I love the new direction of the channel, Mark. It’s like having a productive Bible study conversation with a friend who actually knows what he’s talking about 😂. I recently read the account of Leah and Jacob’s marriage, and had a thought that I haven’t heard anyone express before (which could be a sign that it isn’t correct). The thought was this: given all the nuances of the word in question, which you’ve covered here and in your previous video on Leah’s eyes, and given the idiomatic nature of the statement, and that it stands in contrast to Rachel’s physical beauty, it seems that “tender eyed” could likely be a reference, not to Leah’s physical eyes, but rather her view of others. In other words, Leah was generally compassionate and sympathetic toward people, tender eyed, but Rachel was beautiful. We say “I’ve only got eyes for you” which doesn’t express anything about our physical eyes, but instead that the one to whom we say it is the object of our affection and attraction. Anyways, it’s just a thought. Thanks for your work, it is always uplifting and helpful to this fellow believer. Col. 4:17
I saw this video had over a hundred views within 3 seconds of it appearing and was impressed! Then I see it's the early access crew 😁 Your former video has now become #1 on your channel. Fluke or not, it is exciting! I too was struck by how many were confidently asserting very diverse interpretations with not a source in sight. Anyway, commenting for the "algorithm" ;)
1. Mark Ward consistently does what all our best teachers did: Make The material interesting with a fun presentation. 2. Knowing that you can’t teach anyone anything that they’re not interested in learning, what a delight that he responds to interested viewers comments. 3. I’m an accounting guy and I love this stuff!
Since your last video, I was thinking on this issue of weak eyes. I had a thought that, today with modern technology, we don't usually make an issue of people who need glasses and have poor eyesight. However, in time where you couldn't just go get a pair of glasses, poor eyesight was probably a big deal. It would require much more accommodation and made a person less capable and therefore less attractive. I also thought that maybe we should look at the counterpoint, does beautiful just mean beautiful or something along the line of being more attractive as a choice and not just physical beauty. If we look at it that way the it really becomes fairly simple. Leah had poor eyesight but Rachel was beautiful (as in, had good form and wasn't "crippled")
I subconsciously pictured Leah plain, reading books with a magnifying glass, wearing thick glasses and a skirt made out of blue jeans. But listening to the guesses here I thought I might add one more. From race horses to gymnasts I watch for the humble confident focus of a champion's eyes, then there's the wild schizo overly confident and impatient ones who either get disqualified or come in second, and then the bored ones who don't even want to be there like I imagine Leahs. It could have reflected her reality that her sister was always getting all the attention and she mentally became the no nonsense runt.
I find it interesting that, while the Messiah was a descendant of Leah, it was Rachel that was buried at Bethlehem (where He was born), and her name was used in the prophecy of the slaughter of the innocents.
Here is a theory - Could the sudden growth be attributed to the possibility that many people doing a 365-day Bible reading plan had recently read this story and your video coincidentally came out at about the same time? That was how I stumbled on it. And I remembered you from many of the LOGOS videos. Thanks for the content.
Hi Mark, The hipster in me is proud that I was a fan of yours before you were cool. Congratulations! Thank you for being a living sermon to me. The next time I waiver in the face of daunting guidance from the Holy Spirit, I'll remember how you walked boldly into the Jordan River confident that God would part the water. God is great!
🎉 That’s great news! Looks like years of work in the uncontroversial field of King James Onlyism really prepared you for this contentious field of ancient ophthalmology. Seriously though, your videos turned me on to Logos and now it’s the non-RUclips subscription I’m happiest to pay each month. Every dollar and minute I spend in the software is so worth it.
