Well, they should stop stealing and exploiting our resources, and keep their oil companies away from devastating our coastline, among other things. And, are American tax payers ok with funding 2000lb bombs that are killing tens of thousands of people and have totally destroyed Gaza? I would think not, if you have a shred of humanity.
@@mldo5659 You mean like University if Cape Town #89; Stellenbosch University and the University of the Witwatersrand #201-250 for SA medical schools? First successful heart transplant on 3 December 1967, 57 years ago. Still some 120 cardiothoracic surgeons left in the country that does heart transplants in SA. First multi organ transplant done on 10 Sept 2021 in the Cleveland clinic that's not in SA. What did the new SA government do with the municipal clinics and provincial hospitals this past 30 odd years? Broke them down.
This moral outrage over halting USAID seems to overlook an inconvenient truth: reliance on foreign aid perpetuates dependency and excuses governmental incompetence. South Africa’s leaders must be held accountable for their failure to provide basic healthcare, not shielded by external handouts. It is neither sustainable nor ethical to outsource responsibility indefinitely. While the immediate impact is tragic, true sovereignty demands self-reliance and reform, not endless foreign intervention propping up a broken system.
Is RSA's blatant corruption directly proportionate to her leader's inability to govern industriously? I'm afraid that past injustices may merely have exacerbated this fact, not created it. Africa's many educated leaders seem to continue trading off their people's welfare to the highest bidder as some did during the transatlantic slave trade. This inability seems to only further embolden global capitalists. Maybe we need aid, because self sustainability seems only but a dream at the hands of her own leaders. I hope I'm wrong, but education and sound morals don't outplay a leaderless people
@@mldo5659anc should stop pocketing everything and use the taxpayers money for education and medical care instead of their corruption so quick to yell about colonialism but just as quick to hold its paws out for money from the countries they badmouth
@mldo5659 relevance? DJT's task as US president is to do that which is the best interest of US citizens! Giving money to a gov that uses it irresponsibly (we also have some of the highest corruption rates in the world) does not seem like a good use of resources. It is THEIR money to do with as they please and there has to be accountability in some way shape or form.
They're CLUELESS, that's a heck of a lot of money and I think they're busy flushing us down the drainpipe of history together with themselves. so treacherous it seems. They could show a little dignity and respect towards their benefactors but did they even show gratitude, or loyalty? No, it's kindergarten - style back's-tab. But tide is turning 👀
But why must U.S.A tax payers pay for our citizens and our own goverment sitting on their asses doing nothing.Ramaphosa also said a lot of nasty things to Trump.
Why should US pay our bill, what crap is that, what is our government doing with our money, glad President Trump is stopping the gravy train, the anc must sort this out NOT AMERICA
We are the health care provider for most African countries. They travel her for treatment and medication. That are some contributing factors. We will have to be like Trump now and say no.
I think you're on you're own on this issue, Dan. I agree it is sad that many South Africans won't be receiving their aid, however you're ignoring the reason for that. Blaming Trump and his party is incorrect. We, and our government are to blame. Why should American tax dollars line the pockets of our corrupt politicians? If I were American I'd say FU. Maybe we are being punished, but we should really look at ourselves. It's our own doing.
@@mldo5659 sure SA has great minds in the field of medicine. But this is a foreign policy failure on the part of the ANC. For years they have been cozying up to the US’s foreign adversaries, whilst directly insulting the US calling them stuff like “imperialists”, all whilst we benefit from USAID, and tariff free exports through AGOA. The ANC are liable for all this
Then why supporting the criminals? Most of them from top to bottom has their fingers in the pie, eating money while the poor suffer more and more. Come on!! The president even hides his hot money in the couches.
Why can't SA take care of its citizens? I go to the clinics and medicine depots and see the USAid labels and always wondered why the ANC is so against the USA while it's the US that's helping millions of poor South Africans. I don't see any clinics with China or Russia aid.
We’re losing trillions in taxpayers leaving… we have smart, hard working people - who are welcomed overseas with open arms. The loss of tax revenue, who would have contributed to future schools, roads, hospitals … very sad. And all falls squarely on ANC policies, like BEE and racial Quotas
What do mean everything is controlled by white people here south Africa if the government is under performing is because white lobide for that to happen
American biggest problem is that they are to much involved in The Genocidal settlers affairs.billions are spent on free weapons to Israel.Taking vengeance on small countries who don't dance to their tune
Yebo yes…. Maybe, just maybe, if the erudite corrupt officials in our great government will fraud less, we would not need money from the US of A or any one ekse. Think of that. Would be great!!
@@maomobile lol you need to learn how the economy works. We do so much trade for basic stuff in this country which we could be producing ourselves but our government feels it's 1970s Russia still. No business invests in a country where the leadership calls each other comrade
Why must USA fund those clinics when rhe ANC caders took all the money donating. I just wish all the countries pumping money into to our country would stop.
Maybe is because you missing the point here the we don't care wether they stop or not and we are tired of not being treated in reciprocal manner Anglo American shall also stop the exploitation of our mineral and begin the process of buying from us it's they think their smart
@@mldo5659go ask your BRICS counterparts. You want to dictate terms but you want the money? Decisions have consequences, maybe SA will start to learn when their citizens suffer.
Good for you President Trump. It 9nly gets stolen anyway! Tough 'love' it's the only way. Sadly, as usual, it's the people that suffer, not the fat cats
Only South Africa to blame. Change laws so companies can open start employing snd build our beautiful country. Fix 30% pass rate si we can have educated people not lower then slave turnouts. Stop all thieving, looting instead make that money work for all south africans. This will get sa off their knees begging. Thanks Trump
The last thing a communist government wants is smarter people asking questions … it makes them harder to control. There’s a reason South Africa has the highest data charges in the world, and lowest education standards. The most illiterate and innumerate population in the whole of Africa.
