Nice to see videos from you medic, i was in the hospital for a couple months with no internet. It was horrible. Good news is that i have a traxxas qr-1, traxxas mini e-rvo brushless and an axial poison spyder wraith coming today. :D
Hey Medic, just wanted to touch base on the thing you said about the motor and ESC heat. I have the ROC 3100 in my Wraith and I have yet to get that motor above Luke warm. You will NOT have heat issues caused by them being so close. Good call on that motor. Its a monster.
Breakfast and the Great Gelände build. Ah, What a good way to start your morning. I've been really enjoying this build. I'm not usually into these build video's, but this one is awesome! Must be because I want to build a kit, myself! I'm thinking Trail finder 2...That would be awesome. :)
Weight bias toward the front is good for crawlers. It helps the vehicle climb at higher angles without rolling backward and it's harder for it to get stuck on taller rocks, it'll just fall forwards onto it's front wheels.
I see you are running a different setup this time I guess that's good for change and maybe its even better than the old setup you used P.S THE GELANDE LOOKS GREAT!
Nice build so far Medic. Can you show the chassis running before you finish the body? I've been considering the same motor/esc combo for my TF2 and would like to see it run. Keep up the good work!
Just a suggestion but i find that having two plugs per pack, one for driving and one for charging, is really nice when you need to switch batteries you just unplug the the banana plugs instead of the connector
Hey medic when you solder you should twist the wires and you should heat up the wire then ad solder you get a better solder joint its called tinning also yo probably don't need flux if you've got a good solder and a nice hot iron
looks great but when you showed off forward and backward it looked like you went faster backwards so I'm sure you know how to switch the wires to fix that. looking forward to next video as always
What are you thinking for paint?are u going for the beat up look or are u going to give it a nice candy flake hahaha..I say you give it some bumps and bruises with some rust and dents..not as extreme as the kill a hilux body u did which is awesome buy the way,but a little beat up wood look cool!!i can't wait till you get it painted!are u going for any theme?or just gunna do what ever comes to mind on the fly??
@Medic: Loving the detail you are putting into this build series :-) Around 17:20 you test the steering and when turning full left it is lifting the right hand of the axle a little: Do you think this is just something that needs to be trimmed out with rod length or end point adjustments. Or would the Gelände benefit from a 4-link front suspension set-up?
Great vid as always. Been a fan from the begining and only just subscribed hahahah. The wife and i did a vid of her D90 with some tips. This is a great build for a newbie. She is in love with it now. Makes me want one to match. Tonnes of fun to drive aswell.
I was wondering what pinion gear you used. Did you use the 14t? That would only give a top speed of ~8km/h on the 1800kV motor you used and 2S Lipo. Is that normal for this type of RC? I am interested in scale crawlers but I am not used to such low speed.
I like how it doesn't use body posts, it make it look much more realistic!
I hope you are feeling well medic. Thank you for all of your awesome vids.
Nice to see videos from you medic, i was in the hospital for a couple months with no internet. It was horrible. Good news is that i have a traxxas qr-1, traxxas mini e-rvo brushless and an axial poison spyder wraith coming today. :D
welcome back Medic, hope u had a safe trip
Awesome. Another great one. Can't wait to see it painted and running.
I'm happy to see you feeling better my friend Medic.
Great Job for this build.
Love the motor swap technique. Very efficient.
Hey Medic, just wanted to touch base on the thing you said about the motor and ESC heat. I have the ROC 3100 in my Wraith and I have yet to get that motor above Luke warm. You will NOT have heat issues caused by them being so close. Good call on that motor. Its a monster.
Breakfast and the Great Gelände build. Ah, What a good way to start your morning.
I've been really enjoying this build. I'm not usually into these build video's, but this one is awesome! Must be because I want to build a kit, myself! I'm thinking Trail finder 2...That would be awesome. :)
Looks like a solid kit and cant wait for some running vids.
Thank you medic. Your projects are the best and u are the best.
Fuzzy side up is always good. lol lol lol lol
Great build so far, glad that you are also doing well health wise.
Make sure you do a vid of the painting we all want to see it come to life
great job medic. looks like a cool rock crawler
looks great man. its good to see you back
cant wait to see what you have in store for us with that body !! great build so far, have been building my TF2 along
such a cool 4x4 truck it makes me want to get one now
Your killing me medic I wanna see the paint and running video already and I've only just watched this vid I love it XD
Weight bias toward the front is good for crawlers. It helps the vehicle climb at higher angles without rolling backward and it's harder for it to get stuck on taller rocks, it'll just fall forwards onto it's front wheels.
I love that battery so awesome
Can´t wait for the bodywork video dude ;-) Will be a real "Superscaler"!!!
great build video! you make it look easy and very helpful
Glad ur doing better,
Lol, I've only had a crawler for a couple weeks. I learned what I know from you!
Awesomeness. I have been watching ur videos for a long time. Very inspiring keep up the good work.
Nice, I was thinking of buying the TF2 but I'm going to wait till you test drive this one out on the trail see how it performs.
Nice Aaron,I`m enjoying this build.
Very nice build loving it. Would you say it is easy for a beginner who has not put a rc together before
cant wait to see your paint job....
Sweet build man. Love how you did the motor and esc! I steal so many ideas from you and your crew. :) Genius creativity!
Sweet truck Medic wish I had the money for one!
