Something crazy happened to me on slime climb so yesterday I was playing slime climb and on the conveyer belt I jumped on someone’s head and got on top of the doughnut and it bounced me up all the way to the hammers and I almost got the world record I was like a second off but unfortunately I could not get it on camera so it just remains in my head
Hey stentric, one time when I was playing fall guys on my light switch there was only room for 1 more person to qualify and this guy was tryna tease me by waiting but when I got near the end he took a step and I dived to the finish line and just made it before him THE DEFINITION OF KARMA
Stentric, PLEASE make short tutorial how to connect your controller to computer and for it to perfectly work in fall guys (I connected it but controls are absolutely messed up and I really want to 360 dive)
Baby want time I want to time I want milk milk any and I got a girl up I was watching RUclips RUclips is that my favorite riddles and how long widows in I don’t and I thinking about it one way the score is wasting my time anion and said I’m going to watch sword where does the chef one girdles outside
Hi Stentric if you’re reading this comment I want to say I’m a really popular subscriber of your channel and I want to be in your discord but my mum won’t allow me so if you say hi to me in the comment section it will mean a lot for me bye.
4:38 ohhhhhh egg SEACH 😂
This was a cool transition with the bean falling 8:59
The moment you realize these are the clips caboose reacted on🤣🤣🤣
I knew I recognized these clips
@@anthony34710me 2 lol
Ya me to
I saw that
If a map is vaulted for a long time and you haven’t played it in a long time, I feels like a new map
Bruh just said that bananas and helpful but then he said of course a banana is griffing him
Sentric is always amazing to see funny clips
the best day in the world would be meeting you keep up the good work, mate!
0:22 that happend to me 2 weeks ago on my Switch
W video, watching the video in school 😊
let’s take a moment to appreciate stentric for this banger❤
Jimmy Army FOREVER!!
Bro has no reaction 😂😂😂
YOUR HAIRCUT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The Perfect Luckiest Ever in Fall Guys
yes golden eggs are still in fall ball
I think the yeet was hacked because he didint even tought the yeetys
7:50 same thing but xtreme speed slider towards the end
At 2:06, Stentric does not realize that the golden bubble gave him 15 points. LOL
Nice vid keep up the good work!
Little do we know, the vid ended because the clip took Stentric to the backrooms…
I'm stentric 3567
Jesus Christ caboose already reacted to this holy how do you guys mess this up twice now
Amazing vid keep up the good work😁
Something crazy happened to me on slime climb so yesterday I was playing slime climb and on the conveyer belt I jumped on someone’s head and got on top of the doughnut and it bounced me up all the way to the hammers and I almost got the world record I was like a second off but unfortunately I could not get it on camera so it just remains in my head
Something lucky about fall guys is that caboose and stentric reacted to the same vid😮😂
Has anyone played bubble trouble in 2024?
Ayo stentric
The bar save happened to me once
They really need to unvoled ALL the levels!
the last clip hapenned to me but i respawned and i could not move my camera
Im actually banana gang, but i've used jimmy for a White now.
Hey stentric, one time when I was playing fall guys on my light switch there was only room for 1 more person to qualify and this guy was tryna tease me by waiting but when I got near the end he took a step and I dived to the finish line and just made it before him THE DEFINITION OF KARMA
bro how did stentric not notice the 15 BUBBLE BALL if you go on 2 minutes and 6 seconds
Me just 5 wins without a Playstation or a PC at home
He fell to where the blast ball tiles fall
Why does it look like you have a bowl cut😂😂😂
Nice haircut
someone respawned in hex-a-gone
stentric is just so chill meanwhile caboose is overreacting to these clips
his overreaction is funny 😂
love the video my luck is not this good
Golden eggs are still in Fall Ball yes, just super rare.
These are so lucky
You are my favorite youtuber
My moments of 2023: i played lost temple and these idiots did not know how to climb like literally
in every react video stentric does he always says ive done that before or he dosent pay attention to super cool clips
Next goofiest clips *next title*
You're right
Mediatonic vault so many maps and lost temble
Was these our win clips we sent on Discord or Are these some else
I know it’s weird but he looks like vector
7:28 they already did
Stentric, PLEASE make short tutorial how to connect your controller to computer and for it to perfectly work in fall guys (I connected it but controls are absolutely messed up and I really want to 360 dive)
I know its kinda big of a deal, so if you ignore me its okey, nothing personal
@@GoofyAhhViewer nothing personal kid
4:06 it still said 13/15 what?
I love your video bro
I’m sure This Video Was Very Lucky.
One day I playing fall guys in slime climb and I am last and I got the air and I ragroled and the slime toched me but I didn’t die and I got first!
I’m unlucky 😂
Me too
Roll our isn’t vaulted
Stentric can I tell you something
Roll off is not vaulted I just had it
c l e a n
Roll out is not vaulted I got that level in duos
u are the best
Jimmy army
If stentric likes this comment I'll play fall guys on switch until October
It was 13 out of15 how he qualifie
He did a 3 he has 3 points
Rip caboose already did this ir gonna get like 5 views 😢
On half of the clips Stentric does not react. For example: 5:34. LOL
Nice video #unvaultfallguys
Can strentic and Caboose Stop reacting to the same exact clips
Baby want time I want to time I want milk milk any and I got a girl up I was watching RUclips RUclips is that my favorite riddles and how long widows in I don’t and I thinking about it one way the score is wasting my time anion and said I’m going to watch sword where does the chef one girdles outside
Hi Stentric if you’re reading this comment I want to say I’m a really popular subscriber of your channel and I want to be in your discord but my mum won’t allow me so if you say hi to me in the comment section it will mean a lot for me bye.
Can you comment on this comment
I like ur cut g
Among us