As a side note, please don't let YT make you crazy. Once people start doing this as a job, they lose the passion for their subject. Instead, they become obsessed with stats on views, likes, shares, subscribers, etc. You can tell by the way they start titling their videos/making thumbnails with capital letters and words/phrases like, "DANGER!", "You'll never believe!", "OUTRAGE!" I just saw a channel of someone I used to watch. He used to do videos on Bible study, having a productive quiet time, etc. Now he's on the rage wagon, "exposing", this and that professing Christian & ministry, screaming in all caps, making clickbaity thumbnails, and having more and more payment methods listed. He also never smiles anymore. It makes me sad. As to sponsorships, if it's somewhere you worked/something you use, that's understandable. But then you start seeing commercials for things and you have no idea whether the person actually uses them or not. I know that's necessary when you're doing it for a job. But it changes the entire feel of the channel. Every video has to be titled a certain way to get clicks. Every video becomes a contest to outdo the performance of the prior one. People end up doing videos when they don't really have much to say, or when they are sick/going through problems, but they have to come up with something for the camera. So they smile and pretend things are fine. Behind the scenes, life is falling apart. There's also the fact that they start censoring themselves so as not to anger the yt algo gods. They have to do this because they now depend on yt and cannot risk their wrath. As I said, it changes the entire focus and feel of the channel. I realize I am no longer a person. I'm just another subscriber stat used for views and hopefully buying something. I no longer know whether the person is making videos because they WANT to, or because they HAVE to. That's when I usually drop out. It's your channel. You need to do what you need to do. I just think you're a good guy. I would hate to see this happen to you the way it's happened to so many others.
Thank You. I agree with you completely. The most important thing ( in my mind) to understand here the comparison between the sisters. Our human perception of beauty is flawed when compared to God's. While to Jacob Rachel was the beauty it was in fact Leah who was the beauty and in the end rests with her husband. 1 Samuel 16 says it perfectly when God tells Samuel "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Maybe God knew something about Leah that Jacob blindly looked past as he gazed upon the shapely desire of his heart. And yet Rachels oldest son was used in a powerful way to position Egypt to save Israel. God used both of these women to further the kingdom! Great Job. As a pastor preparing my sermon right now I am looking forward (in the future) to going back and looking at some of your other teachings and insights.
Thanks so much for showing more detail on how you use logos. About 30 minutes ago, I was just about to check out with a subscription for logos, but I stopped short while trying to decide which library to buy with it… Then I put it aside to decide later and watched this video… I had no idea they were going to sponsor this, and it’s great timing for me to see this right before I go buy Logos. I have never used logos yet. I know you like BDAG and HALOT, but do you have a list of your other favorite lexicons for Greek and Hebrew? I know this is a massive question, and you really don’t know where we are coming from. Would it be a burden to ask for a list of your favorite resources besides lexicons that you like to use in Logos? I’m not looking for an immediate answer on this one, perhaps one of your classes that you make in the future could cover this…
I am liking the Mobile Ed courses that are included in the subscription. Seems like they refresh quarterly. Last quarter I listened to Darrell Bock on Introducing the Gospels and Acts, and I just started Bryan Chapell’s Christ Centered Sermons course. They’re included in at least the Pro subscription.
Kienan, Caleb is right. And as for lexicons: DBL Greek and DBL Hebrew are fine. Louw-Nida for Greek is really great; I ought to use it more on the channel.
I have really 'weak 👀' and I accept my lot. I see opaque... When my husband and I were recently married, he used to say, "You're a sight for sore eyes". Don't hear it as much anymore ...😅
A theory about why this video blew up: in an age of gender ideology and disputes, a video with a woman's name and the word "weak" seemed controversial enough to stir engagement. That's what the algorithm cares about, more than depth of study or importance of topic. At any rate, I'm one of the new subscribers, who clicked when I saw that video. I'm glad I did, because it was a good video, and led me to your other stuff.
Well said. In my experience, far too many Christians simply decide on an interpretation as if they were at a Chinese restaurant picking one from column A, one from column B, etc., simply because they happen to like that particular item. Many are simply not happy with the idea that there can be some ambiguity in Scripture on some issues. I blame over-confident pastors who think that their enthusiasm on emphasizing their particular interpretation is the same as academic competence. Praying that your channel continues to grow - however, the key is answering real questions that people have but with those answers will come all the brothers who already have their own answer and want to disagree with yours! ;-)
My wife and I burst out laughing at AlGoreithms. Thanks for that. You're pretty much our favorite comedian. Says a lot about us, and we're just looking for a place to belong. It's tough out there...
