  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 185

  • @Phillipa-t3y
    @Phillipa-t3y 3 дня назад +33

    So many children of Sudanese refugees in Australia, are amazing athletes. Many are great football players

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +2

      Yea, there’s this other kid called Kou or something, he’s really good

    • @gothops2632
      @gothops2632 2 дня назад +1

      @Phillipa-t3y Yeah they're great athletes. You can often see their athleticism on display when they sprint away from a house they just broke into 🤣

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  2 дня назад +9

      @@gothops2632 what an ignorant comment. Do better man

    • @gothops2632
      @gothops2632 2 дня назад

      @VivitStudios Unfortunately, it's actually true. I live in Australia, and almost every night on the news, there are reports of South Sudanese teens breaking into people's homes. YOU are the ignorant one, pal.

    • @totallyraw1313
      @totallyraw1313 2 дня назад

      ​@VivitStudios Actually, it's not an ignorant comment. If you live in Australia you would know how common it is for Sudanese teenagers to break into other people's houses

  • @Aartsdalen
    @Aartsdalen 3 дня назад +52

    He's gone even faster since this video. Ran 20.04 - the fastest 200m by a 16 year old ever, breaking Usain Bolts record

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +10

      Yea I saw that, which is insane! I see why people are comparing him to Usin Bolt💯

    • @brendanh8193
      @brendanh8193 2 дня назад +2

      He would have won that world u18 championship by over 5 meters with that time.

    • @Breath-j8x
      @Breath-j8x 2 дня назад +3

      But whose counting 😂 me because we have never seen someone as exciting in Oz as young Gout. Everyone will be jumping up off the couch if Gout does win our 1st 100 or 200 men's medal at a Olympics, everyone, but those who have Gout l suppose 🛋️

    • @gunlean7738
      @gunlean7738 2 дня назад +2

      ​@@VivitStudiosUsain is comparing him to himself. He said after this he looks like a young me!

    • @666Crenado
      @666Crenado День назад +2

      And since THEN he gave the Flash a headstart and still won

  • @AdamKay-l1l
    @AdamKay-l1l 2 дня назад +8

    Extremely proud of my countryman Gout Gout! C'mon Aussie!!! ⚡️

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  День назад +1

      @@AdamKay-l1l you guys have every reason to be proud🔥💯

  • @THA_USO
    @THA_USO 3 дня назад +25

    So proud of Gout Gout, He's from my home town Ipswich, Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +4

      The kid is special man

    • @timp6356
      @timp6356 День назад

      Wow, Queensland! From memory, Cathy Freeman who won 400m at Sydney Olympics is from that State.

    • @JayMills-zk1kq
      @JayMills-zk1kq 17 часов назад +1

      @@timp6356yes Cathy was from Mackay, my home town.

  • @JayMcK-yj8ht
    @JayMcK-yj8ht 3 дня назад +16

    New saying in Australia, GOUT of this world.

  • @GaryTornado-zy2mz
    @GaryTornado-zy2mz 3 дня назад +13

    He’s from my hometown of Ipswich which is about a 20minute drive from Brisbane. Australia will invest so much into this kid to become the face of Brisbane 2032🔥

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +4

      He will become the face of Track and Field man, the dude is just too fast. I believe he should come to train here in America or Jamaica, it’ll sharpen his skills fr. He just has to work on his start.

    • @GaryTornado-zy2mz
      @GaryTornado-zy2mz 3 дня назад +2

      @@VivitStudiosfor sure brother this kid has Australian track and field at his mercy. He has our greats like Cathy Freeman saying he will be Australia’s greatest sprinter. I heard his as part of his new Adidas contract he will train with the Man himself Noah Lyles. He needs to train overseas with the best of the best🙌🏾

  • @roxyc5345
    @roxyc5345 3 дня назад +19

    What a bloody lil' legend - he deserves a milo and a vegemite sanga every single bloody day of the week!