Since you have all the electronics under the hood it would be so awesome if you made the hood able to open
This build is ganna be Sick
Nice lipo choice! :-) I drive them too as a friend of me is a reseller of Gens Ace here in Belgium :-)
brushless is taking over the world not a bad thing
That was a fantastic video medic great job
sweet man! for the body are you going to paint all the rivets and door hinges silver?
It's looking great
Im new to RC, but im Realy loving your videos :-) can you make a vid about storing lipo batterys?
Nice! You got to items that are unavailable! The sweet kit, and the gens ace!
GREAT video Medic. Are you going to make a painting video on the Gelände II
I see you are running a different setup this time I guess that's good for change and maybe its even better than the old setup you used
Thats perfect, but dont you think it will be front heavy from everything up in the front like that?
Thanks for the video medic!
I am watching Rc adventures every day when i ve got internet
man, that's awesome!
I really wish I had my stuff together, so I could go out every day
Sick build bro keep up the good work
shoot i just got out of rc ......seeing this build come together i just may change my mind...
looks great.
Nice build so far Medic. Can you show the chassis running before you finish the body? I've been considering the same motor/esc combo for my TF2 and would like to see it run.
Keep up the good work!
Very cool trail rig nice set up
***** I'm adding this to my "one Day" want list, Luv it. I have a question. Does RC4WD have a 2 speed transmission that would work with this kit?
200.000 abos, congratulations medic
Just a suggestion but i find that having two plugs per pack, one for driving and one for charging, is really nice when you need to switch batteries you just unplug the the banana plugs instead of the connector
You can plug lights into the bind slot? I didn't know that but it definitely will help me out
Hey medic when you solder you should twist the wires and you should heat up the wire then ad solder you get a better solder joint its called tinning also yo probably don't need flux if you've got a good solder and a nice hot iron
looks great but when you showed off forward and backward it looked like you went faster backwards so I'm sure you know how to switch the wires to fix that. looking forward to next video as always
cant wait to see this buty run
Great video medic ....Guess I can finally go to sleep even though it's 10 am
Awesome build
Hey medic after the gelande two you should get a scale boat and trailer and launch and drive the boat.
I miss so much on my vacation, catch up time!
you should do like a "give away contest" of something like a motor and ESC combo for a promotion of a company
do you have another set date, or are you trailing till you drop??
Yea That Would Be Awesome! I Agree!
hi medic, great video and build!!! just wondered, what pinion did you use???
Hey DJ I was curious if you didn't use to plasti dip spray for the body wot do you normally use to paint hard plastic bodies?
Depends on how the sensor board is made and if its been water proofed.
medic.. You have inspired me so much! :) thank you so much and keep up the good work :)
loving the videos
Nice video , and good tips . Thank you !
I'm building my fist rc with a Gelande II , body is donne and waiting for the electronics .
I'm pretty sure all castle brushless motors are splash proof because they come from the factory sealed and have the connectors already built in.
What are you thinking for paint?are u going for the beat up look or are u going to give it a nice candy flake hahaha..I say you give it some bumps and bruises with some rust and dents..not as extreme as the kill a hilux body u did which is awesome buy the way,but a little beat up wood look cool!!i can't wait till you get it painted!are u going for any theme?or just gunna do what ever comes to mind on the fly??
I think you should try out the ecx torment or Circuit 1/10 Stadium Truck they are fun
An openable hood would be cool for this truck since its all up front.
Nice build Aaron, my pocket is starting to smolder waiting for this to become a stock item.. I want to go
Which one is the better/most fun/coolest truck in your opinion, the Gelände II or the TF2?
@Medic: Loving the detail you are putting into this build series :-)
Around 17:20 you test the steering and when turning full left it is lifting the right hand of the axle a little: Do you think this is just something that needs to be trimmed out with rod length or end point adjustments. Or would the Gelände benefit from a 4-link front suspension set-up?
You should paint it dark red with black details i have seen a real one like this thats very cool
You probably know this already, but there are stripping plyers wich make stripping wires alot easier. You don't have to use a knife then.
side note from video (I would like you to know that you have got me in to the hobby and i hope to order a axial jeep)
wont havin all the electronics up front make it very front end heavy since you only have the battery in back?
Medic, have you tried running the roc 412 motor sensorless? if so how well does it do?
Nice video and truck
Great vid as always. Been a fan from the begining and only just subscribed hahahah.
The wife and i did a vid of her D90 with some tips. This is a great build for a newbie. She is in love with it now. Makes me want one to match. Tonnes of fun to drive aswell.
Or like a rc sail boat those look pretty cool for scale and all that good stuff.
FAINALY good buuild
medic i was wondering if you had any parts you dont need like motors,esc,servo,and batteries because im doing a build but im low on money
Keep the videos comin!
YEEES!!! Thank you medic!! i was waiting for this video, and my day is made!:DDD
medic can you make the hood on the truck go up so you can change anything with out taking the body off like on the black widow
Hey medic have u decided what color u want to paint the body
hi my Friend, i'm with a doubt... the tires of one like this does not to be glueded?
I use Velcro on battery and tray it looks and works good.
smart smart with the motor
Gelände, nice word! Greets from GER.
How do you like the DX4S was thinking of getting a new one to replace my DX3R.
I was wondering what pinion gear you used. Did you use the 14t? That would only give a top speed of ~8km/h on the 1800kV motor you used and 2S Lipo. Is that normal for this type of RC? I am interested in scale crawlers but I am not used to such low speed.
i was wondering if those losi mini trail trucks are good trucks
Can you explain which side is the positive side on the deans connection when soldering? Thanks
Syringe in small places yr video are the boom