Hi Daniel, please forgive me for what about to comment. I really like your analysis and you are very intelligent Man but If you don’t mind I want to share my concern. I have watched your interviews the last 5-6 years and you were always overweight, take care your health, you are still young, don’t give up on Tigray. Lower your carbohydrate food like Enjera, sugar, Bread, pasta and rice. If you not a diabetic by now, I am sure you are pre-diabetic now. Push more on Vegetables like Cauliflower, Salad, lettuce, chicken, butter, soup, meat.
Dani, hi, why do not you talk about the mechanisms to return back our IDPs and bring back our occupied territories? Who is more committed to execute these tasks, tplf1 or tplf2? I expect your opinion on this issues as a lawyer.
the problem it is no hope in interm administration. he can't perform anything like bring back displaced people, free of enemies and outsiders the Teritory of Tigray. I asked you danneel mention anything that the getachew group/ the interm administration did anything the people of Tigray rather working with Tigray Genocider.
There is no need to prove or disprove anything here . Guys go and create peace with each other and save the ppl and the country Tigray . But you guys fighting for leadership come on . Tired of your weak politics.
You as a staunch supporter of Getachew your analysis serves just to appease the interim admin. In Tigray you dont have government but temporary administration because practically you are not full member of the state of Ethiopia. Only Pretoria agreement connects both of you. Please focus on bring back the IDP to their homes and the stolen lands.
❤ ዳኒሾ እኛ ተጋሩዎች እንዳንተ አይነት በሣል ፖለቲከኛ እጅግ የምንልግበት ወሣኝ ጊዜ ላይ ነን በርታ ዕድመን ጥዕና ይሃብካ
ሳምንት ሙሉ የዠዋዠዌ የዩቱብ ለማጅ አርበኞች ከማዳመጥ የዳኒ የ10ደቂቃ አጭር ማብራርያ ሙሉ ስእል ይሰጣል።
ፀዳ ያለ ትንተና ..thank you dani
Top analyst of Tigray isues.Undoubtedly !
❤ዳኒ ትንታኔ የመስጠት ብቃትህ እየጨመረ ነው በርታ። እባክህን ከስዩም ተሾመ ብዙ ትምህርት ቅሰም።
ከለውጡም ከጦርነቱም በፊት የእሱ ትንታኔ እና ምክር ተሰምቶ ቢሆን ኖሮ በ800 ሺህ የትግራይ ወጣት ህይወት እንደብረጺ ቁማር ባልተጫወቱበት ነበር።
500,000 ena keza belay yalekew mekelakeya ena yekilil liyu hailochis lemin tewikew weyim lemin alitayehim weyim lemin zelelikew abiym eko berobot weyim menifesawi fiturochin alimeselengim eko abiy yawagaw silezih sew eskehonu dires memotachew ayikerim ena mizanawinet lay tilik zinifet astewalikubih😢
Great analysis
Well done..!! You are so informed!!🙌
ዳኒ አንተምኮ በገደምዳሜ በትንታኔ ስም የጌቾ ብልጥግና ወገንተኝነት እያሳየህ ነዉ ፡፡ 😊
Great analysis !
Well done!
ዳኒ brief አንደኛ ነዉ
Dani, where have you been for the last 12 days!!!!! We were waiting you for the absolute best analysis on RUclips!!! Please don't leave us blind...
እየዘገየህ ነው
ለምድነው ምትዘገየው?12 ቀን
Welcome, i was worried by your absence, Danye ❤
የአድዋ የሺሬው ታሪካዊ የኪስ አውላቂ የወንበዴ ስብስብ መሸሻውን ወደ አስመራ ለማረግ
እየተሯሯጠ ነው
እንግዲህ የትግራ የጉግ ማንጉግ
ስብስብ መጨረሻው ከትላቱ በበለጠ ተቀጥቅጦ ለዘላለሙ
ኤርትራ የምትባል አገር መሸሻ
ልትሆን ትችላለች ግን ስትፈርስ
አያምጣው ነው ድምጥማጧን
አጥፍቶ የሙስሊም አገር አርጎ
ማረፍ ነው ለዚህ ደሞ ሁሉም
ኢትዮ ህዝብ መልስ አለው ዴለም
በኢት ምድር ያለ አጋሜ ድራሹን አታጥፉት
ሰላም ነው ዳኒ ምነው ጠፋህ በሰላም ነው ከአንተ ነው ሀቁ መስማት የምንፈልገው እና የምንጠብቀው 💕💕
Hi Daniel, please forgive me for what about to comment. I really like your analysis and you are very intelligent Man but If you don’t mind I want to share my concern. I have watched your interviews the last 5-6 years and you were always overweight, take care your health, you are still young, don’t give up on Tigray. Lower your carbohydrate food like Enjera, sugar, Bread, pasta and rice. If you not a diabetic by now, I am sure you are pre-diabetic now. Push more on Vegetables like Cauliflower, Salad, lettuce, chicken, butter, soup, meat.