People that vote for this corrupt government must not complain...you deserve this...because those that need this support is the one's that will complain about BAD Orange Man Trump...never bite the hand that feeds you...ANC government and their supporters the external beggars.
@mldo5659 Oh please reread my comment. My exact argument. I was not discussing university education but school level. More than 81% of South African Grade 4 pupils cannot read for meaning. This is according to the recent Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). which means a significant portion of matriculants would likely struggle with reading comprehension at a higher level due to foundational literacy issues at an early stage. I find this shocking. Most matrics cannot do maths or science as these are the two subjects if taken as a subject that are passed at 30%. Obviously all subjects can be passed at 30%.. They introduced maths lit which is basically housewife maths which in the real world closes off all doors to further education. Universities donot take matrics with maths lit. What happened to all matrics doing maths and the ones that excel in maths doing higher grade maths. As a south african you would have to be born under a rock not to know the couple of pointers uou made, especially the one with Chris Barnard. Don't be so patronizing. After reading this you want to still bring in spite and hatred. 😃 😊 🙂 please read comments with understanding before commenting. Thanks
Do you realize that in America it takes 10 to 14 years to become a fully licensed doctor. In South Africa A 5-year Bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery. A 2-year clinical internship. 1 year of compulsory community service. Take note of the difference. Take note how many qualified doctors in south africa are sitting at home doing absolutely nothing because anc has no money to pay them. This is also disgusting as sa has a shortage of doctors. Many townships have no doctors. People are dying and you want to talk about my hatred and spite. Why aren't you talking about the murders of patients due to the incompetence of the anc. Please do your research and shock yourself on south africas collapse. 🤣🤣🤣
I couldnt agree more. But when I say these things to those around me I am seen as a traitor. This lefty in this video is so smug and pasty,I get inspired to get to the gym
True. SA governance under black ANC rule has led to this. But let's not pretend trump is doing this to MAGA. He's a conservative and a moderate bigot who has PoC working for him as a performance PR stunt.
Good! The government should be be called out for failing to provide essential services. SA citizens should know who has failed them and it is not the US.
he doesn't owe south africa anything especialy with a hostile ANC do you even understand how politics or the world works .. you don't bite the hand that feeds you ... look what happens when you do ... this will backfire in the ANCs face ..
@@Dankmangolionas they have been in every facet of their lives under ANC ruling. Everything they have touched, literally everything has gone to shit. Every state owned enterprise, they have milked beyond it's profits and hundreds of millions into debt. If South Africa doesn't take responsibility for its own, we will be the next failed African country. They received 2.1Trillion ZAR and still cannot manage it? Cmon.
Well he is a week in power and he is taking his own country backwards. Soon America will be the most backward nation on earth. Come to think of it, they are already backward. They elected a convicted felon, fraudster, grifter and adjudicated rapist in power. Strange, he has done almost the exact thing Zuma did when he is in power, and white south Africans in particular, revere him.
So then they must not expect the meds that Dan is crying about to be given freely. Ramamampara must make sure he supply those antiretrovirals that comes from there
The US has their own problems to solve. South Africa is not their problem. In fact, much of the money donated by the US in the past has gone to the bank accounts of the political elite in any case, not the people in need.
@@mldo5659 Tr ump's thinking is not about SA at all, for better or for worse. It's about the sustainability of the American Taxpayer. How will you like to toss 400 billion between 35 countries, but 1 country tells you not to stop sending money because they are doing good?(supposed to be doing good anyway)
But Ramaphosa will never put us first. 😢. All he can say to Students who are looking for jobs is " try again, keep applying something will come up". Aaron telling prof med graduates to " work in private or go overseas" . Jobs don't create themselves Ramaphosa 😭😭😭. What's happening with out tax money? Still funding sidechicks 😢😢😢
This truly is a sad day, and is close to home for many South Africans. As you rightfully mentioned, USAID was actually doing what this government was failing to do. Fingers need to be pointed at the ANC, it's failings are becoming more and more glaring with every passing day.
Don't ever vote for them again. They have taken our votes and support for granted. Their arrogance is based on the fact they will never lose an election and we saw in the last election the cracks in their hubris is slowly deepening even more. Day by day.
@@kgotsomachitela1976 ingenaphi lento oyithethayo? No where did I say it's only SA, and you missed the point my guy. Please go read my comment again, and if usahluleka yiyeke
"Forced into some kind of deal that we don't want to do" You mean like forcing the ANC to actually spend money on the country instead of keeping it for themselves?
@@Waynevs4 No,it wasn’t.Logically a country can’t be overly self-sufficient without dipping into isolationist ideologies. Yes, we can become less dependent but no country can survive on their own without severally affecting their own economy.
@mldo5659 Then if this country is so amazing, why can't it take care of itself...? Why can't africa take care of itself? Why is it always the civilized WEST - WHO EMBRACED CAPITALISM - that has to save socilaist shitholes...?
Dan, South Africa is rightfully getting what it deserves. It is about time that our cadre government is taken to task. We have GNU in name only as ANC believe they can carry on as before. Joel Pollak (nxt US Ambassador to SA) has hit the nail on the head, basically saying we either align to the West or if not, expect consequences.