    • @brinjoness3386
      @brinjoness3386 3 дня назад +1

      What did he do to deserve that punishment, Nutella and hot chocolate

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +3

      Milo is good😂

    • @BigChilleha
      @BigChilleha 2 дня назад

      Vegemite isnt Nutella 😂 its actuallt suprisingly healthy just tastes like firey dirt if you have too much ​@@brinjoness3386

  • @russellgreet2550
    @russellgreet2550 День назад +3

    what is so special about his new national open 200m record is it surpassed Peter Norman's 1968 silver medal winning run in the Mexico Olympics, making him part of the most iconic image of those games, standing on the podium supporting John Carlos & Tommy Smith. Norman was ostracised by athletics australia, for this act, being excluded for the '72 games despite numerous qualifying times, and even in 2000 he was not invited to participate in the opening of the Sydney Olympics, only attending as guest of the US Olympic team. - Norman would have been thrilled to hand the baton to this young man

  • @johnnysoccer1983
    @johnnysoccer1983 3 дня назад +8

    He's gone even faster in both events since then.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      Yea I reacted to that, posting it today

    • @johnnysoccer1983
      @johnnysoccer1983 3 дня назад +1

      @@VivitStudios He's insanely fast for a teenager. Hope he stays healthy and we get to see the finished product as it were.

  • @l.k.3277
    @l.k.3277 2 дня назад +5

    Unbelievable, well done Guot, it's all in the stride, like Usain, tall & long strides, lookout every record in the book.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  2 дня назад +2

      @@l.k.3277 yea his style is just like Usain Bolt💯

  • @jackamo3108
    @jackamo3108 3 дня назад +11

    His real name is not Gout but Guot, a spelling error was made in Somalian paperwork. His father is trying to fix the error so that friends and family in Somalia know who he is.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +2

      Yea, but Gout Gout is actually a cool name😂

    • @peterbreis5407
      @peterbreis5407 2 дня назад +2

      No his father isn't. The Family has accepted the misspelt name, the original being in Arabic and with no vowels.
      Part of being a fresh migrant to Australia is to have your name both misspelt and mispronounced. 👍 Won't be long before kids are going to be christened Gout Gout.

    • @maryhurley5884
      @maryhurley5884 2 дня назад

      He's Sudanese. Unless he came here via a refugee camp in Somalia .

    • @peterbreis5407
      @peterbreis5407 2 дня назад +2

      @@maryhurley5884 Gout Gout was born in Australia. That makes him Australian.

    • @maryhurley5884
      @maryhurley5884 2 дня назад

      @peterbreis5407 are you sure? Goodo if he was, I just thought with the mistranslation he came arrived here cwry young. Regardless, he's a champion and inspiration to many here I. Oz.

  • @stevemurrell6167
    @stevemurrell6167 2 дня назад +2

    At "this very weekend" he ran a 20.04 (legal) for the 200m and broke the 56 year old Australian open record.....and a wind assisted (illegal) 10.04 for the 100m in the semi and then a legal 10.17 in the final. The kid is phenomenal!

  • @saltui64
    @saltui64 День назад +1

    He's the man from the land down under, run Gout run 😅

  • @MichaelSorensen-bl3ec
    @MichaelSorensen-bl3ec 3 дня назад +10

    In Australia, we welcome migrants and try to help them achieve their best lives. Take note, MAGA. I know he was born in Australia as the son of refugee parents, he's just as Australian as anyone else here.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      @@MichaelSorensen-bl3ec most Australians I see in the comment section are against immigrants, I’m glad to see that you support it, because if this guy parents hadn’t gone to Australia as refugees, Australia wouldn’t have this talent right now.

    • @MichaelSorensen-bl3ec
      @MichaelSorensen-bl3ec 3 дня назад +1

      @@VivitStudios Well, I'm an immigrant myself. Or at least the child of immigrants. Most of my friends growing up were children of immigrants, Italians, Greeks, Lebanese, Vietnamese. Good people.

    • @johntaylor6654
      @johntaylor6654 3 дня назад

      @@VivitStudios Vick I think most Aussies welcome refugees/immigrants, the government has politicised boat people though, just my thoughts. The government is to blame bringing in too many immigrants each year for economic reasons but it's causing a housing affordability problem, but I don't think Australians have a personal problem with immigrants, we are a multi national country.

