nor do we have or eat so many different kinds of peppers mostly the bigger green and red ones . In my garden I have tomatoes , red and green salad , French green beans, beetroot , some red potatoes , echallots , demi sec beans ?? I also have one vine with Chasselas grapes , red and green plum trees , apple tree , and a fig tree , here in Ch , Maritime we have had one day of rain in the last two months the temperature today is 30 in the shade . I hope it's cooler where you live .

  • @rrjmflores
    @rrjmflores 4 года назад

    You are just the coolest. I found your page a couple of weeks ago and just love how you explain everything. I honestly look forward to watching your video

  • @angelaraum1545
    @angelaraum1545 3 года назад

    First year I've been following you! Thank you. I also put my Banana Peppers in spring but they grow until frost. My deter toms are done. As well as my interdetermient ones too. I got 2 free pots now. I'm gonna plant cucumbers & squash.

  • @serenityhillhomestead5392
    @serenityhillhomestead5392 5 лет назад +1

    So now I'm inspired to start a Fall garden. We are building a homestead from scratch on 11 wooded acres. While we clear and build the house, we are living in a rental on the edge of town. Great advice in other videos about making that place a classroom and practicing on raising some things so we can get some experience. And I love your ink! You do a great job with your videos. DIY Network needs to give you a show.

  • @essiesplace774
    @essiesplace774 4 года назад

    I was laughing when you started talking about the tomatoes...I currently have 26 tomato plants growing that are from seeds that I started as experiments back in july through end of august...I hav e15 cuttings from my 1 tomato plant my parents gave me bck in may which was already 8 inches when I got it. Any time I pruned, I stuck the cuttings in water and so far my biggest plANT WHICH STARTED AS A 3 INCH SUCKER is now taller that the mother plant and is planted in a 10 gallon cloth grow..I LOVE ALL of your shows. You are so real and fun but incredibly informative.