Thanks Joel! Jesus Himself told us to Read Daniel and to Understand Daniel so that we may understand what must take place before Jesus will Come! Its all of Daniel that we need to Read and Understand, just as we need to Read all of Revelation and Understand! The Visions that Daniel saw will be Fulfilled just as Daniel wrote! We will see that Little Horn doing just as is Prophesied and when Jesus COMES to Gather us all to Meet Him we will see Jesus destroy that Man of Sin!
@@stephaneeternelle-vie4664 Hello Stephane, Joel used to be a Post Tribulation Rapture Teacher but sadly has changed and he is following the Strange and Unscriptural Doctrine called Pre Wrath which is more like a Post Seal, Pre Trumpet, Pre Bowl of Thumos wrath Teaching! There are many, many Errors with this strange UnScriptural pre wrath Fable! The person that Joel usually refers to and follows is Alan E Kurschner. He has written and book or two! I have read the books and am Disturbed at how they Change Scripture to suit the Fable! They add a lot of False Statements to support the Pre wrath Fable! I do wish that they would call it the Post Seal Pre Trumpet pre Bowl Theory! I do NOT agree with this Post Seal Pre Trumpet Pre Bowl Theory! I stay with what Daniel and Jesus and Paul Declared as we read in Scripture! Joel may read this post and give you some other names on his Rapture View! I Keep it simple! Paul the Apostle Taught the Church that the COMING of Jesus and the Resurrection of All of Gods Children must take place before we are Raptured Up into the Clouds to Meet Jesus and Paul also Taught the Church that Jesus destroys that Man of Sin at that same Coming of Jesus and Rapture! The Truth is we are ONLY Awaiting One Coming of Jesus and One Resurrection of Life and One Rapture to Meet Jesus which is when Jesus Comes and Binds Satan and the First Resurrection takes place! The Coming of Jesus takes place as we do read in Revelation Chapter 19 and 20 which is at the Climax of the Seals and the Trumpets and the Bowls of Thumos wrath!
Joel, First, let me say that you have been a blessing over the last several years as I have watched and studied and enjoyed your many books, e-books and videos. I have been following you for nearly 15 years, since I first read your e-book on the Islamic Antichrist. That book radically changed my eschatology, and I have followed this channel, FAI and other channels where you teach since then. I have several of your books, including a signed copy of Mystery Babylon. i very much appreciate your dedication to the discipleship of the Body of Christ, and share often your teaching especially as senior pastor of a small congregation in Suffolk, Virginia. Additionally, I am currently a DMin candidate at Providence Bible College and Theological Seminary in 2023. As such, I have chosen as my dissertation proposal a research project that focuses on church leadership knowledge and discernment as to the identity, character and nature of Mystery Babylon. The project will include surveying church leadership as to their understanding the identity, nature, and character of Mystery Babylon, and their perceived importance in studying and sharing their understanding of same with their congregations and peers. In doing so, I hope to establish a base line of understanding among church leadership, as well as identifying their end times beliefs. Although I am pre-millennial, pre-wrath in my eschatology, and share many if not most of the beliefs you share regularly on this channel, my research project base will likely include other eschatological viewpoints. As I closely follow and agree with much of your prophetic suppositions, including many points contained in your book Mystery Babylon, (however, I tend to differ as to the identity you suggest therein) I would very much appreciate having a closer relationship with you as I prepare my dissertation. In fact, although I am just beginning my dissertation process, I can envision using many of your books ,(especially Mystery Babylon,) as well as videos and teachings as foundational and substantive material in my final dissertation. I would be honored if you would allow me have a closer relationship with you and when necessary, permit me to share information, resources and references that would be required to properly give credit to source material used in my project. Additionally, if there were areas of research that you thought might be interesting concerning Mystery Babylon, I would welcome the opportunity. I will also be reaching out to Nelson Waters with a similar message, as he also is someone I greatly respect as a bible student and expositor, especially concerning the identity of Mystery Babylon. . Thank you once again for all your effort and contributions to myself and to the Church, and I look forward to a closer relationship in the months ahead. On a personal note, I try and pray for your wife, as well as you, and the personal struggles you are going through concerning her health. Thank you for both persevering in the face of such difficulties. Maybe she would be encouraged knowing that someone understands that her, and your, suffering patiently is seen by me and others as suffering for the cause of Christ. Thank you again, Steve Taylor
Joel, I was hoping you addressed all of Dan. 11:21-35. I am a Bible teacher in my church. I have studied eschatology for over 20 years now. I didn’t listen to anyone but the Spirit for the first 5 years so that I would not be indoctrinated by false teaching. I have been brought up in my faith in a preterist church. I was challenged by a friend over 20 years ago about what I believed about the book of Revelation. I knew my scriptures very well by then. Yet, I told her I didn’t read Revelation because it was too symbolic for me to understand. I could never understand how the preacher was teaching about all the symbolism in that book as a Preterist. After the challenge to read Revelation with an open mind, letting only the Spirit teach me, I understood the Preterist view to be false. Finally, the scriptures in Matthew 24, Daniel, and so many other books of the Bible that I was taught were fulfilled in 70 A.D., I understood. I have never read any of your books, but I heard this series you did a few weeks ago. I was amazed! You believe exactly what I do on the things you talked about. However, I did not hear what you believe about Dan. 11:21-23. That has always baffled me. I, too, believe that the king of the north is probably going to be from Turkey. Especially since in Revelation 2:13, Jesus says that Satan‘s throne is in Pergamum (part of modern day Turkey), and it is the city where Satan lives. However, it sounds like to me at this point, the king of the South is speaking about Israel. Dan. 11:22 says a prince of the covenant will be destroyed. Instead of this referring to a King of Egypt, is it possible it is a future King of Israel? A king who will have traitors in his kingdom (Dan. 11:25)? The Antichrist will return to his own country after overpowering Israel with their great army and wealth and will vehemently go after covenant believers (Dan. 11:28, 30)? I would be interested in your thoughts. Thank you. Also, praying for your wife, Amy, as I see she has been very sick last month (worse than usual). Praying for a miraculous healing so that God will be proven to be the same God of miracles today as He always has been 🙏🏻🙏🏻. May God get the glory!
