Aesthetic room makeover + diy 🛠 || indonesia || fuheechi 🌻
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- Halo, semuanyaa welcome back to my channel!
kali ini aku bikin room makeover lagi,, karna yah, klo mau room tour malu ngeliatin kamar berantakan & barang wibu
Jadii yaa, there you go!
Next video room tour!! 🤗
Btw, kamarku 3.5x5m yaa
[ga nyangka bakalan makeover 2 kali dlm setahun 😂 ngakakk]
ps. yg mau aku bikin video tutorial bed cover, mohon ditunggu ya, masih proses editing 😗
Thank you for watching and have a great day! ☕️🌿
Cat yang di pake:
-Cat Aries Gold Grey shimmer N30-002 5kg harga RP 80.000
-Cat kayu/minyak Avian warna dark star 1kg RP 70.000
Buat humidifier nya aku gatau beli dmn, soalny itu pemberian dri kakak.
Barang yang aku beli semua udah ku mention di videoku yg sebelumnya jadi di cek ajaa
Link: • ROOM DECOR HAUL; Shope...
a little description of my stuff
🛍 haul:
Gorden polos embos tali grey RP35.000
Hanger kayu 1 lusin RP55.000
IKEA mulig gantungan baju RP200.000
Intro- BGM PRESIDENT-picnic route
Joakim karud- dizzy
Philp E Morris- good morning
Jeff kaale-pillow talk
BGM PRESIDENT- some vintage mood
Outro BGM PRESIDENT become a memory
Personal: @putri_hee
Art acc: @fuheechi_
Facts: Jujur aja aku nyesel pilih warna teboknya, pengen beige, tapi yah, karna udh ke beli apa boleh buat 🤷♀️
Haloooo Fuheechi 🤗😇
Asli qu suka bgtsss sama tatanan & warna kamarnya🙄
Hmmmm qu jga lagi cari inspirasi buat nata ulang kamar.
Mksih,ini jdi motivasi bgtsss dAh.
Semangat berkarya ☺🙂😊
Siti Maimuna iyaa makasii ka, semoga bermanfaat yaa ☺️
Aku juga pengen beige tapi abis nonton ini jd pengen abu 😂
wulannn artsicious waduu, racun kah videoku? 😂😂
Fuheechi bangett 😭😭 oiya mau tanya dong tips ngecat tembok salah satu sisi beda warna kaya gitu, mending pilih sisi yg mana ya? Biar kamar ttp keliatan terangg
Ada niat, ada kemauan, ada ide, nggak ada duid🙂 Duit emang yang terpenting
ngeliat ini jadi pengen beberes kamar , tapi kok cuma niat ya :(
Wkwkkw ko aku banget yah. Barang semua nyecer d lantai. Libur niatnya pengen beres2 abis abisan. Tapi udh gaterasa 3 hari rebahan doang
@@jijimunechika8883 anjay kok sama :( hello kaum rebahan
Saya niat juga😅tapi harus nabung mama bilang😅😂
Iyaa anjrit samaa:(
me too
Tau gaaaa beres nonton ini langsung beresin dapur yg berantakan 😅 jiwa malas ku bergejolak wkwkwk ternyata kalo niat mudah ya beresin tuhhh :(( dasar aku kaum rebahan
wii, mangaat 😍🙌
Related bgt sm aku.. WKWKW
Kamu tuh motivasi orang orang banget supaya GAK MALES dan LEBIH MANFAATIN YANG ADA ,so inspire me😢✨❤️
Asli ini keren, tempatnya jadi terkesan instagramable gitu:v
@@unamegurl4553 Lah dia udah bener "instagramable" mba :')
Salut banget... Masih muda banget tp dah bisa segala macem DIY. Mulai dari bikin bedcover, bikin sarung bantal, bikin storage, sampe ngecat2 pun sendiri. Selera interiornya jg bagus. Pinter dia natanya.