America threatening us are they? Of course they are ... Americans has massive national debt (trillions of dollars) and has relied largely on the dollar being the world currency, foreign wars (the aid given to Ukraine is used to pay American arms manufacturers), and exploitation (such as stealing Syria's oil) for its wealth. (I did say mostly and not solely.) BRICS wants a more fair world without sanctions, domination and exploitation, and respect for the sovereignty of all countries. Such a world is a threat to America, so it has vowed to destroy BRICS, punish all countries associated with BRICS and so on. We should free ourselves from dependence on the West, not look to Russia and China for handouts, and as a country be creative about becoming self sufficient. And no, the answer is not rampant capitalism (see above for what happened to the country that worships capitalism ... never mind the dire circumstances for the poor in that country). Nor is communism. That is why I say we must be creative.
@@mldo5659 no it is not! What you are saying is the Government can do whatever they want with no consequences? Why would I hand out money to someone if they do stuff that I don't like or that is not aligned with my policies? SA has enough resources but your government loot and steal and now other Tax paying citizens of other countries must pay? That is the Africa mentality, we want we want and we want it for free.
Oh, don’t worry-Mr. Cyril made it clear that we don’t need America and that they shouldn’t interfere with South Africa. Bravo! How’s that strategy working out for you, Mr. President? 👏
This is a good thing....we need to be totally independent from America and dictator Trump! South Africans are resilient and I believe together we can overcome this temporary setback.
I will vote for a benevolent dictator who can grow an economy rather than a socialist who makes the right noises, grows his bank balance, and does not give a hoot about his people.
There was no appreciation shown for what the US do for our country.........on top of it all, the ANC decides to go and back the other cash strapped horse!
I have failed to understand how South African politicians can tread into topics that have international implications. Change is important but I have always thought that we should focus on cleaning our own home before judging those of others.
For me the main problem we have is our own corruption (and incompetence). Our leaders have looted this country to the tune of TRILLIONS* (yes, TRILLIONS with a TR 😂). *I watched a compelling analysis of a chief economist during the Zupta era, detailing how they VIOLATED our beloved country pass the billions mark. Sadly, the corruption continues , largely unabated...
I thought S A was a commie country because they always went wih russia and china. All we heard from S A was the west and the U S was the cause of all things bad, there. It's even hard to get a visa longer than 3 months for people from the U S. They make it hard for democracy loving U S people to migrate there who want to buy a home or start a business. Getting a Residential visa is next to impossible even when you can afford it if you are from the U S. We are shocked S A was getting millions of dollars from the U S!
Be informed before making these knee jerk responses. Trump has stopped funding (immediately without notice) for everyone around the world. This has nothing to do with the ANC.
It's time that the government of RSA explains to the public why can't we as South Africa provide required medication to our people. Then if there is no money. Let them go to Russia & China.
Have you honestly looked at how their people and treated and live. Do you seriously think that is what south africans are worth. Why not look at the laws that must be changed so south africans can build south africa up and support ourselves. There is just so much wrong in this country. You are not a sa or you don't give a dame even about yourself.
Oh I'm so glad you asked god to bless Our Lord Trump, he so badly needs some love, but all these EVIL liberals keep being mean to him! the poor billionaires need our support
Get your facts straight. Look at the state of South Africa. Nothing is working besides the looting. anc made over 50000 millionaires 30 years with who's money. You are obviously a 30%.
Is your brain functioning okay? SA’s father christmas is for the anc only...THEY DON’T HAVE FUNDS FOR ANYTHING OR ANYBODY ELSE! Read the comments properly...if you can...😒
Sorry, this is an ignorant statement. The ICJ case supports the cause of the oppressed Palestinian people. Go and do a thorough and biased research on the history of this issue you might get a wake up call. Unless, of course, you like drinking kool-aid.
@@SA_SovereigntyForPatriotshow many times is Palestine or a Palestinian mentioned in the Quran? 0 and 0 Be better learn the right history, not the one that suits you!
@Kassie ... So 'n bek moet jam kry. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Al hierdie mense wat teen jou stelling is, moet bietjie SELF huiswerk gaan doen en die Bybel lees. Die God van Israel is *nogsteeds* die God van Israel en Hy *sal* díe vervloek wat Israel vervloek. Of hulle nou in God glo of nie. Skeel my min. Maar een ding weet ek *beslis* ....hulle kierangs *GAAN* braai. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank you Truth Teller! That SA ' Delegation' ( totally on the wrong side of history) put a spanner in the works between SA & USA. Very sad about the outcome ( for SA), but Trump has a point. Can't fault him.
I'm a blackman in south Africa i always preach to my people that we get alot from America but they reject me now they go feel the pain why they because i rolling with the grace of GOD
This has everything to do with Trump and his cult. He is screwing over Americans and the rest of the world by further enriching himself and his tech billionaire buddies. Happy we are part of BRICS as America is alienating all their allies and partners.
@@mldo5659 Yes and all though it's not popular to say , all of that was either done by or from the Apartheid governments structures and resources. How many universities have the ANC created for it's people? How many new state of the art hospitals?
To be fair, there is no good reason why American taxpayers should be required to pay for the incompetence of the South African government.
@@mldo5659 I do see the full.story. I'm South African.
Americans will not pay go to your own to be funded! Americans will not pay anyone the people have spoken "AMERICA WILL BE GREAT AGAIN "
Well, they should stop stealing and exploiting our resources, and keep their oil companies away from devastating our coastline, among other things. And, are American tax payers ok with funding 2000lb bombs that are killing tens of thousands of people and have totally destroyed Gaza? I would think not, if you have a shred of humanity.
