Book of Luke chapter 1-24

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • ality, recognition of Gentiles as well as Jews in God’s plan (see, e.g., 2:30-32 and notes on 2:31; 3:6); (2) emphasis on prayer, especially Jesus’ praying before important occasions (see note on 3:21); (3) joy at the announcement of the gospel or “good news” (see note on 1:14); (4) special concern for the role of women (see, e.g., 8:1-3 and notes); (5) special interest in the poor (some of the rich were included among Jesus’ followers, but he seemed closest to the poor; see note on 12:33); (6) concern for sinners (Jesus was a friend to those deep in sin); (7) stress on the family circle (Jesus’ activity included men, women and children, with the setting frequently in the home); (8) repeated use of the Messianic title “Son of Man” (used 25 times; see 19:10; Da 7:13 and notes); (9) emphasis on the Holy Spirit (see note on 4:1); (10) inclusion of more parables than any other Gospel (see chart, p. 2130); (11) emphasis on praising God (see 1:64; 24:53 and notes).
    Although Luke acknowledges that many others had written of Jesus’ life (1:1), he does not indicate that he relied solely on these reports for his own writing. He used personal investigation and arrangement, based on testimony from “eyewitnesses and servants of the word” (1:2)-including the preaching and oral accounts of the apostles. His language differences from the other Synoptics and his blocks of distinctive material (e.g., 10:1-18:14; 19:1-28) indicate independent work, though he obviously used some of the same sources (see essay, p. 1943).
    Luke’s account of Jesus’ ministry can be divided into three major parts: (1) the events that occurred in and around Galilee (4:14-9:50), (2) those that took place in Judea and Perea (9:51-19:27), and (3) those of the final week in Jerusalem (19:28-24:53). Luke’s uniqueness is especially seen in the amount of material devoted to Jesus’ closing ministry in Judea and Perea. This material is predominantly made up of accounts of Jesus’ discourses. Twenty-one of the 28 parables that occur in Luke are found in 10:30-19:27. Of the 20 miracles recorded in Luke, only 5 appear in 9:51-19:27. Already in the ninth chapter (see note on 9:51), Jesus is seen anticipating his final appearance in Jerusalem and his crucifixion (see note on 13:22).
    The main theme of the Gospel is the nature of Jesus’ Messiahship and mission, and a key verse is 19:10.
    The Preface (1:1-4)
    The Births of John the Baptist and Jesus (1:5-2:52)
    The Annunciations (1:5-56)
    The Birth of John the Baptist (1:57-80)
    The Birth and Childhood of Jesus (ch. 2)
    The Preparation of Jesus for His Public Ministry (3:1-4:13)
    His Forerunner (3:1-20)
    His Baptism (3:21-22)
    His Genealogy (3:23-38)
    His Temptation (4:1-13)
    His Ministry in Galilee (4:14-9:9)
    The Beginning of the Ministry in Galilee (4:14-41)
    The First Tour of Galilee (4:42-5:39)
    A Sabbath Controversy (6:1-11)
    The Choice of the 12 Apostles (6:12-16)
    The Sermon on the Plain (6:17-49)
    Miracles in Capernaum and Nain (7:1-18)
    The Inquiry of John the Baptist (7:19-29)
    Jesus and the Pharisees (7:30-50)
    The Second Tour of Galilee (8:1-3)
    The Parables of the Kingdom (8:4-21)
    The Trip across the Sea of Galilee (8:22-39)
    The Third Tour of Galilee (8:40-9:9)
    His Withdrawal to Regions around Galilee (9:10-50)
    To the Eastern Shore of the Sea of Galilee (9:10-17)
    To Caesarea Philippi (9:18-50)
    His Ministry in Judea (9:51-13:21)
    Journey through Samaria to Judea (9:51-62)
    The Mission of the 72 (10:1-24)
    The Lawyer and the Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37)
    Jesus at Bethany with Mary and Martha (10:38-42)
    Teachings in Judea (11:1-13:21)
    His Ministry in and around Perea (13:22-19:27)
    The Narrow Door (13:22-30)
    Warning concerning Herod (13:31-35)
    At a Pharisee’s House (14:1-23)
    The Cost of Discipleship (14:24-35)
    The Parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son (ch. 15)
    The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (16:1-18)
    The Rich Man and Lazarus (16:19-31)
    Miscellaneous Teachings (17:1-10)
    Ten Healed of Leprosy (17:11-19)
    The Coming of the Kingdom (17:20-37)
    The Persistent Widow (18:1-8)
    The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (18:9-14)
    Jesus and the Children (18:15-17)
    The Rich Young Ruler (18:18-30)
    Christ Foretells His Death (18:31-34)
    A Blind Beggar Given His Sight (18:35-43)
    Jesus and Zacchaeus (19:1-10)
    The Parable of the Ten Minas (19:11-27)
    His Last Days: Sacrifice and Triumph (19:28-24:53)
    The Triumphal Entry (19:28-44)
    The Cleansing of the Temple (19:45-48)
    The Last Controversies with the Jewish Leaders (ch. 20)
    The Olivet Discourse (ch. 21)
    The Last Supper (22:1-38)
    Jesus Praying in Gethsemane (22:39-46)
    Jesus’ Arrest (22:47-65)
    Jesus on Trial (22:66-23:25)
    The Crucifixion (23:26-56)
    The Resurrection (24:1-12)
    The Post-Resurrection Ministry (24:13-49)
    The Ascension (24:50-53)

Комментарии • 27

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      복된 주일 보내셨는지요. 이 겨울에 나날이 은혜와 평강 가득하시길 빕니다.

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      @MercifulYHVH 7 месяцев назад +1

      감사합니다. 무탈합니다. 목사님께서도 평안하시길 기원합니다 ~

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    성경 읽어 주시는 목소리톤이 엄청 차분하셔서 귀에 쏙쏙 들어 와서 너무 은혜롭습니다.
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    목사님 안녕하세요

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