It looks like you have been at this for a while. Persistance pays off👍 My husband has been a student of Biblical Hebrew for some years and has come a long way. He has procured some of the rabbinical commentaries but felt inundated in a sea of views. I can tell that you take your studies very seriously. Keep up the good work!
Checking the Hebrew / Greek is exactly what is needed! It's irrelevant what we think it means in English. (Or any other language.) What matters is what the original said. And if there is ambiguity in the original, that's fine. That's extremely helpful as well.
Perhaps Rachel was more beautiful in the worldly/lustful way, but Jacob later learned that true love for someone is deeper and more caring for the other person than his own physical desires.
@ seems to be doing good so far! My video “Rebutting Ward on Leah’s Eyes”. This is really going to start some serious church divisions lol. Keep up the good work, brother!
You also need to add that we have a similar understanding of Latin that post exile Israelites had of Hebrew. They probably lost nuance after the common language became Aramaic.
I'm rather persuaded that this is an idiom, to graciously compare Leah's physical appearance with that of Rachel. Didn't hear you say anything about the Logos software's treatment of idiomatic expressions. I think they're more common than we realize.
I posted this on the last video (sorry!) but I'm really curious what you think. Thanks for your work Mark. I’ve been interested in this description of Leah for a while. I find the verse to be a contrast to the beauty of Rachel as you do. A possible further help might be Pharaoh’s dreams later on in Genesis. Both feature attractive and unattractive subjects (women and cows) while also being associated with seven years (work for the women, and the years of plenty/famine). Furthermore, according to HALOT Leah literally means “bull” or “cow”. I’ve struggled to come up with a suitable explanation to these parallels. At the moment I lean towards Moses creating a type of analogy to Jacob’s marriage to these women where Jacob’s marriage to Leah was miserable for him as famine was to the land and to Rachel is was enjoyable like the years of plenty. I’m not entirely satisfied with that idea though. Any thoughts? I appreciate your work and the new direction of the channel!
Does logos have anything plugged into it on the Syriac Peshitta? In terms of authoritative translations, for the Orthodox it would be the Septuagint, the Peshitta, the Slavonic, and the Vulgate... in that order, but the Peshitta is difficult for most people to access due to the lack of good resources available to those who don't happen to know Syriac... which is most people.
You didn’t mention what your mom thinks about your rise on RUclips…Hi Marks mom. It would be nice if they would have just said..” she hath been sorely smitten with the staff of uncomeliness” or for the Latin lovers.. “Fuste deformitatis percussa est.”.
Great follow-up video. ........ MAY I SAY, that I have often explained Greek words successfully from the pulpit? BUT, I do not actually pronounce the Greek word. I just say, "the Greek word 'encouragement' can also mean, 'consolation, plea, exhortation'; same as the English word". This gets that "pin-drop" attention and interest, from people of varying education.
The rabbi‘s are, in my opinion, wrong about a lot of things if not most things. The value in looking at rabbinical interpretation is that they are much closer linguistically, historically, and culturally to the writers of the Scriptures than we are. Otherwise, you run into what, in my theological circles, we call the “macaroni principal.” People hear the Yankee Doodle song’s reference to macaroni and think that he’s talking about pasta. He’s not: he’s talking about being dressed in a dandyish style. There’s a lot of macaroni in the Bible, but we can get a little bit of perspective by seeing what the rabbis thought something meant, even if they’re wrong. Case in point: many people think Nicodemus took the phrase “you must be born again” literally when he responded by asking how can a man re-enter his mother’s womb. Nicodemus was not an idiot. We know from the Talmud and Jewish commentaries that “born again” to the Jews of the first century was a reference to a Gentile converting to Judaism, specifically to the act of entering the mikvah (baptismal pool) where the person was said to ritualistically die and be “born again” as a Jew. When the Messiah told Nicodemus, a Jew, that he must be born again, Nicodemus‘s response was a Pharisaic way of saying, “why do I have to convert to Judaism? I’m already Jewish.” And then the spiritual truth is explained to him: what is born of flesh is flesh, what is born of spirit is spirit. The Talmud is wrong about what being born again means, but it provides amazing insight into what was really going on in a conversation in John chapter 3.