    • @QuestionThingsUseLogic
      @QuestionThingsUseLogic 2 дня назад +1

      ​@@johntaylor6654well said. I love immigrants and always go out of my way to smile at them and talk. We're pretty welcoming over here! Aussie here 🦘🦘🦘

    • @Tigers2099
      @Tigers2099 2 дня назад

      @@VivitStudiosI’m an immigrant and I feel that is totally wrong. I have been fully accepted and I have not faced any racism. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m saying my family and I have not faced any problems
      For some reason there is a notion that Australians are racist, I think that comes from the boat people saga.. but as someone who applied the right way to get into the country I can see why people were against the idea of the boat people as it’s not fair to the people who have applied the right way

  • @peterbreis5407
    @peterbreis5407 2 дня назад +4

    He trains on Tim Tams and Chiko Rolls.
    Peak age for male sprinters is 23-28 years old. So better to come! This is going to jump our Olympic gold medal scores. We already punch way above our weight for a small country.

    • @totallyraw1313
      @totallyraw1313 2 дня назад

      If peak age for sprinters is 23-28, why did Jack Hale and Matt Shirvington peak at 19?

    • @peterbreis5407
      @peterbreis5407 2 дня назад

      @@totallyraw1313 No idea. How about people are different.

    • @totallyraw1313
      @totallyraw1313 2 дня назад

      @@peterbreis5407 You made an absolute statement "peak age for sprinters is 23-28, so better to come". This statement is false, because there are too many examples of sprinters who peaked earlier. I just gave 2 examples. Surpringly, there have been some sprinters who peaked later than this e.g. Linford Christie and Kim Collins.
      The only example of a sprinter who was outstanding at 16 and still outstanding at 24 was Bolt, so the likelihood of Gout being at his peak at 24 is more unlikely than likely.

  • @roslynjonsson2383
    @roslynjonsson2383 3 дня назад +4

    I think the man sitting upstairs on the white fluffy cloud is f'ing with us - putting a cheetah inside a human body 🐆🏃‍♂️😂.
    I can't wait to eventually see him in the Olympics - what a day that will be - partyyyyyy🕺😂

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      @@roslynjonsson2383 😂😂😂 kid is too fast for a 16 year old😂

    • @roslynjonsson2383
      @roslynjonsson2383 3 дня назад

      @@VivitStudios If he wasn't born here in Australia, I would be saying exactly the same thing. He's like watching a gazelle float across the ground lol

  • @whatevs1700
    @whatevs1700 2 дня назад +1

    Once he improves his starts further, he will be hard to beat. Once he hits his stride he is amazing… great technique

  • @andrewembahe9806
    @andrewembahe9806 2 дня назад +3

    Did you know that Gout broke Usain Bolts U18 200m record?20.04s was his new time and also broke the Australian 200m record in 56 years 1968 Olympics by Peter Norman.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  2 дня назад +1

      Yea, I reached to that, posting it today, the kid is special

  • @lesleyking4059
    @lesleyking4059 2 дня назад +2

    His father says its pronounced Gwot Gwot.

  • @TheStarcruiser
    @TheStarcruiser 3 дня назад +2

    Now that is what you call fleet-footed!👍🇦🇺

  • @CarlosAlfredoChavarriaSorto
    @CarlosAlfredoChavarriaSorto 3 дня назад +2

    Guot Guot 🎉🎉

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      I mean gout gout is actually cool tho😂😂

  • @russellgreet2550
    @russellgreet2550 День назад

    the 2032 Olympics are in Brisbane, and Gout will be 24 years old, and a real possibility for an unprecedented 100/200/400 treble

  • @DavidCalvert-mh9sy
    @DavidCalvert-mh9sy 3 дня назад +4

    Australia is a nation of over achievers. Gout Gout is one of them, and he will be the one to watch in the next Olympics. Not bad for a country of 27 million, living on an island continent the size of the lower 48 states of America.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      I don’t even know the guy, but I’m happy for him and proud of him💯

  • @bigbangger998
    @bigbangger998 3 дня назад +5

    Secret protein. Kangaroo meat. It gives him the extra spring.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +2

      Hahah😂😂 kangaroo meat😂

    • @brodiestephens419
      @brodiestephens419 2 дня назад

      ​@VivitStudios I live just up the road from Gout Gout.... and we literally DO eat Kangaroo meat. It's insanely rich, though. Eating it like a steak is too intense.
      It's really healthy compared to beef.