I have had several experience's with the Lord Jesus Christ in My Life, I have Even argued with him and then did as he said to do, He has done miracle's in my life, I have seen him once, as he spoke to me. He has given me Dream's that come to pass.
Absolutely loved this. Thank You! Truly opened my eyes and answered many questions I previously had. By the way, the Hagee impersonation was perfect and spot on! God bless you
Post trib rapture is NOT at the end of the 7yrs when the Second Coming happens it is Pre Wrath, before the Great trib when God pours out His wrath during the final 3-31/2 years of the 7 year/70th week. The first 3 1/2 years are general tribulation [the seals] the final 3 1/2 years are the Great Tribulation/wrath, [the trumpets and the bowls or vials]. Mt 24:21 also tells us there will be a clear difference from Mid Trib. on to the end.
Like Paul said, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." This include Lucifer and evil angels. What Daniel was told that the angel of God fought with is what Paul describes
Amen Scott, that's what happens in the First Resurrection at Christs Coming when Satan is Bound! When Jesus Comes we partake in the First Resurrection and we are then Together Raptured Up to Meet Jesus on that Day when Satan is Bound and the Beast is Destroyed! Then Jesus will Trample the Wine Press of His Orge wrath upon all that are Gathered Together against Him at Armageddon! That Day of Christs Orge wrath! We are not appointed to that Day of Orge wrath as we will Partake in the First Resurrection at Christs Coming!
@@RaptureofSaints absolutely Right Brother in Jesus Christ, Revelation of Jesus Christ 20:1-6. The First Resurrection ! God Bless you Brother in Jesus Christ
@@scott596 Amen Scott! ONLY after the Apostasia and the Revealing of that Man of Sin has taken place and the 1,260 Days of Tribulation has been Fulfilled will our Lords Coming be near! Only when the Tribulation has ended will we then see the Events in the Sun and the Moon and the Stars and THEN we are to Lift up our Heads and Watch and Pray and be Ready for our Lords Coming! Jesus will COME and Satan will be Bound and the First Resurrection will take place! We will be Gathered Up to Meet Jesus after we have Partaken in the Resurrection and Jesus will Destroy that Man of Sin! Jesus will then Trample the Wine Press of His Orge wrath at Armageddon! Then Jesus will Cleanse His Kingdom of all things that Offend and do Iniquity and then the 1,000 Year Reign of Jesus will begin!
@@RaptureofSaints as usual Brother in Yeshua Hamashiah Jesus Christ you are absolutely Right ! Good to Hear from you again, I am Donald, Son's of Thunder, and Scott, we have chatted many times before, God Bless you Brother in Jesus Christ
Dear Joel, I often reflect upon the last week of Daniel as having a dual prophecy. Firstly, it can be seen in Jesus, as He not only brought an end to sacrifices by becoming the ultimate sacrifice Himself but also symbolically destroyed the temple, with Himself being that temple. Post His crucifixion, the Temple experienced desolation due to the events that transpired over the next 40 years, leading up to the actual destruction of the temple as described in the Talmud Yoma 39b. His crucifixion can be interpreted as the abomination. Secondly, the prophecy can be seen in the anti-christ, who will, in some manner, attempt to emulate what Jesus accomplished. This perspective helps deepen my understanding of the scripture.
God bless you Joel. I've watched a ton of your videos but don't think I've seen you or any teacher for that matter address this verse. Set up a banner in the land, Blow the trumpet among the nations! Prepare the nations against her, Call the kingdoms together against her: Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz. Appoint a general against her; Cause the horses to come up like the bristling locusts. - Jeremiah 51:27 NKJV
@Joel Richardson , I'm curious about your thoughts on how our access to the Holy Spirit might change or effect the spiritual warfare dynamic that is so fascinating in Daniel 10.
Israel will be Shattered and Broken, and then the Tribe's of Israel call upon the Name of the Holy Messiah Yeshua Hamashiah Jesus Christ and they shall look upon Him whom they Pierced and be Saved through Faith in Jesus Christ
Tremendous. Thank you. Have you understood Paul's teaching in Romans 11:15 as a reference to Daniel 12:1-2 and Isaiah 26:19? As well as his teaching in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17?
Hello Richard, it's good to see you back on line, I hope your well. I was wondering how's Amy? I hope she's gotten some relief. God bless her and you as well as the family. If you have time to help me I'd be grateful. And I don't know were you stand on the triune but if you do believe in the father , son and holy ghost I would be grateful of you could share some kjv Bible verses with me. I'm doing some Bible study with a JW and I could use some help. God bless.. Peggy
@@daduzadude1547 you have or they have? I need the help 😆, the holy sprit isn't spoken of that often in the bible,Bible, I know it's the 1 unforgivable sin. Can't you help me?