It’s a bit surprising to me to hear your pronunciation of רך (Hebrew for “tender/soft”) as /ˈrɑk/ rather than as /ˈrax/. By the way, “Sefaria” - if it’s a variant of the Hebrew word for “library” (ספריה /sifriˈjɑː/ ) - would have its accent on the _last_ syllable,
This isn't really about the video, but I was wondering if you had read the book "The Major and the Missionary: The Letters of Warren Hamilton Lewis and Blanche Biggs", edited by Diana Glyer? In one of the letters, Warren, the brother of C.S. Lewis, says this, which I thought you would enjoy: "I was born conservative and hate all change, but obviously we cannot cling to the Old Bible for the beauty of its diction. It isn't a literary treat to be savoured in idle moments, but a guidebook to a rule of life. Even in a modern dress I find some of it very difficult to understand, and only a scholar can appreciate the meaning of large sections of the Authorized Version. Of the Epistles my brother used to saythat he wished that God, in entrusting Paul with his message, had also seen fit to give him the capacity of the orderly arrangement of his ideas. Even James found Paul hard to understand, you may remember" (23 November 1970).
Hmm. I sent this in to my friends there. Thank you for the tip. Can you describe what app you were using, and whether you were signed into logos.com or not?
@@wardonwords No sir, I never engaged with those guys. There is no point in it. I just ignore their comments. Regarding my post... In general, I fear change. lol
I just love that you read the King James with a British accent. Surprises me every time.
I love the new direction of the channel, Mark. It’s like having a productive Bible study conversation with a friend who actually knows what he’s talking about 😂.
I recently read the account of Leah and Jacob’s marriage, and had a thought that I haven’t heard anyone express before (which could be a sign that it isn’t correct). The thought was this: given all the nuances of the word in question, which you’ve covered here and in your previous video on Leah’s eyes, and given the idiomatic nature of the statement, and that it stands in contrast to Rachel’s physical beauty, it seems that “tender eyed” could likely be a reference, not to Leah’s physical eyes, but rather her view of others. In other words, Leah was generally compassionate and sympathetic toward people, tender eyed, but Rachel was beautiful.
We say “I’ve only got eyes for you” which doesn’t express anything about our physical eyes, but instead that the one to whom we say it is the object of our affection and attraction.
Anyways, it’s just a thought. Thanks for your work, it is always uplifting and helpful to this fellow believer. Col. 4:17
As always, thank you Mark!!! Great follow up video.
I appreciate you watching!
I saw this video had over a hundred views within 3 seconds of it appearing and was impressed! Then I see it's the early access crew 😁
Your former video has now become #1 on your channel. Fluke or not, it is exciting! I too was struck by how many were confidently asserting very diverse interpretations with not a source in sight.
Anyway, commenting for the "algorithm" ;)
Ha! Love this.
1. Mark Ward consistently does what all our best teachers did: Make The material interesting with a fun presentation.
2. Knowing that you can’t teach anyone anything that they’re not interested in learning, what a delight that he responds to interested viewers comments.
3. I’m an accounting guy and I love this stuff!
Thank you, Steve! Very encouraging!
Woohoo!! Sponsored!! YES!! Things are coming together!!! So happy for you.God is so good!!!! Always praying for you and yours❤
Thanks, I appreciate it!
Wow. When you explained God’s tender how turns the unloved by explaining about Leah, I choked up. I did not expect that.
I never want to let the academicky stuff keep me from the truth stuff.
That joke at the end was hilarious. I'll have to repeat it to my wife in the morning just so I can get a "boo."
Really enjoyed the way you walked us through your process in Logos! I’m still new-ish to the software, so it’s great to see how others use it.