  • @johntaylor6654
    @johntaylor6654 3 дня назад +3

    Yeah Vick my thoughts exactly, if he gets better at his starts he will be pretty good. His finishes are off the scale, add the fact that he's built more like a 400 meter runner, wait till he beefs up to a sprinters body. Good video man, Thanks.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      @@johntaylor6654 exactly, just need to work on his start, and I don’t think anyone can beat him, because his finishing speed is better than most professional sprinters.

  • @Danger_Mouse3619
    @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +3

    My prediction is come Brisbane 2032 Olympics Games he'll be the fastest man on earth. That's if all goes well for him from now to them.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      @@Danger_Mouse3619 he’s only gonna get better, he has at least 3-4 years to develop

  • @leruu7667
    @leruu7667 День назад +1

    Let's go bro

  • @richardvivian3665
    @richardvivian3665 2 дня назад +2

    This boy got no start,bro. He literally standing there.
    He only get going when he see everyone’s gone.
    Bro. This dude going to smoke everyone when someone tell him what to do at the start.
    I’m watching

  • @briangill4000
    @briangill4000 3 дня назад +3

    He did a 20.04 200m a month after this and beat Usain Bolts 16yr old WR.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      @@briangill4000 Yea I reacted to that, uploading it tomorrow🔥

  • @Bluey...66
    @Bluey...66 2 дня назад +1

    weet bix and fruit , for most crab and vegemite

  • @JayMills-zk1kq
    @JayMills-zk1kq 17 часов назад

    His name is, spelt corrrectly, Guot Guot, pronounced Gwot Gwot. When the family was in Egypt, immigrating to Australia, the authorities spelt his name incorrectly. Now, it has stuck. His Dad, at the recent Australian Schools’ Championship, explained the mistake. 🖐️🖐️🇦🇺🇦🇺

  • @Danger_Mouse3619
    @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +3

    He has a trainer and Adidas has picked him up as a Sponsor.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      Wow! The kid is going places, so happy for him man💯

    • @Danger_Mouse3619
      @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +1

      @@VivitStudios yeah me too. Better still he's one of ours, an Aussie. 👌

  • @russe19642
    @russe19642 3 дня назад +2

    He's last 60 looks like his on one of those travelators you see at the airport

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      @@russe19642 hahah the guy is fast😂

  • @wdazza
    @wdazza 3 дня назад +14

    His actual name is Guot Guot. When his parents were in a refugee camp someone wrote down the family name incorrectly. When his parents came to Australia, they didn't want to change it, as being refugees it would have complicated things. Now that Gout Gout is famous, they are thinking of changing their name to the correct spelling.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +2

      From being a refugee to a superstar is just wonderful, his parents must be really proud of him.

    • @bomberwarren
      @bomberwarren 3 дня назад +4

      ​@@VivitStudiosI'm pretty sure he was born in Australia

    • @roslynjonsson2383
      @roslynjonsson2383 3 дня назад +2

      ​@@bomberwarrenHe was born in Ipswich QLD, and his parents are from Sudan. I watched the 2 documentaries about him as well lol

    • @vuksgitau
      @vuksgitau 3 дня назад

      Now this makes sense.

    • @terencemcgeown2358
      @terencemcgeown2358 3 дня назад +1

      He's Aus born so he's an Aussie you lying Gronk.

  • @rossevans1774
    @rossevans1774 3 дня назад +3

    He's still a child!

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      Definitely, 16 years old, it’s crazy!

