Superb, demn si autentic românesc totul ❤️ Dumnezeu sã-i tinã sãnãtosi, întelepti si uniti mereu si pe miri si pe noi toti ca Popor, Tarã si Diasporã 🙏✝️🇷🇴🇲🇩✝️🙏
Romanians. The Szeklers are a nstion colonised in here 800 years ago by the hungarian king after the occupation of the province from the romanians after about 90 years of wars
Da, faina nunta, recunosc multi prieteni in video!!! Si muzica e faina!!! 🤗😉🖐️
Superb, demn si autentic românesc totul ❤️ Dumnezeu sã-i tinã sãnãtosi, întelepti si uniti mereu si pe miri si pe noi toti ca Popor, Tarã si Diasporã 🙏✝️🇷🇴🇲🇩✝️🙏
Ne bucuram ca v-a placut
I really want to go romania 😍omg so beautiful...💙💛❤️
edit- I m from india
If u don't will love it it's beautiful there I am also romanian
We are invite you to come
we're still waiting for you !
Without customs and traditions there will be no nation and no country🇷🇴🇦🇩. Greetings from Moscow, Russia. 🇷🇺
Disagree I love listening to and learning about traditional music in various regions.
I would like to go in Romania😁. Excuse me, I am from Russia, Moscow. 😳
We are here. You can come anytime
I would love to visit. Are they Romanian Transilvanias or Romanian Szekler Transylvanias ? (I mean the tradition).
The music is Romanian, so are the clothes. Those are Romanians from Sibiu region.
Autentic Romanian (Dacian) tradition. Transylvania is Romania (old Dacia).
Yes it is
Romanians. The Szeklers are a nstion colonised in here 800 years ago by the hungarian king after the occupation of the province from the romanians after about 90 years of wars
Chiar e real...pare ca un teatru😕Nu cred Cai nunta reala...sint 8mbracati multi ca de pe strada
Fireste ca nu e reala. E un eveniment pentru turisti ca sa ia contact cu traditiile noastre.
Using horses is because they wanted to look in the past.
That's not real.
Show the BMW, Mercedes, Ferarri.
As not relevant, I'll stop watching.