Logos is a great tool! Glad I could show you some new things.
My friends and family have been rolling their eyes at my use of the AlGoreRhythm joke for years 😂 Love it!
You go, Mark! 📖🙏✝️
Since your last video, I was thinking on this issue of weak eyes. I had a thought that, today with modern technology, we don't usually make an issue of people who need glasses and have poor eyesight. However, in time where you couldn't just go get a pair of glasses, poor eyesight was probably a big deal. It would require much more accommodation and made a person less capable and therefore less attractive. I also thought that maybe we should look at the counterpoint, does beautiful just mean beautiful or something along the line of being more attractive as a choice and not just physical beauty. If we look at it that way the it really becomes fairly simple. Leah had poor eyesight but Rachel was beautiful (as in, had good form and wasn't "crippled")
Great information!! Thank you!!
I haven't watched this video yet but the title alone is awesome 😎
Not only did I smirk at the joke, I've made a similar one myself before!
I came for the “false friends” and stayed for the “tender eyes.” And bought your book.
Even in God's Word, we have mystery, as is true here. Sometimes the greatest lesson is simply that we need to keep searching for the truth.
I subconsciously pictured Leah plain, reading books with a magnifying glass, wearing thick glasses and a skirt made out of blue jeans. But listening to the guesses here I thought I might add one more. From race horses to gymnasts I watch for the humble confident focus of a champion's eyes, then there's the wild schizo overly confident and impatient ones who either get disqualified or come in second, and then the bored ones who don't even want to be there like I imagine Leahs. It could have reflected her reality that her sister was always getting all the attention and she mentally became the no nonsense runt.
I find it interesting that, while the Messiah was a descendant of Leah, it was Rachel that was buried at Bethlehem (where He was born), and her name was used in the prophecy of the slaughter of the innocents.
I loved "look a gift horse in the withers!"
Wow second video this year and already selling out to get people to do more bible study. . . 😏 Congrats on the logos sponsorship. Well deserved.
Here is a theory - Could the sudden growth be attributed to the possibility that many people doing a 365-day Bible reading plan had recently read this story and your video coincidentally came out at about the same time? That was how I stumbled on it. And I remembered you from many of the LOGOS videos. Thanks for the content.
That's a very worthy hypothesis!
Hi Mark, The hipster in me is proud that I was a fan of yours before you were cool. Congratulations! Thank you for being a living sermon to me. The next time I waiver in the face of daunting guidance from the Holy Spirit, I'll remember how you walked boldly into the Jordan River confident that God would part the water. God is great!
I think I'm uncool again; back down to regular views!
Congratulations on the Logos sponsorship!!!
Thank you! I’m excited about it.
Your joke at the end made my day! Thank you also for your other observations
You are most welcome!
@@wardonwords Al Gore :)
So glad that your content is reaching a wider audience! (The Ale-Gore-rhythms joke is one of my fave dad jokes of all time)
The world needs more dad jokes.
😅Greetings from Liberty South Carolina. Have been enjoying your content since I learned about you on the Sean McDowell podcast. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for watching! Glad you found my channel.
🎉 That’s great news! Looks like years of work in the uncontroversial field of King James Onlyism really prepared you for this contentious field of ancient ophthalmology.
Seriously though, your videos turned me on to Logos and now it’s the non-RUclips subscription I’m happiest to pay each month. Every dollar and minute I spend in the software is so worth it.
Caleb, that made me laugh even harder than Mark's "dad joke"!
Well played sir, well played.
And thank you for the brief logos tutorial - I will make that a part of my study moving forward!
Glad it helped!
As a side note, please don't let YT make you crazy. Once people start doing this as a job, they lose the passion for their subject. Instead, they become obsessed with stats on views, likes, shares, subscribers, etc. You can tell by the way they start titling their videos/making thumbnails with capital letters and words/phrases like, "DANGER!", "You'll never believe!", "OUTRAGE!" I just saw a channel of someone I used to watch. He used to do videos on Bible study, having a productive quiet time, etc. Now he's on the rage wagon, "exposing", this and that professing Christian & ministry, screaming in all caps, making clickbaity thumbnails, and having more and more payment methods listed. He also never smiles anymore. It makes me sad.