Suka sama channel ini. Karena dia makeover g cuma ngandelin beli jadi dan panggil tukang. Tp banyak yg DIY dan hasilnya juga cantik. Jadi pengen ikutan makeover kamar dan bikin2 DIY
Yang bikin gw pgn tuh selain kmr nya depan home nya alfa donk😂✨
Iyaa dong, hidup bahagia sejahteraa 😄👍
Kalo kamar w 1 hari dibersihin besoknya dah kayak kapal pecah
Cica sasa wkwk sama
Sama dong
Sama dong🤣
relate :/
My mother is from Indonesia and so we visit every year and omg your room turned out great! I love it so much!!
Dari semua video room tour di youtub* video ini yang paling berguna :D
Kamuu.. kamu kreatif, rajin, bisa jahit, dekornya bagus ga terlalu berlebihan, jago gambar, hadudu.. ajarin dong gimana caranya😂
Makasii, tapi masih bljr kok ☺️
awal bulan: kamar rapi nan aestheticcc
akhir bulan: kamar=kapal pecah
Apalagi lemari:(
@@nabillahnana1633 iya:)
Mau lihat DIY bedcovernya 😍
UwU nemu youtuber cewe wibu berbakat bgt,suka liatnya;)
Demiiii, dari semua room makeove yg aku tonton, baru kali ini sesuka itu bener bener sukaa :')🖤🖤🖤🖤
gilaaa sih kamu niat banget! keren!
Karena video pertama kamu, aku jadi terinspirasi make over kamar dengan bahan-bahan murah meriah sebagian beli di Shopee, Alhamdulillah kamarku sekarang jadi sedap dilihat, suka kali sama video kamu, sukses selalu ya, ditunggu video menarik lainnya tentang make over kamar 😍😍😍
Gambarnya bagus-bagus, ngga berniat merambah Webtoon untuk bikin komik 😁
Syukur laah, aku juga seneng videoku bisa membantuu. ☺️🙏🏻♥️ ada niat buat bikin webtoon ka, tpi blm ada cerita jadi ngga dlu untuk skrng 😭
Aku seneng banget, ternyata kaka ga sombong orang nyaa 💖
The best sih emang❤menambah semangat banget...thanks for sharing kakak😍🙏
Sama samaa semoga membantu yahh 🥰
@@fuheechi2989 pasti dong kaak😁
Oia saran2 nih, misalkan nih ada hasil dinding atau kayu kurang rapih, coba ditambal compound sebelum pengecatan, pasti hasilnya rapi dan mulus. Aku suka banget dg DIY redecor kamarmu, enak dilihat dan memuaskan hati😁
Iyaa kak, aku udh pakein tpi dempul dinding 😂 dan makasii sarannya ka 🥰
Nge decor kamar sendiri :( nge cat sendiri, your are a Queen 🌟
Ehh mau dong DIY bed covernya, cocok tuh kayanya buat yg ga suka bed cover tebel2 kaya beli jadi gitu.
Semangat berkarya yah, ditunggu DIY nya💛✨
Jadi bersih-bersih kamar setelah nonton ini, thnks sdh memotivasi buat beberes
bagus banget ni orang apa apa di lakuin sendirian kreatif pulaa
kok elu ga capek si semua di lakuin sendiri gituuu😥...
Prinsip dia kayaknya.. selama bisa murah kenapa enggak? Selama bisa bikin sendiri, kenapa harus beli?
Sumpaaah makeover kamar lain, serasa harus punya banyak duit lalu kamar lu bisa bagus 😭
Keren sih ini 👏👏👏
betuuul sekalii 👌👌👌💕
Hebat bgt kak bs dekor sendiri,😍😍😍
Oh iyaa ka aku mau kasih sedikit tips aja sih buat ngecatnya, tadikan kaka bilang "warnanya bagus, tapi masih kaya namak putih putihnya gtu ga tau knp" nah itu cat nya harus diulang sampe 3 atau 2 kali, dan klo mau lebih bagus lagi, catnya ga usah pake air lagi ka
iyaa ka,, makasi infonyaa.😆🙏🏻❤️ cmn pengennya ga keluarin modal buat cat lagi wkwkw 😂
Keren banget yatuhaannn, andaikan aku ngga mageran
Oo cantik kamar kakak
Saat besar mau berencana dekorasi xD
Suka deh nontonnya, detail bgt ngejelasinnya, sukses slalu kak, love youu❤
kreatif bangeeet, suka!!!
