How to place a topknot in a Shih Tzu

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 242

  • @toiahgordon8892
    @toiahgordon8892 6 лет назад +104

    She is so calm. My shihtzu WILL not stay still enough for me to put a top knot!

    • @chandrashekharpatil9205
      @chandrashekharpatil9205 4 года назад +3

      Sameeee hereeeeee

    • @tatakookie7662
      @tatakookie7662 4 года назад +1

      Omg, my Shih Tzu is Same tooo!!

    • @mrcoconut5077
      @mrcoconut5077 3 года назад +1

      Mine will bite me if i put my hand too close to his face he doesn't like anyone in his face

    • @toiahgordon8892
      @toiahgordon8892 3 года назад

      @@mrcoconut5077 Hahaha. Oh no!!

    • @1rage17
      @1rage17 3 года назад +1

      You need to get a grooming pillow and get them used to having stuff near their face. Use a keyword so they're warned, I use "eyes"

  • @nishabijoy7987
    @nishabijoy7987 3 года назад +6

    I see this entire process being a success only if my dog is so calm as yours! My Tzu doesn't even like being brushed 😁 First step to a pretty looking Shih Tzu and a sweat free grooming session is to train the dog to be calm and enjoy the process

  • @ladyhecate9450
    @ladyhecate9450 6 лет назад +13

    Thank you for this. I never understood the entire process. You did a great job explaining. Pictures/videos help so much.

  • @janetjustice3108
    @janetjustice3108 4 года назад +5

    This is so helpful! I just brought my 4 month old shih tzu puppy home from the groomer with a top knot and bow, it was out in less than a hour.

  • @LovelyTasha
    @LovelyTasha 6 лет назад +79

    My dog will not sit that still

  • @LaceyShihTzu
    @LaceyShihTzu 9 лет назад +40

    Stassi is so pretty!

  • @savagebubbles5544
    @savagebubbles5544 3 года назад +2

    Please also share training videos. She is really a calm girl!

  • @PotAndPlants
    @PotAndPlants 8 лет назад +3

    Thank you Sooo much for this video!!! I've tried so hard to correctly place a Bow in my Sheba's only to have her shake it out. I'm definitely going to try this!!!!!

    @BACKYARDGARDENER 7 лет назад

    I have a 14 week old Shih Tzu . Her name is diamond very good temperament and smart. She do wear a full coat for now and a top-notch. My hat goes off to you because this is a lot of work everyday.👋

  • @mykamikaelasalvadora9291
    @mykamikaelasalvadora9291 7 лет назад +72

    when stassi is much prettier that me😂

  • @MSteed7931
    @MSteed7931 6 лет назад +2

    I have a 3 month old Maltese. Any tips or tricks on keeping hair out of her eyes until it's long enough? thanks

  • @lorireece1970
    @lorireece1970 6 лет назад +1

    Shih this are the CUTEST dogs!!!

  • @iamallama9504
    @iamallama9504 8 лет назад +86

    Whenever my I tie my dogs had she tries and removes it 😂😆😄

    • @sugarhoneysweets
      @sugarhoneysweets 8 лет назад +5

      Stassi is obviously very used to it and has had constant top knots since she was just a few months old. I wish my poodle would leave his in, too! But I didn't adopt him until he was 1. :/

  • @oreotheshihtzu5294
    @oreotheshihtzu5294 3 года назад

    Shes so cute i have a 7month shihtzu her name is oreo and this really helped thank u so much!

  • @debbiedaniel6594
    @debbiedaniel6594 3 года назад

    Beautiful dog! Thanks for the video.

  • @blessedbythebest1003
    @blessedbythebest1003 7 лет назад

    Beautiful, well behaved doggy.

  • @Malia_00001
    @Malia_00001 2 месяца назад

    How long does it take to grow a top knot? My baby girl 11 years old has always had a short Summer cut.

  • @samantha7909
    @samantha7909 2 года назад +3

    Can you do an easy and quick tutorial for the stubborn shih tzu's? 😝

  • @sammiewesterweel5880
    @sammiewesterweel5880 6 лет назад

    Wow she's so big already! My shih tzu is 3 months and not nearly as big as this cutie! I guess she'll grow a lot soon

  • @laurapainter7945
    @laurapainter7945 7 лет назад +1

    Where can I get one of those pillows???