As to sponsorships, if it's somewhere you worked/something you use, that's understandable. But then you start seeing commercials for things and you have no idea whether the person actually uses them or not. I know that's necessary when you're doing it for a job. But it changes the entire feel of the channel. Every video has to be titled a certain way to get clicks. Every video becomes a contest to outdo the performance of the prior one. People end up doing videos when they don't really have much to say, or when they are sick/going through problems, but they have to come up with something for the camera. So they smile and pretend things are fine. Behind the scenes, life is falling apart.
There's also the fact that they start censoring themselves so as not to anger the yt algo gods. They have to do this because they now depend on yt and cannot risk their wrath.
As I said, it changes the entire focus and feel of the channel. I realize I am no longer a person. I'm just another subscriber stat used for views and hopefully buying something. I no longer know whether the person is making videos because they WANT to, or because they HAVE to. That's when I usually drop out.
It's your channel. You need to do what you need to do. I just think you're a good guy. I would hate to see this happen to you the way it's happened to so many others.
Thank you for this thoughtful comment. I agree.
Awww, Mary!
"Mary! Dontcha know me?"
"No, no!"
Runs away and screams
Thank you, Mark! I just love how Jewish commentators deal with this kind of more obscure passages.
So good and love the gratuitous nerdy dad joke
You already knew you belonged! Now it's absolutely beyond doubt.
AlGoreRhythms are when he plays the drums🤣😆🤣😆
Thank You. I agree with you completely. The most important thing ( in my mind) to understand here the comparison between the sisters. Our human perception of beauty is flawed when compared to God's. While to Jacob Rachel was the beauty it was in fact Leah who was the beauty and in the end rests with her husband. 1 Samuel 16 says it perfectly when God tells Samuel "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Maybe God knew something about Leah that Jacob blindly looked past as he gazed upon the shapely desire of his heart. And yet Rachels oldest son was used in a powerful way to position Egypt to save Israel. God used both of these women to further the kingdom!
Great Job. As a pastor preparing my sermon right now I am looking forward (in the future) to going back and looking at some of your other teachings and insights.
Thanks so much for showing more detail on how you use logos. About 30 minutes ago, I was just about to check out with a subscription for logos, but I stopped short while trying to decide which library to buy with it… Then I put it aside to decide later and watched this video… I had no idea they were going to sponsor this, and it’s great timing for me to see this right before I go buy Logos.
I have never used logos yet. I know you like BDAG and HALOT, but do you have a list of your other favorite lexicons for Greek and Hebrew?
I know this is a massive question, and you really don’t know where we are coming from. Would it be a burden to ask for a list of your favorite resources besides lexicons that you like to use in Logos? I’m not looking for an immediate answer on this one, perhaps one of your classes that you make in the future could cover this…
I am liking the Mobile Ed courses that are included in the subscription. Seems like they refresh quarterly. Last quarter I listened to Darrell Bock on Introducing the Gospels and Acts, and I just started Bryan Chapell’s Christ Centered Sermons course. They’re included in at least the Pro subscription.
Kienan, Caleb is right. And as for lexicons: DBL Greek and DBL Hebrew are fine. Louw-Nida for Greek is really great; I ought to use it more on the channel.
I have really 'weak 👀' and I accept my lot. I see opaque...
When my husband and I were recently married, he used to say, "You're a sight for sore eyes".
Don't hear it as much anymore ...😅
Than k s. Good handling of such a word, or passage.
And I've been watching your channel for at least a year
A theory about why this video blew up: in an age of gender ideology and disputes, a video with a woman's name and the word "weak" seemed controversial enough to stir engagement. That's what the algorithm cares about, more than depth of study or importance of topic. At any rate, I'm one of the new subscribers, who clicked when I saw that video. I'm glad I did, because it was a good video, and led me to your other stuff.