Jesus Christ Eternal Physical Body of Flesh Bone and Spirit Forever ! As Jesus Christ Said when you see him as he is you will be like him Even as He is, Eternal Physical Body of Flesh Bone and Spirit Forever to be with the Lord Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 6:9 (MKJV) 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor abusers, nor homosexuals, 2 Timothy 4:1-4 (KJV) 1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Remember that the Rainbow 🌈 is a Sign from God and Jesus Christ that they will never again Flood the Entire World, and Kill every last person except 8 people Noah and his Family ! Evil turns good into Evil and Evil into Good ! Beware, and God Bless you Sister in Jesus Christ
I think the Ezekiel 38 war is the entire second half of the tribulation. How else would Gog/Anti-Christ die on the mountains of Israel? No leader is leading the charge in a war. Only after the AC is victorious in conquering the holy land will he set up shop there and will remain until Jesus comes back in vengeance at the end of the tribulation.
True The Antichrist and Beast Invade Israel to Stop the Sacrifice's and take over the Temple and to Kill the Two Prophet's of God and Jesus Christ ! Enoch and Elijah The Two Prophet's of God and Jesus Christ. The Antichrist False Prophet Issa jesus, and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit The 12th Imam Mahdi Beast Caliph !
Anyone who's ever tried to bath a cat or trim its claws will attest to the fact that the more they can relax and accept the ordeal, the faster it goes! The less they fight you, the sooner they get the love and goodies. Bath/clip the cat regularly and they can learn to trust (though not enjoy) the washing/trimming process. Do I look forward to HAVING to wash a cat or clip nails? NO - but I undertake the tasks out of love.
My sister's dog, I have to do his nails because he Bleeds me at least a dozen times by the time I finish, trimming his nails, LoL 😂🤣😎, no big deal, He Bleeds me two to 3 Time's a day while I play with him, he doesn't mean to, but he plays rough. LoL
@@scott596 My dog bites her nails. The vet said it was stress. Her first owner died, and she spent a long time in a pound until we found her. No matter how much we try to keep her nails from being jagged weapons of mass destruction, she chews then back to their state of jaggedness as soon as we finish grooming her.
I love your humor, Joel. Do not change. Question: How do you answer people who believe we have been living in Daniel's 70th week since the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.? Who believe that it's all about the Church and who do not make room for anything Jewish except Messianic Jews. I believe that the Gentiles were grafted into the Olive Branch (Jews) because of what Jesus did on the Cross. Jesus came for both Jew and Gentile. The Lord has not forgotten his eternal covenant to Israel.
When does Jesus Christ Return ? After the Fullness of the Gentiles, After the Fullness of the Martyrs. After the Falling Away First when that Man of Sin the Son of Perdition is Revealed Sitting in the Temple Shewing Himself that He is God, after the Mark of the Beast, After the Tribulation of those Day's, After the Tribe's of Israel call upon the Name of the Holy Messiah Yeshua Hamashiah Jesus Christ. Then they shall look upon Him whom they Pierced and be Saved,
The problem with inserting the word AntiChrist in Daniel, is that it does not say he is the antichrist and it re-enforces a bad habit of assuming one word is equivilent to another, a simple study of the word AntiChrist reveals that they are defined by 3 attributes: Deny Jesus is the Messiah, Deny Jesus came in the flesh and Deny the Father and the Son. These are those who believe the version of the trinity which asserts that, God is the Messiah, God came in the Flesh and The Father is the Son, it's a subtle difference but its the difference between worshipping a man or worshipping the creator, we are explicitly told NOT to worship any man! 6 out of 7 churches teach AntiChrist Doctrine which is why the path to destruction is broad and the path to life is Narrow and straight, do not worship any man, especially if he calls himself the Creator.
@@JoelRichardson I'd encourage you to look at the 4 usages of the word AntiChrist and their context. The word used in 1 & 2 John refers to very specific people with very specific attributes. I'd agree that anyone working against the Christ certainly earns that title but to teach that the man referred to in Daniel, or even in 2 Thessalonians is the final AntiChrist is missing the bigger picture. There is a lot that gets missed by not looking at Judas Iscariot to learn about the coming son of perdition. A better apostolic hermeneutic title for the one most people call the final AntiChrist is actually the Son of Perdition.
@@iamwatchful John speaks of many who walk in the spirit of Antichrist, but to say that anyone who rightly recognizes the man in Daniel as the Antichrist / Man of sin / son of perdition / King of the North / little horn etc., as missing the picture is simply not correct. Nebuchadnezzar and Antiochus are the primary models for the Antichrist. Judas is quite secondary to these in the larger biblical narrative.
@@JoelRichardson I'd agree that they are examples of bad people to consider but to say they are examples of AntiChrist, I'm curious where you're getting that from, the attributes of AntiChrist are very clear. 1 - There are many of them (1 John 2:18) 2 - deny Jesus is the Christ & deny the father and the son (1 John 2:22) 3 - deny Jesus came in the flesh (1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7) Those are the only usages of the word AntiChrist, what scriptures in Daniel suggest those attributes apply to who you're calling the AntiChrist?
@@iamwatchful Every New Testament discussion of Antichrist is a direct exposition of the foundational texts of Daniel including John 2. As I said, John is simply expounding on Daniel 11: 36-39. John is not just pulling these ideas from thin air. I discuss this in great detail in my book Mideast Beast. Free as a PDF file on my web-site.