  • @maritzafigueroa3310
    @maritzafigueroa3310 6 лет назад

    Thanks for showing us how to put a bow on I have a Chihuahua shitzu the hair is kind of short but growing slowly this will work perfect thanks again

  • @Uvi91
    @Uvi91 8 лет назад +4

    I'll try this with Hewie. He's nine months old and always gets out his top knot. Same with our girl Cocoa, nine years old. At least I don't have to worry about Rowdy, he never wore a top knot since it looks funny on him.

  • @AaliyahHunter
    @AaliyahHunter 6 лет назад +5

    She's so fancy 😍

  • @Chloe-dy2no
    @Chloe-dy2no 4 года назад +1

    Could you do this with a Havanese dog???🤔

  • @patriceswenson9396
    @patriceswenson9396 Год назад

    We miss your videos Ms. Roxi and Stassi

  • @amyrube32
    @amyrube32 4 года назад

    I have a Maltese Shih Tzu and she definitely has beautiful Shih Tzu hair. This video was SO helpful! I see the info for the face/feet butter comb. Any suggestions for which comb and/or brush from Chris Christiansen for Shih Tzu body hair? Any other CC products or other companies which are must haves for Shih Tzus? Thx much!! I wish that pillow was still available.

  • @jackieberg504
    @jackieberg504 2 года назад +1

    I would have to drug my dog to do this. She will not stop moving. So hyper. Thanks for the video. Your dog is beautiful.

  • @sushma-kandukuri
    @sushma-kandukuri 4 года назад

    Wow😘2 beautiful.... Can yu pls guide me how to get shiny coat pls reply me

  • @eliseshaw3341
    @eliseshaw3341 2 года назад

    My little JoJo won’t hold still for this! And I’ve practiced with him since I got him! He too is almost 5 months old.

  • @raphaellabravo2895
    @raphaellabravo2895 6 лет назад +24

    Anybody watching in 2018? 😂 😂

    • @daisynicolas2182
      @daisynicolas2182 5 лет назад +2


    • @30971
      @30971 4 года назад +2


    • @karen-xv2wu
      @karen-xv2wu 4 года назад

      Lula Lei yes 2020 and still trying to get my dog still

    • @30971
      @30971 4 года назад

      @@karen-xv2wu 😂

    • @Roccaleta
      @Roccaleta 3 года назад

      LOL 2021

  • @francesmacdonald2234
    @francesmacdonald2234 8 лет назад +1

    Do you have any tips on how to keep my dog slim? I have a Lhasa who had a slipped disk last year, thankfully she recovered completely. She has gained some of the weight that she had lost, and I am afraid her back will go again. I am handicapped, but found a neighbor boy who walks her for me. She only eats at dinner, but of course she does get treats. I really would like any tips you have for me. I love her so much and do not want to watch her suffer again. Thanks for anything you can tell me. She is my fifth Lhasa I have had--just love them.

  • @vivecawhite4097
    @vivecawhite4097 3 года назад

    How can I prevent their hair from matting-up after I make them pretty?

  • @lisaharter4980
    @lisaharter4980 9 месяцев назад

    Where can i find the pillow?

  • @beverlycook4913
    @beverlycook4913 6 лет назад

    I love playing with the dogs like you do. I want to train it like you have Staissi. Hope I spelled her name right. It's pretty. I like all her white.
    I have long ponytails on my Maltese. He's getting old, 16. Back to sleeping a lot again.

  • @anyav.6061
    @anyav.6061 7 лет назад

    thanks this helped a lot!! btw the dog is so cute omg

  • @supersleuth1231
    @supersleuth1231 5 лет назад +1

    “My Chris Christiansen butter comb” I live for the product names on these videos 😂

  • @QisthinasDiary
    @QisthinasDiary 3 года назад

    Hi. I'm a new shih tzu owner.. and I have a male one.. do you think I should do the top knot or not? Because mostly I see the one that has top knot is the female, but I like the long hair.. I never had dog before, this is the first time, need a lot of guidance 😁

  • @mariajoneena
    @mariajoneena 9 лет назад +1

    hi! have you ever trimmed the hairs around her eyes? cuz i did it with my tzu and there awkward length hairs growing now.