@@mldo5659 You mean like University if Cape Town #89; Stellenbosch University and the University of the Witwatersrand #201-250 for SA medical schools? First successful heart transplant on 3 December 1967, 57 years ago. Still some 120 cardiothoracic surgeons left in the country that does heart transplants in SA. First multi organ transplant done on 10 Sept 2021 in the Cleveland clinic that's not in SA.
What did the new SA government do with the municipal clinics and provincial hospitals this past 30 odd years? Broke them down.
This moral outrage over halting USAID seems to overlook an inconvenient truth: reliance on foreign aid perpetuates dependency and excuses governmental incompetence. South Africa’s leaders must be held accountable for their failure to provide basic healthcare, not shielded by external handouts. It is neither sustainable nor ethical to outsource responsibility indefinitely. While the immediate impact is tragic, true sovereignty demands self-reliance and reform, not endless foreign intervention propping up a broken system.
I Agree fully
Thank you
Correction - not incompetence. Theft. Clear as daylight. Period.
Is RSA's blatant corruption directly proportionate to her leader's inability to govern industriously?
I'm afraid that past injustices may merely have exacerbated this fact, not created it.
Africa's many educated leaders seem to continue trading off their people's welfare to the highest bidder as some did during the transatlantic slave trade.
This inability seems to only further embolden global capitalists.
Maybe we need aid, because self sustainability seems only but a dream at the hands of her own leaders.
I hope I'm wrong, but education and sound morals don't outplay a leaderless people
100% ❤🇿🇦
Trump is spot on... His responsibility is the US. Maybe our gov should start treating SA the same way!
@@mldo5659anc should stop pocketing everything and use the taxpayers money for education and medical care instead of their corruption so quick to yell about colonialism but just as quick to hold its paws out for money from the countries they badmouth
@@mldo5659Whats the problem? Your basically saying SA does not need the U.S. because we have good doctors? None of this is the U.S. problem.
@mldo5659 relevance? DJT's task as US president is to do that which is the best interest of US citizens! Giving money to a gov that uses it irresponsibly (we also have some of the highest corruption rates in the world) does not seem like a good use of resources. It is THEIR money to do with as they please and there has to be accountability in some way shape or form.
@@mldo5659Did you understand the comment? Your discourse is irrelevant 🙄
our government is a group of foreigners from Dubai.........why would they help us
Entitlement and arrogance of the South African Government coming home to roost
They're CLUELESS, that's a heck of a lot of money and I think they're busy flushing us down the drainpipe of history together with themselves. so treacherous it seems. They could show a little dignity and respect towards their benefactors but did they even show gratitude, or loyalty? No, it's kindergarten - style back's-tab. But tide is turning 👀
A president looking after his country, that must come as a shock to most South Africans
Bravo well said 👏👏👏
But why must U.S.A tax payers pay for our citizens and our own goverment sitting on their asses doing nothing.Ramaphosa also said a lot of nasty things to Trump.
Because this country was sold to America long time ago
If like asking for loan and getting sh#tty and hurting insults when you can't get it.
Not doing nothing their hands are very busy in case you haven't noticed yet
President Cyril Ramaphosa has no foresight
Untill Trump comes for his with his own trained Military Men. Ramaphosa will run
Why should US pay our bill, what crap is that, what is our government doing with our money, glad President Trump is stopping the gravy train, the anc must sort this out NOT AMERICA
South africa had 30 years to get there act together..........
After 30 years of acting, the shows over. USA drawing the curtains.
The ANC has stolen all our money
enough.we just started crawling. The quicker you make peace with it,the better it will be for any future chest pains who are about to feel😊😊😊
That was a project by ANC and NP politicians
We are the health care provider for most African countries. They travel her for treatment and medication. That are some contributing factors. We will have to be like Trump now and say no.
I think you're on you're own on this issue, Dan. I agree it is sad that many South Africans won't be receiving their aid, however you're ignoring the reason for that. Blaming Trump and his party is incorrect. We, and our government are to blame. Why should American tax dollars line the pockets of our corrupt politicians? If I were American I'd say FU. Maybe we are being punished, but we should really look at ourselves. It's our own doing.
@@mldo5659 sure SA has great minds in the field of medicine. But this is a foreign policy failure on the part of the ANC. For years they have been cozying up to the US’s foreign adversaries, whilst directly insulting the US calling them stuff like “imperialists”, all whilst we benefit from USAID, and tariff free exports through AGOA. The ANC are liable for all this
@@mldo5659 still doesn't make south Africa the USA's problem.
@@liamferreira8912I agree.
The quality of a nation's politicians is a reflection of the society that elects them into power.
Or the devious darkness of the vote counters who will do anything and everything to KEEP an evil ideology in power...
Exactly. Bc they put their noses where it doesn't belong.
Obvious we know that
Then why supporting the criminals? Most of them from top to bottom has their fingers in the pie, eating money while the poor suffer more and more. Come on!! The president even hides his hot money in the couches.
No, Trump has stopped all aid to everyone all over the world. The ANC has nothing to do with this action by Trump.
2025 is for SA to open their eyes that ANC is no longer for us but for themselves. Kick them out n get a patriotic leader.
Millions of South Africans got to know this for the first time
Yep, it's true, they thought everything is done by their government 🙄
Why can't SA take care of its citizens? I go to the clinics and medicine depots and see the USAid labels and always wondered why the ANC is so against the USA while it's the US that's helping millions of poor South Africans.
I don't see any clinics with China or Russia aid.
Or Iran and Hamas
The United States benefits from minerals in the earth, a little aid isn't much to ask from. Israel get aid, It didn't have any complaints there.