@@mary-xk9dc Yes, which group of people will we be, those who are Changed Transformed into Eternal Body of Flesh Bone and Spirit and Gathered Up together with the Dead in Christ to Meet Him in the Cloud's of Heaven Forever to be with the Lord Jesus Christ to Return with Him and To Rule an Reign with Jesus Christ for a Thousand Year's over the Nation's of People, Who lived through the Tribulation of those Day's and the Wrath of the Lamb Jesus Christ ?
@@mary-xk9dc which group of people will it be better to be ? Those who Rule an Reign with Jesus Christ for a Thousand Year's or those who live under the Rule an Reign of Jesus Christ and the Saints ? God Bless you Sister in Jesus Christ
Hey brother, could you update all of us on how Amy's doing? I prayed for her for a month but didn't add her the following month and I will correct that today. Also thank you so much for the study on Daniel. I finally am getting your jokes you joker!Joker! We are almost neighbors. I'm in Kansas
@@JoelRichardson Hey brother, I'm so sorry to hear this. My wife suffers from a genetic condition and resulting severe chronic pain so I have some level of understanding of the physical and emotional toll that this would have on your family. Like Geri, I'll re-commit to praying for your family.
Very good Joel. I agree the AC will come from the middle east region. BUT doesnt it have to be someone who the Jews will also accept during the first half of the tribulation. [ Of course they will also be deceived but still how would they accept an totally Islamic cleric or politician??] Maybe he has a jewish father or mother even though he might follow Islam.
@Joel Richardson Joel, there is a guy on You Tube claiming he had a debate or video with you. Can’t find it anywhere. His name is Jimmy Evans. He has some major serious incorrect theology. But it would be interesting to see.
@@stephenszucs8439 I agree ! As the Old Testament says The Lord Our God (Jesus Christ) is Coming in the Cloud's with all his Saint's ! God Bless you Brother in Jesus Christ
@@JoelRichardson Very interesting - would you recommend reading it for any purpose? Also, I appreciate your channel as you have helped me change opinion in a few areas that I struggled with - thank you.
@@Running_With_Scissors Its an important book from the first century. As I said, some things in it are true, while others are not. So treat is as such. Blessings.
It’s not an angelic being. It’s the Lord Himself in His pre incarnate form. The description makes it obvious. No other created being would mimic the Lord in this way.
@@fennek5351 Michael is likely to be the Lord Jesus Christ in Angelic form. Jesus Christ Was told by Satan Allah to throw himself down from the cave Cliff as the Angel's job Was to prevent Jesus Christ from being harmed and stubbing his toes. Jesus Christ could only be harmed when he wanted to be, when the legion of Roman Soldiers came for him and asked him if he was Jesus Christ, He said I Am, and the Soldiers all fell backwards on the ground, Jesus Christ could have slayed them all right then with a Word ! Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things that were Created without him was nothing made that was made.
Ride On Brother Joel Richardson, God Bless you Brother and your family
Thanks Joel! Jesus Himself told us to Read Daniel and to Understand Daniel so that we may understand what must take place before Jesus will Come! Its all of Daniel that we need to Read and Understand, just as we need to Read all of Revelation and Understand! The Visions that Daniel saw will be Fulfilled just as Daniel wrote! We will see that Little Horn doing just as is Prophesied and when Jesus COMES to Gather us all to Meet Him we will see Jesus destroy that Man of Sin!
Hi friend may I ask you what is the name of the author of the book on the rapture that Joel talking about ? Thanks
@@stephaneeternelle-vie4664 Hello Stephane, Joel used to be a Post Tribulation Rapture Teacher but sadly has changed and he is following the Strange and Unscriptural Doctrine called Pre Wrath which is more like a Post Seal, Pre Trumpet, Pre Bowl of Thumos wrath Teaching! There are many, many Errors with this strange UnScriptural pre wrath Fable! The person that Joel usually refers to and follows is Alan E Kurschner. He has written and book or two! I have read the books and am Disturbed at how they Change Scripture to suit the Fable! They add a lot of False Statements to support the Pre wrath Fable! I do wish that they would call it the Post Seal Pre Trumpet pre Bowl Theory! I do NOT agree with this Post Seal Pre Trumpet Pre Bowl Theory! I stay with what Daniel and Jesus and Paul Declared as we read in Scripture! Joel may read this post and give you some other names on his Rapture View! I Keep it simple! Paul the Apostle Taught the Church that the COMING of Jesus and the Resurrection of All of Gods Children must take place before we are Raptured Up into the Clouds to Meet Jesus and Paul also Taught the Church that Jesus destroys that Man of Sin at that same Coming of Jesus and Rapture! The Truth is we are ONLY Awaiting One Coming of Jesus and One Resurrection of Life and One Rapture to Meet Jesus which is when Jesus Comes and Binds Satan and the First Resurrection takes place! The Coming of Jesus takes place as we do read in Revelation Chapter 19 and 20 which is at the Climax of the Seals and the Trumpets and the Bowls of Thumos wrath!
Samuel Prideaux Tregelles
@@dadedreamin Well thank you very very much !! I'll search for it to buy it !! Blessings in Jesus !!
@@stephaneeternelle-vie4664 You’re welcome. The book is: “The hope of Christ’s second coming”
Amazing video. I need to listen to it again. You are a blessing Joel.