That could be! I really have no idea!
Good timing since many Bible in a year are on Jacob around the 19th of January.
Mark, I along with many Messianic Jews appreciate it when you sprinkle in some insights from Jewish commentaries. Thanks
Thanks, I’m glad that’s helpful!
Well said. In my experience, far too many Christians simply decide on an interpretation as if they were at a Chinese restaurant picking one from column A, one from column B, etc., simply because they happen to like that particular item. Many are simply not happy with the idea that there can be some ambiguity in Scripture on some issues. I blame over-confident pastors who think that their enthusiasm on emphasizing their particular interpretation is the same as academic competence. Praying that your channel continues to grow - however, the key is answering real questions that people have but with those answers will come all the brothers who already have their own answer and want to disagree with yours! ;-)
My wife and I burst out laughing at AlGoreithms. Thanks for that. You're pretty much our favorite comedian. Says a lot about us, and we're just looking for a place to belong. It's tough out there...
It looks like you have been at this for a while. Persistance pays off👍 My husband has been a student of Biblical Hebrew for some years and has come a long way. He has procured some of the rabbinical commentaries but felt inundated in a sea of views.
I can tell that you take your studies very seriously. Keep up the good work!
It is indeed a long game. Thanks!
Main take away. Leah was less beautiful than Rachel somehow. But after Rachel died Leah was loved more than Rachel in her older age by Jacob.
Checking the Hebrew / Greek is exactly what is needed! It's irrelevant what we think it means in English. (Or any other language.) What matters is what the original said. And if there is ambiguity in the original, that's fine. That's extremely helpful as well.
How do I turn Bible knowledge into actual active ministry?
With apologies to Donnie Iris, "Ah, Leah."
Perhaps Rachel was more beautiful in the worldly/lustful way, but Jacob later learned that true love for someone is deeper and more caring for the other person than his own physical desires.
*smirk and a nod
You're in.
If this one blows up, I’ll start making Leah videos too 😂
I highly doubt it will!
@ seems to be doing good so far! My video “Rebutting Ward on Leah’s Eyes”. This is really going to start some serious church divisions lol. Keep up the good work, brother!
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews I love this, Stephen! You really got a good chuckle out of me. Laughter does good like a medicine!
I couldn't build a table to save my life but for some reason I like watching black tail Studio videos and have for a long time now
I find logos hard to navigate.
You also need to add that we have a similar understanding of Latin that post exile Israelites had of Hebrew.
They probably lost nuance after the common language became Aramaic.
I'm rather persuaded that this is an idiom, to graciously compare Leah's physical appearance with that of Rachel. Didn't hear you say anything about the Logos software's treatment of idiomatic expressions. I think they're more common than we realize.
Keep up the awesome word studies. I think weak eyes mean she wore glasses...........😉😘😬
After all, "Men never make passes at girls who wear glasses!" --Dorothy Parker
I posted this on the last video (sorry!) but I'm really curious what you think.
Thanks for your work Mark. I’ve been interested in this description of Leah for a while. I find the verse to be a contrast to the beauty of Rachel as you do. A possible further help might be Pharaoh’s dreams later on in Genesis. Both feature attractive and unattractive subjects (women and cows) while also being associated with seven years (work for the women, and the years of plenty/famine). Furthermore, according to HALOT Leah literally means “bull” or “cow”. I’ve struggled to come up with a suitable explanation to these parallels. At the moment I lean towards Moses creating a type of analogy to Jacob’s marriage to these women where Jacob’s marriage to Leah was miserable for him as famine was to the land and to Rachel is was enjoyable like the years of plenty. I’m not entirely satisfied with that idea though. Any thoughts? I appreciate your work and the new direction of the channel!
A week is seven days. Moses was saying that Leah had seven eyes.
Does logos have anything plugged into it on the Syriac Peshitta? In terms of authoritative translations, for the Orthodox it would be the Septuagint, the Peshitta, the Slavonic, and the Vulgate... in that order, but the Peshitta is difficult for most people to access due to the lack of good resources available to those who don't happen to know Syriac... which is most people.