They just don't care. Their pockets are full.
About time Africa weaned itself from “Aid” with strings attached!
More money for them to steal if the US pays for the important things
dont complain SA you get what you voted for.
We an embarrassment to the world. Always needing Handouts.
@@mldo5659vaccinology, you mean that planned demic
If the country was run properly, we wouldn't be so dependent on the USA. We've got enough resources, but we've got poor leadership.
We’re losing trillions in taxpayers leaving… we have smart, hard working people - who are welcomed overseas with open arms.
The loss of tax revenue, who would have contributed to future schools, roads, hospitals … very sad. And all falls squarely on ANC policies, like BEE and racial Quotas
Correction, we have No leadership.
But will take Americans money! Not no more MAGA😊
What do mean everything is controlled by white people here south Africa if the government is under performing is because white lobide for that to happen
US Aid was a gift not a right!
Thank you.
Not enough it been 20yrs pay your own way!!
OH Really? Just a gift? Okay we shall see
Hold that money Donald...let these idiots understand we need to focus on our country...cut that funding Donald
Don't ask for our minerals.
American biggest problem is that they are to much involved in The Genocidal settlers affairs.billions are spent on free weapons to Israel.Taking vengeance on small countries who don't dance to their tune
@@maomobile You plan to eat our minerals?
Yebo yes…. Maybe, just maybe, if the erudite corrupt officials in our great government will fraud less, we would not need money from the US of A or any one ekse.
Think of that. Would be great!!
@@maomobile lol you need to learn how the economy works. We do so much trade for basic stuff in this country which we could be producing ourselves but our government feels it's 1970s Russia still. No business invests in a country where the leadership calls each other comrade
It's not awful news.. It's great news!
If ANC works against USA policies, why should USA support SA. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”, comes to mind.
Why must USA fund those clinics when rhe ANC caders took all the money donating. I just wish all the countries pumping money into to our country would stop.
Yes. The ANC closed clinics and hospitals in the rural areas that the Apartheid government built.
@@tripwire8457stop stating facts you don't want to be called a racist.
It was wrong of SA to accept funds from US coz truly SA doesn't need US, we need to start focusing in the future with BRICS without ramaphosa leading
Maybe is because you missing the point here the we don't care wether they stop or not and we are tired of not being treated in reciprocal manner Anglo American shall also stop the exploitation of our mineral and begin the process of buying from us it's they think their smart
Sadly the people always suffer.
There was a time when South Africa was self sufficient
Yes. During Apartheid 👍
And sanctioned by the world
@@Waynevs4 u mean when u were the only ones that benefit from that so called self sufficiency, mnxxmmm
@MariusSchrenk Still was Self Sufficient.
You mean there was a time when white South Africans were self sufficient right?
That’s true, but the South African government should look to Russia China for support.
@@mldo5659go ask your BRICS counterparts. You want to dictate terms but you want the money? Decisions have consequences, maybe SA will start to learn when their citizens suffer.
@@hendrikroos6429this is not about South Africa particularly, he said worldwide so everyone is affected no only us. Up your intellect 😑
Since when is it the US's problem to fix problems the ANC caused and should fix
Good for you President Trump. It 9nly gets stolen anyway! Tough 'love' it's the only way. Sadly, as usual, it's the people that suffer, not the fat cats
Only South Africa to blame. Change laws so companies can open start employing snd build our beautiful country. Fix 30% pass rate si we can have educated people not lower then slave turnouts. Stop all thieving, looting instead make that money work for all south africans. This will get sa off their knees begging. Thanks Trump
by making it easy to pass without real effort hey get a majority they can easily control and manipulate
The last thing a communist government wants is smarter people asking questions … it makes them harder to control.
There’s a reason South Africa has the highest data charges in the world, and lowest education standards. The most illiterate and innumerate population in the whole of Africa.
People that vote for this corrupt government must not complain...you deserve this...because those that need this support is the one's that will complain about BAD Orange Man Trump...never bite the hand that feeds you...ANC government and their supporters the external beggars.
Oh please reread my comment. My exact argument. I was not discussing university education but school level. More than 81% of South African Grade 4 pupils cannot read for meaning. This is according to the recent Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). which means a significant portion of matriculants would likely struggle with reading comprehension at a higher level due to foundational literacy issues at an early stage. I find this shocking. Most matrics cannot do maths or science as these are the two subjects if taken as a subject that are passed at 30%. Obviously all subjects can be passed at 30%.. They introduced maths lit which is basically housewife maths which in the real world closes off all doors to further education. Universities donot take matrics with maths lit. What happened to all matrics doing maths and the ones that excel in maths doing higher grade maths. As a south african you would have to be born under a rock not to know the couple of pointers uou made, especially the one with Chris Barnard. Don't be so patronizing. After reading this you want to still bring in spite and hatred. 😃 😊 🙂 please read comments with understanding before commenting. Thanks
Do you realize that in America it takes
10 to 14 years to become a fully licensed doctor.
In South Africa A 5-year Bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery. A 2-year clinical internship. 1 year of compulsory community service.
Take note of the difference.
Take note how many qualified doctors in south africa are sitting at home doing absolutely nothing because anc has no money to pay them. This is also disgusting as sa has a shortage of doctors. Many townships have no doctors. People are dying and you want to talk about my hatred and spite. Why aren't you talking about the murders of patients due to the incompetence of the anc. Please do your research and shock yourself on south africas collapse. 🤣🤣🤣
It’s time Ramaphosa realizes he can’t have his bread buttered on both sides..