Joel thank you ,I so enjoyed this teaching
@Joel Richardson Loving this new series on Daniel, Joel❣️👍 Love the dads jokes too😀 ThankYou for everything you do Joel👍
As a dad me too! 🤣
God bless you Joel. So look forward to you uploads.
Belle White
Love to you Brother ♥️♥️♥️
Great Teaching Bless 👍
Great series brother, God bless you and your ministry!
Great teaching my Brother Amen 🙏
First, let me say that you have been a blessing over the last several years as I have watched and studied and enjoyed your many books, e-books and videos. I have been following you for nearly 15 years, since I first read your e-book on the Islamic Antichrist. That book radically changed my eschatology, and I have followed this channel, FAI and other channels where you teach since then. I have several of your books, including a signed copy of Mystery Babylon. i very much appreciate your dedication to the discipleship of the Body of Christ, and share often your teaching especially as senior pastor of a small congregation in Suffolk, Virginia. Additionally, I am currently a DMin candidate at Providence Bible College and Theological Seminary in 2023. As such, I have chosen as my dissertation proposal a research project that focuses on church leadership knowledge and discernment as to the identity, character and nature of Mystery Babylon. The project will include surveying church leadership as to their understanding the identity, nature, and character of Mystery Babylon, and their perceived importance in studying and sharing their understanding of same with their congregations and peers. In doing so, I hope to establish a base line of understanding among church leadership, as well as identifying their end times beliefs. Although I am pre-millennial, pre-wrath in my eschatology, and share many if not most of the beliefs you share regularly on this channel, my research project base will likely include other eschatological viewpoints. As I closely follow and agree with much of your prophetic suppositions, including many points contained in your book Mystery Babylon, (however, I tend to differ as to the identity you suggest therein) I would very much appreciate having a closer relationship with you as I prepare my dissertation. In fact, although I am just beginning my dissertation process, I can envision using many of your books ,(especially Mystery Babylon,) as well as videos and teachings as foundational and substantive material in my final dissertation. I would be honored if you would allow me have a closer relationship with you and when necessary, permit me to share information, resources and references that would be required to properly give credit to source material used in my project. Additionally, if there were areas of research that you thought might be interesting concerning Mystery Babylon, I would welcome the opportunity. I will also be reaching out to Nelson Waters with a similar message, as he also is someone I greatly respect as a bible student and expositor, especially concerning the identity of Mystery Babylon. . Thank you once again for all your effort and contributions to myself and to the Church, and I look forward to a closer relationship in the months ahead.
On a personal note, I try and pray for your wife, as well as you, and the personal struggles you are going through concerning her health. Thank you for both persevering in the face of such difficulties. Maybe she would be encouraged knowing that someone understands that her, and your, suffering patiently is seen by me and others as suffering for the cause of Christ.
Thank you again,
Steve Taylor
Joel, I was hoping you addressed all of Dan. 11:21-35. I am a Bible teacher in my church. I have studied eschatology for over 20 years now. I didn’t listen to anyone but the Spirit for the first 5 years so that I would not be indoctrinated by false teaching. I have been brought up in my faith in a preterist church. I was challenged by a friend over 20 years ago about what I believed about the book of Revelation. I knew my scriptures very well by then. Yet, I told her I didn’t read Revelation because it was too symbolic for me to understand. I could never understand how the preacher was teaching about all the symbolism in that book as a Preterist. After the challenge to read Revelation with an open mind, letting only the Spirit teach me, I understood the Preterist view to be false. Finally, the scriptures in Matthew 24, Daniel, and so many other books of the Bible that I was taught were fulfilled in 70 A.D., I understood. I have never read any of your books, but I heard this series you did a few weeks ago. I was amazed! You believe exactly what I do on the things you talked about. However, I did not hear what you believe about Dan. 11:21-23. That has always baffled me. I, too, believe that the king of the north is probably going to be from Turkey. Especially since in Revelation 2:13, Jesus says that Satan‘s throne is in Pergamum (part of modern day Turkey), and it is the city where Satan lives. However, it sounds like to me at this point, the king of the South is speaking about Israel. Dan. 11:22 says a prince of the covenant will be destroyed. Instead of this referring to a King of Egypt, is it possible it is a future King of Israel? A king who will have traitors in his kingdom (Dan. 11:25)? The Antichrist will return to his own country after overpowering Israel with their great army and wealth and will vehemently go after covenant believers (Dan. 11:28, 30)? I would be interested in your thoughts. Thank you. Also, praying for your wife, Amy, as I see she has been very sick last month (worse than usual). Praying for a miraculous healing so that God will be proven to be the same God of miracles today as He always has been 🙏🏻🙏🏻. May God get the glory!
🔥 Fire of the Lord the Holy Spirit to Endure to the End ! And Lead Us trough the Tribulation of those Day's
I have had several experience's with the Lord Jesus Christ in My Life, I have Even argued with him and then did as he said to do, He has done miracle's in my life, I have seen him once, as he spoke to me. He has given me Dream's that come to pass.
Great teaching brother.
I have been trying to. Ring awareness on this I used your link so they can come watch you guys ! Got to get this out there !
Absolutely loved this. Thank You! Truly opened my eyes and answered many questions I previously had.
By the way, the Hagee impersonation was perfect and spot on!
God bless you
Post trib rapture is NOT at the end of the 7yrs when the Second Coming happens it is Pre Wrath, before the Great trib when
God pours out His wrath during the final 3-31/2 years of the 7 year/70th week. The first 3 1/2 years are general tribulation
[the seals] the final 3 1/2 years are the Great Tribulation/wrath, [the trumpets and the bowls or vials]. Mt 24:21 also tells us
there will be a clear difference from Mid Trib. on to the end.
