"Punjab Police is unfairly labeled as a criminal organization in Canada due to manipulated asylum claims since the 1990s. While some officers committed illegal acts during 1986-1998, Indian courts are holding them accountable. The majority of Punjab Police officers are law-abiding, with many funding their children's education in Canada without misusing the asylum system. We urge Canada to revisit its policies, remove this stigma, and allow smooth visa processes for Punjab Police officials."
It's déjà vu for the Indian consulate's interactions with Indian-born individuals working in law enforcement in Canada. India does not offer OCI (a form of Indian PR) to persons who work in law enforcement.
"Punjab Police is unfairly labeled as a criminal organization in Canada due to manipulated asylum claims since the 1990s. While some officers committed illegal acts during 1986-1998, Indian courts are holding them accountable. The majority of Punjab Police officers are law-abiding, with many funding their children's education in Canada without misusing the asylum system. We urge Canada to revisit its policies, remove this stigma, and allow smooth visa processes for Punjab Police officials."
It's déjà vu for the Indian consulate's interactions with Indian-born individuals working in law enforcement in Canada. India does not offer OCI (a form of Indian PR) to persons who work in law enforcement.