  • @Danger_Mouse3619
    @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +2

    He is fast that his parents named him twice. Probably when they tried to catch him when he mucked up when younger 😂

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +2

      @@Danger_Mouse3619 Haha😂😂 I said that in the reaction I’m uploading tomorrow😂😂

    • @Danger_Mouse3619
      @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +1

      @VivitStudios great minds think a like 👌

    • @brodiestephens419
      @brodiestephens419 2 дня назад

      That doesn't even make sense though. I've seen that same tired comment in several different places, and it still isn't a funny joke, because a joke is supposed to be clever. That's what makes things funny.
      "So fast they named him twice" literally makes no sense, and has no comedic value whatsoever.
      Please..... Explain to everyone why that's funny.
      If he was just really short instead of really fast.... I'm positive you would say "He's so short, they named him twice!!" and thousands of dumb people would say, "LOOOOOL 😂😂😂"

  • @davidgilby344
    @davidgilby344 День назад

    Im very proud

  • @DaDamuse
    @DaDamuse 3 дня назад +2

    yo Vik much love

  • @DaveOz-mx5oh
    @DaveOz-mx5oh 3 дня назад +3


    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      He need that😂😂

    • @DaveOz-mx5oh
      @DaveOz-mx5oh 3 дня назад +3

      @VivitStudios it's loaded with B vitamins for energy!

  • @mathewshane8318
    @mathewshane8318 2 дня назад

    And apparently his brothers, even faster and younger

  • @moseswolfson3227
    @moseswolfson3227 День назад +1

    hes my cousin

  • @Danger_Mouse3619
    @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +3

    He does the 100m in 24 steps.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      He wouldn’t win the 100, he would come last almost everytime, because his acceleration is bad, once he work on it, it’s over for most people. It’s almost like he gets faster as he runs, 200-400 favors him more💯

    • @Danger_Mouse3619
      @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +1

      ​@@VivitStudiosthe 200 is his Forte. Maybe good too for the 400 and 100 of course.

  • @gothops2632
    @gothops2632 2 дня назад +1

    Noah "Nyles" 😂

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  2 дня назад

      Haha, aye, I thought it was Nyles this whole time😂😂

    • @gothops2632
      @gothops2632 2 дня назад

      @VivitStudios Really? You obviously don't follow track! 😂

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  2 дня назад

      @@gothops2632 I'm a fan of track, watch it when it's on, just not an hardcore fan, nor do I know every track athlete.

  • @carisi2k11
    @carisi2k11 3 дня назад +2

    Australia doesn't really produce many fast track athletes. Our best sport is normally In the swimming pool. It is very encouraging to see a child of refugees from south sudan flourish in this country however.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      @@carisi2k11 It’s a great story man💯

    • @Bucketcity126
      @Bucketcity126 3 дня назад +1

      Our best sport is cricket but ok

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      @@Bucketcity126 I think he means in the Olympic

    • @QuestionThingsUseLogic
      @QuestionThingsUseLogic 2 дня назад +1

      Don't forget Cathy Freeman 💕💕

    • @44shots6worlds
      @44shots6worlds 2 дня назад

      Incorrect,we have produced fast track athletes before

  • @leruu7667
    @leruu7667 День назад +1

    BrOoooo that Noah comment is str8 cap😂😂😂😂

  • @SugarRay2
    @SugarRay2 9 часов назад

    We run from giant spiders and quick venomous snakes. That’s why we fast as F!

  • @ericsimons4212
    @ericsimons4212 3 дня назад +2

    Great running form. Weighs about 70 kg, by the looks?

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      Yea he looks small, but he’s gonna get bigger and faster as he age

    • @ericsimons4212
      @ericsimons4212 День назад

      @VivitStudios that's what I meant. Lol

  • @panman2632
    @panman2632 18 часов назад

    He eats a lot of kanga bangas (kangaroo sausages) - very lean and high protien -.kangaroo leg strength

  • @Ken-f1q
    @Ken-f1q 2 дня назад

    His real name is GUOT not Gout. His name was registered incorrectly when an official incorrectly reversed the U and O. His parents revealed this in a recent interview.

  • @mathewshane8318
    @mathewshane8318 2 дня назад

    9:40 in 100 m in the next few years and 200 meter 19.10 2 to 3 years

  • @firstbornjordan
    @firstbornjordan 2 дня назад

    Please don't compare him to Usain Bolt. He deserves his own name outright, with what he is doing.