There’s not 2.5 comings. The Bible is clear. Just read it for what it says.
Says whom?
Like Paul said, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." This include Lucifer and evil angels. What Daniel was told that the angel of God fought with is what Paul describes
The Dead in Christ Rise First and We which Remain Alive are Gathered Up together with the Dead in Christ !
Amen Scott, that's what happens in the First Resurrection at Christs Coming when Satan is Bound! When Jesus Comes we partake in the First Resurrection and we are then Together Raptured Up to Meet Jesus on that Day when Satan is Bound and the Beast is Destroyed! Then Jesus will Trample the Wine Press of His Orge wrath upon all that are Gathered Together against Him at Armageddon! That Day of Christs Orge wrath! We are not appointed to that Day of Orge wrath as we will Partake in the First Resurrection at Christs Coming!
@@RaptureofSaints absolutely Right Brother in Jesus Christ, Revelation of Jesus Christ 20:1-6. The First Resurrection ! God Bless you Brother in Jesus Christ
@@scott596 Amen Scott! ONLY after the Apostasia and the Revealing of that Man of Sin has taken place and the 1,260 Days of Tribulation has been Fulfilled will our Lords Coming be near! Only when the Tribulation has ended will we then see the Events in the Sun and the Moon and the Stars and THEN we are to Lift up our Heads and Watch and Pray and be Ready for our Lords Coming! Jesus will COME and Satan will be Bound and the First Resurrection will take place! We will be Gathered Up to Meet Jesus after we have Partaken in the Resurrection and Jesus will Destroy that Man of Sin! Jesus will then Trample the Wine Press of His Orge wrath at Armageddon! Then Jesus will Cleanse His Kingdom of all things that Offend and do Iniquity and then the 1,000 Year Reign of Jesus will begin!
@@RaptureofSaints as usual Brother in Yeshua Hamashiah Jesus Christ you are absolutely Right ! Good to Hear from you again, I am Donald, Son's of Thunder, and Scott, we have chatted many times before, God Bless you Brother in Jesus Christ
Dear Joel, I often reflect upon the last week of Daniel as having a dual prophecy. Firstly, it can be seen in Jesus, as He not only brought an end to sacrifices by becoming the ultimate sacrifice Himself but also symbolically destroyed the temple, with Himself being that temple. Post His crucifixion, the Temple experienced desolation due to the events that transpired over the next 40 years, leading up to the actual destruction of the temple as described in the Talmud Yoma 39b. His crucifixion can be interpreted as the abomination. Secondly, the prophecy can be seen in the anti-christ, who will, in some manner, attempt to emulate what Jesus accomplished. This perspective helps deepen my understanding of the scripture.
God bless you Joel. I've watched a ton of your videos but don't think I've seen you or any teacher for that matter address this verse.
Set up a banner in the land, Blow the trumpet among the nations! Prepare the nations against her, Call the kingdoms together against her: Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz. Appoint a general against her; Cause the horses to come up like the bristling locusts. - Jeremiah 51:27 NKJV
@Joel Richardson , I'm curious about your thoughts on how our access to the Holy Spirit might change or effect the spiritual warfare dynamic that is so fascinating in Daniel 10.
Revelation of Jesus Christ Written in 82 AD, after the Temple Was Destroyed
Could you please tell me who you think the King of the South in the future is in Dan. 11:25-29?
I don’t think we know yet.
Israel will be Shattered and Broken, and then the Tribe's of Israel call upon the Name of the Holy Messiah Yeshua Hamashiah Jesus Christ and they shall look upon Him whom they Pierced and be Saved through Faith in Jesus Christ
Tremendous. Thank you. Have you understood Paul's teaching in Romans 11:15 as a reference to Daniel 12:1-2 and Isaiah 26:19? As well as his teaching in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17?
Hello Richard, it's good to see you back on line, I hope your well. I was wondering how's Amy? I hope she's gotten some relief. God bless her and you as well as the family. If you have time to help me I'd be grateful. And I don't know were you stand on the triune but if you do believe in the father , son and holy ghost I would be grateful of you could share some kjv Bible verses with me. I'm doing some Bible study with a JW and I could use some help. God bless.. Peggy
Good Afternoon
Mike Winger and Anthony Rogers have done some excellent videos refuting JW 😊
@@daduzadude1547 you have or they have? I need the help 😆, the holy sprit isn't spoken of that often in the bible,Bible, I know it's the 1 unforgivable sin. Can't you help me?
@@daduzadude1547 oh OK I'll look them up, I'm grateful!
@@peggypriestcoleman7542 pleasure mine!
Jesus Christ Eternal Physical Body of Flesh Bone and Spirit Forever ! As Jesus Christ Said when you see him as he is you will be like him Even as He is, Eternal Physical Body of Flesh Bone and Spirit Forever to be with the Lord Jesus Christ
My local church put a huge rainbow flag on the side of the building 😓☹️😡 I call that an abomination and they accept gay pastors !?!?
1 Corinthians 6:9 (MKJV)
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor abusers, nor homosexuals,
2 Timothy 4:1-4 (KJV)
1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Wow I'll run very fast 😂
Remember that the Rainbow 🌈 is a Sign from God and Jesus Christ that they will never again Flood the Entire World, and Kill every last person except 8 people Noah and his Family ! Evil turns good into Evil and Evil into Good ! Beware, and God Bless you Sister in Jesus Christ
@Bryan R Rivera Yes God the Eternal Father in Heaven and his Son Jesus Christ !