It does; I've used it quite a few times. I didn't for this video, but Logos would have allowed me to do so.
You didn’t mention what your mom thinks about your rise on RUclips…Hi Marks mom. It would be nice if they would have just said..” she hath been sorely smitten with the staff of uncomeliness” or for the Latin lovers.. “Fuste deformitatis percussa est.”.
Great follow-up video.
MAY I SAY, that I have often explained Greek words successfully from the pulpit?
BUT, I do not actually pronounce the Greek word. I just say, "the Greek word 'encouragement' can also mean, 'consolation, plea, exhortation'; same as the English word".
This gets that "pin-drop" attention and interest, from people of varying education.
The rabbi‘s are, in my opinion, wrong about a lot of things if not most things. The value in looking at rabbinical interpretation is that they are much closer linguistically, historically, and culturally to the writers of the Scriptures than we are. Otherwise, you run into what, in my theological circles, we call the “macaroni principal.” People hear the Yankee Doodle song’s reference to macaroni and think that he’s talking about pasta. He’s not: he’s talking about being dressed in a dandyish style. There’s a lot of macaroni in the Bible, but we can get a little bit of perspective by seeing what the rabbis thought something meant, even if they’re wrong.
Case in point: many people think Nicodemus took the phrase “you must be born again” literally when he responded by asking how can a man re-enter his mother’s womb. Nicodemus was not an idiot. We know from the Talmud and Jewish commentaries that “born again” to the Jews of the first century was a reference to a Gentile converting to Judaism, specifically to the act of entering the mikvah (baptismal pool) where the person was said to ritualistically die and be “born again” as a Jew. When the Messiah told Nicodemus, a Jew, that he must be born again, Nicodemus‘s response was a Pharisaic way of saying, “why do I have to convert to Judaism? I’m already Jewish.” And then the spiritual truth is explained to him: what is born of flesh is flesh, what is born of spirit is spirit. The Talmud is wrong about what being born again means, but it provides amazing insight into what was really going on in a conversation in John chapter 3.
It’s a bit surprising to me to hear your pronunciation of רך (Hebrew for “tender/soft”) as /ˈrɑk/ rather than as /ˈrax/.
By the way, “Sefaria” -
if it’s a variant of the Hebrew word for “library” (ספריה /sifriˈjɑː/ ) -
would have its accent on the _last_ syllable,
I value learning these things, but as you know, I just didn't learn Hebrew as a spoken language but as a written one. =|
This isn't really about the video, but I was wondering if you had read the book "The Major and the Missionary: The Letters of Warren Hamilton Lewis and Blanche Biggs", edited by Diana Glyer? In one of the letters, Warren, the brother of C.S. Lewis, says this, which I thought you would enjoy:
"I was born conservative and hate all change, but obviously we cannot cling to the Old Bible for the beauty of its diction. It isn't a literary treat to be savoured in idle moments, but a guidebook to a rule of life. Even in a modern dress I find some of it very difficult to understand, and only a scholar can appreciate the meaning of large sections of the Authorized Version. Of the Epistles my brother used to saythat he wished that God, in entrusting Paul with his message, had also seen fit to give him the capacity of the orderly arrangement of his ideas. Even James found Paul hard to understand, you may remember" (23 November 1970).
That’s a great quote, thanks for sharing! I feel I have read it somewhere…
Your logos link ain't working. :)
Hmm. I sent this in to my friends there. Thank you for the tip. Can you describe what app you were using, and whether you were signed into logos.com or not?
@@wardonwords Tested on another machine and it's fine. Must be just my setup (adblockers etc). ;)
@@JoellHaugan Thank you for checking!
Obligatory comment in strong support of the "King James Voice"...
It shall remain on the channel!
Yawn. I miss the old Mark Ward.
You want more fights with KJV-Onlyism? ;)
@@wardonwords No sir, I never engaged with those guys. There is no point in it. I just ignore their comments. Regarding my post... In general, I fear change. lol