I wish I knew what she was saying😭😭such a beautiful room makeover
Poor gurl:v
At least you could understand some words that she said in English :'P
Wah orang nyasar :v
Cantik!!!Aku jadi ikut..kaka lukisannya cantik
Apalah dayaku yang kamarnya sempit🙂
Sm gue juga
Dwi Azizah I suggest you to watch sumrah’s room tour then because you know her room is pretty small and she has lots of stuff but her room still managed to look fine, very organized and like aesthetically pleasing. I hope that will help you out 😊
Kak justru kamar sempit gak repot decor nya
Kamar aku jg sempit, jangan terlalu banyak barang gede
Salah satu cara gua biar ga mager beres beres ngeliatin video beginian
Uwwwuu kamer nya baguss bangett5
Rajin dan telaten banget mbaa 😭
Makasiih kaa 😭❤️
Kakak hebatt bangett soal warna sama dekorasii,lukisan nya juga baguss banget
Ngeklik gara gara liat topi & boneka luffy 😭😭♥️
Inspirasii nihhhh aesthetic bangett jadi pengenn huhu 😭💕
Makasii ka 🥰
anak art bgt ya kakaa😍
Apa menurut ku aja ya?
Kalo kpopers/wibu kalo niat nge decor kamar pasti hasil nya bagus banget 😭💕
Karna dpt inspirasi dri anime wkwkwk 😂😂♥️
Wow! Another make over video!
There are things I love about the makeover
-The curtain
-The fairy lights on the ceiling
-the placement of the furniture in the room, it created more space afterwards
-the bed
-your storage techniques
Things I would give an advice on/ concerns in your makeover:
-The painting of the door which had a similar colour to the wall
-the new colour of the wall itself
you are living in Indonesia, and this country tends to have a warmer climate, because if this, I would personally advice you to avoid using grey/black paint in your house. Why?? Because you used a liiiiiittle bit too much of grey paint and too much of anything isn't good.
Obviously I am not asking you to repaint the whole thing. You have done a good job! I guess the grey wall is supposed to be the "accent" wall.
Oh, and another advice:
This isnt really related to the video but I am just gonna say that next time if you buy things to decorate your room, buy as little things as possible from the same shop, so for example, if almost all of the home decor stuff in your room is bought from the same shop, your bedroom is gonna look like a showroom and LESS like a place to relax. So you can buy some things online, you can go to various different stores and all.
But overall, this makeover Is amazing!!! Keep it up!!
Thank you so much for your opinion, I really appreciate it.😭🙏🏻 And Honestly, yes, I was dissapointed for the wall too, i wished it has a brighter color like light beige and stuffs, but since ive bought the color nothing can be done..I wished i had bought the light beige.. (I might redo for the paint) 😂
And for the storage, why I bought from the same store is bcs its cheap as hell 😂😂 online stores tend to take lots of funds for the shipping (since I live far from the capital that sells gud stuffs), and its not worth the price. So yeah, you might be disappointed in this video, im very sorry.. 😔 I will try my best in the future
Btw, can I have your instagram, youre a very nice person and I would like to have some chat with you 😊
@@fuheechi2989 alright! I am not disappointed, I am honestly impressed by your skills!!!