    • @StassitheTzu
      @StassitheTzu  9 лет назад +1

      +mariajoneena No, Never! I hope your tzu's hairs grow back for you;)

    • @rubyperez8527
      @rubyperez8527 9 лет назад

      +mariajoneena i had to with my boy because he gotten ulcers in both eyes, (not at the same time) but the hairs will grow back and u can even them later once they get longer

  • @beverlycook4913
    @beverlycook4913 6 лет назад

    How would you suggest I find a nice Shih Tzu? Please. You had mentioned it. Not too small, or heavy. I have back problems. Love grooming them. I have a Senior Maltese now...

  • @trishabailey5200
    @trishabailey5200 8 лет назад +1

    my moms shitz shu lost all of his hair from flea bite dermatitis do you know what are good vitamins to grow his hair back. great video .

  • @jepoiflores7759
    @jepoiflores7759 5 лет назад

    i think you should use parting comb as well so that it will help you easy to losen up a little bit

  • @vforvann
    @vforvann 4 года назад

    How is she so still? I am so envious

  • @misse2078
    @misse2078 3 года назад

    I am trying to tie her bangs out of her eyes but the minute I look away she pulls it little dogs ever get use to leaving it alone? Right now I put it in her hair for our walk , but know to take it out once home
    Or she will.

  • @blueagle-di6is
    @blueagle-di6is 8 лет назад

    very cute!!! this is something I've been wanting to learn. Thanks!

  • @Chai-enneTea
    @Chai-enneTea 6 лет назад

    She's adorable 😍

  • @catlover6122
    @catlover6122 8 лет назад

    My shih tzu Trixie is 2 months and I'm going to order from doggie bow ties should I order now? Ps. I love Stassi

  • @denisellamas2955
    @denisellamas2955 3 года назад

    Thank you so much for your videos🐶📷👌🏽👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

  • @estrella6366
    @estrella6366 8 лет назад +13

    How do you know when it's too tight On the dog ?

  • @oisheenandi8992
    @oisheenandi8992 7 лет назад +7

    hoooooo so sweet puppy

  • @raec.9615
    @raec.9615 9 лет назад +15

    A www, she is beautiful!

  • @ilovydog75
    @ilovydog75 4 года назад

    Can I do it on my Yorkshire terrier

  • @emilythebooknerd
    @emilythebooknerd 5 лет назад +1

    Gonna do this to my shih tzu! Thank you

  • @colleen4574
    @colleen4574 5 лет назад

    where do you buy the pillow using? It seems to really relax her. I love the bow, where did you find them?

    • @melissacantiller63
      @melissacantiller63 5 лет назад

      I want to know what pillow is that too bcs my dog didnt stay still everytime i tie her hair😫

  • @TheAnarchyIsReal
    @TheAnarchyIsReal 6 лет назад

    My shitzu has shorter hair in the front it always hangs over his eyes I take him to the groomer he’s only 5 months but his hair isn’t long enough to do that with because of his bangs they are such a mess if I don’t get him groomed it just hangs in his face like a sheep dog but it’s like layers not all one length like yours suggestions?

  • @tinaw.4003
    @tinaw.4003 8 лет назад +1

    @stassithetzu can you please tell me how you started to train Stassi with her pillow and on the pad? I have a 6 month old shih tzu that I am trying to train on a table and towel so I can do her hair too. Can you please help me with ideas to train her to lie there, thank you!

    • @Floridafanatic28
      @Floridafanatic28 6 лет назад +1

      Try to distract her while you are grooming her. Keep her busy with a toy or something chewy. It will be difficult at first but just keep doing it and eventually she will accept it. Also, as she ages she will calm down. It takes time, but don't give up. One day she will show you she knows exactly what you want and will tolerate what you are doing.

    • @Floridafanatic28
      @Floridafanatic28 6 лет назад +1

      I should also add, let her sniff and explore your grooming tools before you start. These things are new to her so letting her satisfy her curiosity will help her stay more focused on her toy rather than on moving around once you start grooming her. You may have to let her sniff them more than once each session and it may take several sessions before she loses interest in them. Indulge her!