@@rubeno.2808 And, you sin how many times a day?
Hey Joel, can you link that book by Tragellis (sp?) that you mentioned? Thanks
Do you have any kind of a chart that shows events in some sort of order?
Is there a Bible out there that has the chapters/verses removed?
I think the Ezekiel 38 war is the entire second half of the tribulation. How else would Gog/Anti-Christ die on the mountains of Israel? No leader is leading the charge in a war. Only after the AC is victorious in conquering the holy land will he set up shop there and will remain until Jesus comes back in vengeance at the end of the tribulation.
True The Antichrist and Beast Invade Israel to Stop the Sacrifice's and take over the Temple and to Kill the Two Prophet's of God and Jesus Christ ! Enoch and Elijah The Two Prophet's of God and Jesus Christ. The Antichrist False Prophet Issa jesus, and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit The 12th Imam Mahdi Beast Caliph !
That’s correct.
Anyone who's ever tried to bath a cat or trim its claws will attest to the fact that the more they can relax and accept the ordeal, the faster it goes!
The less they fight you, the sooner they get the love and goodies.
Bath/clip the cat regularly and they can learn to trust (though not enjoy) the washing/trimming process.
Do I look forward to HAVING to wash a cat or clip nails? NO - but I undertake the tasks out of love.
My sister's dog, I have to do his nails because he Bleeds me at least a dozen times by the time I finish, trimming his nails, LoL 😂🤣😎, no big deal, He Bleeds me two to 3 Time's a day while I play with him, he doesn't mean to, but he plays rough. LoL
@@scott596 My dog bites her nails. The vet said it was stress. Her first owner died, and she spent a long time in a pound until we found her. No matter how much we try to keep her nails from being jagged weapons of mass destruction, she chews then back to their state of jaggedness as soon as we finish grooming her.
The End of Day's The Last Day's, before Jesus Christ Return's
Can someone tell me what his shirt says??
Death before Disobedience
What does that me3an?
That I choose to die before i would be disobedient? 😊
I love your humor, Joel. Do not change.
Question: How do you answer people who believe we have been living in Daniel's 70th week since the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.? Who believe that it's all about the Church and who do not make room for anything Jewish except Messianic Jews. I believe that the Gentiles were grafted into the Olive Branch (Jews) because of what Jesus did on the Cross. Jesus came for both Jew and Gentile. The Lord has not forgotten his eternal covenant to Israel.
Big subject. My book When a Jew Rules the World addresses this fairly comprehensively. Free on my website.
Hi Richardson is there a way to invite you to my church
How do you spell trigelis full name
Samuel Prideaux Tregelles
When does Jesus Christ Return ? After the Fullness of the Gentiles, After the Fullness of the Martyrs. After the Falling Away First when that Man of Sin the Son of Perdition is Revealed Sitting in the Temple Shewing Himself that He is God, after the Mark of the Beast, After the Tribulation of those Day's, After the Tribe's of Israel call upon the Name of the Holy Messiah Yeshua Hamashiah Jesus Christ. Then they shall look upon Him whom they Pierced and be Saved,
Amen Scott! Preach it Brother! Lets only stay with what Scripture Declares!
@@RaptureofSaints Yes indeed, God Bless you Brother in Jesus Christ
The problem with inserting the word AntiChrist in Daniel, is that it does not say he is the antichrist and it re-enforces a bad habit of assuming one word is equivilent to another, a simple study of the word AntiChrist reveals that they are defined by 3 attributes: Deny Jesus is the Messiah, Deny Jesus came in the flesh and Deny the Father and the Son. These are those who believe the version of the trinity which asserts that, God is the Messiah, God came in the Flesh and The Father is the Son, it's a subtle difference but its the difference between worshipping a man or worshipping the creator, we are explicitly told NOT to worship any man!
6 out of 7 churches teach AntiChrist Doctrine which is why the path to destruction is broad and the path to life is Narrow and straight, do not worship any man, especially if he calls himself the Creator.
Its not a problem. John 2:22 is a direct exposition of Daniel 11. Thus to insert the word is simply to utilize the apostolic hermeneutic.
@@JoelRichardson I'd encourage you to look at the 4 usages of the word AntiChrist and their context.
The word used in 1 & 2 John refers to very specific people with very specific attributes.
I'd agree that anyone working against the Christ certainly earns that title but to teach that the man referred to in Daniel, or even in 2 Thessalonians is the final AntiChrist is missing the bigger picture.
There is a lot that gets missed by not looking at Judas Iscariot to learn about the coming son of perdition.
A better apostolic hermeneutic title for the one most people call the final AntiChrist is actually the Son of Perdition.
@@iamwatchful John speaks of many who walk in the spirit of Antichrist, but to say that anyone who rightly recognizes the man in Daniel as the Antichrist / Man of sin / son of perdition / King of the North / little horn etc., as missing the picture is simply not correct. Nebuchadnezzar and Antiochus are the primary models for the Antichrist. Judas is quite secondary to these in the larger biblical narrative.
@@JoelRichardson I'd agree that they are examples of bad people to consider but to say they are examples of AntiChrist, I'm curious where you're getting that from, the attributes of AntiChrist are very clear.