@@fuheechi2989 I am sorry, I don't have social media.. I would also like to talk to you tho
Alright then, if you have one next time please tell me! Im looking forward to be able to chat with you ☺️
Udah nonton Beberapa kali tapi bener ngga bosen soalnya isi kamar anime semua😁
Keren bangettt
Aesthetic ❤❤😍😍😍
Jiwa malas dan rebahan kuingin keluar tapi aku menolaknya 😌😌😂
You room looks so aesthetic love it 😍🥰❤️
Setelah liat unboxing barang2 sekarang akhirnya liat masang2nya dimana 💕
Fix! Klo aku dah Gede Pasti Buat Kamar Kek Kaka! inspirasi! Aku Wibu Juga🤣
Oooh ternyata suka coretcoretan juga toh, niceone lah 😘
I love how your room is istagram pretty AND has anime and I love it!
Auto subs dongg gegara liat vidio ini aq jadi pngn dekor kamar.
Kreatif banget
selalu aestetic😌❤😭
Oh my god, I love this bedroom makeover. Love from your neighbor country Malaysia🍭💘❤✨
kreatiif bangeeett, sukaaa :'( ❤️❤️
Hi! Aku mau lihat diy sarung bantal nya dong. Btw you're so sweet and so talented! Good luck on your channel 💓
Thank you so muchh, siapp, ku bikin ntaran ya jadi stay tune! ;)
Kreatif bgt aaaa
Bagus bangettt kreatif 😍😍❤️
The music is boss in this makeover. I don't understand a word (except for the brief words in English), but the music is so relatable and recognizable, it keeps the interest. And of course, the action, also.
Thank you soooo mucchh!! 😭 I was hoping someone would recognize the music too, thanks for pointing that out 💕
Change semangat Doong ... Suka lihat nya
kreatif bgt sukaa
Estetik banget PARAHHH😣😭
Asthetic parah😭
Keren kamarnya, decornya dan letak2nya ...
Hebaatt.. aku iri, punya kamar sendiri aja enggak
Wahh kak kreatif 🥰
Multitalent bgt ga sih dia tuh 😭
B ajaa kok 😂
You deserve more subscriber omg.
Totally in love w this tutorial,especially the curtain and the bed...others too.
So aesthetic and also giving a chill vibe.Thank u for giving an inspiration to me bcause my current room is totally looking bored for me even I always change the theme and I will try this soon !! I hope u will make a tutorial about ur pillowcase and the others.Shoutout from Malaysia and may u have a nice day!!
Thank you so much! Im really glad this video inspires you. I hope you get a good result for your makeover too. May god bless your day.. 🙏🏻☺️
Terus berkarya dek, ditunggu video-video selanjutnya 💕
Waw😍 cantik sekali kamarnya sering" bkn vidio ka
Dekorasi aesthetic ala anak wibu 😂😂 mantul
what a nice and calming video ever! 😍
Suka banget bed cover nya😍
Really likes your room. Aestetic and tidy 😍
this room locks pretty and comfortable, and the background music is amazing. this video was amazing😊
Thank you so much! Im glad u thought so 🥰
Benerr"kerenn parrahh!!!😭❤️❤️❤️
Warna kesukaan aku😭❤️❤️❤️
Wow good job on your room decoration! ☺️ really cute!
takumi aldini💛💛💛
re on ,-,
btw makeover kamarnya keren kak :v apalah dayaku yang sekamar sama ortu :'v
How proud your mom must be!
kreatif bgt 😍
Karpet buluuuu❤
kreatif bnget 😍😍😍
this is so nice and inspiring and motivating! :D i wish i can do a makeover for my room too!
Bguss bgt roomnya..😍😍😍😍
Makasi ka 🥰
Jdi enk bgt liat kamarnya 😭
Salfok one piece😂 pengennnnnnnnnnnnn huah
Bermanfaat banget kak, 👍
Your room 👑👍
So cuute 💫💚
Always suka sama video kamu✨
Ahh thank youu 🤗❤️
Salfok ke gambarannya bagus bgt
Selalu sukaaak sm video kamu😍 sukses terus yaa🥰💓
your room is so freaking amazing ngl
Estetik bat kamarnya,auto subscribe hehe
kamar idaman:)