    • @cy5292
      @cy5292 6 лет назад +1

      Also start slow and reward her with treats. My puppy had a horrible time sitting still when we first got her. With a little time and her cookies she is doing amazing now. I started with very short grooming sessions.

  • @donnagrosch6509
    @donnagrosch6509 6 лет назад

    Absolutely adorable😊😊😊😊

  • @talimbeingaverythriftyghor5967
    @talimbeingaverythriftyghor5967 6 лет назад

    Stassi was so cute 😍

  • @blessedbythebest1003
    @blessedbythebest1003 7 лет назад

    What kind of shampoo or hair products do you use on her?

  • @parker7usa
    @parker7usa 5 лет назад

    She's beautiful!

  • @catalinamunoz621
    @catalinamunoz621 6 лет назад

    I Just Love the way the topknot looks on these types of dogs. It's so cool

  • @VipajMalta
    @VipajMalta 9 лет назад

    How did you train her to be relaxed while grooming?

    • @StassitheTzu
      @StassitheTzu  9 лет назад

      +VipajMalta I just started as soon as I got her at 12 weeks;)

  • @alyzajoycesantosbalisi2286
    @alyzajoycesantosbalisi2286 4 года назад

    How old is stassi?

  • @Chiyamae05
    @Chiyamae05 8 лет назад

    hi! what is the brand of that treat?

  • @jazzic3024
    @jazzic3024 5 лет назад

    Is top knots okay for boys?

  • @djazzy28
    @djazzy28 6 лет назад

    Where do u get the bands

  • @teresaperez2299
    @teresaperez2299 7 лет назад +1

    my yorkies hair would always pull out when I tried to remove the ties so I was afraid to keep doing it:/ am I doing something wrong??

  • @lisafanning9140
    @lisafanning9140 Год назад

    What do you do if she won’t sit still

  • @tenderheart621
    @tenderheart621 8 лет назад

    Roxanne have you ever had a problem with Stassi when she was younger trying to shake her bows out of her hair, when her hair was shorter? if she did what would you recommend i try. i have tried after i groom Kenlee playing with her and taking her outside to sniff to get her mind off of it. Everything i try she gets it out by lunch and i am going around all day watching with 2 eyes.. lol..any ideas would be appropriated

    • @StassitheTzu
      @StassitheTzu  8 лет назад +1

      +Cassandra Irwin She never did that so Im not sure. Make sure you dont put the band too tight to where its pulling her eyelids. Also try using very small light bows at first and see if that helps?

  • @johnnyhab7819
    @johnnyhab7819 8 лет назад +10

    is it okay to do a male shih tzu

  • @martacabrerasbf7291
    @martacabrerasbf7291 7 лет назад +2

    Can I just use a rubber? Or will that hurt him?

    • @HorrorPrincess
      @HorrorPrincess 7 лет назад

      I recomend using proper dog hair ties. you could hurt him or pull the hair

  • @enidthered9362
    @enidthered9362 2 года назад

    Hi Roxy, thank for sharing your videos n amazing experience.
    I'm confused with the bands 5/16in
    How many oz do I buy??

  • @jeanpatterson4198
    @jeanpatterson4198 4 года назад

    How in the world do you get a 5 month old puppy to sit that still? Or to even remain sitting at all?

  • @shortty88
    @shortty88 4 года назад

    Ok how can she sit sooooo stilll😲😲😍😍😍

  • @indujamurugesan5765
    @indujamurugesan5765 7 лет назад

    My puppy is not allowing me to comb plz give a suggestion

    @MRANNONYMOUS 4 года назад

    What is that male or female??

  • @tvision6954
    @tvision6954 3 года назад

    This helped me thank you!!!

  • @monicachavez7036
    @monicachavez7036 6 лет назад

    Esta hermosa la pequeñita y muy quieta 😍😍😍

  • @alicedemaria1
    @alicedemaria1 5 лет назад

    The elastic bands cut the hair. What else could we use?? :(

    • @StassitheTzu
      @StassitheTzu  5 лет назад

      They don't cut the hair as long as you cut them out and don't pull them out

    • @alicedemaria1
      @alicedemaria1 5 лет назад

      That is exactly what I do ! :o) still my long haired doggies have cut hair on their head. Thanks anyway.