When you want to understand core issues about Tigray. I listen to Daniel's briefs. 🙏
ለውጥ ሰለሚባለው የተፃፈ ፅሁፍ ፕሮግራም ወይም ሮድ ማፕ የለም በደፈናው ለውጥ አለ ወይ? ወይሰ ማምታታት ነው የለውጥ ፕሮግራም የተፃፈ ካለ አካፍሉን እንየው ወሬ ብቻ ነው።
Ene Debretsion gin bemin. aynet remot new pause yetederegut? Bezeh kifle Zemen Yalu sewoch ekko aymeselem ..sew endet bezeh lik yedenekural?
ፖፖ መሆንህ ነው
Minew tefah Dani
You have no moral to talk about TDF. We were you are in the bad times.
Wow Danny 👍 ahead of yekatit 3?☝️
Dani, hi, why do not you talk about the mechanisms to return back our IDPs and bring back our occupied territories? Who is more committed to execute these tasks, tplf1 or tplf2? I expect your opinion on this issues as a lawyer.
Don’t expect any good come from this guy regarding the issue you mentioned. Because he gets paid by Getachew/ Abiy
Do u mean the territories annexed from your neighbor ? that is in your dream 😂😂😂
ስንት ምስክን የትግራይ ወጣት አልቆ እና አካል ጉዳተኛ ሆነው ምንም የማይገደው የነ ደፂ ቡድን እስኬ መቸ ለስልጣን ብለው የሙጥኝ. ........?
ፖሎቲካ ገዲፍካ እስፖርቲ ስራሕ
አንተ ደነዝ ቦርጫም መጀመሪያ የተዝረከረከዉን ቦርጭክን አጥፋዉ ዝርክርክ ነህ በአስተሳሰብ እራሱ።
No one is to be trusted
ገጽካ ትርሓቕ ጠላም ::ከም ዛድቅ ሽም አቦኻ ቀይርካ ከምዛዘምካዮ ምሓሸካ ::
Ata murukegna
wshetam leba
ክላ ዓሻ ወደል ኣድጊ።
the problem it is no hope in interm administration. he can't perform anything like bring back displaced people, free of enemies and outsiders the Teritory of Tigray. I asked you danneel mention anything that the getachew group/ the interm administration did anything the people of Tigray rather working with Tigray Genocider.
እኔ የምለው የትግራይ ኤሊቱ ለምን ዝም ይላል ይህ በምንም መልኩ ገለልተኛ መሆን አያስፈልግም ለትግራይ ህዝብ ሲባል አግባብ ያልሆነ እና ህዝብ የሚጎዳበትን ውሳኔዎች መቃወም ይኖርበታል
ትራንፓ ገቢ አቃረጠ ምን ይሻላል።
ነገሩ ውስብስብ መሆኑን ለማወቅ የዳኒ የዛሬው ያልተለመደ የረዘመ ትንታኔ ማሳያ ነው
ጁንታዋ የቀመሰቺውን የድሮን ጥፊናእርግጫ ስታስታውስ ሁለተኛ አትሞርም😅😅😅ለጉራ ያክል ነው
There is no need to prove or disprove anything here . Guys go and create peace with each other and save the ppl and the country Tigray . But you guys fighting for leadership come on . Tired of your weak politics.
አሁን እናንተ እያላቹ የትግራይ ፖለቲካ በእነ ማሪያማዊት ይመራ
ግን ጌቾ ጤነኛ ናት??? 49 ኮር *3 = 147 ክፍለ ጦር ሙሉ ምን እየመገበችው ነው? ይህንን ሙሉ ቁጭ አድርጎ እየመገበች ጌቾንም አለመብላታቸው ምስጋና ይገባቸዋል።
Daniel you don't understand the political culture of tigray. You should go back to Addis Ababa and seek protection from Abiy.
አረ ምን ይሻላል ኤፍ ድከመን
You as a staunch supporter of Getachew your analysis serves just to appease the interim admin. In Tigray you dont have government but temporary administration because practically you are not full member of the state of Ethiopia. Only Pretoria agreement connects both of you. Please focus on bring back the IDP to their homes and the stolen lands.
😂Shabia is acting as Tegaru😂
ለምን ጀነራሎቹን አንተ ገብተህ አታዛቸውም ለምን ቀድመው የኮር ስብሰባ ጠሩ? ለማንኛውም አብይ አህመድ ሌላ ነገር እያሰበልህ ነው! አንተ እውነተኛ የትግራይ ህዝብ ተቆርቛሪ ከሆንክ ስለ አንድነት ስበክ!
አማርኛህ ግልጽ አይሰማም ብዙ ነገር ሳይሰሙ እያመለጡ ናቸው፣ስለዚህ ሰዉ ጥሩ ግንዛቤ እንዲኖረው የሚፈለግ ከሆነ ድምጽህ ክሊር እንዲሆን ረጋ ብለህ ማንበብ ይኖርብሃል። ከይቅሬታ ጋር
ገጠር ነው ያደግከው?
ኧረ አሁንስ ድንቁርናችሁ በዛ!
የተደገሰላችሁን አላወቃችሁም። እርስበርስ ተባሉ።
እንኳን ተከፋፍላችሁ አንድም ሆናችሁ ትግራይ ከጥቃት አላዳናችሁም
Ata Atela
I’m so happy I didn’t buy a book this guy published.
ናብ ከብድካ ረአ