He must take back makwerekwere back to their country
And they promised that they heard the voters, after loosing 30% of their votes. Clearly not.
He won't loose any sleep. He has enough money. It is the stupid voters that suffers.
He's now banking on BRIEKS for feeding troughs.
Its the day he butters us sideway. I smell a new flag building tender
The Entitlement attitude is strong in this message. We aren't the US's problem. We are our own problem, and deserve everything coming to us.
I sensed that, too
I couldnt agree more. But when I say these things to those around me I am seen as a traitor.
This lefty in this video is so smug and pasty,I get inspired to get to the gym
True. SA governance under black ANC rule has led to this.
But let's not pretend trump is doing this to MAGA. He's a conservative and a moderate bigot who has PoC working for him as a performance PR stunt.
@@mldo5659not world lol in Africa
@@mldo5659 this is different this is TB and HIV
The people that support and keep voting for the ANC is just as much to blame as the party itself
Well, let our government look after the people as they should.
Good! The government should be be called out for failing to provide essential services. SA citizens should know who has failed them and it is not the US.
I salute Trump ,South African govt under ANC has wasted resources at an alarming rate
You can salute him all you like, but remember, innocent people are going to suffer because of his actions.
he doesn't owe south africa anything especialy with a hostile ANC do you even understand how politics or the world works .. you don't bite the hand that feeds you ... look what happens when you do ... this will backfire in the ANCs face ..
@@Dankmangolionas they have been in every facet of their lives under ANC ruling. Everything they have touched, literally everything has gone to shit. Every state owned enterprise, they have milked beyond it's profits and hundreds of millions into debt. If South Africa doesn't take responsibility for its own, we will be the next failed African country. They received 2.1Trillion ZAR and still cannot manage it? Cmon.
@@Dankmangolion how would you suggest it be handled? Voting isn't working.
@@Dankmangolion lets add #freeZA in our bios type kak. This country was meant to run after it learnt to walk, not beg on it's knees.
How were we going to pay for NHI if America was paying for some of the medical services in SA????
We not
So many lies and stories. That is probably why each taxpayer must pay R 37 000 extra per year
Only the ANC know....
The truth is SA funded its own health care by 90% so only 10% was from US
ANC is busy turning South Africa into a shit hole
Why should American taxpayers foot the bill.
I support any cuts to the money pipelines of these thieves in government.
This country has backward people governing, sending all back 100 years.....such failures!!!
Well said.
Well he is a week in power and he is taking his own country backwards. Soon America will be the most backward nation on earth.
Come to think of it, they are already backward. They elected a convicted felon, fraudster, grifter and adjudicated rapist in power.
Strange, he has done almost the exact thing Zuma did when he is in power, and white south Africans in particular, revere him.
Uncivilized people are running the government
Thank you President Trump don’t give this ANC a penny
They did ask them to stay out of their business... Not so?
They got billions from Iraq and china
The money we give goes to public health which is NOT a political party.
So then they must not expect the meds that Dan is crying about to be given freely. Ramamampara must make sure he supply those antiretrovirals that comes from there
Loosing funding is regretted however, it is about time we do something for ourselves.
That would be true of we had the capacity to do so, but if you're relying on the ANC, you're about to be very disappointed my friend
Well deserved action by the USA. All self inflicted by the ANC. Bravo Trump
SA Gov forever asking for "handouts"😮
It's not only asking for handouts, but actually insulting the people that are giving out the handouts.
Good stuff Mr Trump. Commies always talk big.
Trump is fed up with anc, Rama must get his act together or GO GO GO.
The US has their own problems to solve. South Africa is not their problem. In fact, much of the money donated by the US in the past has gone to the bank accounts of the political elite in any case, not the people in need.
They must go to their brothers for AID Russia China Iran
That makes sense
@@mldo5659 Tr ump's thinking is not about SA at all, for better or for worse. It's about the sustainability of the American Taxpayer. How will you like to toss 400 billion between 35 countries, but 1 country tells you not to stop sending money because they are doing good?(supposed to be doing good anyway)
Oh yea, don't not wori SA, brics aid coming.... in putin rubble, xixi yuan and modi whropee pee 😂😂😂
Good Donald Trump Put Americans first
Imagine we can have a South African president that does that and doesn't put the ANC first...
But citizens are going to die without meds cos ANC has destroyed our self sufficiency and we manufacture nothing and they’ve stolen SA money
Israel is ALWAYS first for usa 😊
@@user-wl5ke5xn5fthis has fokkol to do with Israel!
But Ramaphosa will never put us first. 😢. All he can say to Students who are looking for jobs is " try again, keep applying something will come up". Aaron telling prof med graduates to " work in private or go overseas" . Jobs don't create themselves Ramaphosa 😭😭😭. What's happening with out tax money? Still funding sidechicks 😢😢😢
This truly is a sad day, and is close to home for many South Africans. As you rightfully mentioned, USAID was actually doing what this government was failing to do. Fingers need to be pointed at the ANC, it's failings are becoming more and more glaring with every passing day.
Don't ever vote for them again. They have taken our votes and support for granted.
Their arrogance is based on the fact they will never lose an election and we saw
in the last election the cracks in their hubris is slowly deepening even more.
Day by day.
where was this money, look at any clinic or public hospital, they are a disgrace.
The money was looted by the greedy ANC politicians. Not a day goes by where we don't hear of corruption and mismanagement of funds!
Mthimbane u Dom, bathe wonke umhlaba, not only South Africa. Ziyakhala worldwide.