  • @geofftottenperthcoys9944
    @geofftottenperthcoys9944 3 дня назад +2

    And only 16!

  • @antimata
    @antimata День назад

    He is fast but it seems like he might burn out before touching bolts level.

  • @Danger_Mouse3619
    @Danger_Mouse3619 3 дня назад +1

    His dad has said you pronounce his name Gwot Gwot. So that's how you say Guot Guot.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      @@Danger_Mouse3619 I will ask google how to say that😂😂

  • @Ken-f1q
    @Ken-f1q 2 дня назад

    You can get a learner's driving permit at 16 but must drive with a fully qualified driver supervising. You don't qualify for a driving license until 18.

    • @Tigers2099
      @Tigers2099 2 дня назад

      17 is when you get your licence. At 16 you get your Learners licence and then at 17 you can get your P plates and a licence

    • @Ken-f1q
      @Ken-f1q 2 дня назад

      @@Tigers2099 Not in Victoria. Every state is different and have their own rules.

    • @Tigers2099
      @Tigers2099 2 дня назад

      @ wow, I didn’t know that. Its 17 in NSW

  • @Bluey...66
    @Bluey...66 2 дня назад

    salt and sugar is a no no for anyone

  • @aaronmelbourne1515
    @aaronmelbourne1515 3 дня назад +1

    What are your thoughts on he’s chances in LA 2028, is athletics a thing that can be done in college in the US ?

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад +1

      @@aaronmelbourne1515 I believe he can be among the best if he improves on his start, because racing against kids your age is way different than racing against seasoned Pros. If you start slow against guys like Noah Lyles, or Tebogo, you won’t even finish 7th😂😂 he just gotta continue to get better and in 4 years, he should be ready to win a gold medal, bronze or silver.

    • @aaronmelbourne1515
      @aaronmelbourne1515 2 дня назад

      @@VivitStudios 💯

  • @GodsView1
    @GodsView1 16 часов назад

    Learners licence from 16.

  • @haydenwittig8877
    @haydenwittig8877 3 дня назад +3

    NIKE sign this guy NOW the best is yet to come.

  • @SetaWaisavu
    @SetaWaisavu День назад

    It's: GUOT not Gout!

  • @michaelmayo9048
    @michaelmayo9048 3 дня назад +1

    Driving licence In Victoria you must be 18.
    New South whales 16 .
    I don't know other states
    Probaly Queensland is 16 aswell.

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      @@michaelmayo9048 over here, it’s 18 as well, you can get a permit at 16 tho

    • @michaelmayo9048
      @michaelmayo9048 3 дня назад

      @VivitStudios here in oz car must display a green p plate for first year no freinds allowed . then red p for 2nd year .3rd year full licence (P plate means probationary )

    • @michaelmayo9048
      @michaelmayo9048 3 дня назад +1

      @VivitStudios speed and red light cameras everywhere in Australia. Fines are$ 300 to $400.cell phone $ 700.something like that.. most modern cars alert where cameras are.alchol and drug testing who ever they want..we got big alcohol and drug buses they road block and test heaps of cars .

    • @michaelmayo9048
      @michaelmayo9048 3 дня назад

      @@VivitStudios Vick it is 40 c 105f in Melbourne pritty hot

    • @VivitStudios
      @VivitStudios  3 дня назад

      @@michaelmayo9048 Australia seems pretty strict😂😂😂

  • @neilstrang8855
    @neilstrang8855 22 часа назад

    Get rid of your fast food. It slows you down till you stop

  • @beigealert4268
    @beigealert4268 2 дня назад

    devon and tomato sauce mate

  • @Bluey...66
    @Bluey...66 2 дня назад

    all with no drugs hell yeah start be fun

  • @peterjohnson9291
    @peterjohnson9291 День назад

    Gouts starts aren't very good. If he gets good starts then no-one will beat him.

  • @Bluey...66
    @Bluey...66 2 дня назад

    he is adopted

  • @berranari1
    @berranari1 День назад

    OLYMPICS ruclips.net/video/qFqL-lAud0k/видео.htmlsi=fqc5V0G2DsUES2Ca