  • @kayleedewey2275
    @kayleedewey2275 8 лет назад +2

    Where do you get the bows?

  • @tiffanyregino4008
    @tiffanyregino4008 7 лет назад +4

    what if the dod trying to remove it

    • @alexaranda8152
      @alexaranda8152 4 года назад

      Then don't worry about it. Dogs aren't toys

  • @Mel79439
    @Mel79439 8 лет назад +3

    Do you do this everyday?

  • @marthamilas7970
    @marthamilas7970 8 лет назад

    What's the name of the haircut she has? Does anyone know?

    • @StassitheTzu
      @StassitheTzu  8 лет назад

      +Martha Milán Lastres NO HAIRCUT . This video was when she was much younger. Ive NEVER cut her hair other than now trimming the very bottom of her skirt so that she doesnt trip on it lol

  • @crazycatlady8384
    @crazycatlady8384 7 лет назад

    She's beautiful! Does this breed bark alot and easy to potty train?

    • @useyourglutes8043
      @useyourglutes8043 7 лет назад +1

      Lisa Robbins I have a shih tzu and if trained doesn't bark very often, and pretty easy to potty train!

    • @crazycatlady8384
      @crazycatlady8384 7 лет назад

      USE YOUR GLUTES thank you for letting me know 😊

  • @clairefield6011
    @clairefield6011 8 лет назад +2

    Can this be done on a Maltese my Maltese is very small weighs 2.05kg his head his tiny smaller than my cat lol he wears a top knot every day but have never tried this type I find his top knots always fall forward over his eyes any tips pls!!!

    • @Ac76543211
      @Ac76543211 8 лет назад

      Yes, you can do this on a Maltese. If the top knot falls forward it may be because you are not doing exactly like this video, making two bundles.

  • @mickmacranch
    @mickmacranch 9 лет назад +1

    lol both my dogs heads popped up when you said "cheese please"

  • @ouijabored_7231
    @ouijabored_7231 6 лет назад

    that dog is so chill

  • @agasayakitty2301
    @agasayakitty2301 6 лет назад

    Cute stassi.😘😘😘

  • @bree9985
    @bree9985 6 лет назад

    How is she so calm?!

  • @maxwen856231
    @maxwen856231 6 лет назад

    your dog so cute

  • @ovsog.4979
    @ovsog.4979 7 лет назад

    So cute.

  • @SuperShandy777
    @SuperShandy777 9 лет назад

    does it hurt?

  • @ItsMia19
    @ItsMia19 5 лет назад

    I have a Shihpoo, her hair is really really curly because of her being Half Poodle. Everytime I put Bows on her she Always Pulls them out lol. I want her to be a girly girl like your dog. I’m jealous lol ❤️

  • @mzaffy2641
    @mzaffy2641 7 лет назад

    Sooo cute 😍

  • @2Ryled
    @2Ryled 4 года назад

    I enjoyed the vism I liked seeing her with the diff bows. I aspire to that with my toy poodle. I want her to be a prissy lap dog. She wants to be a a rough and tumble tom boy dog:( lol

  • @deeedmondson2352
    @deeedmondson2352 6 лет назад

    I would give anything to have my Bella sit like that!! It is a fight to get a bow in and I don’t know what to do to get her to not be hateful over her head and face! She doesn’t want her head bothered at all! I even gave her a cookie that helps her to calm down,yeah right! I am finally just now being able to put a bow in,but it doesn’t look pretty like that! What is that pillow you have around her neck?

  • @ma.kathrinecavitana-serran834
    @ma.kathrinecavitana-serran834 3 года назад

    I probably need to search for how to keep them calm first. Coz mine is always on play time mode. I JUST CANNOT!

  • @selena0755
    @selena0755 6 лет назад

    She has a cute little short face😻

  • @miabacalso7444
    @miabacalso7444 2 года назад

    I wish my pup behaved like this 😂

  • @rachelfaith3578
    @rachelfaith3578 9 лет назад

    omg beautiful !!!

  • @CharmyBlossoms
    @CharmyBlossoms 6 лет назад

    May i know what pillow is this? I want to try to my shihtzu so that i can tie her well bcs she is so naughty