@@kgotsomachitela1976 ingenaphi lento oyithethayo? No where did I say it's only SA, and you missed the point my guy. Please go read my comment again, and if usahluleka yiyeke
Cyril. You cant bite the hand that is helping you to fulfil yor duties.
You desire to go it on your own so show us how smart you are.
🇧🇼 Botswana learned a hard lesson last time President Trump was in power. (Aids medication. )
"Forced into some kind of deal that we don't want to do" You mean like forcing the ANC to actually spend money on the country instead of keeping it for themselves?
How can you hate the organization that has been helping you. So backwards
South Africa should have been Self Sufficient but it's hard to be a Leader when money has become Your lover
South Africa use to be self sufficient
"The love of money is the root of all evil"
@Alitheone6618 Very true Elon Musk fits the bill perfectly
@@lioneldempersyou truely believe Elon does this for money 😂😂
@@Waynevs4 No,it wasn’t.Logically a country can’t be overly self-sufficient without dipping into isolationist ideologies. Yes, we can become less dependent but no country can survive on their own without severally affecting their own economy.
Time to take away the pacifiers and get the government to grow up and take care of the country themselves.
This is the most mature comment I have read so far, thank you South Africa needs you and people like you.
Beautiful comment, very constructive. Thank you
@@xolanirasana8109 Not really, you need the ANC because you deserve the best.
@mldo5659 what you are saying has little to do with the issue at hand.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@mldo5659 Then if this country is so amazing, why can't it take care of itself...? Why can't africa take care of itself? Why is it always the civilized WEST - WHO EMBRACED CAPITALISM - that has to save socilaist shitholes...?
ANC need people with common sense,people will suffer because of lack of it!!!
19million on social grants, 58million population, 4million taxpayers. what can go wrong?
Maybe communism?
And it looks like there is more that is coming for SA
Anc is the problem
Dan, South Africa is rightfully getting what it deserves. It is about time that our cadre government is taken to task. We have GNU in name only as ANC believe they can carry on as before.
Joel Pollak (nxt US Ambassador to SA) has hit the nail on the head, basically saying we either align to the West or if not, expect consequences.
America threatening us are they? Of course they are ... Americans has massive national debt (trillions of dollars) and has relied largely on the dollar being the world currency, foreign wars (the aid given to Ukraine is used to pay American arms manufacturers), and exploitation (such as stealing Syria's oil) for its wealth. (I did say mostly and not solely.) BRICS wants a more fair world without sanctions, domination and exploitation, and respect for the sovereignty of all countries. Such a world is a threat to America, so it has vowed to destroy BRICS, punish all countries associated with BRICS and so on.
We should free ourselves from dependence on the West, not look to Russia and China for handouts, and as a country be creative about becoming self sufficient. And no, the answer is not rampant capitalism (see above for what happened to the country that worships capitalism ... never mind the dire circumstances for the poor in that country). Nor is communism. That is why I say we must be creative.
Yes indeed ANC EFF DA our Leaders
@@mldo5659 no it is not! What you are saying is the Government can do whatever they want with no consequences? Why would I hand out money to someone if they do stuff that I don't like or that is not aligned with my policies? SA has enough resources but your government loot and steal and now other Tax paying citizens of other countries must pay? That is the Africa mentality, we want we want and we want it for free.
ANC is to be blame for all this.
South Africa should pay for their own ARV's.
We have many people leaving with HIV our government have laboratories let them make them,and let all foreigners back home please please 😢😢😢
The ANC politicians always think they are smart ,with the 1960 mentality 😂😂😂😂
What mentality???...you need brains for that
1960 - sorry but it is still the 1652 mentality
@ melanieshepherd :My apologies ..Thank you for the correction 😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂,, 😂😂😂😂
Oh, don’t worry-Mr. Cyril made it clear that we don’t need America and that they shouldn’t interfere with South Africa. Bravo! How’s that strategy working out for you, Mr. President? 👏
You are stupid 😂😂😂😂
It's been 4 hours
This is a good thing....we need to be totally independent from America and dictator Trump! South Africans are resilient and I believe together we can overcome this temporary setback.
I will vote for a benevolent dictator who can grow an economy rather than a socialist who makes the right noises, grows his bank balance, and does not give a hoot about his people.
@@tersiasmuts7101😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 goodluck skat
There was no appreciation shown for what the US do for our country.........on top of it all, the ANC decides to go and back the other cash strapped horse!
Everybody must take care of their own citizens first!
I have failed to understand how South African politicians can tread into topics that have international implications. Change is important but I have always thought that we should focus on cleaning our own home before judging those of others.
To Hell with Junk Status, here comes Zim Status Dan!😳
Yep. Eish
The best part of it is that you will also be affected by that Zim status
Rama should ask his G20 and his BRIEKS.
ANC is a Rotten Fish
For me the main problem we have is our own corruption (and incompetence).
Our leaders have looted this country to the tune of TRILLIONS* (yes, TRILLIONS with a TR 😂).
*I watched a compelling analysis of a chief economist during the Zupta era, detailing how they VIOLATED our beloved country pass the billions mark.
Sadly, the corruption continues , largely unabated...
I thought S A was a commie country because they always went wih russia and china. All we heard from S A was the west and the U S was the cause of all things bad, there. It's even hard to get a visa longer than 3 months for people from the U S. They make it hard for democracy loving U S people to migrate there who want to buy a home or start a business. Getting a Residential visa is next to impossible even when you can afford it if you are from the U S. We are shocked S A was getting millions of dollars from the U S!
Time for the ANC to get in line, Make South Africa Great Again.