1 - There are many of them (1 John 2:18)
2 - deny Jesus is the Christ & deny the father and the son (1 John 2:22)
3 - deny Jesus came in the flesh (1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7)
Those are the only usages of the word AntiChrist, what scriptures in Daniel suggest those attributes apply to who you're calling the AntiChrist?
@@iamwatchful Every New Testament discussion of Antichrist is a direct exposition of the foundational texts of Daniel including John 2. As I said, John is simply expounding on Daniel 11: 36-39. John is not just pulling these ideas from thin air. I discuss this in great detail in my book Mideast Beast. Free as a PDF file on my web-site.
will we still have a 1000. year time
Why do you think it will be another 1,000 Year's ?
@@scott596 no - will we live in the mill. for a 1000 years. after the the end of trib.
@@mary-xk9dc Yes, which group of people will we be, those who are Changed Transformed into Eternal Body of Flesh Bone and Spirit and Gathered Up together with the Dead in Christ to Meet Him in the Cloud's of Heaven Forever to be with the Lord Jesus Christ to Return with Him and To Rule an Reign with Jesus Christ for a Thousand Year's over the Nation's of People, Who lived through the Tribulation of those Day's and the Wrath of the Lamb Jesus Christ ?
@@mary-xk9dc which group of people do you want to be with ? God Bless you Sister in Jesus Christ
@@mary-xk9dc which group of people will it be better to be ? Those who Rule an Reign with Jesus Christ for a Thousand Year's or those who live under the Rule an Reign of Jesus Christ and the Saints ? God Bless you Sister in Jesus Christ
The record for holding your breath while swimming under water is 22 minutes ! By a man !
Hey brother, could you update all of us on how Amy's doing? I prayed for her for a month but didn't add her the following month and I will correct that today.
Also thank you so much for the study on Daniel.
I finally am getting your jokes you joker!Joker! We are almost neighbors. I'm in Kansas
She's had a very bad month. Perhaps the worst she has been in over a year.
@@JoelRichardson Hey brother, I'm so sorry to hear this. My wife suffers from a genetic condition and resulting severe chronic pain so I have some level of understanding of the physical and emotional toll that this would have on your family. Like Geri, I'll re-commit to praying for your family.
@@bts5311 Thanks so much.
@@JoelRichardson May we feel the burden of intercession for Amy, You and your families behalf. 🙏🙏🙏 and may HE receive the Glory due Him.
Very good Joel. I agree the AC will come from the middle east region. BUT doesnt it have to be someone who the Jews will also accept during the first half of the tribulation. [ Of course they will also be deceived but still how would they accept an totally Islamic cleric or politician??] Maybe he has a jewish father or mother even though he might follow Islam.
Accept? Scripture only says they will enter into a covenant or agreement with him. They do this with Muslims all the time.
70 AD just a Shadow of things to Come, a Prelude to Future Event's ! Sure didn't take 1200 days then LoL 😂🤣😎
@Joel Richardson Joel, there is a guy on You Tube claiming he had a debate or video with you.
Can’t find it anywhere. His name is Jimmy Evans. He has some major serious incorrect theology. But it would be interesting to see.
We never debated.
@@JoelRichardson That does not surprise me Joel. God Bless You and you family.
@@MorrisonJames He interviewed me once on his show. But it was not anything vaguely close to a debate. Jimmy and I are friendly.
No sound
On my earphones it’s very quiet, but without them it’s ok 😊
Sound is fine for me (laptop, with or without headphones).
Even Christian's say Jesus Christ is not God's Son ! Call him a servant of God !
Not real Christians.
@@stephenszucs8439 I agree ! As the Old Testament says The Lord Our God (Jesus Christ) is Coming in the Cloud's with all his Saint's ! God Bless you Brother in Jesus Christ
Do you believe in the Book of Enoch?
Enoch is not Scripture. While it contains truth, it also contain error.
@@JoelRichardson I just was curious as to why you referenced it? What were you particularly referencing from it?
@@Running_With_Scissors It begins with a prophecy about the return of Jesus marching through Sinai which is a common belief among the prophets.
@@JoelRichardson Very interesting - would you recommend reading it for any purpose? Also, I appreciate your channel as you have helped me change opinion in a few areas that I struggled with - thank you.
@@Running_With_Scissors Its an important book from the first century. As I said, some things in it are true, while others are not. So treat is as such. Blessings.
Mohamed said he was Constricted as if by a Great Serpent Allah and told to Recite the Qur'an !
It’s not an angelic being. It’s the Lord Himself in His pre incarnate form. The description makes it obvious. No other created being would mimic the Lord in this way.
Adam walked with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Cool of the Day !
In your version Jesus needed help from Michael?
@@fennek5351 everyone needs help from God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and from the Angel's of God and Jesus Christ, and from his servants.
@@fennek5351 Michael is likely to be the Lord Jesus Christ in Angelic form. Jesus Christ Was told by Satan Allah to throw himself down from the cave Cliff as the Angel's job Was to prevent Jesus Christ from being harmed and stubbing his toes. Jesus Christ could only be harmed when he wanted to be, when the legion of Roman Soldiers came for him and asked him if he was Jesus Christ, He said I Am, and the Soldiers all fell backwards on the ground, Jesus Christ could have slayed them all right then with a Word ! Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things that were Created without him was nothing made that was made.
@@scott596 Are you a JW?
Book of Enoch is not Holy Scripture, otherwise this is a good teaching.
I didn't say it was.