This is such an interesting recording! Back in 2011, I found a clean copy of the 78 RPM record, released in March 1955. This video helps me put it back in context. I had no idea Maurice was even aware of the record! Now I know he was, of course. Thank you for putting up this recording!
I am sad to hear of Bobby Hill's death. I was a great fan of his way back in the early fifties, when he played at the "Hometown Jamboree" with his band - "The Canadian Country Boys" - along with "Smilin' Slim Rogers", Kitty Bass and Montana Hill. Aside from his famous "Saga of Maurice Richard", I remember him singing "The Canadien's Square Dance", "Evergreen Love", "The Squid-Jiggin' Ground" and "Red Toupee". He was a great entertainer!
Yes that’s correct. It was near the end of the season. The Detroit game was actually considered the Stanley Cup final of that year, because in those days the “playoffs”, were held after the season had ended.
This is such an interesting recording! Back in 2011, I found a clean copy of the 78 RPM record, released in March 1955. This video helps me put it back in context. I had no idea Maurice was even aware of the record! Now I know he was, of course. Thank you for putting up this recording!
I am sad to hear of Bobby Hill's death. I was a great fan of his way back in the early fifties, when he played at the "Hometown Jamboree" with his band - "The Canadian Country Boys" - along with "Smilin' Slim Rogers", Kitty Bass and Montana Hill. Aside from his famous "Saga of Maurice Richard", I remember him singing "The Canadien's Square Dance", "Evergreen Love", "The Squid-Jiggin' Ground" and "Red Toupee". He was a great entertainer!
yes I am Bob Hill's son. Here's his obituary.
The Boston and Detroit games were still regular season
Yes that’s correct. It was near the end of the season. The Detroit game was actually considered the Stanley Cup final of that year, because in those days the “playoffs”, were held after the season had ended.
Ted ... are you related to the late Bobby Hill?