#MSAGA ? Works for me
When exactly was South Africa great? Lol
And what have you been saying about America😂 good job President Trump🎉
It's good news; the ANC needs to step down... The millions of South Africans can vote differently
I got mad when he said "the USA has provided aid for decades" WTF stand on your own two feet. Take care of your own people.
Yeah, that makes sense. What's the problem? We're supposed to take care of our own people.
Yes where did go the funds that America gave?
To the ANC
To gravy.
The ANC leaves a trail. Looting ... corruption ... Maybe Cyril's couch
Ramaphosa's mattress...
To the ANC and to illegals immigrants.
I hope the idiots who voted for the ANC realise what that vote cost us in the end.
Be informed before making these knee jerk responses. Trump has stopped funding (immediately without notice) for everyone around the world. This has nothing to do with the ANC.
Why is it the American people's job to pay for South Africa ?
Heaven forbid that you would want AID to be properly spent. That's just not South African.
Thank you President Trump 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻. Please bring more sanctions
It's time that the government of RSA explains to the public why can't we as South Africa provide required medication to our people. Then if there is no money. Let them go to Russia & China.
There's no money in either Ruzzia or China. Take a look at the value of the Ruzzian ruble. The drugs needed are manufactured in the US.
Have you honestly looked at how their people and treated and live. Do you seriously think that is what south africans are worth. Why not look at the laws that must be changed so south africans can build south africa up and support ourselves. There is just so much wrong in this country. You are not a sa or you don't give a dame even about yourself.
Rama will now turn to BRIEKS for handouts....
Excellent decision Pres. Trump. God bless🙏🏻👍
Oh I'm so glad you asked god to bless Our Lord Trump, he so badly needs some love, but all these EVIL liberals keep being mean to him! the poor billionaires need our support
We should not be reliant on foreign aid! It's rediculous!
Down with the ANC
Foreigners must now pay for healthcare
Did pay!!! Now no more!!!!
@@elinorsmalberger8883 ware yanung wena??
Its about time SA stop being father christmas to other nations and use the funds for SA Healthcare
What funds????
What are you talking about?
Are you high, and on what?
Get your facts straight. Look at the state of South Africa. Nothing is working besides the looting. anc made over 50000 millionaires 30 years with who's money. You are obviously a 30%.
Is your brain functioning okay? SA’s father christmas is for the anc only...THEY DON’T HAVE FUNDS FOR ANYTHING OR ANYBODY ELSE! Read the comments properly...if you can...😒
ICJ case supporting Hamas..Nope Trump is not a fool..
Sorry, this is an ignorant statement. The ICJ case supports the cause of the oppressed Palestinian people.
Go and do a thorough and biased research on the history of this issue you might get a wake up call. Unless,
of course, you like drinking kool-aid.
No, sorry, you obviously read the wrong history...go and do proper research and find the truth!
@@SA_SovereigntyForPatriotshow many times is Palestine or a Palestinian mentioned in the Quran?
0 and 0
Be better learn the right history, not the one that suits you!
@Kassie ... So 'n bek moet jam kry.
Al hierdie mense wat teen jou stelling is, moet bietjie SELF huiswerk gaan doen en die Bybel lees.
Die God van Israel is *nogsteeds* die God van Israel en Hy *sal* díe vervloek wat Israel vervloek.
Of hulle nou in God glo of nie. Skeel my min. Maar een ding weet ek *beslis* ....hulle kierangs *GAAN* braai.
Thank you, very true
Thank you Truth Teller! That SA ' Delegation' ( totally on the wrong side of history) put a spanner in the works between SA & USA. Very sad about the outcome ( for SA), but Trump has a point. Can't fault him.
Amen! I'm all for the USA stopping and reevaluating where and to whom our tax dollars are going to.
I'm a blackman in south Africa i always preach to my people that we get alot from America but they reject me now they go feel the pain why they because i rolling with the grace of GOD
Well done Pres. Trump 👌🏼
Trump has done well.
We do not want US aid or any other aid.
We can and should take care of ourselves.
You can't even give yourselves clean water 😂😂😂😂😂
Or Electricity. No Post Office. Let's see how much Shit they talk about America after this 🇺🇲
SA Government needs to be responsible for SA not relying on the USA while they fill their pockets
Well done Mr Trump. From a south african : How can we be sure if the funds did go for health care?????? Blessings
Good. The South African government needs to pull its weight and stop the dependency on USAid.
@@mldo5659 Please stop, let USA sanction the living crap out of South Africa.
Pres Trumps done it👏👏👏👏
Less for ANC to steal
SA must get their support from their buddies - China and Russia. No problem….
This has to do with the Brics and SA’s alliance with Russia. USAid helped a lot of people through out Africa. Very sad indeed.
BRICS have been designed to crush the dollar. Ramaphosa will be on the short end of it.
This has everything to do with Trump and his cult. He is screwing over Americans and the rest of the world by further enriching himself and his tech billionaire buddies. Happy we are part of BRICS as America is alienating all their allies and partners.
Trump has not signaled out SA but has stopped all aid worldwide
@@mldo5659Blah, blah, blah. So where are your wonderdrugs? Why does SA need outside help?
Maybe the ANC can stop the looting now
Again, only the poor will suffer.
South Africa is moving to a place of sanctions... This ICJ standing with Palestine was a terrible move.
DT is now defending that sheet...hole too!
@@mldo5659 Yes and all though it's not popular to say , all of that was either done by or from the Apartheid governments structures and resources. How many universities have the ANC created for it's people? How many new state of the art hospitals?