Trocet del concert que vam fer a Sant Feliu de Codines el passat 6 de gener amb l'estimada Andrea, una de les meves coses favorites és tocar amb ella :)
I thought this was going to be an instrumental piece for a while. That was quite the solo/intro! This version is much more edgy than some of Andrea's previous renditions, of which there's a lot, maybe ten or so. At one end you have the whole symphony orchestra version, and this cut with just the two of them is at the other end of the spectrum. Like pretty much everything that Andrea does, they're all good. (And Josep is great, of course!)
Une version très originale que je découvre avec un immense plaisir!
Andrea et Josep superbes tous les deux! Merci à vous!
My Favourite Two!!
Gran versió. Gran interpretació.!!! Felicitats i gràcies Artistes.!!!
I thought this was going to be an instrumental piece for a while. That was quite the solo/intro! This version is much more edgy than some of Andrea's previous renditions, of which there's a lot, maybe ten or so. At one end you have the whole symphony orchestra version, and this cut with just the two of them is at the other end of the spectrum. Like pretty much everything that Andrea does, they're all good. (And Josep is great, of course!)
Dos grans, d’entre els mes grans!!!